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Environmental Management (2021) 67:682–696

The Downstream Impacts of Hydropower Dams and Indigenous and

Local Knowledge: Examples from the Peace–Athabasca, Mekong,
and Amazon
Ian G. Baird 1 Renato A. M. Silvano2 Brenda Parlee3 Mark Poesch3 Bruce Maclean4 Art Napoleon5
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Melody Lepine6 Gustavo Hallwass7

Received: 28 October 2020 / Accepted: 22 December 2020 / Published online: 18 January 2021
© The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Science+Business Media, LLC part of Springer Nature 2021, corrected publication 2021

There has been much written about the negative social and environmental impacts of large hydropower dams, particularly
the impacts on people and the environment caused by flooding linked to the creation of large reservoirs. There has also
long been recognition of the importance of Indigenous and local knowledge for understanding ecological processes and

environmental impacts. In this paper, however, we focus on a topic that has received insufficient consideration: the
downstream impacts of dams, and the role of Indigenous and local knowledge in assessing and addressing these impacts.
Using examples from three river basins in different parts of the world: the Peace–Athabasca in Canada, the Mekong in
mainland Southeast Asia, and the Amazon in Brazil, we demonstrate that the downstream impacts of hydropower dams
are often neglected due to the frequently long distances between dams and impacted areas, jurisdictional boundaries, and
the less obvious nature of downstream impacts. We contend that Indigenous or local knowledge, if applied consistently
and appropriately, has important roles to play in understanding and addressing these impacts, with the goal of avoiding,
reducing, and appropriately compensating for the types of environmental injustices that are frequently associated with the
downstream impacts of dams.
Keywords Hydropower dams Rivers Impacts, Indigenous Local Knowledge
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Over recent decades, much has been written about the

negative social and environmental impacts of large
hydropower dams (Winemiller et al. 2016; Fearnside
* Ian G. Baird
2016; Hirsch 2010; WCD 2000; McCully 1996; Gold- smith and Hilyard 1984). Indeed, these impacts are now
much better recognized than they were just a few decades
Department of Geography, University of Wisconsin—Madison, ago. However, some types of impacts are more recognized
Madison, WI, USA
and have been better addressed than others. In particular,
Departamento de Ecologia e Programa de Pós-Graduação em there has been considerable attention given to the negative
Ecologia—IB, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul
impacts to human populations and the environment,
(UFRGS), Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
including involuntary resettlement from the reservoir areas
University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada
of large dams (Cernea 1993, 1999; Cernea and McDowell
Maclean Environmental Consulting, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada 2000), and the impacts of the creation of large reservoirs
Saulteau First Nations, Treaty 8 Territories, Moberly Lake, BC, on wildlife (Pearce 2001; Vie 1999).
Canada However, one of the most neglected and unevenly
Mikisew Cree First Nation Government and Industry Relations, considered impacts of large hydropower dam development
Fort McMurray, Alberta, Canada in various parts of the world are downstream impacts, or
Universidade Federal do Oeste do Pará, Oriximiná, Brazil impacts that occur below the dams and outside of reservoir
Environmental Management (2021) 67:682–696 683

areas (Richter et al. 2010; Hallwass and Lopes 2013; Doria Downstream Impacts: Flows and Water
et al. 2018; Runde et al. 2020). The severity of these Quality
impacts varies significantly, depending on a wide range of
factors, and in particular, those related to hydrology and The downstream impacts of large hydropower dams have
water quality. However, they have been unevenly studied previously been studied to varying degrees, but overall are
and are frequently underestimated, undermitigated, and insufficiently considered in assessment, planning, construc-
undercompensated, often due to the long distances that tion, and post-construction monitoring and management.
impacts occur downstream, jurisdictional boundaries Where they are identified, downstream impacts are fre-
associated with areas impacted, and the difficulty of quently underestimated, and neglected, but we are not the
recognizing the signs of downstream impacts. first to make this point. For example, almost 35 years ago,
In this paper, we argue that downstream impacts have Goldsmith and Hilyard (1984) wrote about various under-
lagged behind other issues in terms of the attention that appreciated but serious downstream impacts of dams,
they have received by hydropower dam developers, including the impacts of dams on river deltas or estuaries.
governments, the public, and environmental consultants. Years later, Patrick McCully (1996) also paid particular
In addition, and not surprisingly, there have been insuf- attention to various kinds of downstream impacts of dams.
ficient efforts made to mitigate the downstream impacts The World Bank and IUCN-International Union for Con-
of dams and provide sufficient compensation for the servation of Nature sponsored the monumental World
downstream social and environmental impacts of dams. Commission on Dams (WCD), included people with a range
Indeed, there are particular structural and geographical of backgrounds and opinions regarding dams, and conducted
explanations for why this is often the case, which we case study reviews of a wide range of hydropower dam
consider here through the comparative analysis of the projects around the world, many of which considered
Peace–Athabasca, Mekong, and Amazon River Basins, downstream impacts. Because of the public attention the
including political borders, distance between dams and final report received, the report shed considerable light on
impacts, jurisdictional issues, and the less obvious nature the various kinds of serious downstream impacts caused by
of impacts. Finally, we assert that Indigenous or local large hydropower dams (WCD 2000).
knowledge (ILK) has an important role to play in con- The downstream impacts of dams can largely be broken
sidering and meaningfully addressing the downstream down to include impacts related to hydrological and water
impacts of dams, especially since many of the impacts quality changes, although these broad categories are gen-
require longitudinal knowledge to recognize the serious erally intertwined, and typically occur simultaneously, albeit
implications of particular impacts, but that it has been in different ways, depending on an array of factors. It is
applied inconsistently and unevenly, and thus requires crucial to recognize that hydropower dams typically release
much more attention. water to produce energy during particular seasons, days of
Indeed, this paper considers not only scientific evidence the week, and times of the day, due to various reasons
about downstream impacts, but also documented sources (McCully 1996; WCD 2000; Baird and Quastel 2015). This
of ILK, which we consider to be equivalent to what Berkes can result in major hydrological changes downstream, and in
(1993, p 3) refers to as “a cumulative body of knowledge turn, unusual water fluctuations that lead to increased ero-
and beliefs, handed down through generations by cultural sion and scouring, along with other impacts.
transmission, about the relationship of living beings With regard to water quality, dams often impede the
(including humans) with one another and with their movement of sediment downstream, resulting in a range of
environment”. Such knowledge linked with other data environmental and social impacts. Hydroregulations can
provide a lived experience and understanding of both the lead to more riverbed scouring and erosion, and lead to
social and ecological dimensions of change in these increased sedimentation in rivers downstream. This has
important freshwater systems, and thus is invaluable. impacts on fish and fish habitat, nutrient growth, human
To begin with, we briefly review the literature most water consumption, and in temperate environments, ice
relevant to our study. We then introduce the three river formation. Erosion can lead to more debris as hazards for
basins—the Peace–Athabasca, Mekong, and Amazon— navigation. More generally, the disruption of sediment
and explain some of the specific ways that each of the transport downriver by dams can lead to the disintegration
basins have been affected or are likely to be affected by of important riverine deltas and estuaries (Goldsmith and
the downstream impacts of large hydropower dams. We Hilyard 1984; McCully 1996; WCD 2000).
then discuss the broader implications of our findings and The quality of the water released from the reservoirs of
provide some recommendations, before providing some large dams is often poor. Sometimes, the water is anaerobic
concluding remarks about the downstream impacts (without oxygen) when released from deep reservoirs, due
of dams. to the lack of flow and oxygenation, something atypical for
684 Environmental Management (2021) 67:682–696

