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Sue Mohame \ Main vocabulary Main structures Cross-curriculor themes 5 Teatime at Granny’s! ‘Alphabet Review of food, clothes, animals, school objects, musical instruments, Furmture What's the time? 1's (four o'clock 1s Josh wearing (shorts)? Where's the (uitar? In On/ Under the (sofa =| Areal cowboy playing hackey, sledging, fshina horse vine, rollebiading, skateboarding, jogging, playing bosketbal, canoeing, laying bodminton wotching TY, reading comics, talking to friends, writing emails listening to music, Playing computer games She He thes (horse riding. She He doesn’ the (Geeging) Geography: North America Bathtime for Fifi Review 1 1 face, anc, shoulders, toes, fingers, atoath, «foot, astomech, knees, honds rabbit, «guinea pia, o canary, agolifish, {a tortlse, 0 conary She / He's got (curly har Has she /he got (matt eos? Yes sho /he hos No, she/he hast Review of Units ature Animes ond senses >| Off to school taxi, ahelicopte, aboot. aory, the underground, plane PE, English, geography, maths, history, science EH The hungry rat | cae cla mec ik ik a jamie | Theres sore iin | suger tea the fu. Food in ort asl unary, tity, busy fay nice nasty | Con Thave some (oll? Yes of couse. Nsom, ES Night and day | S100 havea shower have bral gow | she Hoheslnchet | ecaraphe ‘i | Night and day | vnecl have lessons, yohorne, have dimer, | (one a’dow) Time zones @) P goto bed have smock got sleep geitb aaa oa lL quarter past one, al past i shop of four elock Listen quarter to five _ Review 2 Review of Units 3-4 oe Ht arwan atran, a moter, a bus, Sho/a goes to schoo! | Envionment by can. How do you go to (the park? 1 go by tox. Two [Fo] The Wolf's station, o museum, 0 supermarket, 1 cinema, a cafe, swimming pool, ‘She He's (@rawing) Helping the environment Literature: Fomeus stories Christmas Day Pancake Day cag] town ‘2 book shop, a toy shop, 2 200, a bank What are you doing? in front of, next to, between, behind, Tm (eading a sign) above, opposite Review 3 Review of Units 5-6 OnHotiday | Ablavofunies ee Brame: cinderll Write in Festivals: ‘a notebook Bonfire Night & PE teg Se Sue Mohamed OXFORD ‘UNIVERSITY PRESS Ascii or US, a9 Sandwiches i lel . Listen and answer. Ask and answer Hi, I'm Emma. | like egg sandwiches. Do you like eggs? Hello, tm Josh. My favourite food is chocolate. ‘What's your favourite food? Listen and find the clothes. What are you wearing? Close your books. Ask and answer. Is Josh wearing a cardigan? No, he isrit. He’s wearing a jumper. Is Emma wearing a white T-shirt? (=x) Listen and find the clock. Ask and answer. Listen and sing. At Granny's house, at Granny's house. It’s four o'clock, time for tea. At Granny’s house, at Granny's house. Lots to do and see. A surprise for you A surprise for me A surprise for everyone What can it be? At Granny's house, at Granny’s house. It’s five o'clock, time for fun. At Granny’s house, at Granny’s house. Attic time everyone! Listen and chant. ABCDEFGHIJKLMN OPQRSTUVWXYZ Now you know your A B C You can chant along with me! Listen and find. What letter is it? lion snake recorder pencil case ruler sharpener monkey guitar violin hat jumper shirt Find each object above. Listen and check. ti FP 2 | Remember! ‘1 Listen, repeat and say the number. @) swimming 2 Usten. 5 Wht activity iit _ playing football skipping 7) Lesson 2 1 Listen and read. =) °} Find words for pictures 9 and 10. 2 Listen, point and repeat. > Chant.) >. Do you like sport? Yes, Ido. Like What about you? like playing badminton ‘And hockey too. Idon't like rollerblading. ‘What about you Do you like sport? 4 Listen, point and repeat. @) & Watch or listen to the story. (2) )) List 3 sports in the story. ~~ Read and listen to the story. Find and say 4 sentences: Sue Ellen likes ... Texas Tom has got a problem. He doesnt like horse riding. I dont like riding. I'm not a real cowboy, Is Tom a real cowboy at the beginning or the end? ‘Sue-Ellen likes Texas Tom and she likes horse riding. 4 a Tdont like horse Vy C5 ee riding. I'm not a teal cowboy. 