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CC – 148

Decimal, Binary, Octal number systems

Digital System Design

3rd Semester
AY: 2023-24

Decimal, Binary, and Octal number systems may seem like just a
bunch of digits, but they play a crucial role in computing. Without
them, we wouldn't have computers as we know them today.

Decimal, Binary, and Octal number systems are used to represent

numbers in different ways. Decimal is the number system we use in
everyday life, with base 10 and digits ranging from 0 to 9. Binary, on
the other hand, uses base 2 and only has two digits, 0 and 1. Finally,
Octal uses base 8 and has digits ranging from 0 to 7. Each of these
number systems has its own unique properties that make it useful
in computing.

The decimal number system, also known as base 10, is the most
commonly used number system in the world. It uses ten digits,
from 0 to 9, to represent all numbers. Each digit has a place value
based on its position in the number, with the rightmost digit being
the ones place, the next digit to the left being the tens place, and
so on.

The base 10 system is used in everyday life for counting,

measuring, and calculating. For example, we use it to count
money, tell time, and measure distances. It is also used in many
areas of computing, such as programming languages and

The binary number system is the foundation of computing. It

works on the principle of using only two digits, 0 and 1, to represent
all numbers. This may seem limiting compared to the base-10
decimal system we use in everyday life, but it is actually incredibly
powerful. By using combinations of 0s and 1s, we can represent
any number, as well as letters, symbols, and even images.

In computing, the binary number system is used extensively for

tasks such as data storage and transmission. For example, a
computer's memory is made up of millions of tiny switches that
are either turned on or off, representing 0s and 1s respectively. By
manipulating these switches, a computer can perform complex
calculations and store vast amounts of information.
Understanding how the binary system works is therefore crucial
for anyone working with computers.

The octal number system, also known as base 8, is a numerical

system that uses eight digits: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7. Each digit
represents a power of 8, just as each digit in the decimal system
represents a power of 10. For example, the number 247 in octal
notation represents (2 x 8^2) + (4 x 8^1) + (7 x 8^0) = 159 in
decimal notation.

The octal number system is commonly used in computing

because it is easy to convert between binary and octal. Since
binary is a base 2 system, it can be easily converted to octal,
which is a base 8 system, by grouping the binary digits into sets of
three and then converting each set to its octal equivalent. This
makes octal a useful shorthand for working with binary numbers
in computing applications.
The decimal number system is the most widely used number system in
everyday life. It uses base 10 and includes digits from 0 to 9. The
advantage of the decimal system is that it is easy to understand and
use for most people. However, it can be inefficient for certain types of
calculations, especially those involving large numbers.

The binary number system is used extensively in computing because it

only uses two digits, 0 and 1. It is a base 2 system and is used to
represent digital data. The advantage of the binary system is that it is
very efficient for electronic devices to process and manipulate.
However, it can be difficult for humans to read and understand.

The octal number system is also used in computing and uses base 8. It
includes digits from 0 to 7. The advantage of the octal system is that it
is more compact than the binary system and easier to read and
understand than the hexadecimal system. However, it is not as
commonly used as the decimal or binary systems.

In conclusion, we have learned about the three main number systems

used in computing: decimal, binary, and octal. Each number system
has its own advantages and disadvantages. The decimal system is
easy to use but can be inefficient for certain calculations. The binary
system is efficient for electronic devices but can be difficult for humans
to read. The octal system is more compact and easier to read than the
binary system but not as commonly used. Understanding these
number systems is important for computing professionals.

By understanding these number systems, we can gain a deeper

understanding of how data is stored and processed in computers. This
knowledge is essential for anyone interested in pursuing a career in
computer science or related fields.

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