an undammed free-flowing river. When new reservoirs are The Peace–Athabasca River and Delta,
created without vegetation removal, water quality problems Mackenzie River Basin
can occur due to eutrophic conditions (Goldsmith and
Hilyard 1984; McCully 1996; WCD 2000). Toxic blue- The Peace River originates in the Rocky Mountains of
green algae is also often produced in reservoirs and released northern British Columbia and flows northeast into northern
downriver (Wyatt and Baird 2007), and gas super saturation Alberta. The Peace River joins the Athabasca River in the
another problem that can occur downstream of dams Peace–Athabasca Delta (PAD), which then forms the Slave
(Abernethy et al. 2001). One consequence of flooding River, which is a tributary of the Mackenzie River, the
landscapes and reservoir creation is methylmercury pro- largest river system in Canada and the second largest
duction and bioaccumulation within the food chain, drainage basin in North America. The Mackenzie then
adversely affecting fish species harvested for food (Bodaly flows north to the Beaufort Sea on the Arctic Ocean. While
et al. 2004; Hall et al. 2005). As noted elsewhere, impacts the Peace River is itself 1923 km long, the total length of
can be felt well downstream of reservoirs and persist dec- the Mackenzie is 4241 km. The Mackenzie River Basin is
ades after dam construction (Hall et al. 2005; Wyatt and home to First Nations, Métis, and Inuvialuit people whose
Baird 2007). River fragmentation caused by dams can also cultures, economies, and spiritual belief systems center
block the seasonal reproductive migrations of fish species around the sustainability of the land, water, and wildlife of
(Agostinho et al. 2007; Pelicice and Agostinho 2008), the Mackenzie River system (Abel 2005).
negatively affecting fish abundance, fishery productivity, Despite the fact that Canada has a long history of
and local livelihoods (Hoeinghaus et al. 2009; Hallwass and hydropower development, many of the downstream impacts
Lopes 2013, Arantes et al. 2019; Santos et al. 2020), of dams in Canada still remain poorly understood and
although we do not focus in detail on this issue here. documented (Rosenberg et al. 1995; Prowse et al. 2002),
In this paper, we discuss various ways in which and even more poorly mitigated and compensated (WCD
hydrological and water quality changes caused by hydro- 2000). Environmental historians and anthropologists over
power dams have negatively affected the environment and the last 40 years have revealed the ways in which the
people. One approach for conceptualizing these down- benefits and costs of hydropower projects are unevenly
stream impacts is “environmental flows”. This approach distributed, and that environmental impacts are inter-
involves trying to time water releases so that they coincide connected with significant economic, health, and social
with natural riverine cycles (Richter and Thomas 2007), so impacts (Loo and Stanley 2011; Bielawski and Lutsel
as to mimic natural daily and seasonal flows, with the goal K’e Dene First Nation 1993; Quinn 1991; Loney 1995;
of reducing downstream impacts (Dyson et al. 2003; Waldram 1988; Usher et al. 1979). More specifically, there
Richter et al. 2010). The concept of environmental flows has been limited recognition and accommodation of the
was already well known in the 1990s, and the WCD unique impacts on livelihoods and cultures of Indigenous
(2000) stated that environmental flows are crucial for peoples (Quinn 1991). As Canada strives to become less
comprehensive strategies that assess all the impacts of reliant on fossil fuels, a revisit and review of the hidden
hydrological changes due to the operation of dams or costs of hydropower dam development on Indigenous
related forms of infrastructure. While the World Bank peoples is needed. Here we consider the downstream
(2004) chose not to officially endorse WCD guidelines, its impacts of a series of dams on the Peace River (the W.A.C
own water sector strategy explicitly cited the importance Bennett Dam, Peace Canyon (Site B), and Site C Dam), in
of flows and argued that, “well conceived water infra- the Peace–Athabasca River Basin. We then examine the
structure should… develop operating rules that specify uneven inclusion of Elders and their ILK in relation to
ecological flows for the benefit of downstream riparians” downstream impacts, even in modern environmental impact
(p 10). However, adopting an environmental flow regime assessment (EIA) processes, and more importantly, the
frequently cuts into profits, and thus corporate investors try insufficient mitigation and compensation related to down-
to avoid it in order to maximize profits (Baird and Quastel stream impacts.
2015), and has also been criticized as being a potentially
overly top–down approach (Vos and Boelens 2020).
Various measures can be taken to improve water quality, The W.A.C Bennett Dam and Hydro
from making smaller and shallower reservoirs with less Development on the Peace River
potential to include nonflowing water that becomes anaerobic,
to designing projects so that sediments can easily be released, The W.A.C. Bennett Dam is a 2-km long structure on the
to clearing reservoir areas of vegetation before a dam is Peace River upstream of the PAD. The construction of the
impounded. These measures can reduce the potential for dam began in 1961 and was the largest infrastructure project
eutrophication and a reduction in water quality (WCD 2000). of its kind in Western Canada at that time, costing over
Environmental Management (2021) 67:682–696 685

