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(An Autonomous Institution affiliated to VTU)
VI Semester B. E. Examinations August-2022
Mechanical Engineering
Time: 03 Hours Maximum Marks: 100
Instructions to candidates:
1. Answer all questions from Part A. Part A questions should be answered
in first three pages of the answer book only.
2. Answer FIVE full questions from Part B. In Part B question number 2, 7
and 8 are compulsory. Answer any one full question from 3 and 4 & one
full question from 5 and 6.
3. Use of Gas Table is permitted.


1 1.1 On a Rayleigh curve, when heat is added to a supersonic flow, the Mach
number ______. 01
1.2 It is always preferable to slow the incoming supersonic flow by passing
through multiple systems of weaker shocks because the ______ loss is less
compared to a single stronger shock. 01
1.3 Consider supersonic flow of air whose Mach number is 3 passing through
the constant area duct of 0.4m and friction factor is constant and is
assumed to be equal to 0.005. The length of the duct required to choke the
flow is ______. 02
1.4 ______ waves are inherently 1-dimensional, whereas ______ are 2-
dimensional in nature. 01
1.5 For any given max , if the values of predicted by relations for
a given Mach number is large, then the resulting shock wave is ______. 01
1.6 Define Mach number and give its mathematical expression. 02
1.7 In a convergent divergent nozzle, the location of minimum area is called the
______. 01
1.8 If N2 is replaced with Acetylene in a vacuum container and a mechanism is
designed to maintain the average velocity of the molecules, calculate the
percentage change in the temperature inside the container? 01
1.9 The ratio of average kinetic energy per molecule of O2 and N2 at
temperature T is ______. 02
1.10 The molecule of a monoatomic gas has three translational degrees of
freedom. Therefore the average energy of molecule at Temperature T is given
by______. 01
1.11 A perfect gas with is travelling at Mach 3 with static temperature of
250K, a static pressure of 110 kPa and static density of 1.4077 kg/m3.
Determine the stagnation temperature and pressure of gas. 02
1.12 A normal shock wave is standing in the test section of a supersonic wind
tunnel. Upstream of the wave, and Find
and downstream pressure . 02
1.13 For an under-expanded nozzle, the back pressure at the exit plane of the
nozzle is always ______ than the exit pressure of the flow. 01
1.14 Spatial domain in which rapid chemical reactions take place often emitting
light is known as ______. 01
1.15 In a oblique shock wave problem, if the compression angle is increased for a
given upstream Mach number, then the shock strength ______. 01


2 a Derive an expression for 1-dimension momentum conservation equation in

integral form stating all the assumptions. 10
b Consider a turbojet-powered airplane flying at a velocity of 300 m/s at an
altitude of 10 km, where the free–stream pressure and density are 2.65 104
N/m2 and 0.414 kg/m3 respectively. The turbojet engine has inlet and exit
areas of 2 m2 and 1 m2 respectively. The velocity and pressure of the
exhaust gas are and . The fuel-to-air mass ratio is
0.05. Calculate the thrust of the engine. 06

3 a Construct an expression for speed of sound for gas medium from first
principles for an isentropic process. 08
b Consider the isentropic flow through a convergent-divergent nozzle with an
exit to throat area ratio of 2. The reservoir pressure and temperature are 1
atm and 288K respectively. Calculate the Mach number, pressure and
temperature at both the throat and the exit for the cases where
i. The flow is supersonic at the exit and
ii. The flow is subsonic throughout the entire nozzle except at the
throat, where M=1. 08


4 a With neat sketches, explain the generation of supersonic flow in a typical

convergent-divergent nozzle. Also plot the variation of pressure and velocity
across the C-D nozzle. 10
b An aircraft flies at 800 km/hr at an altitude of 10,000 meters (T=223.15 K,
P=0.264 bar). The air is reversibly compressed in an inlet diffuser. If the
Mach number at exit of the diffuser is 0.36, determine
i. Entry Mach number
ii. Velocity, pressure and temperature of air at the diffuser exit. 06

5 a Derive the Hugoniot equation relating the thermodynamic properties across

the shock. 08
b Air enters a constant-area duct at and Inside
the duct, the heat added per unit mass is Calculate the flow
properties M2,p2, T2, , To2, and po2 at the exit of the duct. 08


6 a Derive an expression for showing is a unique function and M1. 08

b Consider the flow of air through a pipe of inside diameter=0.15m and
length=30m. The inlet flow conditions are and
Assuming calculate the flow conditions at the exit,
and po2 . 08
7 a Show the partial molar free energy is a gradient of Gibb’s free energy at
constant temperature and pressure. 08
b The O atom is an important species involved in the formation of thermal
( ) Estimate the mole fraction of radical O in air when it
is heated to 2,000K. 08

8 a With a neat sketch, explain the structure of a laminar flame achieved using
Bunsen burner. 10
b Explain any two fundamental laws of transportation. 06

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