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MathematiCo Secondary Senior

2021 Spring
StemCo Competitions
2021 Spring season: 1 - 5 May

2021 Fall season: 29 Nov - 5 Dec

Category MathematiCo ScienCo ChemiCo PhysiCo BioCo

Primary Junior
Yes Yes
(Grades 1-3)

Primary Senior
Yes Yes
(Grades 4-6)

Junior Yes Yes Yes Yes
(Grades 7-9)

Senior Yes Yes Yes Yes
(Grades 10-12)

Competition Format
● Access: Register on
● Format: Open book, open internet, online from anywhere (home, school, coffee shop etc)
● Dates: Start any time during a season, which lasts 7 days from Monday to Sunday.
● Questions: 40 multiple choice questions per competition with only 1 correct answer out of 4 options.
● Time management: Up to 24 h to complete the test with 2 h recommended time. 5% of the
remaining score is deducted every hour.

StemCo 2021 - Best Yourself! Page 1

1. The “stars and bars” method is used to visualise arrangements of items into distinct groups.

For example, let’s say I want to find out how many ways I can pack 5 identical chocolate cupcakes
and 3 identical strawberry cupcakes into 3 different boxes, if the boxes may be left empty. To do so, I
can use five identical brown stars to represent five chocolate cupcakes and three identical pink stars
to represent three strawberry cupcakes.

I then use two identical bars to represent the division of cupcakes. One possible arrangement is
shown below:

As shown, stars placed before the first bar represent cupcakes packed into the first box. Stars
between the two bars represent cupcakes packed into the second box. Stars after the second bar
represent cupcakes packed into the third box.

CCCCCSSS|| = 10 symbols, where the bar can be treated as one of the symbols.

In this case, the number of combinations = 10! / (2! 3! 5!) = 2520

How many ways are there to pack 2 identical banana cupcakes, 2 identical cherry cupcakes, and 4
identical durian cupcakes into 4 distinct boxes, if the boxes may be left empty?

A. 23100
B. 207900
C. 13860
D. 69300

2. A dog enjoys eating dog treats, but can only pick up to 2 treats at the same time. The dog must also
finish eating all the treats it picks up, before picking up more treats.

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How many ways can the dog eat 10 treats?

A. 26635
B. 28657
C. 17711
D. 19188

3. A drunk man is trying to walk home, but his inebriety prevents him from walking in a straight line.
Every time he takes a step forwards, there is an equal probability that he veers one step to the left,
or one step to the right, or perfectly straight.

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Eventually, he arrives at the middle of a long and narrow road. (The road seems infinitely long to
him.) The road is only 3 steps wide; at the edge of the road is a curb, which will cause him to trip and
fall. On average, how many steps will he get to take before he hits the curb?

(Hint: think about the simpler version of the problem, when the road is only 1 step wide, and extend
the logic from there.)

A. 10 to 20
B. 2 to 4
C. 5 to 7
D. ∞

4. A meteorologist living in a very rainy area is studying the rainfall pattern by using a container, which collects rainwater over time. Within his local region, the
rainfall pattern repeats on a cycle of every N days, such that on the th day the container is expected to collect π(1 + sin( )) milliliters of water.

He performs this measurement over all N days, and takes the average result. If N is a very, very
large number, what is the average amount of water collected every day?

A. 3 to 3.9 milliliters
B. 5 to 5.9 milliliters
C. 4 to 4.9 milliliters
D. 6 to 6.9 milliliters

5. There are 6 karate teams in the city. Karate federation of the city wants to organize a tournament
among 15-18 years old athletes. The table below shows the numbers of 15-18 years old athletes in
different schools:

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Participants for all fights are chosen randomly. What is the probability that an athlete will fight
another athlete from his or her own school in the first fight?

A. 30-39.99%
B. 0-9.99%
C. 20-29.99%
D. 10-19.99%

6. Lenses are commonly used in everyday life, ranging from glasses to cameras to telescopes.
Traditionally, lenses have spherical surfaces, i.e. the surface of a lens traces out a constant radius of
curvature. However, conventional lenses suffer a problem known as spherical aberration, caused by
their non-zero thickness. This is the reason why images can become distorted near the edge of a

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One solution to counteract spherical aberration is the Fresnel lens, depicted above right. The
Fresnel lens is divided into multiple segments, where each segment has the same curvature as it
would have had in the conventional lens. Effectively, we are making the lens thinner by removing the
“rectangles” inside the cross-section.

