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Kalava-induced foreign body to avoid any pressure or friction on the underly-

reaction ing skin. Recently we have come across cases of
To the Editor: We read with great interest the tightly tied Kalava inducing a foreign body reac-
articles by Vashi et al1,2 highlighting the dermato- tion among children. There is usually a history of
ses caused by various cultural practices. Kalava being tied too tightly in these cases and
Dermatoses occurring as a result of various cul- because of religious reasons parents do not untie
tural and religious practices are quite common it. In such cases, swelling and pain typically
among Indian patients.1,2 We take this opportunity develop at the site within 2 weeks. Sometimes,
to discuss a common Hindu practice and its rare the threads of Kalava may even penetrate the
dermatologic implication. inflamed skin leading to the foreign body
Kalava is a sacred Hindu thread tied circum- reaction at that site (Fig 2). Management
ferentially across the forearm just proximal to the includes removal of any residual thread in the
wrist joint during religious and cultural cere- swelling, a topical antibiotic, and a topical
monies (Fig 1). Usually it is tied loose enough corticosteroid. Systemic antibiotics may be

Fig 1. Kalava is tied just proximal to the wrist joint.

Fig 2. Foreign body reaction in circumferential fashion on the ventral (A) and dorsal (B) aspect
of the forearm.


e10 Notes & Comments J AM ACAD DERMATOL

required in special circumstances. The swelling Correspondence to: Deepak Jakhar, MD, H no. 82,
usually subsides within 2 weeks. Severe cases V.P.O Goyla Khurd, New Delhi, 110071, India
may result in scarring.
Rachita Misri, MD, Deepak Jakhar, MD, Rakesh
Gupta, MD, and Smriti Kumar, MBBS
Department of Dermatology and Sexually Trans- 1. Vashi NA, Patzelt N, Wirya S, Maymone MBC, Zancanaro P,
mitted Disease, North Delhi Municipal Corpora- Kundu RV. Dermatosescaused by cultural practices: therapeutic
tion Medical College and Hindu Rao Hospital, cultural practices. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2018;79:1-16.
New Delhi, India 2. Vashi NA, Patzelt N, Wirya S, Maymone MBC, Kundu RV.
Dermatoses caused by cultural practices: cosmetic cultural
Funding sources: None. practices. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2018;79:19-30.

Conflicts of interest: None disclosed.

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