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I. Multiple Choice: Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. This is referred to as the art of the present, which continuously in process and in flux.
A. Modern Art C. Contemporary Art
B. Academic Art D. Space Art
2. Art, as a way of life for Filipinos, is more than just a mirror of history and culture. It serves as many
reason and purpose for development. Which of the following does not belong to the group?
A. For therapeutic purposes C. For aesthetic purposes
B. For social status D. For entertainment
3. What function of Art utilized for business or livelihood?
A. Cultural C. Personal
B. Social D. Economic
4. This make use of transforming raw materials into products that cab be used for practical purposes.
However, they must possess artistic qualities to make the beautiful and useful. What art it is?
A. Modern Art C. Industrial Art
B. Utilitarian Art D. Ethnic Art
5. Which period art became tool to propagate the religion and faith?
A. Pre-Colonial Era C. Japanese colonization era
B. Spanish colonization era D. American colonization era

6. Which refers to the art and technique of designing and building,

as distinguished from the skill associated with construction.?
A. Architecture C. Plastic Art
B. Graphic Visual Art D. Sculpture

7. Who is founder of the Academia de Dibujo y Pintura, the first school of drawing in the Philippines (1821)
A. Damian Domingo C. Carlos Francisco
B. Emilio Alvero D. Juan Arellano

8. Which of the following is NOT a manifestation of art in the Philippines?

A. Art mirrors the history, culture, traditions, and the
Filipino themselves.
B. Art forms when integrated will give a clear picture of what kind of country the Philippines is
and kind of people Filipinos are.
C. Art identifies the economic and social status of the
D. Art plays a significant part in the rich cultural identity of the country.

9. In which era arts became expression of people’s aspiration

for a just, free, and sovereign society?
A. Modern Era C. Contemporary Era
C. Spanish Era D. American Era
10. In response to the Japanese propaganda, Filipino painters reacted by producing art works such “A Day
Begins” in 1942. Who is the painter?
A. Vicente Alvarez Dizon C. Carlos Francisco
B. Diosdado Lorenzo D. Damian Domingo

11. Which period art became tool to propagate the religion and faith?
A. Japanese colonization era C. Pre-Colonial Era
B. Spanish colonization era D. American colonization era

12. A Classicism artist Fabian dela Rosa (1869 – 1937) was the first
of note for the 20th century.
A. Sculptor C. Painter
B. Writer D. Graphic Artist

13. Which among these arts are considered performance art?

i. Musical Art
ii. Visual Art
iii. Movement Art
iv. Cinematic Art
A. Only i and ii are considered performance art
B. Only iii is considered performance art
C. Only i and iii are considered performance art
D. All mentioned arts are considered performance art

14. What is Visual Art?

A. An art that produces sound and silence
B. An art that you can look at.
C. An art that creates sounds and movements
D. An art that creates sequences through body movements
15. In response to the Japanese propaganda, Filipino painters react- ed by producing art works such “A Day
Begins” in 1942. Who is the painter?
A. Vicente Alvarez Dizon C. Diosdado Lorenzo
B. Carlos Francisco D. Damian Domingo
16. What arts are primarily for the aesthetic enjoyment through the senses, especially visual and
A. Fine Arts C. Utilitarian Arts
B. Literary Arts D. Industrial Arts
17. Which of the following best describes "contemporary art?
A. It is the art of the past. C. It is a traditional art.
B. It is a religious art. D. It is the art of the present.
18. Which of the following is the political function of art?
A variety show of some artist are for free because they want
to showcase their passion in their craft.
B. Schools are constructed to have a good learning environ- ment for the learners.
C. Houses and buildings are constructed to protect people
and all other things inside them.
D. Mayor Isko Moreno used painting murals to beautify the walls in Manila and make it alive.
19. Which of the following is NOT the importance of arts from the economic perspective?
A. It can attract overseas talents to work and contribute to the economy
B. It brings in the tourist dollar
C. the arts need funds to thrive
D. the spirit of creativity in the arts helps to boost innovation necessary for the knowledge-based
20. Who is the "Father of Filipino Painting" ALIAS "The First Great
Filipino Painter"
A. Juan Luna C. Fernando Amorsolo
B. Damian Domingo D. Vicente A. Dizon

I. Matching Type: Match the following Era from Column A to the characteristics of arts in Column B. Write
your answer on the space provided.

21. Contemporary Era A. National Identity

22. Islamic Era B. Orientalizing
23. American Colonization Era C. Geometric Designs
24. Modern Era D. Faith and Cathechism
25. Japanese Colonization Era E. Secular Art forms
F. Social Realism

II. True or False : On the space provided, Write TRUE if the

statement is correct and FALSE if it is wrong.
26. Angono-based painter, depicted Philippine history in his “History of Manila” mural at the
Manila City Hall
27. Plastic Art are those visual arts that have length and width; thus they are also called two-
dimensional arts - described as flat arts because they are seen on flat surfaces.
28. The thinking or present condition of mind can affect art creation.
29.Modern era in Philippine Art began after World War 1 and the granting of Independence.
30. Emilio Alvero later produced several pointillist works.