Suppose we have a conventional lens, with radius of curvature 10 cm on both sides, and height 8
cm. To reduce its thickness, it is converted into a Fresnel lens with four sections (like the one in the
diagram). What is the minimum thickness of the Fresnel lens?

A. 0.40 to 0.45 cm
B. 0.30 to 0.35 cm
C. 0.35 to 0.40 cm
D. 0.45 to 0.50 cm

7. Engineers in Space X are experimenting with a new system of navigation, which is based on the 3D
system of coordinates (x, y, z) with one unit equal to 10 000 km. In this system of coordinates (0, 0,
1) is the Earth. Logblock (flight log) of the satellite has the following records:

How far is the satellite at the end of the fourth day?

A. 104 400 km
B. 60 000 km
C. 360 000 km
D. 225 600 km

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8. Weathering is the process that destroys the rock and turns it into sediments. Weathering agents are
wind, sun and most importantly - water.

Weathering rate directly depends on the surface area of the rock. Cube shaped rock with size of
1m×1m×1m was divided into 8 equal sized small cubes.

How much faster will the weathering occur now?

A. 2 times faster
B. 4 times faster
C. 8 times faster
D. 16 times faster

9. Probability of the event is the number of successful outcomes (combinations) divided to the total
number of outcomes. For example: you came to your friend's home, which is locked up with an
electronic lock with 3 digit code. There are 12 buttons on the lock: 6 numbers (1-6) and 6 letters
(A-F). There are 12×12×12=1728 possible combinations and only one combination is right. That is
why the probability of entering your friend's home by using random code is equal to 1/1728, which is
precisely equal to 0.06%.

The sequence below is the real number of the creator of this

question: +7 771 XX8 X6X7

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What is the probability that the random filling of the missing numbers will give you the number of the
question creator?
A. 1/9
B. 5/10
C. 1/10
D. 5/9

10. “TechnoStore”’s manager wants to compare the sales of the new model of a tablet in the first and
the second halves of February. In order to compare two time periods he opened his journal and
created the following diagram:

The manager is interested in the mean and standard deviation of the sales. What is the difference
between mean and standard deviation in the two time periods?

A. Both have the same standard deviation. In the second half of the February mean of the
sales was higher
B. Both have the same standard deviation. In the first half of the February mean of the sales
was higher
C. Both have the same standard deviation and the same mean

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D. Both have the same mean. In the second half of the February standard deviation of the
sales was higher

11. The price of corn in a market can be modelled by mathematical equations. Sellers of corn are willing
to sell a quantity Q of corn, when price


Buyers of corn are willing to buy a quantity Q of corn, when

price P=$(9.0-3.1Q)

The quantity of corn sold, Q0, occurs when the price requested by the seller equals the price
accepted by the buyer at Q=Q0.

What is the price of corn in the market?

A. $2.58
B. $9.00
C. $3.56
D. $4.30

+ ∞
12. For a function : ℝ → ℝ, its definite integral across the domain ∫0 ( ) is often said to be the “total area under the curve” in the graph of ( ) for ≥ 0.

Which of the following statements regarding the integral and the limit of the function is true? If
multiple are true, choose the strongest (most general) statement.

A. If ∫ ( ) exists and is finite, then either r
0 → →
∞ ∞

B. If ∫ ( ) exists and is finite, then lim 0.

( )
exists and is
finite; but
the reverse

C. If lim
does not
( ) = 0, then ∫∞ hold.

( )
exists and is

D. If lim
finite; and
( ) = 0, then ∫∞ vice versa.


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13. A function can be said to be either odd or even, depending on its symmetry about = 0. In particular, ( ) is said to be odd if (− ) =− ( ), and ( ) is said to be even if (− ) = ( ). A good example of an odd function is ( ) = , and a good
example of an even function is
( ) = 2.

Of course, not all functions are strictly odd or even. For example, ℎ( ) = is neither. However, some functions can be written as a sum of one
odd function and one even function – this process is known as even-odd decomposition.

