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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

Name________________________________________________ Score:________

Direction: Read the questions in each item and encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. Which of the following sentences is an example of a first-person point of view?

a. Agnes used her pocket money to buy herself a story books.
b. My classmates and I run quickly to our classroom when the bell rang.
c. She went to the library and look for her assignment.
d. Little brother could not dress himself.

2. The duck went quack in the lake. Which word is an example of onomatopoeia?
a. Duck
b. Quack
c. Lake
d. Went

3. Which is the action word in the sentence? The dog chewed the toy into little
a. Chewed
b. Dog
c. Little
d. Toy

4. Her Father is jobless. What is the meaning of the word jobless?

a. Has no work
b. Has many work
c. Does not want to work
d. Employed

5. Which of the following word is an example of a mass noun?

a. Mango
b. Sugar
c. Trees
d. Tomato

6. Which is of the following is a count noun?

a. Juice
b. Blood
c. Animal
d. Milk
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
7. Our classroom is too noisy; so, I look for a quiet place to study. What are the
antonyms in the sentence?
a. Classroom – study
b. Quiet – Noisy
c. Noisy – Study
d. Classroom – Noisy

8. I brush my teeth with a toothbrush twice a day. What is the compound word in the
a. Brush
b. Teeth
c. Twice
d. Toothbrush

9. Tomorrow is Saturday, so I will _______ basketball.

a. Play
b. Played
c. Plays
d. Playing

10. The show ended and everyone in the audience clapped. This is probably
a. They do not like the show
b. They all liked the show
c. The show was boring
d. The show is not good

11. Which of the following sentences is an example of Fantasy?

a. The cat meowed loudly.
b. The dog laughed as he chased the cat.
c. The pigs were rolling around in the mud.
d. The turtle crawl slowly.

12. It can be defined as additional information that explains, defines, or proves an

a. Main Idea
b. Conclusion
c. Supporting Details
d. Topic

Read carefully the following paragraph and identify the main idea. Choose the letter of
the correct answer.
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Department of Education
Adah has a cute dog named Skye. Skye was rescued from the pound a year ago. When
Adah and her father went to pick Skye up, there were many more dogs and cats that
needed new homes. Adah wished she could adopt all of them.

13. What is the main idea of the paragraph?

A. Adah's dog is named Skye.
B. Adah and her dad went to adopt a dog from the pound.
C. There were many animals that needed new homes.
D. Adah wished she could adopt more animals.

Elisha sings in the church choir. She sings a solo every week. Everyone looks forward
to hearing her. She has the voice of an angel.

14. What is the main idea of the paragraph?

A. Elisha goes to church.

B. She sang a solo each week.
C. Elisha is a great singer.
D. The church has a choir.

Water is very important for human to survive. It quenches our thirst. It cools down our
body temperature. It is a liquid that sustains life. We cannot survive without water.

15. What is the main idea?

A. Water quenches our thirst.
B. It is a liquid that sustains life.
C. Water cools down our body.
D. Water plays an important role for human to survive.

16. The birds flew across the sky.

A. Reality
B. Fantasy
C. Both A and B
D. None of the above

17. When the car got tired, it stopped to take a rest.

A. Reality
B. Fantasy
C. Both A and B

D. None of the above.

18. The little girl read a book about animals in the jungle.

A. Reality
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B. Fantasy
C. Both A and B
D. None of the above

19. Talitha is a timid girl. What is the synonym of the word timid?

A. shy
B. good
C. happy
D. thin
20. The cop got angry when he saw the thief.
What is the synonym of the word angry?

A. dirty
B. aged
C. mad
D. jealous

21. Our house is a beautiful place to live

because it is clean. What is the opposite
of the word clean?
A. big
B. dirty
C. new
D. old

22. Dan _________ a letter to his teacher.

A. buys
B. says
C. cries
D. writes

23. I _________ milk every day to make

my bones strong.
A. drink
B. cook
C. spill
D. throw

24. Mark ________ his teeth twice a day.

A. cuts
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Department of Education
B. fixes
C. brushes
D. eats

25. Cinderella, who was bullied by her sisters, what is the story element?
a. Setting
b. Plot
c. Character
d. None of the above

Read the passage below and answer the following.

The Fox and the Grapes a short story
by Aesop.
One sunny Monday in a forest, a fox became very hungry as he went to search for some
food. He searched high and low but couldn’t find something that he could eat.
Finally, as his stomach rumbled, he stumbled upon a wall and there he saw the biggest,
juiciest grapes he’d ever seen. They had a rich, purple color, telling the fox they were
ready to be eaten. To reach the grapes, the fox had to jump high in the air. As he
jumped, he opened his mouth to catch the grapes, but he missed. The fox tried again
but missed yet again. He tried a few more times but kept failing. Finally, the fox decided
it was time to give up and go home. While he walked away, he muttered, “I’m sure the
grapes were sour anyway.”