Fig. 1 The Peace River Watershed, the W.A.C. Bennett and Site C Dams, and Downstream Areas

CAN$750 million. It was one of several mega-projects Dene, and Métis people, are culturally unique, and both
initiated under the W.A.C Bennett provincial government ecosystems and people are under stress from the down-
between 1952 and 1972, with the goal of addressing stream effects of hydropower dams, coupled with the
underdevelopment in northern British Columbia by stimu- cumulative effects of oil sand development (Alberta Energy
lating growth (Loo and Stanley 2011; Tomblin 1990). Regulator 2019) and climate change.
The Williston Reservoir was created by W.A.C. Bennett The impacts associated with the W.A.C. Bennet dam
Dam, the third largest reservoir in Canada (IUCN Mission were experienced in the PAD almost immediately after its
Report 2016) and over 1500 Indigenous people (mainly construction. The Williston Reservoir itself is 251 km long
Sekani people) were forced to resettle (Baker et al. 2002; and took 5 years to fill, between 1966 and 1971, during
Brody 1981; Loo and Stanley 2011). In 1980, a second dam which time there was a significant decrease in downstream
was completed 23 km downstream (Peace Canyon Dam), a flow in the Peace and Athabasca regions. It was estimated
so-called run-of-the-river project with a 50-meter high that 200,000 cu ft. per second of flow was diverted to the
concrete dam. A further dam, Site C, was approved for 32–50 million acre-feet water reservoir (PADPG 1972,
construction in 2018 (Fig. 1). p 71; BC Hydro 2007, p 2). During this period, water
levels on the Peace River decreased by 10–12 feet
(PADPG 1972, p 69). This drastic change came without
Downstream Impacts of the W.A.C. Bennett prior consultation with Indigenous people downstream of
Dam the project in British Columbia and Alberta (Loo and
Stanley 2011; Sims 2018).
The complex downstream impacts of the W.A.C. Bennett The PAD is a highly dynamic environment with hydro-
and Peace Canyon Dams continue to be experienced in the logic characteristics that have sustained Indigenous life for
Peace River system as well as in the Athabasca, and Slave centuries. Complex interactions between the two large river
River watersheds (Fig. 1). Parts of the PAD are designated systems (Athabasca and Peace River, along with smaller
as a National Park and a UNESCO World Heritage Site, systems such as the Birch River) result in a host of ecolo-
owing to the uniqueness of the biodiversity of both terres- gical niches sustained by hydrologic recharge and water-
trial and aquatic ecosystems. These regions, home to Cree, ways that enable access to them, and hydrometric records
686 Environmental Management (2021) 67:682–696