7 y2 iN Listen to the story again Then read aloud. Find and say a sentence about Texas Tom: He doesn’t like ... Sue-Ellen likes swimming. Texas Tom and Sue-Ellen are Texas Tom and Sue-Ellen are on ‘on horseback in the water! horseback on the riverbank. Now | like horse riding, Grammer Lessem 0 He doesn't like horse riding. a Tl watching TV @ reading comics talking to friends writing emails PB listening to musi e~ playing compute games # (He likes reading comics. He doesnt like watching TV. 3 Listen. Choose a, b orc. @) i | 1 Bill likes .. [a] 2 ag B (el em~ | | 2 Ann likes ... 3. May likes ... Watch or listen. What do the cowboy and the cowgirl like doing? Sing. @ Look at the cowboy, Everyone. He likes riding Inthe sun He likes canoeing And having fun. Stamp your feet On the ground. ‘Swing your partner Round and round. Look at the cowgirl, Everyone. She likes playing en Inthe sun. \¥- he likes swimming And having fun. Stamp your feet ... Listen and repeat. Focus on the sounds. Copy Tom’s sentence. =) Listen, complete and say. he . i LO swimming gh fun canoeing : : ! in Sayin : aoe Sue Ellen likes the and havin Act out the story and sing the song. ay Read and listen. Then answer Granny’s questions. To: Hi, read about these children and their hobbies, Where is each child from? Is it in the north, south, east or west of the USA? Love, Granny x This is Toby, His dad's a. cowboy on a ranch in Nevada, Nevada is in the west of the USA. Toby likes horse riding and throwing lassos with his dad, This is Manuela, She's Native American from New Mexico. New Mexico is in the south of the USA. Manuela likes reading. She can read English and her native language Keresan too. This is Levi. He's Inuit and he’s / from Alaska. Alaska is in the north. _ Canada is between Alaska and the his dad's snowmobile. | rest of the USA. Levi likes riding on This is Miriam. She's African American. She's from Queens in the centre of New ‘York. New York is in the east of the USA. She likes playing baseball in the park. | Read again and answer for each child. 1 Who likes reading? 2. Who likes playing baseball? | 3 Who likes horse riding? 4 Who likes riding a snowmobile? Ask and answer with a friend. What part of Spain are you in? What do you like doing? At the sports centre ... ie on. Lets badminton. Comi play | like watching sporton TV. J Listen, repeat and say the number. Listen, do and th d. : isten, do and say the word. a go> et Look and find the things on Felix’s list. a face am Bice BB stomach arms and BB tecn are neck and legs and shoulders feet Listen and read. Find words for pictures 9 and 10. Listen, point and repeat. Chant. tA 8 = & °c O & ( ag 7= l'vegot clean but dirty feet. DA . Swing your arms. Jump to the beat. Big dirty feet, 1,2,3. Do the bathtime rap with me. Tve got dirty knees but clean hair. Swing your arms. Jump in the air. Clean blond hair, 1,2,3. Do the bathtime rap with me. Mints — «ane Mh 4 Listen, point and repeat. Watch or listen to the story. List 3 parts of the body in the story. Read and listen to the story. Fifi likes baths. True or False? Find and say 3 sentences: She’s got... Fifl is Miss Simpsoris dog. But Fifi doesnt like baths. | ei Fifi, Fifl. 've got some shampoo, ee 6c 7 ee a fay Has she got aA straight hair? ms No, she's got curly hair, SRST Soru, snes not here. Leases She's got curly hair. Listen to the story again. Then read aloud. Find 3 questions: Has she got ... ? Is the answer Yes or No? | 2.1 Miss Simpson sees a polceman. Miss Simpson sees a florist. Excuse me. Is my dog Fit ui) here? No, she got ii aN tig ear ee fc E.| Sorry, shes pias not here, Gretiieir ess Has she got small ears? Yes, she has. / No, she hasn't. atl} acanary agoldfish a tortoise a rabbit apony ——aguinea pig Look at the picture and play. c Has he got a rabbit? No, he hasnt. 1 What's the girl’s name? 2 What's the name of her rabbit? 