Screening 8

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Introduction (f) Desliming or de-dusting, to remove fine mate-

rial, generally below 0.5 mm from a wet or
Industrial sizing is extensively used for size
dry feed; and
separations from 300 mm down to around (g) Trash removal, usually to remove wood fibres
401xm, although the efficiency decreases rapidly
from a fine slurry stream.
with fineness. Dry screening is generally limited
to material above about 5 mm in size, while wet
screening down to around 250txm is common. Performance of screens
Although there are screen types that are capable In its simplest form, the screen is a surface having
of efficient size separations down to 40 Ixm, sizing many apertures, or holes, usually with uniform
below 250 ~m is also undertaken by classification dimensions. Particles presented to that surface will
(Chapter 9). Selection between screening and clas- either pass through or be retained, according to
sification is influenced by the fact that finer separa- whether the particles are smaller or larger than the
tions demand large areas of screening surface and governing dimensions of the aperture. The effi-
therefore can be expensive compared with classifi- ciency of screening is determined by the degree of
cation for high-throughput applications. perfection of separation of the material into size
The types of screening equipment are many fractions above or below the aperture size.
and varied. Likewise, there are a wide range of There has been no universally accepted method
screening objectives. The main purposes in the of defining screen performance and a number of
minerals industry are: methods are employed. The most common screen
performance criteria are those which define an effi-
(a) Sizing or Classifying, to separate particles by ciency based on the recovery of material at a given
size, usually to provide a downstream unit size, or on the mass of misplaced material in each
process with the particle size range suited to product. This immediately leads to a range of possi-
that unit operation; bilities, such as undersize in the overscreen product,
(b) Scalping, to remove the coarsest size fractions oversize in the through-screen product, or a combi-
in the feed material, usually so that they can nation of the two.
be crushed or removed from the process; An efficiency equation can be calculated from a
(c) Grading, to prepare a number of products mass balance across a screen as follows:
within specified size ranges. This is impor- Consider a screen (Figure 8.1) the feed to which
tant in quarrying and iron ore, where the final is F t h -~. Two products are generated. A coarse
product size is an important part of the speci- product of C t h -~ overflows from the screen, and
fication; a fine product of U t h -1 passes through the screen.
(d) Media recovery, for washing magnetic media Let f be the fraction of material above the cut
from ore in dense medium circuits; point size in the feed; c be the fraction of material
(e) Dewatering, to drain free moisture from a wet above the cut point size in the overflow; and u be
sand slurry; the fraction of material above the cut point size in
Industrial screening 187

F t h -1 material from the underflow and the fine material

from the overflow.
A combined effectiveness, or overall efficiency,
E, is then obtained by multiplying the two equa-
tions together:
c ( f - u)(1 - u ) ( c - f )
E = (8.3)
f ( c - u)2(1 - f )
"~-'-'--"-"'~ C t h "1 For screens where the aperture and the cut point
are similar (and if there are no broken or deformed
apertures), the amount of coarse material in the
Uth q underflow is usually very low. A simplification of
Equation 8.3 can be obtained by assuming that it is,
Figure 8.1 Mass balance on a screen
in fact, zero (i.e., u = 0), in which case the formula
for fines recovery and that for the overall efficiency
the underflow, f , c, and u can be determined by both reduce to:
sieving a representative sample of each of the frac- c-f
tions on a laboratory screen of the same aperture E= (8.4)
c(1 - f )
size as the industrial screen and assuming this to
be 100% efficient. This formula is widely used and implies that
recovery of the coarse material in the overflow
The mass balance on the screen is:
is 100%.
F-C+U Formulae such as the one derived are accept-
able for assessing the efficiency of a screen under
The mass balance of the oversize material is"
different conditions, operating on the same feed.
F f --Cc + Uu They do not, however, give an absolute value of
the efficiency, as no allowance is made for the diffi-
and the mass balance of the undersize material is: culty of the separation. A feed composed mainly
F(1 - f ) -- C(1 - c) + U(1 - u) of particles of a size near to that of the screen
aperture - "near size" material - presents a more
Hence difficult separation than a feed composed mainly
C f-u of very coarse and very fine particles with a screen
F c-u aperture intermediate between them.
An efficiency or partition curve for a screen is
drawn by plotting the partition coefficient, defined
U c-f as the percentage of the feed reporting to the over-
F c-u size product, against the geometric mean size on a
The recovery of oversize material into the screen logarithmic scale. (For particles in the range, say,
overflow is" 8.0 + 6.3 mm, the geometric mean size is v/(8 x
6.3) = 7.1 mm. Figure 8.2 shows ideal and real
Cc c ( f - u)
= (8.1) partition curves (see also Chapter 9).
Ff f(c-u) The separation size, or cut point, is obtained at
and the corresponding recovery of undersize mate- 50% probability, i.e. the size at which a particle
rial in the screen underflow is" has equal chance of reporting to the undersize or
U ( 1 - u) oversize product. The cut point is always less than
the size of the largest apertures.
F(1 - f )
The efficiency of separation is assessed from
(1 - u)(c - f )
the steepness of the curve (see Chapter 9). The
efficiency curve effectively models the screen, and
(1-f)(c-u) can be used for simulation and design purposes
These two relationships (8.1) and (8.2), measure the (Ferrara and Preti, 1975; Lynch and Narayanan,
effectiveness of the screen in separating the coarse 1986; Napier-Munn et al., 1996).
188 Wills' Mineral Processing Technology

passage, and factors that influence the number of

100 u
,,.-- i
opportunities the particles are given to pass through
the screen mesh.