dry fish to support themselves through the winter (Stuart

Adams and Associates 1998). Similarly, families would stay
in cabins at the end of winter and return in boats once the
spring melt/flood occurred. On the Peace River in particular,
families would make willow “nests” as platforms to store
their important gear, as the river would regularly flood. While
full widespread floods of high magnitude and duration were
relatively rare, small-to-medium flood events were common
(every 2–3 years). Elders stress that these floods no longer
occur with the same frequency. The consequences for eco-
logical sustainability are multifaceted—access to harvest
areas is more challenging, abundance for some targeted spe-
cies is reduced, and the quality of harvested animals and fish
has declined.
Fig. 2 Changes in median monthly flows pre-construction Changes in flood frequency have subsequently changed
(1915–1966, black hashed line) and post-construction (1967–2017, the ecology of the Peace River and the downstream PAD,
gray dotted line) of the W.A.C. Bennett dam. Data are from the stream
gauge station just downstream of Williston Reservoir (gauge
including the precipitous decline in the abundance of
07HA001) using publicly available data from the Water Survey of muskrat (Ondatra zibethicus) populations (Straka et al.
Canada ( 2018). An overall drying trend in the PAD was analyzed by
Ward and Gorelick (2018), and showed “~1450 km2 of
temporarily inundated regions that support critical habitat
and naturalized flow conditions for the Lower Peace River have diminished by ~10 km2/year over the past 46 years; a
clearly demonstrate alteration of the river’s seasonal flow decline of ~32% over the last half century”. All four major
regime (or hydrograph) by operation of the W.A.C. Bennett flyways in North America converge on the PAD, and sig-
Dam (Peters and Prowse 2001, cited in Wolfe et al. 2020). nificant declines in waterfowl populations once described as
The significance of the seasonal changes in hydrology is swarming (Russel 1898 in Fuller et al. 1971), have declined
presented in Fig. 2. Winter water levels have increased, and drastically below levels considered healthy and sustainable
spring/summer peak floods have decreased, generally eve- for the subsistence livelihoods of local Indigenous com-
ning out water flow over the year. The entire munities. Whereas the population of shorebirds and water-
Peace–Athabasca–Slave system was influenced by the reg- fowl in the PAD was estimated to be roughly 1.5 million
ulation of flow (Prowse et al. 2002). during fall migration in the 1970s, peak numbers have only
The ecological integrity of the PAD is driven by seasonal been 800,000 during the last two decades (Heenan 1972;
flooding caused by hydraulic damming, flow reversals, and Butterworth et al. 2002). Although weirs installed in the
ice jamming (Carver 2013). Ice jamming in particular is PAD have restored some aspects of natural flooding,
critical to the recharge of the PAD, especially when ice the PAD is still considered a dying aquatic ecosystem
blocks the lower Peace River during the dynamic/mechan- (Stuart Adams and Associates 1998). These problems of
ical breakup of its ice cover in the Delta reach, which low water levels have altered aquatic health in complex
typically occurs in late April and early May. Under favor- ways, including through contaminant loading.
able conditions, ice jams can cause highly elevated flooding Lower water levels have also altered river channels and
that accesses the highest perched basins within the PAD, associated movements by both fish and people. For exam-
areas that would otherwise receive no recharge from ple, the collapse of goldeye fish stocks in the PAD is largely
floodwaters (Carver and Maclean 2016). However, ice jam attributed to changes in flow patterns and PAD dynamics,
flooding frequency after 1968 dam construction has which have impeded fish spawning (Government of Alberta
declined significantly (Beltaos 2018), which has changed 2020). Flow alterations have also obstructed food harvest,
the aquatic ecosystem and local use. Reduced water levels including fishing and hunting.
following the construction of the dam and persistence Regulation of the Peace River has altered the usual flow
between 1976 and 1986 led to severe drying and the colo- patterns, creating artificial high freeze-up levels, which lead
nization of woody species (Timoney and Argus 2006; to dangerous hanging ice, where the ice is not touching the
Mitsch and Hernandez 2013). water, and is a fall hazard for snowmobile travel. “As
Indigenous Elders and fishers have significant observations Aboriginal people, we never saw water come up in the
related to ice, fish, and flood conditions, and how they have winter [before the dam]” (M72, July 2, 2013 in MCFN
changed since 1968. Prior to the construction of the dam, 2013). The uncertainty of flows and flooding has, thus,
people would go into the delta at “freeze up” to fish and make created significant barriers and risks for travel on the river.
Environmental Management (2021) 67:682–696 687

These impacts ultimately translate into stress and anxiety for and environmental justice issues have not been sufficiently
those living downstream. Testimony and previous research addressed, even though Indigenous people hold consider-
suggest that downstream communities experience fear in able ILK that is relevant for addressing these issues.
relation to river travel as well as grief about the losses of In 2015, BC Hydro began construction on Site C after
cultural identities and uses of the river and the PAD: the provincial government granted permits. The exclusion
of the PAD from the Site C environmental assessment, and
What’s going to happen to us – our future? The lake other major cumulative impacts, prompted the Mikisew
Athabasca, the delta, the river. What’s going to Cree to petition UNESCO to list the Wood Buffalo National
happen to everything downstream?… And further Park (a UNESCO world heritage site) as threatened.
north into the Great Slave, right, I think. Yeah that’s Downstream impacts on the PAD have been a major focus
going to affect a lot of – many people; a lot of lives… of concern due to the UNESCO petition (Environment
With health – health-wise. Your food, the water – the Canada 2019). However, despite the input of downstream
water changes. Just everything. It will be everything. communities, as well as international recognition that the
It’s just going to kill everything (M27 2012 in MCFN world heritage site is endangered, construction of the Site C
2013). dam has proceeded with little recognition, reconciliation, or
accommodation of the downstream impacts of past or future
In the early 1970s, three emergency-regulating weirs hydropower development.
were installed in an attempt to mitigate some of the It is anticipated that the impacts associated with the W.A.C.
downstream impacts of the W.A.C. Bennett dam. These Bennett Dam will be compounded with the development of
were constructed on the recommendation of an emergency this Site C expansion, and that those living in the PAD and
intergovernmental panel in Canada, which was established elsewhere in the Mackenzie River Basin experience even
to better understand the response to concerns identified by greater and largely unmitigated and uncompensated impacts
people living in the PAD (Timoney 2002). While these on their traditional territories and livelihoods.
structures improved PAD water levels, the Quatre Fourches
weir adversely impacted fish passage, especially for gold-
eyes, and was subsequently removed. While some First The Mekong River Basin
Nations communities settled for undisclosed amounts of
compensation for W.A.C. Bennett dam-caused downstream The Mekong is one of the largest and most important river
impacts, others have never been consulted or compensated, basins in the world, flowing approximately 4909 km from
indicating neglect even when impacts are known. its source in the mountains of Tibet to the Mekong Delta in
Partially due to the impacts of the W.A.C. Bennett Vietnam, making it the eighth longest river in the world,
Dam, there has been sustained opposition to constructing and the fifth longest in Asia. Covering a basin area of
the Site C Project, which was originally conceived in the 795,000 km2, the Mekong supports the largest freshwater
1950s, as a third phase of the provincial governments capture fishery in the world, estimated to be over 2 million
power plan. Although originally proposed for develop- tons per year (Hortle 2007). Significantly, the Mekong
ment in the 1980s, the dam was shelved until the early River Basin is included in the national territories of six
2000s when it was subjected to more detailed review. nation states, China in the headwaters, and Myanmar, Laos,
Despite opposition to the project mounted by downstream Thailand, Cambodia, and Vietnam downriver, and variously
and nearby communities, and evidence of potential supports the livelihoods of ~60 million people (Mekong
adverse impacts on the PAD, a federal environmental River Commission 2019, 2020). The parts of the basin
assessment concluded that “the Project would not have within Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, and Vietnam are subject
any measurable effect on the Peace-Athabasca Delta” (JRP to the Mekong River Agreement (1995), while China and
2014). The communities in the PAD dispute this claim, but Myanmar are considered to just be “dialogue partners”
were not included in the assessment (as potentially (Mekong River Commission 2018) (Fig. 3).
impacted), a gap that runs contrary to federal legislation on The downstream impacts of hydropower dams have
the “duty to consult” and principles of “free, prior and largely been neglected with regard to official EIAs, plan-
informed consent” (FPIC), as detailed in the United ning, mitigation, and compensation. However, local people
Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples have extensive ILK about these impacts, although they have
(Government of British Columbia 2019). So why have only rarely been consulted. To demonstrate how down-
these downstream areas and impacts been neglected? It is stream impacts have been widely neglected in the Mekong
partially because they are far away and in a different River Basin, along with the people who depend on them, we
province. In addition, the extent of downstream impacts is draw upon two case studies about the Yali Falls dam, and
often subtle and thus easy to deny. Thus, serious social the Nam Theun 2 (NT2) dam in Laos.
688 Environmental Management (2021) 67:682–696