Amongst the following functions, which function cannot be written as the sum of one odd function
and one even function?
A. + cos
B. + sin
C. +2 2−1

D. None of the options

14. For any pair of three-dimensional vectors a and b, the dot product can be defined as:

And the cross product can be defined as:

Given any two arbitrary, three-dimensional vectors a and b, which of the following expressions will
always be equal to zero?

A. (a × b) · (a + b)
B. (a × b) × a
C. (a + b) · (a − b)
D. (a × b) − (b × a)

15. Which of the following numbers is not a perfect power of 3 (i.e. it cannot be written as 3n for some
integer n)?

A. 387,420,489
B. 43,046,721
C. 2,324,522,934
D. 10,460,353,203

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16. You have just enrolled into a new class, where you do not know anybody else. Including yourself,
there are a total of 30 students.

For the sake of introductions, on the first day, the teacher asks everybody in the class to shake
hands with each other. (Only the 30 students are involved - the teacher does not participate.) Given
that every student shakes everyone else’s hand exactly once, how many handshakes were there?

A. 870
B. 900
C. 435
D. 450

17. There once was a certain chess player who, when young, participated in a series of chess
tournaments. Due to her poor skill, she lost every game she played.

Frustrated, she then spent several years practicing and honing her skill. She was determined to
improve her win ratio (number of games won divided by number of games played) despite the initial

A few years later, she participated in many chess tournaments again, this time winning every single
game she played. Her win ratio thus gradually increased from 0%, steadily approaching but never
quite reaching 100%.

Of the following percentages, which one can we guarantee was, at some point of time, equal to her
win ratio?

A. Exactly 65%
B. Exactly 85%
C. Exactly 80%

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D. Exactly 60%

18. You are the boss of a company, with a very strange rule. Every time you hire a new employee, you
have to randomly pick a day of the week (using some uniformly random method), and from then
on all employees get to rest on that day of the week.

This leaves you with a dilemma. Naturally, you want as much work done as possible, meaning you
need as many employees as possible working on as many days as possible. But if you hire too
many employees, there is a high probability of creating too many ‘rest days’.

What is the optimal number of employees to hire?

A. 6 or 7
B. 4 or 5
C. 2 or 3
D. 8 or 9

19. There is a bag of coins, containing 50 ‘fair’ coins and 50 ‘weighted’ coins. In a coin flip, a ‘fair’ coin
would have an equal probability of getting heads or tails, whereas a ‘weighted’ coin would have a
0.75 probability of getting heads (and 0.25 of getting tails).

You shake the bag, reach into it, and pull out one coin at random. You then toss this coin 10 times –
the result is 7 heads and 3 tails.

What is the probability that you pulled out a ‘weighted’ coin?

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A. Between 45% to 55%
B. Between 65% to 85%
C. Between 55% to 65%
D. Between 85% to 100%

20. Mathematicians are often asked to come up with mathematical models to describe events that
happen in the real-world. For example, companies often ask mathematicians to find the most optimal
way for them to make maximum profits.

A phone manufacturing company has run several trial programmes to determine how many workers
they should hire. The results of these programmes are shown below:

A mathematician was asked to determine the relationship between the number of workers and the
number of phones produced. If W represents the number of workers, P represents the number of
phones produced every day, k and c are constants, which of these models best represents the

A. P = k ln W + c
B. P = kW + c
C. P = keW + c
D. P = k/W + c

21. In mathematics, the gradient of a function is given by its first derivative, through a technique known
as differentiation. This derivative can then be further differentiated, to obtain a second derivative,
then a third derivative, and so on. For a function f(x), the n-th derivative is denoted as f(n)(x).

The first few derivatives of a function f(x) are shown below:

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What is f(21)(x)?
x 2
A. e (2x +83x+662)
x 2
B. e (2x +21x+441)
x 2
C. e (2x +87x+994)
x 2
D. e (2x +87x+1114)

22. Bob is playing a game with his friend. Each player takes turns to throw a dart at a target. The first
time they hit, they will score 1 point. Subsequent hits will score points equal to the square of the
number of hits, so the fourth hit will score 16 points.

The points are added up after each hit. For example, if Bob hits the target 5 times, he will score 1 +
4 + 9 + 16 + 25 = 55 points.