Particle size Taggart (1945) calculates some

probabilities of passage related to the particle size

50 using Equation 8.7, which are shown in Table 8.1.

The figures relate the probable chance per thousand
o of unrestricted passage through a square aper-
ture of a spherical particle and give the probable
number of apertures in series in the path of the
particle necessary to ensure its passage through the
I screen.
Cut- Screen Size
point aperture
Table 8.1 Probability of passage
Figure 8.2 Partition curve
Ratio of particle Chance of Number of
to aperture size passage per 1000 apertures
Factors affecting screen performance required in path
Screen effectiveness must always be coupled with 0.001 998 1
capacity as it is often possible by the use of a 0.01 980 2
low feed rate and a very long screening time to 0.1 810 2
effect an almost complete separation. At a given 0.2 640 2
capacity, the effectiveness depends on the nature of 0.3 490 2
the screening operation, i.e. on the overall chance 0.4 360 3
of a particle passing through the screen once it has 0.5 250 4
reached it. 0.6 140 7
0.7 82 12
The process of screening is frequently described
0.8 40 25
as a series of probabilistic events, where particles 0.9 9.8 100
are presented to a screening surface many times, 0.95 2.0 500
and on each presentation there exists a given prob- 0.99 o. 1 104
ability that a particle of a given size will pass. In 0.999 0.001 106
its simplest form, the probability of passage for a
single spherical particle size d passing a square
aperture with a size x bordered by a wire diameter It can be seen from Table 8.1 that as the particle
w in a single event is given by the Gaudin (1939) size approaches that of the aperture, the chance of
equation: passage falls off very rapidly. The overall screening
efficiency is markedly reduced by the proportion of
= (8.5) these near-mesh particles. The effect of near-mesh
P +w
particles is compounded because these particles
or given that the fraction of open area fo is defined tend to "peg" or "plug" the apertures, reducing the
as xZ/(x + w)2: available open area. This problem is often found on
screens run in closed circuit with crushers, where
P - f o ( 1 - -d ) 2 (8.6) a build-up of near-mesh material can occur and
progressively reduce screening efficiency.
The probability of passage for n presentations is
calculated by: Feed rate The principle of sieve sizing analysis
is to use a low feed rate and a very long screening
p'--(1 _p)n (8.7)
time to effect an almost complete separation. In
Screening performance is therefore affected by industrial screening practice, economics dictate that
factors that influence the probability of particle relatively high feed rates and short particle dwell
Industrial screening 189

times on the screen should be used. At these high Open area generally decreases with the fineness
feed rates, a thick bed of material is presented to the of the screen aperture. In order to increase the
screen, and fines must travel to the bottom of the open area of a fine screen, very thin and fragile
particle bed before they have an opportunity to pass wires or deck construction must be used. This
through the screen surface. The net effect is reduced fragility and the low throughput capacity are the
efficiency. High capacity and high efficiency are main reasons for classifiers replacing screens at fine
often opposing requirements for any given separa- aperture sizes.
tion, and a compromise is necessary to achieve the
Vibration Screens are vibrated in order to throw
optimum result.
particles off the screening surface so that they can
Screen angle The Gaudin Equation (8.6) assumes again be presented to the screen, and to convey the
that the particle approaches the aperture perpen- particles along the screen. The fight type of vibra-
dicular to the aperture. If a particle approaches tion also induces stratification of the feed material
the aperture at a shallow angle, it will "see" a (Figure 8.3), which allows the fines to work through
narrower effective aperture dimension and near- the layer of particles to the screen surface while
mesh particles are less likely to pass. The slope causing larger particles to rise to the top. Stratifi-
of the screening surface affects the angle at which cation tends to increase the rate of passage in the
particles are presented to the screen apertures. middle section of the screen (Soldinger, 1999).
Some screens utilise this effect to achieve separa- The vibration must be sufficient to prevent
tions significantly finer than the screen aperture. pegging and blinding. However, excessive vibra-
For example, sieve bends cut at approximately half tion intensity will cause particles to bounce from
the aperture size. Where screening efficiency is the screen deck and be thrown so far from the
important, horizontal screens are selected. surface that there are very few effective presenta-
The screen angle also affects the speed at which tions to the screen surface. Higher vibration rates
particles are conveyed along the screen, and there- can, in general, be used with higher feed rates, as
fore the dwell time on the screen and the number of the deeper bed of material has a "cushioning" effect
opportunities particles have of passing the screen which inhibits particle bounce.
surface. Vibration can be characterised by the vibration
frequency, f cycles per second, and amplitude, a
Particle shape Most granular materials processed metres. The term "stroke" is commonly used and
on screens are non-spherical. While spherical parti- refers to the peak-to-peak amplitude, or 2a. Gener-
cles pass with equal probability in any orientation, ally, screening at larger apertures is performed
irregular-shaped near-mesh particles must orient using larger amplitudes and lower frequencies;
themselves in an attitude that permits them to whereas for fine apertures, small amplitudes and
pass. Elongated and slabby particles will present high frequencies are preferred. The intensity of
a small cross-section for passage in some orien- vibration is defined by the vibration g-force, F:
tations and a large cross-section in others. The a(27rf) 2
extreme particle shapes therefore have a low r = (8.8)
screening efficiency. Mica, for instance, screens Vibrating screens typically operate with a vibra-
poorly on square aperture screens, its flat, plate- tion force of between 3 and 7 times the gravitational
like crystals tending to "ride" over the screen acceleration, or 3G-7G. Vibrations are induced by
apertures. mechanical exciters driven by electric motors or
electrical solenoids in the case of high frequency
Open area The chance of passing through the
screens. The power required is small compared to
aperture is proportional to the percentage of open
other unit operations within the concentrator, and
area in the screen material, which is defined as the
is approximately proportional to the loaded mass
ratio of the net area of the apertures to the whole
of the screen.
area of the screening surface. The smaller the area
occupied by the screen deck construction material, Moisture The amount of surface moisture present
the greater the chance of a particle reaching an in the feed has a marked effect on screening effi-
aperture. ciency, as does the presence of clays and other
190 Wills' Mineral Processing Technology

