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Design response to rising sea levels in the

Maldives: A study into aquatic architecture
Ahdha Moosa, Khoa Do, Emil Jonescu*

School of Design and the Built Environment, Curtin University, Perth, Australia

Received 14 November 2019; received in revised form 8 April 2020; accepted 11 April 2020

KEYWORDS Abstract Climate change and rising sea levels present immediate threats to humanity. How-
Architectural design; ever, the global catastrophe fails to generate sufficient action. Subject to total submergence
Design practice; within 80 years, this study undertakes an iterative design process seeking sustainable adapta-
Infrastructure design; tion strategies for the coastal island nation of the Maldives, specifically, Malé, its capital,
Rising sea levels; which exists under a “state of alert” by order of government. Research methods include liter-
Case study ature reviews, site analysis, mapping, and iterative design processes to develop an implemen-
tation framework strategy. Infrastructure concepts are presented as speculative images with
context-specific spatial relationships and functions. Concepts do not intend to represent a
conclusive prototype, rather, an ideationda solution-based discourse among key audiences
highlighting the need to act decisively and adaptively.
ª 2020 Higher Education Press Limited Company. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. on
behalf of KeAi. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://

1. Introduction imminent threat of RSLs. Such threat may lead to anything

from localized flooding to total submersion within decades
Rising sea levels (RSLs) present a devastating prospect of as evidence suggests. This situation is likely to spawn an
cultural and societal collapse yet to be experienced by entirely new form of refugeeism: climate change refugees.
modern civilization. Scientific agencies worldwide continue In response, a number of remedies have been explored,
to research the ongoing effects of RSLs and monitor and including retreating, adapting, and barricading and forti-
model the short-, medium-, and long-term morphologies of fying (from localized to urban scale) the entire coastlines.
communities at high risk. The Maldives is a tropical nation In many other countries where the threat is less imminent,
located in the Indian Ocean. This nation was chosen as a nothing has been done. Climate change deniers exist in the
case study because it is a highly populated country under highest order. The current United States President Donald
Trump has suggested that climate change is a “hoax,”
stating “I don’t believe it” (BBC, 2018: para. 1). This notion
* Corresponding author. indicates the clear acceptance of RSL measures from
E-mail address: (E. Jonescu). complete denial to moderate consideration. Mediocre and
Peer review under responsibility of Southeast University.
2095-2635/ª 2020 Higher Education Press Limited Company. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of KeAi. This is an open access
article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (

Please cite this article as: Moosa, A et al., Design response to rising sea levels in the Maldives: A study into aquatic architecture, Frontiers
of Architectural Research,
2 A. Moosa et al.

disproportionately inadequate countermeasures have been architecture, urban growth, and renewal and can adapt to
considered and implemented to date, given that RSLs likely further shifts in climate and RSLs is considered. This
represent systematic damage to infrastructure and risk to concept is studied by analyzing examples of “as-built”
life of many people. infrastructure and the methods employed to counter RSLs
However, the lived reality in many low-lying nations with in other contexts and countries. This initiative is a part of a
affected communities and governments sees that univer- multiphase architectural implementation plan to provide
sities and research agencies continue to pursue viable and resilient urban growth in the Maldives relative to RSLs.
sustainable policies and action planning. During the litera- Furthermore, this paper presents a corresponding research
ture review process, we explore several case studies with framework for initiating a first phase as part of a two-phase
the view that they may inform decision making relevant to research by design dissertation project.
the research objectives. Although a case study likely meets
all the criteria for establishing a Maldivian model, we select 1.1. The Maldives
case studies with key relevant and transferable attributes
determined through an analytical process (Research The Maldives features an average of 1.8 m elevation above
Methodology). sea level and is the “flattest country on Earth” (Union of
Copenhagen, Calcutta, Venice, and Vancouver are just Concerned Scientists, 2011: para. 1). This small island
some examples (among many) of cities pressured by RSLs to nation in the southwest of the Indian Peninsula is made up
act decisively and imminently. The threat will not be of just under 1300 islands and is vulnerable to a paucity of
reversed by a downshift in the pace at which climate natural defense against tidal fluctuations. Malé, the
change occurs, meaning that what has transpired cannot be nation’s capital, is at a great risk from RSLs due to devel-
undone. No universal remedy is applicable to all global opment extending to a narrow shoreline. The city is solely
circumstances. The sheer scale and diversity of the vari- dependent on limited alternatives to counter such risks, is
ables alone (e.g., geographical, economic, and political helplessly unprotected, and mainly relies on human
factors) ensure that humanity must encounter and adapt ingenuitydthe construction and ongoing integrity of a
countermeasures to match each situation. tetrapod wall (Naylor, 2015). This built infrastructure rep-
This study suggests that RSLs highlight a critical juncture resents Maldivian interdependency on infrastructure solu-
for humanity and explores and identifies solutions through tions to complex and wicked problems for survival.
the disciplines of architecture and construction manage- However, this effort represents a defensive mechanism,
ment. Specifically, this study considers limiting parameters which offers a short-term “bandaid” solution that merely
and novel opportunities for critical design thinking. This ameliorates relentless tidal wave impact. The government
research also formulates a design brief and subsequent must “buy time” to conceive and implement a bespoke,
transposition to the manifestation of a prototype model long-term strategy irrespective of its temporary nature.
that seeks to lessen the effect of extensive but necessary Leaders should not be appointed where they do not un-
population mobility. Under such circumstances, safety and derstand or accept the status quo, or where they have no
existence dictate as priorities for those under immediate commitment to plan for emergency action. At this point,
pressure to relocate and resettle. This notion does not whether certainty surrounding permanent solutions exist
dissuade from the significance of environmental, economic, without resorting to extreme and unconventional measures
living, sociocultural, and social and geopolitical factors. is questionable. Some people may even refer to certain
However, from the perspectives of people in danger, self- propositions as preposterous, whimsical, or eccentric. The
preservation and family are undoubtedly primary concerns. only certainty is that RSLs will plunge many nations into
The likely three key strategies against RSLs are to (1) genuine humanitarian crises regarding infrastructure, food,
defend, (2) isolate and retreat, or (3) relocate those and economic security, all of which are worthy of deliber-
affected people. ation and consideration.
Defensive techniques, having been employed in the The United Nations Development Programme (United
Maldives through seawalls and artificial reefs, have been Nations Development Programme, 2014.) asserts an obli-
discounted because of their short-term and reactive na- gation for all, in their respective capacity, to become
ture. The whole life cycle costing to undertake defensive resilient and agile to adapt to the implications of climate
countermeasures against RSLs into perpetuity is virtually change. The physical implementation of resilient and sus-
incalculable. Given the number of uncontrollable variables, tainable infrastructures that provide a strong response to
this option presents a great risk and is considered unfeasi- the Maldives, and similar to that of other nations, is
ble. Isolating and retreating are largely ineffective solu- necessary to attest to the critical and urgent need for novel
tions because of the lack of high ground. Once the deluge of approaches and methods of development. This research
water breaks past the outer wall of the reef, extensive undertakes a critical analysis and review of case studies
flooding and submersion occur. Defensive techniques are that have employed novel techniques and applications of
also generally untenable. Therefore, adaptive relocation is “aquatic architecture” to counter RSLs in response to an
considered the optimal long-term, semipermanent to per- urgent call for action and to help formulate an informed
manent transition and sustainable approach. On this basis, design brief. The scope aligns with the Maldivian “retreat
the design of a speculative prototype is required and entails and relocation framework” with additional robust applica-
infrastructure for transition and habitation that aims to tion of architectural design principles that inform adaptive
facilitate the processes required for community re- and sustainable infrastructure vernacular to the highly
establishment. A spatial function that considers aquatic vulnerable city of Malé.