Fig. 3 Map of hydropower dams

in the Mekong River Basin
discussed in this paper

The Yali Falls Dam and Downstream Impacts the Sesan River in the Central Highlands of Vietnam. The
in the Sesan River Basin in Cambodia government-owned project received support from Russia,
the Ukraine, and Sweden. The first turbine started operating
In 1993, Electricite du Vietnam, the public electricity in 2000, and the dam was completed in 2003 (Wyatt and
authority in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, started Baird 2007).
constructing the US$1 billion, 720-MW capacity Yali Falls The Swiss government provided over US$1 million
Hydropower Dam on the Krong Poko, a major tributary of through the Interim Mekong River Committee to the Swiss
Environmental Management (2021) 67:682–696 689

Fig. 4 Changes in daily

hydrology of Sesan River in
Andong Meas District,
Ratanakiri Province, Cambodia,
downstream of the Yali Falls
dam, in January 2001–2003
(Wyatt and Baird 2007)

consulting company Electrowatt (1993), in order to conduct large numbers of livestock dying due to being drowned
a comprehensive social assessment and EIA for the project, by bursts of released water. Many people and livestock
but crucially, the study only considered the impacts 6 km also died due to consuming poor quality water released
downstream, as if the water was expected to stop flowing from the dam, although this was not reported until 2000
below after that point. The downstream impacts on the (Fisheries Office Ratanakiri Province and NTFP Project
70-km stretch of the river between the dam and the border 2000), and it was only confirmed that toxic blue-green
with Cambodia were not considered. Nor were impacts of algae were being produced in the Yali reservoir and
the dam on downstream areas in the Sesan River Basin in released downstream in 2009 (Tiodolf 2009). In addition,
Cambodia (Wyatt and Baird 2007). large quantities of fishing gear were washed away, deep-
Within a few years, however, the negative downstream water pools in the river silted up, wild vegetation that
impacts of the construction of the Yali Falls dam became used to grow in the riverbed was negatively impacted,
evident to Indigenous and local peoples who frequently and wild capture fisheries of great importance to rural
use the river, both in Ratanakiri and Stung Treng Pro- livelihoods have been negatively impacted. The dam is
vinces. Fifty-five-thousand people were impacted up to also believed to have contributed to increased wet season
where the Sekong River flows into the Mekong River near flooding due to operational flaws (NGO Forum on
Stung Treng town. However, despite people living along Cambodia 2005; Wyatt and Baird 2007). A lot of
the Sesan River clearly understanding the changes that downstream riverbank erosion is occurring in Cambodia
have occurred, due to their intimate relations and accu- as a result of the Yali Falls dam (Baird and Barney 2017).
mulated ILK regarding the river (Fisheries Office Rata- Crucially, however, no compensation has been provided
nakiri Province and NTFP Project 2000; Baird et al. 2002), to those impacted downstream, and a change in operating
the Mekong River Commission (2002) neglected them and practices to partially take into account downstream
initially underestimated the negative downstream impacts impacts only emerged after widespread criticisms came
of the Yali Falls dam. Problematically, the Mekong from people in Cambodia (NGO Forum on Cambodia
Agreement only recognizes the national governments of 2005; Wyatt and Baird 2007).
Vietnam, Laos, Thailand, and Cambodia (Mekong River One reason the downstream impacts of the Yali Falls
Commission 1995), without having any mandate to con- dam have been neglected is because the dam was built in
sider ILK. However, hydrological data collected during Vietnam, but many of its most serious impacts occurred in
the time when the dam was being constructed and com- Cambodia. This jurisdictional issue has complicated the
pleted (see Fig. 4), and local observations indicate that situation greatly. Moreover, the dam is over 100 km from
while dams can change seasonal hydrological patterns (see where many serious impacts have occurred, thus indicating
Fig. 2), they can also seriously alter hydrology on a daily that the distance between dams and impacts is another
basis (see Fig. 4). serious problem. Finally, people who live near the river and
The Yali Falls Dam has caused serious downstream use it a great deal understand the river and how it has
environmental and social impacts related to dramatic changed due to dam construction, but they have not been
changes in hydrology and water quality. These include at consulted at all, and their ILK about the environmental
least 39 Indigenous people being washed away and changes that have occurred has not been appropriately
drowned due to strong water releases from the dam, and considered (Wyatt and Baird 2007).
690 Environmental Management (2021) 67:682–696