Mixed screen feed of

coarse and fine particles

Material stratifies:
Nearsize and oversize
particles at the top of
the bed

Separate screening:
Nearsize particles in
o ~o o~ o ~ ~f 9 ~o~-~~ ~ contact with the screen
o o o~ OoO ~4 ~ surface
o o OO
0 0 ~ 0 o
o o o 0~
o 0
o o

Stratified region ~ 7
experiences a high
rate of screening ~9m

Figure 8.3 Stratification of particles on a screen (Courtesy JKMRC and JKTech Pty Ltd)

sticky materials. Damp feeds screen very poorly through a screening surface. The two dominant
as they tend to agglomerate and "blind" the screen theories are probabilistic, treating the process as a
apertures. As a rule of thumb, screening at less series of probabilistic events, and kinetic, treating
than around 5 mm aperture size must be performed the process as one or more kinetic rate processes.
on perfectly dry or wet material, unless special The model by Whiten (1972) extends the theory
measures are taken to prevent blinding. These developed by Gaudin (Equation 8.6) to develop an
measures may include using heated decks to break efficiency curve model containing a single model
the surface tension of water between the screen wire parameter.
and particles, ball-decks (a wire cage containing The model by Ferrara and Preti (1975) describes
balls directly below the screening surface) to impart rate of passage through the screen as a function
additional vibration to the underside of the screen of the screen length. They proposed a zero-order
cloth, or the use of non-blinding screen cloth rate of passage for the heavily loaded section of the
weaves. screen, followed by a first-order rate governing the
Wet screening allows finer sizes to be processed passage of particles in the lightly loaded section of
efficiently down to 2501xm and finer. Adherent the process.
fines are washed off large particles, and the screen Both of these models have been used extensively
is cleaned by the flow of pulp and additional water to model industrial screening data.
Empirical models Empirical or capacity models
aim to predict the required area of screen and are
M a t h e m a t i c a l m o d e l s of s c r e e n s frequently used by screen manufacturers. There are
Screen models aim to predict the size distribution a number of different formulations of these models.
and flow of the screen products. Models in the Most aim to predict the quantity of undersize that
literature can be classified as: can pass through the screen.

(1) phenomenological models that incorporate a Theoretical area required

theory of the screening process; Total t/h undersize in feed
(2) empirical models based on empirical data; and
CxF 1xF 2 xF 3 x... xF,
(3) numerical models based on computer solu-
tions of Newtonian mechanics. where
C - Base-line screen capacity in t/h of undersize
Phenomenological models Phenomenological per unit area.
models are based on the theory of particle passage F 1 to F, are correction factors.
Industrial screening 191