Bob sometimes cheats and alters the scoreboard when his friend isn't looking. Which score
definitely cannot have been obtained by Bob?

A. 28585
B. 2109
C. 4324
D. 60116

23. Boris picked some berries and wanted to bring them to his grandmother. He has a rectangular piece
of paper to fold into a cuboidal box, as shown below:

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By cutting squares from the corner of the paper, Boris can fold the remaining paper along the dotted
lines into a box to carry the berries in. If the side lengths of the paper are 3p and 4p, what is the
maximum volume of the box in terms of p?

A. 3.11p
B. 3.00p
C. 3.03p
D. 2.87p

24. In the movie Pirates of the Caribbean, pirates aboard the Flying Dutchman play a game called Liar’s
Dice. Each pirate has five dice which only they can see. During a pirate’s turn, they may guess the
total number of dice that show a particular face. For example, a guess of “eight 4s” would win if at
least eight of the total dice on the table rolled a score of 4.

You are playing with three other pirates, and see your dice rolls are three 5s, a 2 and a 1.

You decide to make a guess of “seven 5s”. What is the probability that your guess will win?

A. 14%
B. 2.6%
C. 23%
D. 35%

25. In Vietnam, the nón lá or leaf hat is a conical hat which is traditionally worn by rice farmers to protect
them against the sun and rain. In modern times, it is considered part of the Vietnamese national
costume and is proudly worn by many Vietnamese people. Its shape can be described as a right
circular cone.

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An exchange student wants to make a model of the leaf hat to display at his school’s culture fair. He
starts with a circular piece of paper of radius 10cm, and cuts away a 90° sector. He then folds the
cut edges of the remaining sector together and joins the cut edges together with tape. What is the
volume of the cone created by this hat?

A. 1767 cm3
B. 1169 cm3
C. 589 cm3
D. 390 cm3

26. A pilot is lost and needs to return to the airbase quickly before his aircraft runs out of fuel. However,
the radar on his aircraft has malfunctioned and he can no longer locate his airbase. The pilot
remembers that he travelled 65km south after he took off, followed by 350km southeast.

Fortunately, the compass onboard the aircraft is still working, and the pilot quickly turns his aircraft to
head toward the airbase. What direction should the pilot travel in?

A. 37.8° west of north

B. 38.4° west of north
C. 41.2° west of north
D. 32.0° west of north

27. Bob has forgotten his computer password again. He searches his notebook for the place where he
wrote his password down, but to his dismay, most of it has been rendered unreadable by rain. He
sees that the first two digits are 31 and the last two digits are 37, but the rest of the password is

Bob remembers the sum of digits of his password is 72, and his password is also the smallest such
number that is divisible by 11. After some thinking, he manages to work out his password using
divisibility rules.

What is the remainder when Bob’s password is divided by 7?

A. 1
B. 6
C. 2
D. 5

28. Bob and his classmates decide to hold a birthday celebration for their Mathematics teacher. They
present a chocolate cake to their teacher, who takes a slice AOBC as such:
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O is the centre of the cake. The radius of the circular cake, OA, measures 8cm. OB = 5cm and BC =
6cm, with BC parallel to OA. If the cake is 6cm thick, what is the volume of the slice AOBC that
Bob’s teacher took?

A. 223 cm3
B. 215 cm3
C. 188 cm3
D. 248 cm3

29. Population of the bacteria doubles every 30 minutes. 1 bacteria can turn into a population of 140
trillion bacteria in one day. Imagine that you are a scientist who wants to create a model of this
division. First of all you will need to find a function that will describe the relation between time (t; in
hours), initial population (P; in number of bacteria) and the population after a given time (P(t); in
number of bacteria).

Which of the functions below correctly describes the bacteria growth?

A. ( ) = ×2

B. ( ) = ×2

C. ( ) =

D. ( ) =

30. A princess sitting in the top room of the castle decided to help herself and not wait for the knight. The
height of the castle is 100m. She wants to create a rope from the blankets that has a diagonal of 3
meters by tying blankets' tips with each other. In order to make the rope last, the princess decided to

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make a 20 centimeters long joint between two blankets.

How many blankets will a princess need to create the rope?