The Nam Theun 2 Dam and Downstream productive lowland rice paddies. Riverine ecology has also
Impacts in the Xe Bang Fai River Basin in changed dramatically, which has negatively affected aquatic
Laos life in the Xe Bang Fai River, including wild fish stocks
important for local livelihoods. Fishing has also become
The NT2 Hydropower Project is the second largest dam in more difficult due to sporadic changes in water levels, and
Laos, besides the Xayaburi dam on the mainstream Mekong river erosion has dramatically increased since NT2 started
River in northern Laos. Built at a cost of US$1.45 billion, the operating (Baird et al. 2015).
project is a build–operate-and-transfer project, owned by the Indicative of the ways that downstream hydrological and
Nam Theun Power Company (NTPC), which has a 25-year water quality impacts have been neglected, initially NTPC
concession agreement, after which time the project will be did not allocate any specific budget to compensate those
handed over to the Lao government. The shareholders in impacted downstream in the Xe Bang Fai River Basin.
NTPC are Electricite du France (40%), Electricity Generating However, Shoemaker et al. (2001) published a report titled
Public Company in Thailand (35%), and the Lao government “The People and Their River”, which demonstrated the
(25%). With a capacity of 1070 MW, 995 MW of the energy importance of aquatic resources in the Xe Bang Fai River
produced is exported to Thailand. The financing for the Basin. This resulted in US$16 million being allocated for
project was guaranteed by the World Bank, and construction compensation in downstream parts of the Xe Bang Fai
began in 2005 and was completed in 2010 (Shoemaker and River Basin. However, demonstrative of how downstream
Robichaud 2018). NT2’s design is particularly problematic in issues tend to be underappreciated, NTPC treated conditions
relation to downstream impacts. That is, the Theun River is in the dam’s reservoir area quite differently from how they
dammed, creating a 450-km2 reservoir. To generate energy, dealt with downstream issues. In particular, NTPC specified
water is diverted from the reservoir into a tunnel that goes that compensation would continue to be provided to people
down a steep mountain to the project’s power station, where resettled from the dam’s reservoir until certain livelihood
energy is produced. The water then flows into a 27-km canal benchmarks are met. Thus, compensation could continue
that eventually converges with the Xe Bang Fai River, a river for years, and could be extended if NTPC programs were
in a different subbasin that previously held half the volume of poorly implemented. However, for the Xe Bang Fai River, a
water than the Theun River, but now has much more water in ceiling on spending on compensation was set from the
it. Thus, the project reduces the amount of water flowing beginning, regardless of what the negative impacts would
down the Theun River due to the diversion (Richter et al. end up being, and without considering how well NTPC
2010; Baird et al. 2015). would implement their compensation program (Baird et al.
There is twice as much water in the Xe Bang Fai River as 2015; Shoemaker and Robichaud 2018).1 Overall, the
before, leading to dramatic changes in hydrological and water funding allocated, when divided between such a large
quality that have negatively impacted over 155,000 people number of impacted people, fell well short of what was
living downstream in the Xe Bang Fai River Basin (Baird required, especially for the Indigenous Brou people (Baird
et al. 2015). Local people living along the Xe Bang Fai River et al. 2015; Manorom et al. 2017). In addition, no com-
have considerable ILK about the downstream impacts of pensation has been provided to those people impacted
NT2, but the NTPC and the Lao government have not taken downstream in the Theun River Basin.
this ILK seriously (Baird et al. 2015; Manorom et al. 2017). Local people have significant ILK about the downstream
Rural people have observed that water levels in the Xe Bang impacts of dams, and how changes have occurred due to the
Fai River tend to decline on weekends and when the weather dam, but like in various other parts of the world, their ILK
is cool, as dam water releases are linked to energy demand has often not been taken seriously (Baird et al. 2015;
and particularly air-conditioning use in neighboring Thailand Manorom et al. 2017).
(Baird and Quastel 2015; Marks and Zhang 2019). When
energy demand declines in Thailand, less water is released
from the NT2’s reservoir into the Xe Bang Fai River, as Two Cases in the Amazon River Basin
water is released when energy in Thailand is required. This
has resulted in the downstream impacts of the dam being The Amazon River is 6400 km long, and the Basin is the
even worse than they could have been if the dam was being largest in South America, covering 6,300,000 km2 or 35.5%
operated following an environmental flow regiment, where of the South American subcontinent. The Amazon supports a
water releases are managed to mimic pre-dam downstream remarkable biodiversity with over 2000 fish species (Arantes
hydrological conditions (Baird and Quastel 2015). Local et al. 2019), which provide food and income to riverine
people have a clear understanding of the various types of
downstream impacts, including those related to the rainy 1
However, US$2.2 million more was added when money prematurely
season flooding and damaging of large areas of previously ran out (Baird et al. 2015; Manorom et al. 2017).
Environmental Management (2021) 67:682–696 691