Directions: Write the letter of the best answer on your answer sheet.

1. Social Science, the study of how people interact with one another, has several branches.
Which branch is defined as the systematic study of biological, cultural, and social aspects of man?
A. Political Science C. Economics
B. Anthropology D. Sociology

2. All social science branches have their own goals. What branch has the goal of making people
better citizens?
A. Sociology C. Anthropology
B. Economics D. Political Science

3. Sociology is the systematic examination of human social structures and relationships. Which of the
following correctly states the goal of sociology as a science?
A. Keep social order and harmony among different group of people.
B. To look at what makes people the same to understand more about human nature
C. To obtain possible theories and principles about society as well as various aspects of
social life
D. Discover what makes people different from each other to understand and preserve

4. Tinikling is a traditional Philippine folkdance which originated during the Spanish colonial era. it
was transferred by our ancestors. What characteristic or aspect of culture is being referred to?
A. Culture is learned. C. Culture is continuous.
B. Culture is shared. D. Culture is transmitted.

5. The following are all considered as means of transmitting culture among members of the society.
Which one is the main vehicle of passing culture from one generation to another generation?
A. Instruction B. Imitation C. Language D. Symbols

6. In the Philippines, “Bayanihan spirit is one of the communal unities, helping others without
expecting any rewards to achieve a certain goal. Bayanihan also meant helping one’s neighbors
move their house- literally, then it change into modern bayanihan like Community pantries during
covid 19. Their ways of helping others have gone thorough changes but still lives up until today.
What is best word to describe culture?
A. continuous B. learned C. shared D. transmitted

7. Culture, customs, and traditions are interdependent terms that represent the life of people living
together. This interdependency forms a certain kind of cultural view about other cultures from the
perspective of a particular culture. Which type of cultural view is described as “the attitude that other
societies’ customs and traditions and idea s should be judged in the context of one’s own culture”?
A. Colonialism B. Cultural Relativism C. Ethnocentrism D. Imperialism

8. Having more than one wife is not bad from a Muslim point of view. In relation, people must see this
custom within the context of Muslims’ problems and opportunities. What kind of view is
illustrated here?
A. Barbarism B. Cultural relativism
C. Egocentrism D. Ethnocentrism

9. You are an overseas Filipino worker who went to Japan for the first time. During the first few days
of your stay, you are disoriented and frustrated due to your exposure to a very strange culture. What does
this situation signify?
A. Culture shock C. Cultural relativism
B. Cultural diversity D. Fear of culture

10. In the study of human culture, various terminologies are important to understanding the different
aspects and characteristics of people living together in a culture. What cultural term refers to the
perspective that promotes an individual’s culture as the most efficient and superior?
A. Cultural Relativism C. Culture Shock
B. Cultural Variation D. Ethnocentrism

11. In the history of human cultural evolution, group of people evolved into society and societies evolved
into civilizations because of their profound discoveries and development. There are three notable stages
in human cultural evolution. Which statement tells the correct timeline of these evolutions?
A. Age of Metal, Neolithic Period, Paleolithic Period
B. Neolithic Period, Paleolithic Period, Age of Metal
C. Paleolithic Period, Age of Metal, Neolithic Period
D. Paleolithic Period, Neolithic Period, Age of Metal

12. There are some social events which require public declaration towards a certain purpose or function
in relation to the structure of society. Which among the following is a social event where the partners
make a public official and permanent declaration of their union as lifetime couples?
A. Baptism B. Courtship C. Marriage D. Sacrament of Confirmation

13. Relationship is an important aspect in the growth and development of a society. It is the foundation
of the system of social institutions. What is a system of social relationships between people based on
blood or marriage?
A. Affinal Kinship B. Consanguineal Kinship
C. Descent D. Kinship

14. Marissa is a production operator in a big company here in the Philippines. She was
concerned about her compensation and benefits. Which among the following Non-State
institutions will help her most in her situation?
A. Banks B. Trade Unions C. Corporation D. Cooperatives

15. Institutions can be broadly categorized as State Institutions and Non State institutions.
Which among the following statements below describes a Non State institution?
A. It is established to aid the government to fill in the gap between the state and its people.
B. It exists to contribute in the progress of the economy.
C. It is characterized as the most influential institution in the government.
D. It raises awareness on certain issues such as Amnesty International for human rights violations

16. Banks are examples of non-state institutions which play an important role in peoples live
and their livelihood. In what particular way do banks help people?
A. They look after the well-being of the workers.
B. They provide facts about the life’s various realities to influence policy-making.
C. They influence the government to take action on matters commonly neglected.
D. They help people acquire money or property in order to start a business.