Please cite this article as: Moosa, A et al., Design response to rising sea levels in the Maldives: A study into aquatic architecture, Frontiers
of Architectural Research,
Aquatic architecture Maldives 3

2. Literature review (Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research

Organisation, 2011). Images A and B, C and D, and E and
Proximity to water and the relationship of individuals with F depict 2  C, 4  C, and 5  C increases, respectively (Moosa
it have helped shape and advance civilizations, particularly et al., 2018).
the morphology of urban environments and their interface The Royal Society’s (2014) report on resilience to
with waterways. The natural gravitas to develop along extreme weather outlines some key recommendations.
waterways for access, transport, leisure, trade, and de- These recommendations corroborate the claims to the Na-
fense highlights just a small sampling of how society and tional Geographic, which anticipate that hundreds of mil-
culture develop and mature through interactions with lions of people worldwide, particularly those in highly
water (Roggema, 2012; Wylson, 1986). populated delta areas, are at a great and imminent risk of
To date, the need for compelling action to avert catas- RSLs (Nunez, 2019). Strategic plans must be prioritized to
trophe in low-lying communities for survival has been protect these communities and, in some instances, indige-
inadequate at best. Highly populated delta communities, nous civilizations. “Coastal communities . in the devel-
which are situated in close proximity to the coastal fringe, oping world . small island states” and “tropical coastal
have recently commenced gradual shifts away from coast- ecosystems” will have limited time after mid century to
line areas, sometimes following generations of living adapt to these rises (Jevrejeva et al., 2016: p 13342).
alongside water. The RSLs are not reversible. Given the Roggema (2012) supported this notion by proposing the
immediacy and relationship, vast populations (and gener- need to develop proactive measures and infrastructure that
ations) share with the waterfront (whether of choice, is adaptive to the unpredictability of climate-related RSLs.
circumstance, or for their livelihood); such shifts away from Industries that provide the very fabric of national
this connection with delta areas will have significant wealth, convenience, economic growth, and stability have
communal and cultural effects (Jevrejeva et al., 2016). been and continue to be among the primary drivers of
Numerous studies identify trending patterns that sup- climate change. In this context, current thinking, systems,
port predictions of global temperature increases as much as or institutions, which have been attributed to the current
2  C above the pre-industrial level (Commonwealth state of RSLs, cannot garner the necessary fortitude to
Scientific and Industrial Research Organization [CSIRO], affect sufficient changes to remedy the situation
2018; Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change [IPCC], (Roggema, 2012: p 6). Acting appropriately in keeping with
2016: pp 24e25) with RSLs projected to peak to an “unac- a relevant time frame requires governance and a societal
ceptably high” level between 2040 and 2050 (Jevrejeva paradigm shift. Historically, attitudes to change at such
et al., 2016: p 13342). The National Academies of magnitude are typically passive, and this shift is of critical
Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (2005: p 1), attesting concern to the prospect of seeking viable and long-term
to the IPCC 2001 and the UN Framework Convention on solutions (Moosa et al., 2018). Therefore, the small sam-
Climate Change, concurred that “significant global warming pling of current initiatives (case studies) proven to mitigate
is occurring” and that: RSLs in varying contexts and under diverse conditions verify
that a paucity of action prevails (Roggema, 2012).
Evidence comes from direct measurements of rising
surface air temperatures and subsurface ocean tem- 2.1. Existing situation in malé
peratures . and from phenomena, such as increases in
average global sea levels, retreating glaciers, and
The structural form of Malé and its lagoons comprise a mere
changes to many physical and biological systems.
sequence of reefs; tidal activity and natural sedimentation
Jevrejeva et al. (2016: p 13342) highlighted that an of materials, such as sand build-up and deposits, add to its
“average global ocean rise of 20 cm” is projected as a result composition (Naylor, 2015: p 730). The islands contain a
of climate change, and 90% of delta areas are set to 750-km circular stretch of atolls ordered in a relatively
experience great effects. Widespread destruction and linear cluster (Betzler et al., 2013; Naylor, 2015: p 729).
devastation are forecasted for the underprepared with lit- Although these atolls are now heavily eroded and mostly
tle reprieve. The problem is envisaged only to worsen with ineffective, they have formed a natural barrier from tidal
foreseeable global temperatures set to increase by 2100. A activitydthe reef providing a defensive structure from
forecast rise of 5  C equates to a further 0.9 m rise in sea surges.
levels in most areas and significantly high rises in extreme Malé (Fig. 2a) has experienced significant population
cases for highly at-risk areas (Jevrejeva et al., 2016). growth and urban sprawl that extends to its coastline.
Fig. 1a (left) illustrates these projections relative to most Accordingly, expansive landfill activities have claimed an
countries in the “South, Southeast, and East Asia” regions increase in useable area from the 1970s to the 1980s
that are likely to experience the high immediate effect of (Naylor, 2015). The “necessary” coral reef mining during
density and urban populous in delta areas (Nicholls and this time to allow for this expansion has inadvertently
Cazenave, 2010: p 1519). Fig. 1b (right) also outlines reduced the natural defenses of the island. Nevertheless,
global projections of RSLs set against increases in temper- the effects of climate change and RSLs would not have been
ature. Images A, C, and E are median projections at 50%, well understood some 50 years ago (Moosa et al., 2018).
while B, D, and F indicate (to a great extent) projections to Hulhumalé (Fig. 2b) is an example of an artificial island
95% and increases relative to 1986e2005 with little change entirely conceived to provide for the expansion of Malé.
in CO2 emissions by 2100, all of which are read within However, its creation still does not address the ongoing
Representative Concentration Pathways (RCP8.5) effects of RSLs and tidal activity in the region.