Fig. 5 Map of the Tocantins and Madeira Rivers in the Amazon of Brazil

people (Isaac et al. 2015; Hallwass and Silvano 2016). (Ribeiro et al. 1995; Petrere 1996), with the Tucuruí dam
However, development projects, such as large hydropower altering the composition of fish communities (de Mérona
dams (more than 700 dams built or planned) represent a et al. 2001, 2010), causing reduced fishery productivity and
major threat to fish biodiversity and rural livelihoods the resulting socioeconomic impacts in downstream areas (de
(Winemiller et al. 2016; Latrubesse et al. 2017). There has Mérona 1990; Fearnside 1999). The Tucuruí dam was built
also been an increase in the construction of small hydropower during a period of military dictatorship in Brazil, when EIAs
dams in the Brazil Amazon, which also pose threats to were not mandatory and decisions regarding large develop-
downstream fish and fisheries (Athayde et al. 2019). ment projects were nondemocratic (Fearnside 1999). Thus,
Here, we analyze two cases of downstream impacts from no EIA was conducted on the project, and no effective
dams in the Brazilian Amazon, including a dam on the mitigation measures have been implemented in relation to
Tocantins River and two dams recently built on the Madeira downstream impacts (Fearnside 2001). Nevertheless, the
River. The Tocantins is a clear water river, which is oli- company in charge of the reservoir recorded fish and fishery
gotrophic, being less productive than sediment-loaded white data in the reservoir area and upstream and downstream from
water rivers, such as the Amazon and Madeira Rivers (Junk the dam before its impoundment (de Mérona et al. 2010),
et al. 2007). The Madeira is considered to be among the thus providing a rare and invaluable dataset for comparing
Amazon’s most vulnerable basins to hydropower develop- current (post-dam) circumstances (Hallwass and Lopes
ment, due to the large dams recently built there (Latrubesse 2013). The company in charge of the dam also monitored fish
et al. 2017) (Fig. 5). and fisheries, including downstream from the dam (de Mér-
ona et al. 2010), although this monitoring has been dis-
continued, and the Brazilian government still does not fully
The Tucuruí Dam on the Tocantins River recognize the dam’s downstream impacts.
Fishers’ ILK indicates declines in fisheries for migratory
The 8370-MW Tucuruí dam was built in 1984 on the species and even the possible regional extinction of the
Tocantins River, in the Eastern Amazon, and has a massive jaraqui (Semaprochilodus spp.), a species that formed large
2830-km2 reservoir. The 2750-km-long Tocantins River has schools and supported very important fisheries more than
suffered several environmental changes in recent decades 100 km downstream before the dam was built (Hallwass and
692 Environmental Management (2021) 67:682–696

Lopes 2013). Indeed, such declines in downstream migratory the dams have caused hydrological changes downstream,
fish are supported by comparative pre- and post-impoundment which have led to the alteration of flood patterns, and a
data on fish landings (Hallwass and Lopes 2013). Conversely, 39% decline in annual fish catches (Santos et al. 2018).
the proportion of sedentary fish has increased in downstream Furthermore, ILK held by fishers indicates a decrease in the
catches (Hallwass and Lopes 2013), forcing fishing commu- size of fish caught, hydrological changes, and fish health
nities to adjust their fishing strategies (Huntington et al. 2017). problems (Santos et al. 2020). Fish ladders were added to
However, those fish better suited to post-dam conditions, the Santo Antônio dam in an attempt to mitigate some of the
which now dominate the catches in the Lower Tocantins impacts of the dam on migratory fish, but fish ladders have
River, have lower economic value compared to the migratory generally not been effective in reducing dam impacts on
species previously exploited. Indeed, in the period from 2006 migratory fish in Brazilian rivers (Pelicice and Agostinho
to 2008 (more than 20 years after the dam’s closure), large 2008). Fish monitoring is occurring more than 200 km
migratory catfish corresponded to only a small fraction of fish downstream of the dam, but this monitoring has not resulted
caught in the Tocantins River, where most of the caught fish in the implementation of any mitigation or compensation
are small (Hallwass et al. 2011; Silvano et al. 2017). These measures in relation to downstream impacts.
changes in fish communities have affected the food security As observed elsewhere in the Brazilian Amazon, the
of downstream riverine communities, since fishery production dams on the Madeira River were built without proper local
has declined to less than half of what was produced during the consultations, nor was the ILK of fishing communities
pre-dam period (Hallwass and Lopes 2013). adequately considered, especially far downstream from the
Another concern is mercury contamination, as reservoirs dams (Doria et al. 2018). As with the Tucuruí dam, political
tend to produce high amounts of mercury methylation, which interests prevailed over technical advice, EIA studies, or the
is released downstream, generating consequent biomagnifi- ILK of fishers, as the dams in the Madeira River were
cation in the trophic web, making some fish unsafe to eat approved even though controversial environmental issues
(Forsberg et al. 2017), a problem also identified in the were unresolved and technical and collected-ILK informa-
Peace–Athabasca Basin. Arrifano et al. (2018) found a high tion was insufficient (Fearnside 2013, 2014a, b). Unfortu-
level of total mercury and methylmercury in the hair of nately, incomplete and inconsistent studies related to
people living near the reservoir formed by the Tucuruí dam, downstream issues have been especially common practice
but no studies have been done about mercury contamination for Brazilian Amazon dams (Fearnside 2015). For example,
in the Tocantins River downstream from the dam, indicating the EIAs done in relation to the Madeira River considered
how downstream water quality issues have been neglected. the affected area to be just 12 km downstream from the
dam, which does not include the region of Humaita, located
about 200 km downstream, where research shows that
The Dams in the Madeira River fisheries have been affected by the Madeira river dams
(Santos et al. 2018, 2020).
Two dams have recently been built on the Madeira River, a Although EIAs are now required for dams in the Brazi-
large tributary of the Amazon River: the Santo Antônio lian Amazon, the underlying political system demands that
(completed in 2012) and the Jirau (completed in 2013). investors hire the professionals who conduct the EIAs. This
Both dams are so-called run-of-the-river dams, with low creates a conflict of interest between those who conduct the
water storage, but are still huge projects, with installed EIAs and the companies who want to get projects approved
capacities of 3568 and 3750 MW, respectively. These dams (Fearnside 2015), a problem also identified in the Mekong
are not affecting the seasonal flood pulse significantly, but Basin (Baird 2014).
they are causing high day-to-day and within-day flow The suspended sediments carried by rivers are positively
variability, which is linked to energy demand (Almeida correlated with phosphorus and nitrogen concentrations,
et al. 2020; see Baird and Quastel 2015 for more details of which indicate a relation between sediment load and
how dam operation responds to energy demand and prices). primary productivity (Forsberg et al. 2017). Considering
Although more pronounced near the dams, these daily flow that the Madeira River carries ~50% of total sediments to
changes are known to affect fish spawning, fishing opera- Amazon river system (Goulding et al. 2003; Latrubesse
tions, and the use of riparian zones, including for agriculture et al. 2017), the reduction of 20% in the suspended sedi-
(Richter et al. 2010). For example, these dams have nega- ments released in the Madeira River downstream from the
tively affected the environment and fisheries around the dams can be expected to significantly reduce primary pro-
city of Humaita, which is located ~200 km downstream ductivity and widely affect fisheries in the Amazon basin
(Almeida et al. 2020; Santos et al. 2018, 2020). An analysis (Latrubesse et al. 2017). A reduced sediment load is also
of fish landing statistics over 15 years, including both pre- negatively affecting the traditional floodplain agriculture
and post-dam periods, at the Humaita region, indicates that done by the local populations downstream, due to their
Environmental Management (2021) 67:682–696 693