3 How many pets has she got? 4 How many goldfish has she got? Watch or listen. Has Fifi got small ears? Sing. A nm re She's got brown eyes, she’s got brown eyes. She's got brown eyes, that queen of jazz. Fifi the dog! Fifi the dog! The queen of jazz and razzamatazz! Bow-wow-wow! Bow-wow-wow! She’s got brown eyes, that queen of jazz! She’s got big ears, she’s got big ears. She's got big ears, that queen of jazz. Fifi the dog... She’s got curly hair, she’s got curly hair. She's got curly hair, that queen of jazz. ® Fifi the dog... OCR ne’ < Listen and repeat. Focus on the sounds. Copy Fifi’s sentence. Listen, complete and say. Act out the story and sing the song. ea To: Hi, look at these animals. In which photo can you see « pig, a wolf, an eagle, a leopard and a dolphin? Let’s go to the zoo tomorrow and see these animals. Love, Granny x This is Leo. He's a leopard in the Wild Cat House. He's active at night. He's got long sensitive whiskers. He can touch things in the dark and feel where he is going, This is Winnie. She's a wolf in the Wolf Park. She's got a very sensitive nose. She can smell friends, enemies Read again and answer. 1 What sense is important to a aneagle b awolf ¢ aleopard d apig e adolphin Then answer Granny’s question. This is Pinter. He's Thisis Dolly. She's pig on the Pet Farm. adolphin in the He's got a very sensitive Dolphin Pool. She's tongue. He can taste got small sensitive lots of different food, ears, She can hear But he eats everything! well, even under water. She can hear and communicate G | with other dolphins. This is Eden. He's an eagle in the Bird House. He's got very good ‘eyesight. He can see food from high in the sky, For example, he can see a mouse in the grass. Ask and answer with a friend. What's your favourite animal? What sense is important to this animal? *[2 | Have you got curly hair? Yes, I have. | He's got curly hair. *| 9 °(3| P've got curly hair. */ 2 *[4] Have you got curly hair? No, I haven't. *} Play the Flip book game with a friend. Listen and repeat. Act out. oT] At home ... We gota } new friend. } He's got long white and black hatr Review 1 ‘1 Find. Which picture is it in? + playing football + canoeing * ariver * long arms * atennis ball 2 Read and listen. @)'7 Answer. 1 Whatis Ben’s favourite sport? 3 Read again and answer True or False. 1 Ben likes playing football. Gr Lisa can’t play football. Lee doesn’t like playing cricket. Lee is wearing knee pads. Long arms and legs are good for playing netball. 6 Ben likes canoeing in winter. wn 5 w 4 Read again and complete. [= I like playing football. ahelmet life jacket . Ak our school we have goals knee pads | a large sports field with goal posts. Lisa is 1 Weer... to protect your knees. ‘aig elas Wee 2 Weer... to protect your head. ‘ 3 Wear... for water sports. 4 You can score... in football and netball matches. w Ask and answer with a friend. 1 What sports can you do at school? 2 What other sports do you like doing? 3 What's your favourite sport? Look at these balls. How many different sports can you see? a a‘ a My friend Lee likes playing cricket. Can you see him? He's got knee pads to protect hi knees and a helmet to protect his head. This is netball. My sister is in the school netball team. She's got long legs and long arms so she can score lots of goals. My favourite sport is canoeing, but only in the summer. It’s too cold in the winter! Tim wearing a life jacket and a helmet. My lege are inside the cance, and I use my arms and shoulders to paddle. et —" PU) UU L ss = aoe chicken Listen, repeat and say the number. sausages Listen. @) | 3 \ 4 mei | MH) ct 2-422= (ow do you go to school, Mona? SW bus, the bus breaks down. When Sophie goes to school And Sophie’ late for English. by car, the car breaks down —— Youte late, Sophie. Sit down, Oh no... I've got fe English at nine o'clock, How do you go to school, Tom? She goes to school by car. Listen to the story again. Then read aloud. Find 3 questions and 3 answers. How do you... When Sophie goes to school And Sophie’ late for history, by motorbike, the motorbike breaks down. Youtte late, Sophie. Sit down. 9 Ee) ees ET oho... 1ve got 5 history at nine oclock And when Sophie walks to school ... she’s early. ‘Good moming, Miss. Look! I'm early. ies 9 How do you go to school? Igo by car. 1 Listen, point and repeat. @) 99 £e ears PE English geography maths history science Tr 4:00 10:30 | Lunch fe @ Lunch aS | ge |i ce S @ Lunch | @ & Lunch Tho Lae [Lia aN 2 Listen and repeat. @) 33 Look at the picture and play. 4, (t's on Wednesday at half past ten. Geography. 