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Fig. 1 (a) regions most vulnerable to coastal flooding due to RSLs. Delta cities with low-lying coastal zones and high populations
(red) and small Indian and Pacific Ocean islands (light blue) are at extreme risk (Authors, 2020; adapted from Nicholls and
Cazenave, 2010); (b) regional projections, 1986e2005 (Jevrejeva et al., 2016).

Fig. 2 (a) map of Malé, land reclamation now completely urbanized with “higher” (artificial) elevation (Maldive Times, 2019); (b)
Hulhumalé Island (Housing Development Corporation, 2016).

After the flooding in 1987, a tetrapod seawall was built 2.2. Urban resilience
(Fig. 3), thereby providing an artificial reef fortification
that encircles the island to counter the risk of similar The term “urban resilience” can be considered the pro-
events (Naylor, 2015). This structure is just one compo- portionate adaptation required of a society and its built
nent of a great fortification plan intended to mitigate local environment facing hardship or misfortune (Sanderson
ecosystem damage and delay the active coetaneous ef- et al., 2016). This definition is not specific to natural
fects of climate change. Further fortifications are forces or consequences imposed by community activity.
considered neither sustainable nor feasible as long-term However, whether local or urban, misfortune leads to a
options to combat RSLs. Adaptive strategies to meet human need or condition and highlights opportunities for
existing needs must be met in an entirely new and sus- the disciplines of construction management and architec-
tainable framework. ture to contribute, in some way, to seeking novel solutions

Fig. 3 Satellite view and map of Malé depicting the tetrapod seawall (Ilyas, 2019).

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Aquatic architecture Maldives 5

in confronting and adapting to spatial crises and habitation 3.2. Design methods (research by design)
challenges. On this basis, professional disciplines clearly
have a role to play and can significantly contribute to the Identifying background studies using a literature review and
academic, industrial, and societal discourse and landscape, a case study critique partially informs the iterative
but only in part. Irrespective of the strategy, whether prototype-testing design process. This approach supports
defending with walls, retreating where possible, or appropriate benchmarking to existing exemplars and pro-
adapting cities to remain livable and responsive to the vides an in-depth understanding of design considerations
environment (Moosa et al., 2018), this mechanism is the against similar constraints. The design expectation man-
way in which disparate communities in isolation and society agement of outcomes intends to be within the scope of
as a whole reciprocate to the imminent need for shifts in existing frameworks of knowledge. Iterative design allows
lifestyle, habits, trends, culture, and comfort that will for ideas to be tested, peer reviewed, and further evolved.
outline their fate. An ongoing refinement process of observations, findings,
and applied outcomes will be presented and discussed in
2.3. Aquatecture Section 3.1. The collected data are analyzed to explore
opportunities in developing solutions to a main objective
“Aquatecture” incorporates water as a primary consider- through an architecturaleinfrastructural typological pro-
ation in an architectural strategy (Wylson, 1986). Watson posal. Research by design consists of architectural explo-
and Adams (2011) concurred with this definition and rations through experimentation and the production of
applied this line of inquiry to develop guidelines for intel- iterations of proposals through critical enquiry by using
ligent water design, celebrating the inclusion of water as a diagrams, plans, elevations, sections, rendering, and
resource and provider of opportunities in design. Barker modeling, all of which are informed by the initial program
and Coutts (2016) added to this body of knowledge and development (Hauberg, 2011: p 7). This technique is vali-
considered that aquatecture regards, as their text of the dated by the Royal Institute of British Architects Charter,
same name dictates, Buildings and Cities Designed to Live which accepts that architecture itself is a method of
and Work with Water. In the book, they highlight England’s research with the manifestation embodying research
first floating village for London’s Royal Docks, a primarily culminating in built form (Till, 2008: p 8).
autonomous development by dRMM architects fully sur- The project in this study centers within an urban scale.
rounded by water, thereby providing all the amenities Thus, a clear scope in which the design is defined should be
necessary. This model includes reliance on water travel developed. This process results in the development of a
rather than roads and is pro-pedestrian and pro-cycling. phased response, thereby breaking down opportunities for
Such situation is an example of the relationship between the realistic achievability of the implementation. The
water and architecture and how urbanization and RSLs design response is situated within Phase 2 (“Adapt”) and
shape the way designers must respect water through will be further discussed in Section 3.1. The processes un-
design. Other schemes are planned for Edinburgh, and dertaken include sketching, diagramming, collaging,
many other examples exist throughout Europe, particularly detailed drawings, sections, perspectives, and construc-
in lower-lying Holland and Amsterdam (Eve, 2014). tional drawings. A 3D modeling relative to the Maldives is
The international “Aquatecture 2018 Architecture used as a visual representation for discussion purpose in
Competition” was recently held. Nevertheless, similar to Section 3.1 (Moosa et al., 2018).
the design of a visually striking, well-lit, and new carceral
facility, such as the Justice Center Leoben in Austria, the 3.3. Case study review
ability of architects to convey a visual grammar of hope,
beauty, and adaptiveness almost exudes a desirable quality Should we fortify and hide behind ever-growing walls,
wherein one may wish to dwell. retreat from the rising tides, or adapt and shape our cities
into livable, responsive landscapes that engage and utilize
3. Research methodology the environmental context? These methods, particularly
the latter (adaptation), have been considered through the
3.1. Qualitative research lens of design to respond to climatic forces. For example,
the concept of “aquatecture” was defined by Wylson
(1986), in which water is utilized as a design element
Iterative design is a research methodology that in-
rather than an obstruction, and therefore incorporated into
corporates qualitative methods. This approach supports a
the design process. This research does not consider the
research by design process according to a bricolage
three approaches of addressing RSLs of retreat, fortify, and
framework (Fig. 4), particularly relative to concepts such as
adapt as mutually exclusive. Accordingly, this research
“aquatic architecture” within the Maldives.
explores a conjunction of all three methods to develop a
Relevant and appropriate aspects of this understanding
holistic and resilient design response illustrated through a
have informed the spatial and functional relationships of
finalized set of images derived from an iterative design
the design proposal (Groat and Wang, 2013). To date, the
process. We reference existing studies for by Tam (2009)
research has identified significant quantitative data
and The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
relating to RSLs; however, their influence and application
(2015) to understand and analyze the selected shortlisted
requires interpretation, distillation, and iteration through a
case studies better. Then, we determine a set of key
qualitative and peer-reviewed iterative design process
(Moosa et al., 2018).