dependence on sediments and nutrients carried by rivers downstream impacts of dams, as policy makers have long
during the flood pulse (Forsberg et al. 2017). neglected downstream impacts and ILK about these impacts.
Downstream impacts often occur in subtle ways that require
the type of perspective that can only be achieved through
Using Indigenous and Local Knowledge to intimate and long-term observations, the types of observa-
Better Understand and Address the tions that Indigenous and other local peoples typically have
Downstream Impacts of Dams and relate to problems that they have the ability to address.
In all three basins, there are three important structural
ILK needs to be taken seriously with regard to hydropower reasons why the downstream impacts of large dams are
dam assessment, planning, decision-making processes, and often underestimated. First, the long distances that impacts
post-constructiong monitoring, including when considering occur downstream often make it easier to deny or under-
downstream mitigation and compensation issues. That is estimate the links between dams and impacts, as we have
because the people who hold this ILK have the type of demonstrated for all three basins. Indeed, developers often
intimate and long-term relationships with rivers that make it do whatever they can to reduce the recognized impact areas
possible for them to understand how dams have and are of dams, so as to reduce the responsibility for impacts and
likely to change downstream environments. Moreover, they increase profits (Green and Baird 2020).
are often the ones who are being the most affected by these Second, political boundaries and jurisdictional issues are
changes. While ILK has been used in some cases to better frequently an important reason why the downstream impacts
understand the environmental impacts of development pro- of dams have received insufficient consideration. For exam-
jects (WCD 2000), its use has been uneven and inconsistent, ple, along the Sesan River in the Mekong River Basin, the
and even when it has been used, it has rarely been given the Yali Falls dam is located in Vietnam, but the serious
importance that it deserves, or considered during all stages of downstream impacts of the dam are occurring in Cambodia.
development, including post-construction exercises. The national political boundary between the two countries
Therefore, work with ILK holders needs to be closer and has certainly impeded efforts to gain recognition, mitigation,
deeper, and it needs to be done in more respectful, con- and compensation for downstream impacts. In addition, the
sistent, and sustained ways, before, during, and after pro- W.A.C. Bennett dam is located in the province of British
jects are constructed. Moreover, dams often affect Columbia, but downstream areas of Alberta have been
communities along long stretches of river, thus necessitat- impacts. Even if the two provinces are in the same country,
ing approaches that meaningfully include all impacted provincial jurisdictions have obstructed attempts to gain more
communities and ILK holders, not just a small number of recognition for downstream impacts. In the Brazilian Ama-
people during one stage of development, as has often been zon, although the areas impacted downstream are all located
the case in the past. The value of ILK in relation to aquatic in the same political jurisdiction (same province and coun-
resource management has long been recognized (Haggan try), there are still considerable distances between dams and
et al. 2007; Johannes 1981), but significant barriers to ele- the communities being impacted (Runde et al. 2020), making
vating ILK so that it has a significant impact on develop- it more difficult for affected communities to raise concerns.
ment outcomes remain, something that we believe needs to The third obstacle to the recognition of downstream
be rectified with regard to the downstream impacts of dams. impacts is that ecologically significant changes in water
Indeed, this is borne out by the findings already presented. flows and quality can sometimes be difficult to observe by
people who do not have intimate knowledge of the river,
and do not have long-term perspectives. While Indigenous
Conclusion and local peoples often recognize significant changes
between before dams were built and after, newcomers may
It is evident that the downstream impacts of large hydro- not have the abilities to recognize when significant changes
power dams have been unevenly and generally poorly have occurred. For example, First Nations people living
documented, and insufficiently considered in decision- downstream from various dams in the Peace–Athabasca
making and mitigation and compensation assessment pro- Basin often have a clearer understanding of the changes that
cesses around the world, including in the Peace–Athabasca have occurred compared to others. In the Mekong River
Basin, the Mekong River Basin, and the Amazon River Basin, local people have long been aware of the detailed
Basin. Indeed, much more needs to be done to address the and subtle ways that the downstream impacts of dams have
downstream impacts of dams, especially with regard to occurred. However, it has been much more difficult to
hydrology and water quality changes. It is particularly convince government officials and others who do not have
important to use ILK to better understand, mitigate, and to intricate ILK about the river to recognize significant
determine appropriate mitigation and compensation for the downstream changes that have occurred. In the Brazilian
694 Environmental Management (2021) 67:682–696

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grant to Parlee-University of Alberta (SSHRC PG 895-2015-1024 Office, and Se San District Office, Stung Treng
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