Common correction factors include corrections techniques such as the Discrete Element Method
for the quantity of oversize (material larger than (DEM) will gain wider application in the modelling
the aperture), half-size (material less than half the of industrial screens, and assist in the design and
aperture size), and near-size (material between 75 optimisation of new screening machines.
and 125% of the aperture size; the density of mate-
rial being screened; whether the screen is a top Screen types
deck or a lower deck on a multi-deck screen; the
open area of the screen cloth; whether square or There are numerous different types of industrial
slotted apertures are used; whether wet-screening screens available. The dominant screen type in
is employed; and the desired screening efficiency. industrial applications is the vibrating screen, of
The values of the base-line capacity and for each which there are many sub-types in use for coarse
of the factors are given in the form of tables or and fine-screening applications. There are also
charts. Karra (1979) has converted these data into numerous other screen types in wide use for both
equation form so that they can be implemented in coarse and fine screening applications.
a spreadsheet.
While these capacity-based calculations are Vibrating screens
popular, they should be treated as a guide only
Vibrating screens are the most important and versa-
(Olsen and Coombe, 2003). They have been devel-
tile screening machines for mineral processing
oped for a specific type of screen: inclined circular
applications (Crissman, 1986). The success of the
stroke vibrating screens using standard wire-mesh
vibrating screen has made many older screen types
screen cloth. Because there are many other vari-
obsolete in the minerals industry including shaking
ables and many other screen types and screening
and reciprocating screens, details of which can be
surfaces in use, accurate screen selection for a
found in Taggart (1945). Vibrating screens have a
particular application is best done by seeking advice
rectangular screening surface with feed and over-
from reputable equipment suppliers together with
size discharge at opposite ends. They perform size
pilot-scale testing.
separations from 300mm in size down to 45 Ixm
Numerical models Numerical computer simu- and they are used in a variety of sizing, grading,
lations are being increasingly used to model scalping, dewatering, wet screening, and washing
the behaviour of particles in various processing applications.
equipment including screens (Cleary, 2003); see Vibrating screens of most types can be manu-
Figure 8.4. It is expected that numerical simulation factured with more than one screening deck. On
multiple-deck systems, the feed is introduced to the
top coarse screen; the undersize falling through to
the lower screen decks, thus producing a range of
sized fractions from a single screen.

Inclined screens Inclined or circular motion

screens (Figure 8.5) are widely used as sizing
screens. A vertical circular or elliptical vibration is
induced mechanically by the rotation of unbalanced
weights or flywheels attached usually to a single
drive shaft (see Box 8.1). The amplitude of throw
can be adjusted by adding or removing weight
elements bolted to the flywheels. The rotation
direction can be contra-flow or in-flow. Contra-
flow slows the material more and permits more effi-
cient separation, whereas in-flow permits a greater
throughput. Single-shaft screens must be installed
Figure 8.4 Screen simulated with DEM (Courtesy on a slope, usually between 15 ~ and 28 ~ to permit
CSIRO (Dr. Paul Cleary)) flow of material along the screen.
192 Wills' Mineral Processing Technology

of particle sizing on horizontal screens is supe-

rior to that on inclined screens; however because
gravity does not assist the transport of material
along the screen they have lower capacity than
inclined screens (Krause, 2005). Horizontal screens
are used in sizing applications where screening effi-
ciency is critical, and in drain-and-rinse screens in
heavy medium circuits.

Resonance screens are a type of horizontal screen

consisting of a screen frame connected by rubber
buffers to a dynamically balanced frame having
a natural resonance frequency which is the same
as that of the vibrating screen body. The vibra-
tion energy imparted to the screen frame is stored
Figure 8.5 Inclined four-deck vibrating screen up in the balancing frame, and re-imparted to the
(Courtesy Metso Minerals) screen frame on the return stroke. The energy losses
are reduced to a minimum, and the sharp return
Grizzly screens Very coarse material is usually motion produced by the resonant action imparts
screened on an inclined screen called a grizzly a lively action to the deck and promotes good
screen. Grizzlies are characterised by parallel steel screening.
bars or rails (Figure 8.7) set at a fixed distance apart
and installed in line with the flow of ore. The gap Dewatering screens are a type of vibrating
between grizzly bars is usually greater than 50 mm screen that are fed a thick slurry and produce a
and can be as large as 300 ram, with feed topsize as drained sand product. Dewatering screens are often
large as 1 m. Vibrating grizzlies are usually inclined installed with a slight up-hill incline to ensure that
at an angle of around 20 ~ and have a circular- water does not flow over with the product. A thick
throw mechanism (see Box 8.1). The capacity of bed of particles forms, trapping particles finer than
the largest machines exceeds 5000 t h -~. the screen aperture.
The most common use of grizzlies in mineral
Banana screens Banana or Multi-slope screens
processing is for sizing the feed to primary and
secondary crushers. If a crusher has a 100mm have become widely used in high-tonnage sizing
setting, then feed can be passed over a grizzly with applications where both efficiency and capacity are
a 100mm gap in order to reduce the load on the important. Banana screens (Figure 8.9) typically
crusher. have a variable slope of around 40-30 ~ at the feed
The bars are typically made from wear-resistant end of the screen, reducing to around 0-15 ~ in
manganese steel, and are usually tapered to create increments of 3.5-5 ~ (Beerkircher, 1997). Banana
gaps that become wider towards the discharge screens are usually designed with a linear-stroke
end of the screen to prevent rocks from wedging vibrator (see Box 8.1).
between the bars. Domed or peaked profiles on the The steep sections of the screen cause the feed
tops of the bars give added wear protection and material to flow rapidly at the feed end of the
prevent undersized rocks from "tiding" along the screen. The resulting thin bed of particles stratifies
bars and being misplaced. more quickly and therefore has a faster screening
rate for the very fine material than would be
Horizontal screens Horizontal low-head or possible on a slower moving thick bed. Towards the
linear vibrating screens (Figure 8.8) have a hori- discharge end of the screen, the slope decreases to
zontal or near-horizontal screening surface, and slow down the remaining material, enabling more
therefore need less headroom than inclined screens. efficient screening of the near-size material. The
Horizontal screens must be vibrated with a linear capacity of banana screens is significantly greater
or an elliptical vibration produced by a double or and is reported to be up to three or four times that
triple-shaft vibrator (see Box 8.1). The accuracy of conventional vibrating screens (Meinel, 1998).
Industrial screening 193