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6 A. Moosa et al.

Fig. 4 Proposed framework (Author).

3.3.1. Analytical Hierarchy Process wj ci, j. A can then be expressed in the following form: A
During the literature review process, this research explored Z (wi/wj )nn. Considering multiplicative reciprocity
numerous examples that were excluded because of insuf- aij Z 1/aji ci, j, A can be further simplified and rewritten
ficient relevancy set against the research objectives. Any (Brunelli, 2015). We derive ratio scales from paired com-
case study unlikely meets the required criterion for estab- parisons of criteria with allowance for minor in-
lishing a Maldivian model because of economic, cultural, consistencies through this method. Thus, the priorities
geographical, and geopolitical differences. Notwith- (weightings) and consistency ratio can be calculated
standing this circumstance, the critical attributes of the (Goepel, 2018).
selected case studies were determined through an analyt- The case studies presented in this research are analyzed
ical process. On this basis, we aim to identify key appro- according to nine (9) categories: Cost, Term Solution, Ef-
priate aspects and physical and strategic attributes for the ficacy, Social Acceptance, Ecological Impact, Maintenance,
potential implementation into the Maldives design model. Social Equity, Speed of Implementation, and Scale. The
We also provide a quantitative basis to determine the chosen case study applied distinct strategies to combat
ranking of the factors analytically via a conventional mul- RSLs, including Living Shorelines, Floodable Development,
ticriteria weighted matrix: Analytical Hierarchy Process Primitive Floating Development, Modern Floating Devel-
(AHP). opment, and Coastal Armouring (Tetrapods). We seek to
The AHP supports multicriteria decision making (Saaty, determine the viable solutions to find the “best-fit” for the
1959) allowing for a simultaneous comparison of multiple implementation of the design model through the analysis of
criteria (Brunelli, 2015). Moreover, AHP allows for quanti- strategies against the abovementioned categories (Fig. 5).
tative (actual measurements) and qualitative (subjective In the pairwise comparison (Table 1), we have used
opinions) pairing. The method uses pairwise comparisons, Saaty’s Balanced Scale (Saaty, 1980) with the corresponding
which consider simultaneous alternatives by atomizing a verbal judgments proposed by Brunelli (2015).
problem into its small components (Brunelli, 2015). Math- Rankings are made by estimating a priority vector pro-
ematically, the method is as follows: pairwise comparison posed by Saaty (1959) as the principal eigenvector of the A
matrix, A Z (aij)nn, with aij > 0, expressing the degree of matrix. Aw Z n w, where n and w are an eigenvalue and an
preference of xi to xj. Saaty’s theory indicates that each eigenvector of A. The normalized eigenvector of the matrix
entry approximates the ratio between two weights aijzwi/ gives the ratio scale (weighting), and the eigenvalue

Please cite this article as: Moosa, A et al., Design response to rising sea levels in the Maldives: A study into aquatic architecture, Frontiers
of Architectural Research,
Aquatic architecture Maldives 7

Fig. 5 Hierarchy of criteria and alternative solutions (Authors, 2020).

determines the consistency ratio (Brunelli, 2015). We un-

Table 1 Balance scales and their association with verbal
dertake comparisons of 36 criteria and 10 solutions by using
Goepel (2018) online software. The consistency ratio is
determined to be CR Z 3.5% for criteria and between 2.1 Verbal description Scale Importance
and 9.8% for solutions. This finding is deemed reliable Indifference 1 Equal
next to a recommended value of <10% (Saaty, 1980). e 2 e
Equation (1) demonstrates that the priority vector for the Moderate preference 3 Moderate
criteria obtained is: e 4 e
Strong preference 5 Strong
0 1
e e
0:051 Very strong demonstrated preference 7 Very strong
B 0:222 C 8
B C e e
B 0:312 C Extreme preference 9 Extreme
B 0:074 C
B 0:021 C : ð1Þ
B 0:108 C
B 0:031 C
@ 0:156 A
0:025 The final ranking considering all the weighted criteria
and solutions suggests that Coastal Armouring (Tetrapods)
Criteria ranking (Fig. 6) suggests that Efficacy and Term and Living Shoreline solutions are the two critical aspects
Solution are two significant benchmarks, and they cumu- in projects combating RSLs, together comprising >50% of
latively comprise >50% of the weighting. the weighting (Fig. 7). However, not all environments pro-
We have selected the top five criteria and five solutions vide physical conditions that are suitable to the above-
to construct a priority matrix. The top five criteria (pre- mentioned solutions. The third highest ranked solution is
sented in random order) include Term Solution (highest %), Modern Floating Development. A hybrid solution tri-
Speed of Implementation (highest %), Maintenance (lowest angulates among the top three solutions where possible and
%), Social Acceptance (highest %), and Efficacy (highest %). appropriate.
The five solutions (selected in random order) for analysis
are Coastal Armouring (Tetrapods), Modern Floating 3.3.2. Case study 1: sea change Boston
Development, Primitive Floating Development, Floodable The Sea Change Boston (SCB) project by Sasaki Associates is
Development, and Living Shorelines. The obtained priority of particular relevance to the Maldives. The project is
matrixes highlighted in Equation (2) for all solutions are unique because it considers RSLs and tidal- and storm-
shown as As and the criteria eigenvector wc. The final pri- related flooding in Boston, Massachusetts. It also features
ority vector is wf. an in-depth analysis of cause and effect, specifically in the

0 1 0 1 0 1
0:125 0:220 0:123 0:409 0:550 0:222 0:284
B 0:437 0:044 0:033 0:045 0:078 C B 0:156 C B 0:135 C
As Z B
B 0:047 0:222 0:132 0:071 0:064 C
C ; wc Z B
B 0:051 C
C ; w f Z B 0:079 C
B C ð2Þ
@ 0:066 0:231 0:356 0:169 0:074 A @ 0:108 A @ 0:110 A
0:326 0:283 0:356 0:306 0:234 0:312 0:241

Please cite this article as: Moosa, A et al., Design response to rising sea levels in the Maldives: A study into aquatic architecture, Frontiers
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8 A. Moosa et al.

