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1 Pie charts
1 The pie chart shows what household
waste was made up of during one year
in England.

a Which is the most common type

of waste?


b What percentage of the waste is

recycled (food waste, other organics
and dry recycling)?


2 The table shows students’ activity choices.

Activity Frequency Angle

football 63
swimming 29
athletics 88

a Complete the table for the total number

of students, then work out the angle for
each activity.
Check the angles add up to 360°.

b Use the circle to draw the pie chart.

Remember to give it a title and label it.

3 Draw a pie chart to show this data

on students' favourite subjects.

Activity Frequency
Maths 17
English 12
Science 16

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3.1 Pie charts
1 The pie chart shows the different species recorded
in a pond-dipping activity one day.
In total, 144 species were recorded.
How many of them were

a water fleas


b larvae


c newts?


2 A group of students recorded how long it took them to travel to school.

Time taken, t (minutes) Frequency

0<t≤5 7

5 < t ≤ 10 5

10 < t ≤ 15 6

15 < t ≤ 20 2

a Draw a pie chart to show this data.

b Complete these sentences.

i The modal time taken to travel to school is .......................

ii Fewer than half of the students have travelled to school in less than .......................

iii 10% of students travelled to school in more than .......................

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3 The pie charts show Year 8 and Year 9 students’ preferred ice
cream flavour.

a In Year 8, 40% of the students prefer chocolate ice cream.

How many Year 8 students prefer chocolate ice cream?


b How many Year 9 students prefer vanilla ice cream?


c Kate says, ‘More Year 8s than Year 9s prefer strawberry.’

Explain why she is wrong.


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3.1 Pie charts
1 The pie chart shows the fruit choices of 100 students.

a Write the fraction of the students who chose

i grapes .......................

ii bananas .......................

iii apples. .......................

Emily calculates how many students chose grapes:

of 100 students = 50 students
b Use Emily’s method to calculate how many students chose

i bananas


ii apples.


c Which is the most popular fruit? .......................

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2 The table shows the sandwich fillings customers bought in a café.

Type of filling Number of customers

cheese 40
ham 30
egg 20

a How many customers bought a sandwich? .......................

Emily draws a pie chart for this data. She calculates the angle she will use to represent one
person like this:

360° ÷ 90 = 4°

b Explain why she divides 360° by 90.


Emily calculates the angle for cheese.

40 × 4° = 160°

c Calculate the angles for ham and egg.



d Draw a sector with an angle of 160°.

e Draw a sector for ham.

f Measure the angle for the last sector.

Is it correct for egg?

g Colour the sectors different colours.

h Make a key to show what each colour


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3.1 Pie charts
1 a Residual waste. b 45%

2 a Frequency total = 180 students; angles: football = 126°, swimming = 58°, athletics = 176°.
b Students draw and label a pie chart using the angles from part a.

3 Students draw and label a pie chart using the angles Maths = 136°, English = 96° and Science = 128°.

1 a 72 b 18 c 24

2 a Students draw and label a pie chart using the angles 0 < t ≤ 5 = 126°, 5 < t ≤ 10 = 90°,
10 < t ≤ 15 = 108° and 15 < t ≤ 20 = 36°
b i 0<t≤5 ii 5 minutes iii 15 minutes

3 a 64 students b 50 students
c Year 8: 30% of 160 = 48 students. Year 9: of 200 = 50 students

1 1 1
1 a i ii iii
2 4 4
b i 25 ii 25 c grapes

2 a 90
b Because 90 is the total number of customers
c ham = 120°, egg = 80°
d–h Students draw and colour the pie chart using the angles 160°, 120° and 80° and insert a key so
that cheese is the largest sector, ham is the middle sector and egg is the smallest.

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