Box 8.1: Screen vibration

Circular motion (Single-shaft) screens. When the (a)
shaft of an inclined screen is located precisely at
the screen's centre of gravity, the entire screen
body vibrates with a circular vibration pattern
(Figure 8.6a). Occasionally, the shaft is installed
above or below the centre of gravity as in the
system shown in Figure 8.6b. This placement "b'-.... G
results in an elliptical motion, slanting forward (b)
at the feed end; a circular motion at the centre;
and an elliptical motion, slanting backwards at the
discharge end. Forward motion at the feed end
serves to move oversize material rapidly out of the
feed zone to keep the bed as thin as possible. This
action facilitates passage of fines which should be
completely removed in the first one-third of the o
screen length. As the oversize bed thins down,
near the centre of the screen, the motion gradually
changes to the circular pattern to slow down the
rate of travel of the solids. At the discharge end, (c)
the oversize and remaining near-size materials are
subjected to the increasingly retarding effect of
the backward elliptical motion. This allows the o
near-size material more time to find openings in
the screen cloth.
Linear-vibration (Double-shaft) screens. A linear
vibration is induced by using mechanical exciters (d)
containing matched unbalanced weights rotating
in opposite directions on two shafts as shown in
Figure 8.6c. Linear stroke screens can be installed
on a slope, horizontally or even on a small up-hill
incline. The angle of stroke is typically between 30
and 60 ~to the screen deck. Linear-vibration exciters Figure 8.6 Vibration patterns generated by various
are used on horizontal screens and banana screens. exciter designs. The star represents the location of
Oval motion (Triple-shaft) screens. A three-shaft the screen's centre of gravity (Courtesy JKMRC and
exciter design can be used to generate an elliptical JKTech Pty Ltd)
vibratory motion as shown in Figure 8.6d, which
can also be used on horizontal and banana a linear vibrating screen with the tumbling action
screens. The three shafts are connected by gears of a circular motion screen. Higher capacities
and one of the shafts is driven. The elliptical and increased efficiencies are claimed over either
motion is claimed to offer the efficiency benefit of linear or circular motion machines.

Modular screens such as the OmniScreen that each screen module can be separately config-
(Figure 8.10), consist of two or more independent ured with a unique screen slope, screen surface
screen modules arranged in series, effectively type, vibration stroke, and frequency. This allows
making a large screen from a number of smaller screening performance to be optimised separately
units. A key advantage of this arrangement is on different sections of the screen. The individual
194 Wills' Mineral Processing Technology

screen sections being smaller and lighter are

mechanically more robust compared with a single
screen with an equivalent total size. Modular
screens are frequently installed in a multi-slope

Mogensen sizers The Mogensen Sizer is a vibrating

screen that uses the principle that particles smaller
than the aperture statistically require a certain
number of presentations to the screen in order to
pass (refer to Table 8.1). The Mogensen Sizer
(Figure 8.11) consists of a system of oscillating
and sloping screens of decreasing aperture size, the
smallest of which has a mesh size up to twice the size
of the desired separation size (Hansen, 2000). This
arrangement allows particles very much finer than
the screens to pass through quickly, but causing larger
particles to be rejected by one of the screen surfaces.
A thin layer of particles on each screen surface
is maintained, enabling high capacity such that a
particular screening duty can be met with a machine
occupying less floor space than a conventional
Figure 8.7 Vibrating grizzly screen (Courtesy Metso screen, and blinding and wear are reduced.
Minerals) The Mogensen 2000 Sizer is a similar device
designed for fine separations, incorporating direct
rapping of the screen mesh rather than vibration of
the entire unit.

Figure 8.8 Horizontal screen (Courtesy Schenk Australia)

Industrial screening 195

Figure 8.9 Banana screen (Courtesy Schenk Australia)

Figure 8.10 Omni screen (Courtesy Omni Crushing and Screening)

High frequency screens Efficient screening of applications that are vibrated at around 700-
fine particles requires a vibration with small 1200rpm. The vibration of the screening surface
amplitude and high frequency. Frequencies up to can be created by electric motors or with electrical
3600 rpm are used to separate down to 100 microns solenoids. In the case of the Tyler H-series (or
compared with vibrating screens for coarser Hum-mer) screen, the vibrators are mounted above
196 Wills' Mineral Processing Technology

Figure 8.11 Mogensen sizer separting into coarse C Figure 8.12 Self-cleaning grizzly attached to a
and fines F (from Hansen, 2000) feeder (Courtesy Metso Minerals)