3 Listen. Answer with a, b or c.@) 7 | 1. What time is geography? [a] [] ira} 2. What day is PE? [a] Monday ‘Thursday 3 What doy and time is maths? 4] |phursay 1 Watch or listen. a 405% What’s Sophie’s favourite subject? Sing. How do you go to school? Igo to school by bus. History is on Monday. Tdon’t like that much. How do you go to school? Igo to school by bike. Music is on Wednesday. That I really like. How do you go to school? Igo to school by car. English is on Friday. That's the best by far! 92 | 2 Listen and repeat. Focus on the sounds. @) 9 3 Copy Sophie’s sentence. EY Listen, complete and say. @)% EY ‘Mona ... to the on Saturday. i 1 Read and listen. )% Then answer Granny’s question. | To: | Hi let’s help the planet. Here is some information about 195 we can do. In which photo can you see a car, water ond trees? Love, Granny x am We all use transport. Transport with engines pollutes the alt. We all use Some children go to school by} Well use water. paper. Paper i cat. A car has got an engine. Water comes from comes from trees. Some children go lakes and rivers. Some people waste by bike. Abike Some people | paper. For example, hasn't got an waste water. For example, they only draw on engine, so it’s they leave taps on. Some one side. Some people good for the environment. people recycle water. recycle paper. They put They collect rain water paper in the recycling and water plants. This is bin. This is good for the good for the environment. environment. 2 Read again and answer. 3 Ask and answer with a friend. 1 Isit good to go to school by car or by bike? ABOUT ME ? : is t good ‘e catect or woste wet? Homa enene s it good to waste or recycle paper? Rota ou pecielen How do you go to school? I go by car.*| [2] He goes to’school by car.*} She goes to school by car. ® Play the Transport game with a friend. > Listen and repeat. Act out. © At school ... Uy Now you are ready to make your story book oe 1 Listen, repeat and say the number. @)° 2 Listen. @) 2 What building is it? 3 Look and find the things on Felix’s list. Ga swimming pool or 4 Listen and repeat. @).> Play. Theres a cafe and a museum, yo ‘N Listen and read. @))“s Find words for pictures 9 and 10. SS Listen, point and repeat.) Chant. @) $2 . ea Fi Skip, skip, 1, 2, 3. Skip, skip, in with me. } = There’s a in the town. There’s a zoo. Turn around. f Skip, skip, 1, 2, 3. Skip, skip, in with me. 6 S There isn’t a bank in the town. y oO a There sno bank Touch the ground. | ne oe | 3 Listen, point and repeat. @) 4 Watch or listen to the story. tia) “@)% The wolf goes to 2 places. What are they? |=) welling Mig. 3 B ane ) oN ‘e Ay el 1 Read and listen to the story. @)% Who wins, the Wolf or Little Red Riding Hood? 2 Find and say 3 sentences: The wolfis [2| The woifis reading @ party invitation. Oh good! There's a party at Granny's house. | can catch Little Red Riding Hood. £4 a Zz E Oh nol The Big feed Bac Wort is in town! The Wolfs in the park. ] drawing signs. | Hes talking on the phone. cx The Wolf cant come to the ; Hello dear. What are you doing? I'm dancing. She’s drawing. 3 Listen to the story again. @)": Then read aloud. Find and say 3 questions and answers: What are you... ? I’m... Oh look! Theres Little Red Riding Hood, This is the way to ... dinner! What are you doing now, dear? al What are you doing? Pm reading a sign. ma a Tiere emia Gentile 2 = o. in front of next to between behind above opposite 2 Listen and repeat. #)'%% Look at the picture and play. 4 (__ Hes listening to music and hes ? | wearing a yellow Tshirt, Where Is he? Hes between the Yee 1 Watch or listen. 