The Benefits of Google Outweigh Its Drawbacks

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Point by point

TOPIC : The benefits of Google outweigh its drawbacks

Thesis Statement : while users are convinced of how google has revolutionized the way we
access to information, its drawbacks in terms of privacy invasion, monopolization, and
dissemination of biased information are too significant to overlook
Opponents view 1  : Google is the best search engine platform
Refutation 1  : It’s irrelevant
Reason 1  : Google’s leading place is thanks to the invasion of users’s privacy
Supports  :
Expert opinion : In 2020, not only was Google accused by the U.S. Department of Justice
of abuse of dominance for collecting vast amounts of data on its users but also it was
accused of aggressive tracking
Statistics : In 2019, Google collected more than 5 terabytes of personal data each day,
which includes information about users' searches, browsing history and locations for sellings
ads and that contributed 83.7% of the company's annual revenue

Opponent’s view 2  : Google keeps us updated on the last news

Refutation 2  : It’s not true
Reason 2  : Google struggles to control disinformation
Supports  :
Expert opinion : In 2020, Google was accused by the U.S. Department of Justice of abuse
of dominance for favoring its own products in search results.
Statistic : Google analytics have established that there about 92 millions articles published
on google per month. The more there’re many articles published the more complicated the
verification of the source will bes

Opponent’s view 3  : Google has developed many program of artificial intelligence to

facilitate the access a wide range of informations and provide answers to any request
Refutation  : It’s not relevant
Reason 3: For, it enhances laziness
Expert opinion : According to Dr Susan Blackmore, lecturer in psychology at the university
of West England, the internet makes the children mentally lazy by encouraging them to rely
on the click button
Statistic : For now it may be useful but according to a World Economic Forum report,
automation and AI could eliminate 75 million jobs by 2024.

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