17. In the Philippine setting, there are various types of institutions. Some institutions are privately
owned by group of people or companies, while others are government controlled. Which among
the following examples of institutions is a State institution?
A. Sorosoro Ibaba Development Cooperative (SIDC)
B. SM Development Corporation (SMDC)
C. Trade Union Congress of the Philippines
D. Armed Forces of the Philippines

18. Religious organizations, academic institutions, mass media, research teams are examples of
what kind of Non state institution?
A. Transnational advocacy group C. Development agencies
B. Civil organizations D. Corporations
19. Formal education refers to the systematic and deliberate process of hierarchically structural and
sequential learning. Choosing from following statement, how would you give an example to
describe a formal education?
A. Angela is currently enrolled as grade 12 student at Badillo Eastern Academy
B. Edrian enjoys practical training on shielded metal arc welding at TESDA.
C. With the desire to finish her education, Junilyn continued her education despite her
age at the community learning center.
D. With Maynard’s intelligence and ability, he was included in the Headway School for
giftedness (HSG) in Quezon City, Philippines.
20. Alternative Learning System (ALS) is a parallel learning system in the Philippines that provides
a practical option to the existing formal instruction. If you are in an ALS school, in what
kind of scenario you can demonstrate your being an ALS learner?
A. an irregular senior high school learner at Ibaan Senior High School.
B. attending National Certification course training in TESDA.
C. enrolled in a specialized learning-based school in Manila.
D. attend class in a community learning center every once a week.
21. Both formal and nonformal education has its own distinctive characteristics. How can you
describe the distinction of a formal from a nonformal education?
A. In a formal education you allow the transmission of culture while in the nonformal
education it does not happen.
B. In a formal education setting you are in a classroom based learning process which in a
nonformal education setting you are attending in a community-based learning program.
C. In nonformal education you can describe it as progressive learning process while in
a formal education setting is a regressive learning setting.
D. In a nonformal education you experience hierarchy of grade level structure while in a
formation education.

22. Social stratification has three social classes. If you belong to the middle class, how would you
see yourself belonging in the following group below?
A. Stockholders and investors, and owners of well-known companies from different industries
B. Elite individuals or groups of people that are most prolific and successful in their
respective areas
C. Skilled and unskilled artisans, farm employees, underemployed, and underprivileged families
D. Groups of people like lawyers, doctors, managers, owners of small businesses in the
locality, and executives who work in the corporate world

23. In an open system, people have the multiple chances to change status in their society. If you
live in a society with an open system of stratification, how are you being classified in your
current social class?
A. Based on inherited status from the parents.
B. Through the system of marriage and ancestry.
C. Through the system of meritocracy or personal achievement.
D. Based on ascribed status which is the assigned status at birth.

24. According to Functionalist Theory, social inequality is functional in society. By giving a

situation, how can you show that this is true?
A. A billionaire would build his own building instead of hiring carpenters.
B. Less privileged people are getting angry at wealthy individuals for being rich.
C. A wealthy businessperson would hire a plumber to do repairs when he needs.
D. Wealthy individuals are getting angry with the less privileged people for being poor.
25. In a close system society, people have less chance to be in another social status. If you
live in a society with a closed system of stratification, how are you being classified in your
current social class?
A. According to both ascribed and achieved status.
B. Based on the assigned or inherited status at birth.
C. Based on personal achievement, race, and ancestry.
D. According to the system of meritocracy and personal effort.

26. Migration is both a cause and effect of broader development processes and an intrinsic feature
of our globalizing world. There are several factors that affect migration which can be classified
as push and pull factors. Push factors, commonly referred as forced migration, “push” people
away from their home and include things like war. How forced migration could be
A. A family moving to United States from Mexico in search of work
B. Africans being taken from Africa to be sold into slavery
C. Europeans establishing colonies in the New World
D. People leaving the Philippines for better jobs

27. Political change denotes alterations in the governmental aspect of a society, such as changes in
the administrative, executive, legislative, judicial, and constitutional processes, systems, and
structures. As a member of society, how can you adopt in the event of political change?
A. Join the protest conducted by groups in the street
B. Abide with the rules and laws of the society despite political change
C. Tell your parents that politics in your community is keep changing
D. Write an essay about political change in your community

28. Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) has great impact in the Philippine economy. If you are an
OFW, how could you best help our economy?
A. Through patronizing local products to help local producers
B. Through inviting foreigners to visit your home country
C. Through buying product abroad to send in my family
D. Through sending remittances to my family

29. Globalization is one the crucial contemporary issues in the world. There are positive and
negative effects of it to different nations. Among the following statement below, how would
demonstrate the negative effect of globalization?
A. It results to vacuum of labor force in country where people left to work abroad.
B. It results to increase of gross domestic product of the country
C. It results to broadening networks and communication of a country
D. It results to protection and distribution of economic support

30. Political change is manifested in different policies enacted by the government to address social
and economic issues. Given the following statement below, how would you use political
change to explain the current economic situation of our country?
A. issues related to territory
B. administrative and executive positions
C. inflation rate in the prices of basic commodities.
D. International companies’ investment to our economy.

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