22% @)% The wolf is going to the party, True or False? =" Sing. We don't like the Big Bad Wolf. We don't like the Big Bad Wolf. We don’t like the Big Bad Wolf Because he’s big and bad! I’m going to a party, It’s opposite the park. =a The Wolf is there. I’m feeling scared Because it’s getting dark. We don’t like the Big Bad Wolf... I'm going to a party, It’s behind the zoo. The Wolf is bad. He’s feeling sad Because he can’t come too. We don’t like the Big Bad Wolf... 2 Listen and repeat. Focus on the sounds. @) 5? 3 Copy Little Red Riding Hood’s sentence. [=" Listen, complete and say.) =!" hood good The ... is lookit for... in the .. 4 Act out the story and sing the song. Oy Oo Hi, here ore three different stories. Guess which story is a myth, legend and a fairytale. Let's read them together this afternoon. | Love, Granny x Cinderella This story is about a poor girl and a rich prince. Cinderella can't go to the prince's ball. In this picture, the fairy godmother is changing Cinderella into a princess and saying, You can go to the ball, Cinderella’ King Arthur This story is about a sixth-century knight called ‘Arthur. Some knights find a message on a sword in a stone. It says,/Only the King of England can pull our this sword! In this picture, Arthur is pulling out the sword, So Arthur is the King. Hercules This story is about Hercules. Hercules’ father is Zeus, King of the gods. Hercules has lots of adventures on Earth. In this picture, Hercules is back on Mount Olympus. He is sitting and drinking with his father. 2 Read again and answer. 1. What's the fairy godmother doing in Picture 1? What's your favourite story? 2. What's Arthur doing in picture 2? Whaloperetanisltz 3. What’s Hercules doing in picture 3? What's it about? ti [| What are you doing? I'm dancing. | [2 He's dancing. | *[3 | She's dancing. *f 2 Play the Who am I? game with a friend. \° ©) ten and repeat. @)° Then act ou' oa 1 Find. Which picture is it in? + abike * acar + acat * English books + abook shop + arabbit 2 Read and listen. @)% Answer. 1 How does Lisa go to the shops? 2. How does she go to the supermarket? 3 Read again and answer True or False. |=" 1. Lisa lives in Oxford 2. You can buy school books in the book shop. 3. Lisa’s cat is 3 years old. 4 Lisa goes to the sweet shop in the morning. 5 She goes to the supermarket with her mum, 4 Read again and match. =” 3 amoney box 4 a shopping list 1. pocket money 2 atrolley << oe eS, 5 Ask and answer with a friend. 1. What shops have you got in your nearest town? How do you go there? 2 Do you get pocket money? What do you buy? Hi, 'm Lisa, This is my (Qi project about shopping. T live in Oxford. There are some great shops. I go to the shops by bike. Lots of people ride bikes in Oxford. Ben and I sometimes go to the sweet shop after school. I get £3 pocket money a week and I epend £1 on eweets. I put £2 a week in my money box. a This is a book shop in Oxford. 1 buy some the pet shop. 1 am buying Gy of my school books here — books for some pet food for my cat. English, maths and other lessons. His name is Alfie and he's 3 years old. Every Saturday morning 1 go to the supermarket with my dad. I write a shopping list and 1 push the trolley. We buy lots of food s we go by car Shopping list . bread | mie apples } carrots | chocolate like visiting London and the museums. And | like going shopping. Can we go to Hamleys toy shop? BY Of course. But let's begin with the London Eye. How do we get there? ‘We can go by bi or by undergrout And theres a special tourist b fovea erPutare Pate Cathe AB (Oh, tets go by tourist Then we can go ups and see everythin é Read and answer. Wete on holiday in London with Granny and Grandad. Look! What famous places can you see? \ We can use London transport What different types of transport 5 A can you see? Ask and answer. 1 Has Emma got curly or straight hair? a fl| [aul 2. Has Josh got dirty or clean hands? 