Fig. 6 Priority ranking of criteria (Authors, 2020).

Fig. 7 Priority ranking of solutions.

way that mitigation methods are considered. The SCB resilience planning for Greater Boston. A “call-to-action”
project was implemented on a large scale (incorporating exhibition showcased the findings derived by a consortium
government-level initiatives), which proved particularly of global experts consulting in climate, engineering,
relevant to this research. The design proposal of the proj- academia, advocacy, and politics, and who were involved
ect (Fig. 8) considers the diversity of risks and factors as a steering committee on the project (Sasaki Associates,
associated with increased flooding in Boston due to RSLs 2014). Testing such design proposals at a small scale and
and other flooding scenarios. The proposal outlines a providing “as-built” data, which can be applied in small at-
number of sustainable long-term strategies to minimize and risk communities, are critical for dialogue, planning, and
avert the devastating effects of water action against the delivering on design. This approach ensures that the mo-
city. A scenario analysis for RSLs and flooding events and mentum for action is maintained, and good solutions are
diverse design schemes and implementation strategies are shared with the rest of society. However, patenting and
considered. Sasaki Associates provide in-depth analyses exploiting global markets is not conducive at present.
that outline response mechanisms to given scenarios.
The SCB is comprehensive in its stakeholder engagement 3.3.3. Case study 2: MOSE, Venice
and “buy-in” strategy, thereby establishing confidence, The MOSE (2017) project aims to defend against flooding in
understanding, and acceptance through community edu- Venice, Italy through fortification. Here, a mechanized wall
cation and engagement with the regional government to is enacted using hydraulic pumps as high tide approaches.
provide an overview and continuity of dialogue on Once inclined, these pumps create a separation between

Please cite this article as: Moosa, A et al., Design response to rising sea levels in the Maldives: A study into aquatic architecture, Frontiers
of Architectural Research,
Aquatic architecture Maldives 9

Maldives exist in this example given the need of both lo-

cations for preservation because of historical and cultural
Infrastructure comprises 78 hydraulic gates that are
automatically programmed to rise when tidal waves reach a
minimum specified height (Water Technology, 2014). Once
raised, tidal flow is restricted from inflowing to the lagoon
(Fig. 9).
The project contains other defensive mechanisms to
combat RSLs, including reinforcing and raising coastal
boundaries where possible (quaysides and paving levels).
Although MOSE is considered a short-to medium-term so-
lution and does not fall within the scope of the aims of this
research, it demonstrates a diverse-option approach to
ameliorating immediate effects, including the imple-
mentation of mechanisms, technologies, and structural
infrastructure. Notwithstanding the temporary nature of
these solutions, these methods can inform and feature as
components to permanent solutions in this research. The
MOSE project already provides Venice a crucial delay in the
“critical path” toward the catastrophic effects of RSLs and
tidal activity. However, capitalizing on this precious
extension of time can ensure that a feasible and sustained
strategy is concurrently implemented during this “float”
period, which is of even great importance to the future of
the city.

3.3.4. Case study 3: floating city project

The Seasteading Institute (The Seasteading Institute, 2014)
commissioned DeltaSync to design a permanent (“seast-
eading”) floating city, which is largely a self-governing, sea-
Fig. 8 Options for climate change reactions (Sasaki dwelling municipality (Fig. 10). The Institute negotiated
Associates, 2014). with nations willing to host such a project and provide
transparent and politically independent governance there-
the Venetian Lagoon and the Adriatic Sea. The MOSE proj- after (DeltaSync, 2013). Development was founded on
ect is a good example of how technological advancements expansion from existing delta-located cities and further
have allowed for developing innovative methods of “forti- increased and offered cost-effective, practical, and
fication” (e.g., underwater seawalls), despite remaining market-feasible permanent “aquatecture” over a period
short-term in nature. In this project, Venice provides (Wylson, 1986). The political and economic framework of
another example of a “small island nation” with fortifica- the Seasteading Institute seeks to create an “independent
tion issues. However, unlike Malé, Venice has Italy as a society” with contemporary laws and governance that has
“fallback” for migration and decanting large populations. no relationship to outdated governmental structures that
Notwithstanding this situation, strong correlations to the emanated in bygone centuries.

Fig. 9 (a) macrogeographical alignment and positioning; (b) close up of MOSE (2017) project, operational defensive wall.

Please cite this article as: Moosa, A et al., Design response to rising sea levels in the Maldives: A study into aquatic architecture, Frontiers
of Architectural Research,
10 A. Moosa et al.

Fig. 10 Floating city concept (DeltaSync, 2013).

The proposal, as a permanent and sustainable solution, Given that approximately one-third of the Netherlands
aligns with the objectives of this research to provide an sits below sea level and, although similar to the Maldives, it
adaptive sanctuary migration and habitation for pop- experiences increasing pressure from RSLs, its people have
ulations threatened by RSLs. The scheme is scalable and been attuned to living with water for centuries (Rohmer,
invites expansion and concerns itself with providing respite 2011b). With what are now similar circumstances, this
to the needs of exponential increases in population and case study provides a relatable option to areas, such as the
pressure on pastoral lands for food. This scheme is self- Maldives, because the atollelagoon structure of the islands
sustaining and independent and offers a feasible option for provides similar sheltered conditions to support compara-
consideration in the Maldives. ble adaptive architecture.