A. 39-40
B. 37-38
C. 35-36
D. 33-34

31. Bees build their hives using hexagonal cells. A scientist observing a group of bees building a hive
noted that they started from a single hexagon, then built a ring of hexagons around it. There may be
empty cells, but each cell can only be occupied by one bee.

The diagram above shows the first three rings built by the bees. If there were only 15 bees in the
hive, the bees would complete Ring 3, then stop adding new rings.

A group of 2021 bees are building a hive. What is the least number of rings the bees need to build
so that every bee has its own cell?

A. 28
B. 26
C. 27
D. 29

32. Most people should be familiar with repeating decimal places for simple fractions such as ⅓ =
0.333333… and ⅔ = 0.666666… In such fractions, only one digit is repeated. However, other

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fractions such as 1/7 may give more than 1 repeating digit (1/7 = 0.142857142857...)

What is the 2021st decimal place of 1/13?

A. 0
B. 2
C. 9
D. 3

33. In one of his books, Isaac Asimov described the communication between a human and an alien.
Imagine that you are in the place of this person and you know the following principles of the aliens’

You want to explain to him explain how gravitational acceleration works on your planet by describing
the following formula in their Math language:

S = vt + 4.9t2

How will this formula look in the mathematical language of the alien?

A. v↞t↺(4.9↝t↨0)
B. (v↝t↨4.9) ↞t↺v
C. 9.8↝t↨(v↞5↺v)
D. t↞v↺(9.8↝t↨2)

34. There is a lottery, where you pick a six-digit number, and if that number matches the “lucky number”
you will win the grand prize of $500,000. Each ticket costs $1.

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You think you have found a loophole, however. Because the probabilities of each ticket winning are
not independent, if you buy (for example) 500,000 tickets with different numbers on them, you have
a 50% chance of winning! In order to maximize profit, of course, you want to minimize the number of
tickets bought, since they each cost $1, but you also want to maximize the chance of winning.

How many tickets should you buy to maximize your expected profit? Choose the closest answer.

A. 0
B. 250,000
C. 500,000
D. 1,000,000

35. It is often said that everyone is unique. This statement is not just some adage that parents tell their
children - it is a mathematical fact, fundamentally true due to statistics and probability.

In 1950, the U.S. Air Force carried out a study on its pilots, to determine the size of the “average
man”. One of the scientists, G.S. Daniels, discovered something astonishing - that none of the pilots
were average! He quickly realized why: each and every person has multiple uncorrelated traits, and
it is unlikely for all of the traits to be average at the same time.

Consider our planet, which has around 8 billion people. A trait is said to be average if it is within the
middle 20% of the population. If we were to measure 15 different traits (e.g. hand size, arm length,
leg length, …) for every person, how many people are expected to have all 15 traits being average?

A. Less than 10
B. Between 10 to 1,000
C. Between 1,000 to 1 million
D. More than 1 million

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36. Four farms in Texas developed a system of “dog sharing”. Once in the season, farms make transfer
of dogs: send their dogs to other farms or receive dogs from other farms. This transfer depends on
the situation with the wolf population in the region:

1. When there is an increase of the wolf population in the region, every farm sends two dogs to
the farm that is in danger.

2. When a farm has too many dogs and it is getting difficult to feed them, the farm sends two
dogs to every farm.

For example:

For the “dog-sharing” below:

Season 1: Wolf population increase in the fourth farm

Season 2: Wolf population increase in the second farm

Season 3: Too many dogs in the third farm

What is the distribution of dogs in the third season?



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37. A student wearing a cotton lab coat is working near an open bunsen flame. The temperature in °C at
height x cm above the bunsen flame is given by the formula
= 700

Cotton catches fire at temperatures above 210°C. What is the maximum height above the bunsen
flame that the student’s lab coat sleeve can catch fire?

A. 9.0 cm
B. 10.0 cm
C. 12.0 cm
D. 15.0 cm

38. In the game Monopoly, players take turns to roll dice to determine which space they will visit. Two
fair six-sided dice are thrown, and the player then moves their character a number of squares equal
to the total of the thrown dice.

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If the value of both dice are the same, the player must repeat the process, throwing two dice and
moving his character. If this happens again, the player must repeat the process again. However, if it
happens a third time, the player must send his character to the “Jail” tile and his turn ends

It is now Bobby’s turn to roll the dice. What is the probability that his character moves 8 tiles forward
at the end of his turn?