3 Has Granny got big or small ears? [2%] [=] = [ima =) 4 Has Grandad got grey or brown hair? Ask and answer. Gane) ere) a How do you go to town? fishing swimming doing maths reading books \ Sloy London. = by bike bybus bytrain by undergrou Look at the picture and listen. Answer True or False. The family are in Manchester. Emma likes going to museums. She doesn't like shopping. Grandad wants to go to Big Ben. Josh wants to go by tourist bus. Listen again. @)%: Then act out. & wrRwne Qo 2 ratmieala 2 Read. Play with a friend. i — - read eat ride a bike walk talk Shes (Stes reading Where i she ) Where Is she? Is she pissheweamy a Hack sit) a black shirt? J pester | Se wearing a pester | T-shirt, She's in front of the bank. My turn! At the theatre ... J 3 2 Listen to the song. 3 Listen again and sing. @)c: E » A % Ss. LJ Fo, > | Yes, of course. ‘0: What wins in the end, good or bad? [Ey(What time is the play ot the theatre, Granny? ie It starts at a) half past seven. HEE ie me ae Quick. a theatre by taxi oe y \, The theatre is x YA opposi the restaurant. ‘We can walk! See 6 i ol e Off to the theatre, What fun that can be! Off to the theatre, Come, sing and dance with me! Things happen good and bad, Make us happy, make us sad. But because we've got a friend, Good wins in the end! eels ae Co Ie A ae ilare mescrs Fehon eee ens Soe Sl aol cc Co OLAS eu Ta eae a esa eeay the ground. Prince: I’ve got an idea. She’s got very Bateman eee ae eB te rove tia em Yeo Crees Sei orem Me tiae Me] R OU AOU R UI ON Aer ORGS ACI ebaeli sea i (elt ap eel Sister 1: Yes, of course ... Oh no! This shoe is small. Cn eC Are eH Cinderella: Please can I try the shoe? Sister 1: No, you can’t, Cinderella. Father: NM) Roel CoO Kea cD Oh, lucky Cinderella! Yee MRM MRSS CoS B(oL ay eee erm ern Nar eee Teme sO ee Cotillion lee es elie eae tL rN Oh, lucky Cinderella! All BM lnk neem ‘Mmm, Im hungry! — (_And the firey 1 Listen and repeat. @)% Listen and answer. @) 5 i "SH “SO aguy abonfire fireworks arocket hotdogs _toffee apple 2 Listen, repeat and act. @)%¢ ay 3 Read, listen and answer. @) 07 : 1 When is Bonfire Night: I'm Ben, Its the 5th of November. Its Bonfire Night. On Bonfire Night we remember Guy 2 What does Ben watch Fawkes. We remember his plot to blow up on Bonfire Night? parliament and kill the king. On Bonfire Night ‘we put G guy on the bonfire and we watch lots of fireworks. | like watching fireworks. % Listen and say the chant. @)%s Remember, remember The fifth of November, Gunpowder, treason and plot. Isee no reason Why gunpowder treason Should ever be forgot. 5 Make a rocket. uxceCO-ROM Found on Teach’ 4 E*) - eee een eal] Sra) Ef Memy Christmas. everubod eee ™ cos co 1 Listen and repeat. @)% Listen, count and answer. @) 10 we SF @ apaperhat — a cracker a turkey aChristmas .asnowflake acandle pudding 2 Listen, repeat and act. @)57 ey 3 Read, listen and answer, @)i2 Its the 25th of December 1 What time does Ellen Its Christmas Day. Hi, I'm Ellen have Christmas lunch? and Im with my family. We have Chuistmas lunch at three cciock | 2 What does Ellen eat for on Christmas Day. We eat turkey Christmas lunch? ‘and Christmas pudding. We pull crackers and wear paper hats. We have lots of fun! 3 % Listen and sing. @)5 Little donkey, little donkey On the dusty road. Carry Mary, carry Mary And her heavy load. Ring out the bells tonight Bethlehem, Bethlehem. Follow the star so bright. Bethlehem, Bethlehem. Little donkey, little donkey ... 5 Make a snowflake. Found on Teach’ Resource CD-ROM % e Pancake Look at me! can toss pancakes really well 2 Listen and answer. @)%> 1 Listen and repeat. a knife a fork afryingpan aglass._ | ~—abowl abottle 2 Listen, repeat and act. @)i% oS 3 Read, listen and answer. #@) 7 1 Where is Lee? 2 When does Lee eat pancakes? Hi, I'm Lee. Its Pancake Day! I'm at home with my friend Lisa. On Pancake ‘Day, we make pancakes. We toss the pancakes in a frying pan. Then we have pancakes for dinner. It's lots of fun! 3 Doe he like Pancake Day? cna % Listen and sing. @) ts Mix a pancake, Stir a pancake, Pop it in a pan. Fry a pancake, Toss a pancake, Catch it if you can. Mix a pancake ... 5 Make pancakes. Feurvdon Teachers Resource CO-ROM ~«g —

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