3.3.5. Case study 4: floating houses in IJburg 3.3.6. Case study 5: district 4, Vietnam
Amsterdam, the capital of the Netherlands, comprises Shaw (2006: p 525) mentioned that “most of the disasters in
many neighborhoods composed entirely of floating dwell- Vietnam are related to the weather conditions and climate
ings. IJburg, a residential area within Amsterdam, currently change.” In recent years, climate change has exacerbated
accommodates 45,000 people (Fig. 11). Here, houses the intensity of seasonal flooding, to which Vietnam has
designed by Dutch architect Marlies Rohmer (2011a) are not responded by implementing the Ho Chi Minh City Climate
constrained by a typical “grounding” but float on the water Adaptation Strategy. This plan fits within the Vietnam
surface, thereby providing natural vertical shifts and gentle Climate Adaptation Partnership and involves collaboration
changes in tidal activity and RSLs. Correspondingly, the with Dutch engineering company Witteveen þ Bos, which
design rationale and primary aim of the designers and specializes in flood risk management and urban develop-
municipality is to form defensive and adaptive relationships ment. The partnership between Vietnam and the
with water. Netherlands aims to implement an adaptive climate change
strategy for Ho Chi Minh City by focusing on “urban devel-
opment and climate adaptation” (Davies, 2015: para. 5).
The adaptive approach here is to develop a series of res-
ervoirs throughout the districts that intend to mitigate RSLs
and tidal activity in flood-prone areas. This approach is set
to be used as an adaptive template for expansion to other
flood-prone districts, such as Phnom Penh.
Notwithstanding this concept, the political aspects
associated with such development beg consideration. The
villages in Ho Chi Minh City have infrastructure and archi-
tectural built form (Fig. 12) that account for and are
already adapted to mitigate RSLs and tidal activity in this
Fig. 11 Floating houses in IJburg (Rohmer, 2011). flood-prone area of the world.

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Aquatic architecture Maldives 11

Fig. 12 Improvised delta housing along Khanh Hoi Canal, District 4 in Ho Chi Minh City (Davies, 2015).

The effects of RSLs are likely to become prominent once relating to which strategy best serves the immediacy of
the villages are moved out of the delta area and replaced tidal flooding and RSLs on the island: (1) fortify (defend
by planned commercial expansion. The adaptive nature of against water by keeping it out), (2) retreat and isolate
civilizations here and elsewhere (e.g., the semi-nomadic (move further inland or to higher ground, if available), or
Penan people indigenous to Sarawak) favor resilience to (3) adapt (live with water as a “new normal” either by
RSLs through elevated and semipermanent structures. This working with itdshaping to control itdor circumventing its
concept does not suggest that such cultures do not face processes to an alternative way of living) (Sasaki
other cultural, geopolitical, and environmental (as a small Associates, 2014). Similarly, this situation has been occur-
sampling) pressures. However, these structures lack the ring in the Netherlands for centuries.
permanency of modern construction. Meanwhile, the agility Although a short-term solution, fortification through
of modest and lightweight structures facilitate adaptability defensive barricades has been adopted in most of the case
to the site and its constraints, climatic conditions, and studies examined. This approach is likely favored because it
fluctuations in water levels, especially at a time when the is less disruptive to societies within this context, meaning
villagers were economically and geographically pressured that the daily rhythms of life remain unchanged to a great
to locate along the canals. degree. The industry and most other sectors can continue
Overall, the relevance of this project derives in its use of to support the economy, and the culture and heritage of a
sound design principles, which have been applied out of local remain intact. However, this solution is not sustain-
necessity and in response to the vernacular conditions of able and does not suit large contexts with extensive
Vietnam. This notion suggests an intolerance of modern coastlines to defend. The RSLs can strike at the heart of the
design and infrastructure to be flexible to changing condi- MOSE project in Venice (Case Study 3). Accordingly, no
tions due in part to architectural permanency and choice of mechanical system is infallible to malfunction. Although
materiality. this solution may offset the effects of ingress in the Vene-
tian context, it is inappropriate for the Maldives. This
4. Findings and discussion strategy requires land on either side to ensure that inter-
vention, when raised, “bridges” the gap like a dam wall.
Nevertheless, this concept can be considered as part of a
This research identifies and reviews potential case study
sequence of phased defensive interventions but not on the
candidates well beyond those presented in this paper. The
critical path to a sustainable solution in its own right.
four examples selected are merely representative of the
Nomadic communities and indigenous peoples that
increasing body of work in this area and together highlight
reside in coastal areas have what appears to be a natural
the diversity of circumstance, location, culture, and vary-
relationship with water. Communities resettle after di-
ing degrees of familiarity related to living with water as
sasters to less affected areas or islands by using “retreat
critical elements to habitation and survival.
and isolate” options, rather than setting permanent struc-
The strategies applied as singular factors or components
tures to territorialize the ownership of land against
of a system approach are further examined. The purpose of
nomadic seasonal migrations (as the early people of the
conducting such analysis is to understand some non-
Maldives did) (Naylor, 2015: p 733). This nomadic tradition
hypothetical (design-only) options and strategies available
of the Maldivian people (now considered primitive) has
better, given that built examples have been demonstrated
since ceased because it is no longer feasible within a
in response to the varying methods of defense and adap-
contemporary urban framework. Even if continued, the
tivity of RSLs within diverse contexts. In light of the specific
Maldives, with a projected RSL of 2 m, would be submerged
and unique circumstances, design must work with and
due to averaging 1.6 m elevation above sea level (Jevrejeva
engage all stakeholders who must be part of the discussion
et al., 2016).
and process to ensure community adoption and accep-
However, adaptation considers water as a key design
tance. This situation draws a critical thread to the cir-
parameter and an accepted element central to decision
cumstances in the Maldives, and, in turn, efficiently informs
making, which can co-generate positive outcomes through
the aspirational design brief of this research, particularly

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of Architectural Research,
12 A. Moosa et al.

design. For example, Rotterdam in the Netherlands has and voices heard to ensure successful implementation of
urban master plan schemes with designated flood pre- such extensive and sweeping changes.
cincts. Here, the strategy is to deliver resilient urban design The current infrastructure of Maldivian living demon-
infrastructure through a “systems” approach with princi- strates that the country is dependent on external sources
ples intended to meet the current and future needs of the for most of its resources. According to the National Bureau
entire districts dedicated to living with water (van Veelan, of Statistics (2018), almost all of its staples are imported,
2016: p 24). with local fisheries being the major source of locally sus-
The process of implementing adaptation on a societal tained food. The UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization
scale is initialized at an institutional level. Thus, entire (Food and Agriculture Organization, 2008) indicated that
societies must adapt education and act as the agents for the Maldives produces less than one-tenth of its overall
change. Engaging the tutelage of future generations to food requirements. Malnutrition, anemia, and vitamin A
form and consolidate changing views and practices allows deficiency remain prevalent among the population due to
for developing sustainable societies; hence, “institutions the lack of food security policy and nutrient-rich local
themselves may need to be restructured” (Kane and Yohe, produce.
2000: p 2) for evolution to occur. However, active education Consequently, other sectors of Maldivian infrastructure
through stakeholder engagement also proves to be critical also lack in terms of self-management and sufficiency. With
because of the imminency of the problem. Manin, Stein, regard to energy production, lack of renewable sources
and Mansbridge (1987: p 352) held that “a legitimate de- (e.g., solar, wave, and wind) being used but heavy reliance
cision does not represent the will of all, but is one that on the burning of fossil fuels for power generation is
results from the deliberation of all”. Communities must be observed (National Bureau of Statistics, 2018). Moosa,
given the opportunity to contribute and have their concerns Jonescu, Sutrisna, Hammad, and Do (2018) highlighted

Fig. 13 Present situation in the Maldives, including the required changes in sociopolitical and cultural circumstances (Author).