Trommels One of the oldest screening devices

and connected by rods directly to the screening is the trommel or revolving screen, which is a
surface so that energy is not wasted in vibrating the cylindrical screen (Figure 8.13) typically rotating at
entire screen body. between 35 and 45% critical speed. Trommels are
High-frequency wet screens such as the Derrick installed on a small angle to the horizontal or use a
repulp screen permit screening down to 45 microns. series of internal baffles to transport material along
Screening efficiency decreases rapidly once the the cylinder. Trommels can be made to deliver
free water has passed through the screen, therefore several sized products by using trommel screens in
these screens incorporate water-sprays to period- series from finest to coarsest such as the one shown;
ically re-pulp the screen oversize to ensure good or using concentric trommels with the coarsest
washing. mesh being innermost. Trommels can handle mate-
rial from 55 mm down to 6 mm, and even smaller
Other screen types sizes can be handled under wet screening condi-
tions. Although trommels are cheaper, vibration-
Static screens Static grizzlies with no vibration
free, and mechanically robust; they typically have
mechanism are used in scalping applications. They
lower capacities than vibrating screens since only
are installed at a slope of 35-50 ~ to assist mate-
part of the screen surface is in use at any one time,
rial flow (Taggart, 1945). Static grizzlies are less
and they can be more prone to blinding.
efficient than their vibrating counterparts and are
Trommels remain widely used in some screening
usually used in scalping applications when the
duties including aggregate screening plants and the
proportion of oversize material in the feed is small.
screening of mill discharge streams. AG, SAG, and
Mogensen divergators and self-cleaning grizzly ball mill discharge streams usually pass through a
screens (Figure 8.12) use round bars in two r o w s - trommel screen attached to the mill outlet to prevent
alternate bars at different angles, and fixed at one ball scats from reaching subsequent processing
end to prevent the possibility of blinding. Diverga- equipment and to prevent a build-up of pebbles in
tors are used for coarse separations between 25 and the mill. Trommels are also used for wet-scrubbing
400mm. Divergators are used in grizzly scalping ores such as bauxite.
duties and in chutes to direct the fine material The Rotaspiral, introduced in 2001 by Particle
onto the conveyor first to cushion the impact from Separation Systems, is a trommel-like device
coarser lumps. designed for ultra-fine screening between 1000 and
Industrial screening 197

Figure 8.13 Trommel screen

75 microns. The drum contains an internal spiral to little head-room, subject the material to less impact,
move the material through the screen. Water sprays and permit screening of very sticky materials.
are used to fluidise the screen bed and wash the
screen surface. The Rotaspiral can also be used in Flip-flow screen The concept used in the Liwell
a dewatering duty. "Flip-flow" screens and also Binder "Bivi-TEC",
The Bradford Breaker (Figure 8.14) is a varia- IFE "Trisomat" and Jrst "Trampolin", is a system
tion of the trommel screen used in the coal industry. of flexible screen panels that are alternately
It serves a dual function of breaking coal, usually stretched and relaxed to impart motion to the screen
to between - 7 5 and - 1 0 0 m m , and separating the bed instead of relying only on mechanical vibra-
harder shale, rock tramp metal, and wood contami- tion of the screen body. The throwing action can
nants into the oversize. Bradford breakers are oper- generate forces of up to 50 G on the screen surface,
ated at between 60 and - 7 0 % critical speed. preventing material from blinding in the apertures.
Roller screen Roller screens can be used for The screen body may be static or subjected to accel-
screening applications from 3 to 300 mm (Clifford, erations in the range 2-4 G (Kingsford, 1991).
1999). Roller screens (Figure 8.15) use a series of Flip-flow screens can be used for separations
parallel driven rolls (circular, elliptical, or profiled) ranging from 0.5 up to 5 0 m m and for feed rates
or discs to transport oversize across the series of up to 800th -~. Flip-flow screens are particularly
rolls while allowing fines to fall through the gaps suited for fine separations of damp material that
between rolls or discs. Roller screens offer advan- cannot be screened efficiently on conventional
tages of high capacity, low noise levels, require vibrating screens (Meinel, 1998).

Figure 8.14 Bradford breaker (Courtesy Pennsylvania Crusher)

198 Wills' Mineral Processing Technology

Figure 8.15 Roller screen (Courtesy Metso Minerals)