A. 11.1%
B. 11.6%
C. 12.5%
D. 10.8%

39. Most people start learning to count by counting with their fingers. As we have 10 fingers, we use a
base-10 number system.

In a base-10 number system, the rightmost digit represents units. The second-rightmost digit
represents tens, the third-rightmost digit represents hundreds, and so on. Each place is worth ten
times more than the place just right of it.

Speakers of the Yuki language in northern California count with the spaces between their fingers. As
there are 8 such spaces, they use a base-8 number system.

The rightmost digit also represents units, but the second-rightmost digit represents eights, and each
place is worth eight times more than the place just right of it. Thus, 341 in base 8 is equal to 3 × 64 +
4 × 8 + 1 = 225 in base 10.

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A Yuki person reads and writes numbers in base 8, and is asked the value of 533-271. What number
would he write down?

A. 242
B. 262
C. 162
D. 306

40. Doctors use electrocardiograms (ECG) to measure the activity of a patient's heart. As the heart
beats, a machine will pick up the pattern which will be printed out on a chart.

The following shows the pattern formed by one heart beat:

A patient comes to the hospital to have his ECG taken. The machine prints out the following pattern:

If one small square on the horizontal axis is traced by the machine in 0.04 seconds, how many times
does this patient’s heart beat per minute?

A. 150
B. 40
C. 80
D. 100

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1. Ⓐ Ⓑ Ⓒ Ⓓ 11. Ⓐ Ⓑ Ⓒ Ⓓ 21. Ⓐ Ⓑ Ⓒ Ⓓ 31. Ⓐ Ⓑ Ⓒ Ⓓ

2. Ⓐ Ⓑ Ⓒ Ⓓ 12. Ⓐ Ⓑ Ⓒ Ⓓ 22. Ⓐ Ⓑ Ⓒ Ⓓ 32. Ⓐ Ⓑ Ⓒ Ⓓ
3. Ⓐ Ⓑ Ⓒ Ⓓ 13. Ⓐ Ⓑ Ⓒ Ⓓ 23. Ⓐ Ⓑ Ⓒ Ⓓ 33. Ⓐ Ⓑ Ⓒ Ⓓ
4. Ⓐ Ⓑ Ⓒ Ⓓ 14. Ⓐ Ⓑ Ⓒ Ⓓ 24. Ⓐ Ⓑ Ⓒ Ⓓ 34. Ⓐ Ⓑ Ⓒ Ⓓ
5. Ⓐ Ⓑ Ⓒ Ⓓ 15. Ⓐ Ⓑ Ⓒ Ⓓ 25. Ⓐ Ⓑ Ⓒ Ⓓ 35. Ⓐ Ⓑ Ⓒ Ⓓ
6. Ⓐ Ⓑ Ⓒ Ⓓ 16. Ⓐ Ⓑ Ⓒ Ⓓ 26. Ⓐ Ⓑ Ⓒ Ⓓ 36. Ⓐ Ⓑ Ⓒ Ⓓ
7. Ⓐ Ⓑ Ⓒ Ⓓ 17. Ⓐ Ⓑ Ⓒ Ⓓ 27. Ⓐ Ⓑ Ⓒ Ⓓ 37. Ⓐ Ⓑ Ⓒ Ⓓ
8. Ⓐ Ⓑ Ⓒ Ⓓ 18. Ⓐ Ⓑ Ⓒ Ⓓ 28. Ⓐ Ⓑ Ⓒ Ⓓ 38. Ⓐ Ⓑ Ⓒ Ⓓ
9. Ⓐ Ⓑ Ⓒ Ⓓ 19. Ⓐ Ⓑ Ⓒ Ⓓ 29. Ⓐ Ⓑ Ⓒ Ⓓ 39. Ⓐ Ⓑ Ⓒ Ⓓ
10. Ⓐ Ⓑ Ⓒ Ⓓ 20. Ⓐ Ⓑ Ⓒ Ⓓ 30. Ⓐ Ⓑ Ⓒ Ⓓ 40. Ⓐ Ⓑ Ⓒ Ⓓ

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