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Aquatic architecture Maldives 13

that Maldivians are dependent on extensive desalination stimulate conversation about taking ownership of what is
processes to provide sufficient potable water. However, the undoubtedly a complex and critical situation. Such concept
current practices are costly and negatively affect marine presents itself as a method for enabling the Maldives to
ecosystems through their operating processes. Finally, the develop self-sufficient practices and resilient urban growth
current education system of the nation must incorporate a proactively in the face of rising seas. Although this proposal
unique curriculum that highlights the current issues and does not offer a panacea solution, the architectural design
methods for mitigating and adapting in the future (Fig. 13). aims to identify the Maldives as a prototype for future
We apply viable “best-fit” solutions for the imple- coastal growth. The design timeline of the phased response
mentation of the design model and design decision-making suggests “Module 01” to be implemented in the year 2035
on the basis of AHP ranking that considers categories (Cost, to initiate resilient living in the Maldives formally.
Term Solution, Efficacy, Social Acceptance, Ecological This method allows for the use of the existing extensive
Impact, Maintenance, Social Equity, Speed of Imple- infrastructure and amenities of the city (e.g., medicine and
mentation, and Scale) and strategies (Living Shorelines, education) and exposure to the mass population by locating
Floodable Development, Primitive Floating Development, the structure off the coast of Malé. The incorporation of
Modern Floating Development, and Coastal Armouring this method into the current city aims to commence the
[Tetrapods]) to combat RSLs (discussed in Research process of social acceptance and change even through vi-
Methodology). sual connection. The indicative location (Fig. 15) was cho-
sen because it is:
4.1. Design outcome
1. Within the protected waters of Kaafu Atoll,
This study explores opportunities for building resilient in- 2. Positioned on an elevated reef flat,
frastructures by using an iterative design approach. The 3. Nondisruptive to current ferry routes,
primary solution sought adapts to RSLs in the Maldives 4. Close to a public beach area in Malé (to increase visual
through the disciplines of architecture and construction interaction).
management. The proposed infrastructure sits within an
urban scale. Hence, a clear scope in which the design is The typological exploration considers elements of the
defined must be developed. This process results in the urban framework necessary for communities and cities to
development of a phased response involving breaking down grow and flourish (Popovic et al., 1995). These elements
opportunities for realistic and achievable implementation. include (but are not limited to) residential factors, educa-
The five phases are outlined in Fig. 14 with Phase 2 tion, agriculture, water, medicine, commercial and civic
(“Adapt”) being a primary focus for this research. factors, and energy. The elements are grouped into “urban
The criteria driving the iterative design process are scenarios” (or typologies) through a process of drawing
derived from the bricolage of research, including the case connections between community needs and infrastructural
studies, which support decision making relative to the ob- requirements and determining how the process can be
jectives of this paper. This proposal seeks to initiate and translated into a “landless,” self-sufficient, and resilient

Fig. 14 Potential phase responses with Phase 2 considered appropriate for the design research approach in this paper (Authors).

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14 A. Moosa et al.

Fig. 15 The first module (Phase 2) is of an urban scale and typology; the first module acts as a gateway for future development,
becoming a transition point between current and future life (Authors).

built form (i.e., an appropriate typology for Module 01). 3. Phased process: The proposal is part of a phasing-in
This adaptive and resilient response should deliver the process. This notion is suggested to ensure that the
following high-level aspirational outcomes derived from modular implementation meets the current and growing
Moosa (2018): needs of the Maldivian population. The modular nature
of the design proposal is also intended to allow for a
1. Adaptability: The design must consider how it supports projected implementation strategy. The design
existing Maldivian society and allows for population approach needs to consider this long-term phasing and
growth. It must be modular, thus facilitating ease of resilience strategy because of the imminent nature of
construction and repetition and making it adaptable, RSLs in the Maldives. However, this approach greatly
scalable, and cost-effective to replicate as demand in- depends on the sufficient provision of time purchased
creases in future phases. The infrastructure must be through certain short-term defensive methods.
flexible and offer multi-use functionality to rationalize
spatial requirements and allow for potential expansion The initial implementation of a multi-use community
(of Malé) through further modular components rather infrastructure enables the local community to transition
than land reclamation. Further addition of infrastructure into an alternate mode of living. Therefore, the initial
modules may require complete shifts from existing modular island is designed as a “template” for use in
islands or formations of new islands. further future development. This community development
2. Resilience: The design should be adaptive to the includes (1) a community hub (public domain), (2) resi-
changing climatic conditions, specifically RSLs, tidal dential apartments (similar to existing residential typol-
action, and storm surges. The idea of what forms ogies found in Malé), and (3) trade of goods and services for
“resilient” responses is examined by exploring “aquatic economic, provisional, and employment needs (e.g., busi-
architecture” typologies and assessing case studies. This ness, food, basic health care, and enterprise).
concept highlights that the Netherlands has worked with The infrastructure proposes to commence and support a
water for centuries, accepting its presence and con- phased community migration from Malé toward offshore
trolling its path and effect by designing with water as a development and is considered part of its current urban
key criterion. Here, resilience is equated to the suc- frameworkdone with demand-driven capacity to expand,
cessful management of function relative to water. in keeping with the effects of RSLs and self-sufficiency.