Circular screens Circular, Gyratory, or Tumbler Vertical motion is imparted by the bottom weights,
screens (Figure 8.16) impart a combined gyratory which swing the mobile mass about its centre of
and vertical motion. They are widely used for fine- gravity, producing a circular tipping motion to the
screening applications, wet or dry, down to 40 txm. screen, the top weights producing the horizontal
The basic components consist of a nest of sieves gyratory motion. Ball trays and ultrasonic devices
up to around 2.7 m in diameter supported on a table may be fitted below the screen surfaces to reduce
which is mounted on springs on a base, suspended blinding. Circular screens are often configured to
from beneath the table is a motor with double- produce multiple size fractions.
shaft extensions, which drives eccentric weights
and in doing so effects horizontal gyratory motion. Sieve bend screens Wedge or profile wire or
slotted polyurethane panels are used in sieve bends
and inclined f l a t screens for dewatering and very
fine screening applications. The sieve bend has a
curved screen composed of horizontal wedge bars,
whereas flat screens are installed on a slope of
between 45 and 60 ~. Feed slurry enters the upper
surface of the screen tangentially and flows down
the surface in a direction perpendicular to the open-
ings between the wedge bars. As the stream of
slurry passes each opening a thin layer is peeled
off and directed to the underside of the screen.
According to Fontein (1954), particles roughly
twice the thickness of this layer are dragged along
with the undersize fraction; particles larger than
this size pass across the openings as their greatest
part projects into the liquid flowing over the slot.
In general, therefore, a separation is produced at
a size roughly equivalent to half the bar spacing
and so very little plugging of the apertures should
take place. Separation can be undertaken down to
50txm and screen capacities are up to 180m 3 h -~.
One of the most important applications for sieve
Figure 8.16 Gyratory screen bends is in draining water from the feed to drain and
Industrial screening 199

rinse screens in dense medium separation circuits. cut points than on linear screens. Cut points in the
When treating abrasive materials sieve bends will range 45-6001xm are possible.
require regular reversal of the screen surface as Screening occurs both on the top of the
the leading edge of the apertures will lose their "conveyor" motion and on the bottom giving high
sharpness over time. screening capacity for the occupied area as well
Sieve bends and inclined wedge-wire screens as providing a cleaning action of the screen deck
are sometimes installed with mechanical devices by continually reversing the screening direction
to periodically vibrate or rap the screen surface in (Buisman, 2000). Panels are washed twice each
order to removed blinded particles. rotation.
Pansep screens are able to create a signifi-
Linear screen The linear screen developed by cantly sharper size separation than hydrocyclones
Delkor is predominantly used for removing wood (Mohanty, 2003). As screens do not have density
chips and fibre from the ore stream feeding effects as do hydraulic classifiers, Pansep screens
carbon-in-pulp systems, and for the recovery of can be used to separate coarse material from hydro-
loaded carbon in gold CIP circuits (Anon., 1986). cyclone overflow in grinding circuits to increase
The machine (Figure 8.17) comprises a synthetic recovery, or to recover low-ash coal from desliming
monofilament screen cloth supported on rollers and cyclones.
driven by a head pulley coupled to a variable speed
drive unit. Mesh sizes in use are typically around
500 microns. Dilute slurry enters through a distrib- Screening surfaces
utor on to the moving cloth. The undersize drains There are many types of screening surface available
through the cloth by gravity and is collected in for industrial vibrating screens. The selection of
the underpan. The oversize material retained on the
screening surface for a particular duty will depend
screen is discharged at the drive pulley, and any on the aperture required and the nature of the work.
adhering material is washed from the screen cloth
The selection of the size and shape of the apertures,
using water sprays.
the proportion of open area, the material proper-
Screen cloth
ties of the screening surface, and flexibility of the
screen surface can be critical to the performance of
Drive unit
a screening machine.
feed Screening surfaces are usually manufactured
rollers from steel, rubber, or polyurethane, and can be clas-
sified according to how they are fixed to the screen.
Jte Bolt-in, tensioned, and modular fixing systems are
tensioner ~, used on industrial screens.
Underpan '
Main frame " /Undersize Cloth wash
discharge Automatic cloth Bolt-in screening surfaces Screening surfaces
tracker unit .......... scharge
for screening duties with particles larger than
Figure 8.17 Linear screen (Courtesy Delkor) around 50 mm frequently consist of large sheets of
punched, laser-cut, or plasma-cut steel plate, often
sandwiched with a polyurethane or rubber wear
As the screen is not vibrated, linear screens are
surface to maximise wear life. These sheets are
quiet and the energy consumption is much less than
rigid and are bolted to the screen (Figure 8.19).
that required for vibrating screens.
Curved sections of screens of this type are also
Pansep screen The Pansep screen (Figure 8.18) commonly used on trommels.
has a similar principle to the linear screen but These screening surfaces are available with
rather than a continuous screen surface, the deck is custom-designed aperture shapes and sizes. Aper-
divided into a series of pans that move in a manner tures usually have a tapered profile, becoming
similar to a conveyor. The base of each pan consists wider with depth, thereby reducing the propensity
of a tensioned wire screen mesh permitting finer of particles pegging in the aperture.
200 Wills' Mineral Processing Technology

Single feed
Continuousfeed Tensioned mesh Pansep diagram
of slurry onto i panels screen at
moving pans , ~ desired cut point
- - - - - - - -

/ ~ ' ~ % ~ ~ ~I~ ~ Y f " ~ ~ ' i "%. Osce~aZ;edand

. t/ ) ~" +vJ / ) I ~1~sprayedoffinto
~~....~ y ',...j..,_
./,, "t dischargechute

Attached pans ~ , ~ 'V/

, Undersize . drams . "'~#"
mesn paneJsmove .,...4 ,....~,,.,. | Oversize
,n "tratn. around tl~'roug~~ into ~ ' discharge
sprockets discharge chute chute