26-31. Arrange the following events according to the story you have read. Write a
number on the blank provided.
___26. He searched high and low, but couldn’t find something that he could eat.
___27. A fox became very hungry as he went to search for some food.
___28. To reach the grapes, the fox had to jump high in the air.
___ 29. he stumbled upon a wall and there he saw the biggest, juiciest grapes
he’d ever seen
___ 30. The fox decided it was time to give up and go home.
___ 31. he opened his mouth to catch the grapes, but he missed.

32. What is the meaning of the following figure of speech?

My brother and I fight like cats and dogs all the time.
a. to wander a lot
b. to fight or argue a lot
c. to care a lot
d. to study a lot

33. Which of the following tells fact-based information?

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
a. Ice cream is nicer than chocolate
b. Sunny days make people happy
c. The sun sets in the afternoon
d. The Grade 4 class is the best in school

34. The Grade 4 basketball team successfully advanced to the finals.. The underlined
word is what type of noun?
a. Collective noun
b. common noun
c. abstract noun
d. proper noun

35. Honesty is the best policy. The underlined word is what type of noun?
a. Collective noun
b. common noun
c. abstract noun
d. proper noun

36. The moon shines so bright. The underlined word is what type of noun?
a. Collective noun
b. common noun
c. abstract noun
d. concrete noun

Read carefully the short poem titled “Running Water” by Lee Emmett. Pick out words
from the poem that exemplify consonance. Choose the letter of the correct answer.

Running Water (Lee Emmett)

Water plops into the pond

Splish-splash downhill
Warbling magpies in a tree
Trilling, melodic thrill
Whoosh, passing breeze
Flags flutter and flap
Frog croaks, bird whistles
Babbling bubbles from the tap.

37. Which of the following phrases in the poem is consonance?

a. Splish-splash downhill
b. Trilling, melodic thrill
c. Flags flutter and flap
d. Frog croaks, bird whistle
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
38. Which of the following is an example of sound device consonance?

a. clang and clash

b. bells, bells, bells
c. bells, bells, bells
d. desperate desire

39. Which of the following sentences is an example of Simile?

A. A wicked whisper came and changed my life.
B. She swims like a fish.
C. My life is an open book.
D. The fire station burned down last night.

40. The following sentences are examples of Metaphor, EXCEPT:

A. You are my sunshine.
B. Life is but a dream.
C. My life is an open book.
D. He’s as thin as a rail.

41. The following sentences are examples of Simile, EXCEPT

A. In the fresh air, her cheeks are like red roses.
B. I’m as hungry as a wolf.
C. The sun was a large balloon.

D. My uncle is as straight as an arrow.

Item 42-45. Read the sentences carefully. Identify the meaning of the underlined
words as used in the sentence. Choose the letter of the correct answer.

42. The cruel man stole his neighbor's car.

A. bad mannered
B. kindhearted
C. good citizen
D. funny
43. Her mother's ancestors came from France many years ago.
A. enemies
B. workmates
C. family
D. classmates
44. Mother loves us so much. She sleeps late at night and wakes up early
in the morning to cook food and wash our clothes. She takes care of us
and makes everything fine. What a selfless person she is!
A. has no name
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
B. proud
C. cares more about others than herself
D. selfish

45. My aged grandfather who lives in Better Living Subdivision can hardly read
the words in the newspaper.
A. young
B. old
C. strong
D. active

Item 46-48. Choose the correct order of adjectives. Choose the letter of the correct
A. three blue, square tiles
B. three square, blue tiles
C. blue tiles, three square
D. square tiles, three blue

A. a beautiful, big, silver truck
B. a silver, big, beautiful truck
C. a truck big, beautiful silver
D. a silver truck, beautiful, big

A. a lazy, young man
B. a young, lazy man
C. a man, lazy young
D. young, man lazy

49. Which image shows a sample of a true hero in the community?

a. b. b. c.

50. It conveys the purpose of technology in education.

a. b. c.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education

51. What visual elements are portrayed in this picture?

a. Lines, symbols, colors

b. Nature and environment

c. Feelings and emotions

52. What type of lines are used in the picture?

a. Straight lines b. curved lines c. vertical lines

53. The purpose of this image is____.
a. to entertain
b. to educate
c. to persuade
54. 5. The purpose of this image is____.
a. to entertain
b. to educate
c. to persuade

Based on the pictures below answer the following questions:

a. b. c.

55. Which of these images is real? ______

56 Which of these images is just a make-believe? _____
Read the statements in each item. Then choose the letter of the correct answer.

a. fact statement b. non- fact statement

______57. iPhones are better than Android phones.

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
_____58. Carabaos are herbivores because they only eat grasses.

59. Which of the following is an example of a graphic element commonly used in

multimedia presentations?

a. Audio clip b. Video clip c. Photograph

60. Which multimedia element is best suited for representing numerical data in a visually
appealing way?

a. Audio clip b. Video clip c. Graph

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education

1. A
2. C
3. D
4. A
5. B
6. A
7. A
8. C
9. B
10. D
11. A
12. C

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