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Aquatic architecture Maldives 15

Local crop production is considered critical to a sense of provisional and energy generation, which have each been
community self-sufficiency (Fig. 16aec) and includes pro- considered and adopted into the design proposition.
duction of leafy greens, small fruits, vegetables, and root Like Dutch architects who have, for some time,
vegetable crops (Barth, 2018). Although this production is increasingly shifted toward floating homes in Holland
not intended to suggest an ability to meet diverse dietary (Palca, 2008: para. 2), the concept is bedded to the sea
needs, it is a physical manifestation of the need to be floor through a drill pipe core and further anchored through
adaptive and explore alternative means of deriving suste- a 3D-printed artificial reef (Fig. 17aec). A Modular Artificial
nance. The other harvestable crops suggested in the pro- Reef Structure already implemented in the area (Goad,
posal include scallops, mussels, oysters, and other 2014) further enhances the immediate marine ecosys-
crustaceans, seaweed, and algae; atmospheric CO2 must tems. The design incorporates other critical design con-
also be mitigated (Smith, 2011). siderations, such as an educational research laboratory,
The Maldives should develop self-sufficient communities and an outer-ring, multipurpose defensive buoy system,
with residential, educational, and medical facilities and thereby minimizing the wave impact and creating a calm-

Fig. 16 aec: (left to right): (a) CETO desalination buoy treats water through self-harnessing wave energy; (b) aeroponics and
algae harvesting for biofuel; (c) aeroponic crops and reticulation (Author).

Fig. 17 (a) Phase 2 anchoring system and scalable pods; (b) “Module 01” conceptual design model showing the central core,
urban-scale harvesting and research, and the gateway to future development; (c) “Module 01” (Phase 2) urban-scale aquatic
farming and varying spatial arrangements for habitation (Authors).

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of Architectural Research,
16 A. Moosa et al.

water lagoon for aqua-farming and community interaction. sociocultural aspects will be difficult. If such a project is
The system also allows for wave-energy harvesting and fa- deemed feasible and undertaken, a post-construction, as-
cilitates a “climbing collar system” sleeve, rainwater har- built occupancy analysis will provide a physical and func-
vesting, aeroponic agriculture, and expandable water tioning exemplar on which further analysis and research
desalination. Black and grey water treatment and reticu- can be conducted for future application. As with any
lation infrastructure also feature in the design. research by design, documentation continues to evolve
Similar to this concept, the project design incorporates a because the work is further refined and tested at scale,
central “climbing collar system” sleeve to accommodate modeled, and retested.
ongoing RSLs and tides (Crane and Rigging, 2015), thereby
allowing for inherent and natural vertical rise and fall of 6. Conclusion and further research
the structure that is further supported by its own buoyancy.
As with Holland’s floating homes, government buy-in and
Climate change undoubtedly appears as one of the signifi-
commitment are also required. Palca (2008) (para. 2)
cant junctures of our time. The United Nations
Development Programme, 2017 “2030 Agenda for Sustain-
The inevitable rise in sea level that comes with climate able Development” acknowledges this situation through its
change is going to make it increasingly difficult to con- “Climate Action” mandate, which defines critical “resil-
trol flooding in low-lying Holland. But instead of cursing ience and adaptive” goals. The research highlights the po-
their fate, architects are designing a new Holland that tential effect of RSLs in low-lying countries, such as the
will float on water, and the Dutch government seems Maldives, and this issue on a global scale by using multiple
willing to try out the scheme. Holland has made other case studies. This study positions research on RSLs and
countries begin to question, too. Who says you have to climate change in the Maldives through the scope of ar-
live on dry land? chitecture and construction management, given the pro-
pensity of these disciplines’ inclination to advance and
To this end, this proposal seeks to highlight a call to cater to the needs of global populations. In particular, this
action and collaboration from the disciplines of design, study considers the global and societal scale of impending
engineering and infrastructure construction, specialist devastation that low-lying coastal areas will likely continue
aquatic consultants, and the government. This research to experience, thereby driving the critical need for such
and future initiatives will exponentially intensify discussion research and discourse. Maldivians face significant chal-
and advocacy given the urgency in the Maldives and in many lenges not only to daily living and the total destruction of
other low-lying areas worldwide. Moreover, this research the country but also to the endurance of their national
also demonstrates the willingness to challenge complex
issues. It also offers the architectural design conceptuali- This research aligns itself to real-world deliverable
zation of some complementary options that exist as dispa- outcomes through case studies. Moreover, it proposes a
rate systems. The collective contribution of scholars theoretical architecture and infrastructure typology
suggests alternative means by which one may create the addressing critical components required to provide habitus
beginning of a semi-aquatic living paradigm in vulnerable for communities at risk of becoming fully submerged.
areas under imminent pressure to adapt to permanent Instead, the island must consider a scalable offshore ty-
climate-induced RSLs. pology that initially forms part of its infrastructure. This
proposal’s composition and deliverability of such a frame-
5. Limitations work have been considered and applied in a learned way
even though it is theoretical in nature. The typology has
Given that the design is formulated on what has been been conceived through a bricolage of research and an
dubbed as worst-case scenario RSL trends, it is situated in iterative design process as critical methodologies. The case
the year 2035 when sea levels are projected to rise by studies highlight the diversity of contexts to which RSL
350 mm but crafted to withstand a theoretical rise of concerns relate, including their varying undertakings to
2000 mm by 2100. Defense methods, including buoy forti- mitigate their short- and long-term effects. Specifically,
fications circumventing the design, allow for protection international exemplars with longstanding and existing
from extraordinary wave events and rough seas. Given adaptive relationships with water and associated “aquatic
these different levels of climate effect and existing climate architecture” exist to understand scalable options better
adaptation policies, the available building technologies in amid RSLs. Therefore, testing the limits and possibilities of
each study area may lead to different responsive solutions. architectural implementation under such extreme circum-
The effect of individual projects upon implementation in stances is subject to lived and highly developed examples.
certain case studies should be reviewed, similar to a post- The iterative process is distilled and refined into a
occupancy evaluation, to ascertain their efficacy for number of images intended to address the critical compo-
addressing climate change in practice. nents required of a functioning community for the purpose
A costebenefit feasibility analysis of any case study is of this paper. These initiatives are presented in an adaptive
required to determine the viability of a prior to proceeding; “Phase 2” response scenario. Accordingly, these efforts
yet, this is beyond the scope of this paper, which proposes a seek to agitate the academic, governmental, and industrial
theoretical design response as a feasible architectural and communities further to debate, discuss, and collaborate
infrastructural typology. Moreover, quantification next to, toward the implementation of real “built” initiatives and
in particular, various environmental, economic, living, and propositions for the Maldives.

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Aquatic architecture Maldives 17

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Please cite this article as: Moosa, A et al., Design response to rising sea levels in the Maldives: A study into aquatic architecture, Frontiers
of Architectural Research,

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