Figure 8.18 Principle of the Pansep screen (from Buismann, 2000)

a screen to be smaller than a screen with modular

panels for the same capacity duty. In relatively light
screening duties, therefore, wire-tensioned screens
are often preferred. Increasing the wire thickness
increases their strength, but decreases open area
and hence capacity.
Various types of square and rectangular weaves
are available. Rectangular screen apertures have
a greater open area than square-mesh screens of
the same wire diameter. The wire diameter chosen
depends on the nature of the work and the capacity
required. Fine screens can have the same or greater
open areas than coarse screens, but the wires used
must be thinner and hence more fragile.
Figure 8.19 Bolt-in screening surface
"Self-cleaning" wire Traditionally, blinding pro-
blems have been countered by using wire with
Tensioned screening surfaces Tensioned screen long-slotted apertures or no cross-wires at all
surfaces consist of cloths that are stretched taut, (piano-wire) but at the cost of lower screening effi-
either between the sides of the screen (cross ciency. Self-cleaning wire (Figure 8.20) is a varia-
tensioned) or along the length of the screen (end tion on this, having wires that are crimped to form
tensioned). Maintaining the correct tension in the "apertures" but individual wires are free to vibrate
screen cloth is essential to ensure screening effi- and therefore have a high resistance to blinding and
ciency and to prevent premature failure of the pegging. Screening accuracy can be close to that
screening surface. Tensioned screens are available of conventional woven wire mesh; and they have a
in various wire weaves as well as polyurethane and longer wear life, justifying their higher initial cost.
rubber mats. There are three main types of self-cleaning weave:
Traditional woven-wire cloth, usually cons- diamond, triangle, and wave or zig-zag shaped
tructed from steel or stainless steel, remains apertures. The triangle and diamond weaves give a
popular. Wire cloths are the cheapest screening more efficient separation.
surfaces, have a high open area, and are compar- Tensioned rubber and polyurethane mats that
atively light. The high open area generally allows can be interchanged with tensioned wire cloths
Industrial screening 201

Figure 8.20 Various types of self-cleaning wire

mesh Figure 8.21 Modular screen panels (Courtesy
Metso Minerals)
are also available. These mats are usually rein-
forced with internal steel cables or synthetic cords.
The major advantage of modular polyurethane
Rubber and polyurethane can have significantly
panels is the exceptional wear resistance in most
longer wear life than steel, although the open area
applications; often 10 times the wear life is reported
is generally lower than wire. Aggregate producers
over traditional wire cloth. Modular screens do not
prefer tensioned media because they must be able
require tensioning and re-tensioning and damaged
to make frequent deck changes to produce different
sections of the screen can be replaced in situ.
specifications, and tensioned media are quicker to
Polyurethane and rubber screens are also quieter
replace than modular screening systems.
and the more flexible apertures reduce blinding
Modular screening surfaces The most popular compared with steel wire cloths.
screening surfaces in harsh screening duties Square, rectangular, and slot apertures are the
are polyurethane and rubber screen decks most commonly used aperture shapes. Rectan-
(Figure 8.21), usually assembled in modules or gular and slot apertures can be in-flow (usual for
panels that are fixed onto a sub-frame. Both sizing applications), cross-flow orientations (usual
materials offer exceptional resistance to abra- for dewatering applications), or diagonal. Rect-
sion. Rubber also has excellent impact resistance; angular and slot apertures provide greater open
therefore rubber is often used in applications area, throughput, resistance to pegging and effi-
where top size can be greater than around 2" ciency with slabby particles compared with square
(50 mm). Polyurethane is generally preferred in wet apertures. Other aperture shapes include circles,
screening applications. hexagons, octagons, rhomboids, and tear-drops.
Modular polyurethane and rubber screen panels Combinations of shapes and configurations are
are typically 1" • 1" (305 x 305 mm), 2" • 1" also possible. Circular apertures are considered to
(610 • 305 mm) or similar in size. The edges of the give the most accurate cut, but are more prone
panel typically contain a rigid steel internal frame to pegging. Slotted, tear-drop, and more complex
to give the panel strength. Panel systems allow for aperture shapes are used where blinding or pegging
rapid replacement of the deck. Different panel types can be a problem. Apertures are tapered, being
and aperture sizes can be installed at different posi- wider at the bottom than the top, to ensure that a
tions along the screen to address high wear areas particle that has passed through the aperture at the
and to optimise any given screening task. deck surface can fall freely to undersize.
202 Wills' Mineral Processing Technology

Modular wire and wedge wire panels are also Karra, V.K. (1979). Development of a model for
available. These have much greater open area predicting the screening performance of a vibrating
compared with modular polyurethane screens. screen, CIM Bull., 72, 167-171.
Kingsford, G.R. (1991). The evaluation of a non-blinding
These wire panels consist of a polyurethane or
screen for screening iron ore fines, Proc. 4th Mill
rubber fixing system moulded around a woven-wire Operators Conf., 25-29.
or wedge-wire screening surface. Krause, M. (2005). Horizontal versus inclined screens,
Quarry, Mar., 26-27.
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