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First, I believed that cognition was the way in which our minds processed information, but I

have now come to realize that there is a lot deeper to cognition than meets the eye. As I read the
article, I considered how those who write about these subjects do so from personal, often
unconscious experience. Maybe as these people write, collect their thoughts, and go about their
daily lives. Reading the narrative and the research paper made me feel like I was being watched
and being studied as a human being, for being this specie by my own specie. I further questioned:
Are people's perspectives really that limited for these experts to gather information about how
things actually are and how they work? Considering the little technology available then that now
are well-developed and aids in directing these investigations and scholarly findings and reports.
Do I simply fit into the crowd? Do I believe and are influenced in the same manner as the rest of
the world? Some of the notes are extremely familiar even before reading the entire document.
However, it is different to learn about and read about topics that are already well-known - from
the perspective of the person who was learning it. The narrative essay made me feel extremely
close to the person writing it; it was as though we were having a direct conversation about his
experience in the course of study. I'd say that this paper was lot simpler to understand because it
seemed to be speaking directly to me.
The cognitive process is a natural part of every person's existence, and we all use it every
day without even realizing it. People should be made aware of the daily tasks they do by using
cognitive processes. The fundamental patterns of mind assist us in structuring our ideas and actions
into coordinated patterns. Our ability to adapt to our surroundings has allowed us to develop our
thought processes and understanding. Additionally, acceptance and adaptation occur. Cognitive
psychologists research mental functions as observation, memory, linguistics, recollection, and
thought. The cognitive psychology information-processing theory compares the way that minds
process data to that of a computer. But there are significant distinctions between humans and
machines. Because computers don't feel sensations or grow weary like people do, the mind doesn't
process data way a computer does. Cognitive psychology research reveals how humans think,
including how emotions are created and stored. Psychologists can make new strategies for aiding
those with cognitive issues by learning greater detail about how these processes operate. Cognitive
psychology has aided us in developing a thorough and more comprehensive grasp of the numerous
mental processes that contribute to our everyday experience and general health, from
comprehending how cognitive processes alter as a child grows to examining how the brain
converts sensations inputs into understandings.
People in general are defined to gather information obtained from the surrounding world,
interpret it, and then employ it. Individual people take choices in each of these behaviors reveal
their decision-making processes. Therefore, it can be said that cognition processes as a subfield of
cognitive psychology are a crucial topic of study that receives a lot of attention from researchers.

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