Pre Test Phil Politics and Governance Grade 11 Version 3.0

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education


SY 2021-2022

Name: ___________________________________________ Score:_______________

Direction: Read and understand each question carefully. Encircle the letter of the best answer.

1. The instrument of the state through which the will of the people is expressed, carried out, and formulated.
A. Governance C. Laws
B. Government D. Politics

2. It is a political community that involves four important elements, namely, people, territory, sovereignty, and
A. Barangay C. Nation
B. Community D. State

3. Which of the following does NOT describe politics?

A. Politics is universal and is always the same
B. Politics is the actual process of how humans interact in groups
C. Politics focuses on the personnel and machinery of the government.
D. Politics is the process of making decisions that apply to members of a group, it refers to achieving and
exercising positions of governance.

4. Why there is a need to study politics?

A. Politics makes you understand the mind.
B. Politics makes you understand of past events.
C. Politics makes you understand human interactions
D. Politics makes you aware of the events around you.

5. Peter believes that people will form groups and live peacefully and naturally. He thinks that the government
comes in and corrupts our human nature, and therefore should not exist. Which of the following political
ideologies is being defined?
A. Anarchism C. Fascism
B. Conservatism D. Socialism

6. It is a set of related ideas or systematic group of concepts and beliefs about culture, society and human life.
A. Conservatism C. Liberalism
B. Ideology D. Political

7. How political ideologies impact the social and political life of the Filipinos?
A. Political ideologies guide the people in the community.
B. Political ideologies guide the people in crafting sound policies.
C. Political ideologies lay down the procedure for their way of life.
D. All of the above.

8. Avery believes strongly that one day, the working class (proletariat) will rise against the wealthy/ruling class
(bourgeoisie) and seize the means of production. Which of the following political ideologies is being
A. Anarchism C. Marxism
B. Liberalism D. Socialism

9. What are the different types of power?

A. Coercive, Expert, Legitimate, Reward and Referent
B. Nature, Expert, Legitimate and Reward
C. Responsive, Coercive, Legitimate and Referent
D. Scientific, Charismatic, Despotic and Platonic
10. A supervisor who provides employees camp time when they met an objective she sets for a project. Which
among the type of power he employed?
A. Coercive C. Referent
B. Legitimate D. Reward

11. According to Steven Lukes, (2005), power has three dimensions or faces except for:
A. agenda setting
B. decision making
C. freedom exercising
D. preference shaping

12. Lady Gaga who has 41.1 million followers refer themselves as Twitter Little Monster. What type of power
does she exhibit?
A. Coercive C. Referent
B. Legitimate D. Reward

13. This is characterized by the internationalization of markets, trade, finance, investment; privatization,
deregulation, and pro-market re-regulation; as well as rapid integration of trade, finance and investment.
A. Cultural Globalization
B. Economic Globalization
C. Political Globalization.
D. Sociological Globalization

14. It refers to the process of international integration arising from the interchange of world views,
products, ideas, and other aspects of culture.
A. Contextualization C. Liberalism
B. Globalization D. Nationalism

15. It refers to a large group of people who share common characteristics such as language, traditions, and
ethnicity and share a history and culture.
A. Barangay C. Nation
B. Community D. State

16.Which among the following is NOT an element of STATE?

A. Freedom C. People
B. Government D. Sovereignty

17. A state can enforce laws and policies within its territories without the need for approval or
intervention from other states. This means that the state is __________.
A. Dependent of other states
B. Independent of other states
C. Both Dependent and Independent of other states
D. None of the above

18. In what period of the evolution of Philippine politics and governance was the term “datu” used as chief of
the barangay?
A. Revolutionary
B. Post-War era
C. Spanish period
D. Precolonial period

19. The 1935 Constitution, provided for a presidential and unitary system, wherein the president will be directly
elected by the people and will serve for four years with a maximum of two terms. This event happened
during the__________.
A. American Period
B. Japanese Period
C. Post-War era
D. Revolutionary Period

20. Under the 1935 Constitution, who is the only president to be elected for a second term?
A. Corazon C. Aquino
B. Ferdinand E. Marcos
C. Gloria M. Arroyo
D. Joseph E. Estrada

21. In what Article and section in 1987 Philippine Constitution states that the executive power shall be vested
in the President of the Philippines?
A. Article VII Section I
B. Article VIII Section I
C. Article IX Section I
D. Article X Section I

22. Which of the following is NOT a role of a President in the Republic of the Philippines?
A. Chief Justice of the Supreme Court
B. The Head of State and Head of Government
C. Commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces of the Philippines
D. Chief Executive of all executive departments, bureaus and offices.

23. The following are the qualifications for you to be elected as President in the Republic of the Philippines
A. has been arrested for a criminal case
B. natural-born citizen of the Philippines
C. registered voter, able to read and write
D. at least forty years of age on the day of the election

24. Among the three branches of the government, its task is to carry out and enforces laws. What branch is
A. Congress C. Judiciary
B. Executive D. Legislative

25. According to the 1987 Philippine Constitution, legislative power shall be vested in the Congress of the
Philippines, which shall consist of __________.
A. President and Chief of Justice
B. Barangay Chairman and Council
C. Senate and House of Representative
D. Chief of Justice and House of Representative

26. What is the last step in making a law under the Legislative Process?
A. Third Reading
B. Submission to the President
C. Publication in the Official Gazette
D. Submission to Joint Bicameral Committee

27. This refers to the principle that provides for the exercise of powers of one branch of the government without
restraint from or influence of the other.
A. interdependence
B. coordinate powers
C. checks and balances
D. separation of powers

28. The members of the Philippine House of Representatives may be elected by means of district proportional
representation system and __________.
A. Nationwide
B. Party- list
C. People
D. Plurality

29. In whom is judicial power vested?

A. President and Supreme Court
B. Supreme Court and lower courts
C. Court of Appeals and lower courts
D. Supreme Court and Court of Appeals

30. Creation of laws: Legislative; Interpretation of laws: __________.

A. Congress C. Judiciary
B. Executive D. Supreme Court
31. Is also known as the court of last resort or the highest court of the land.
A. Court of Appeal C. Regional Trial Court
B. Supreme Court D. Municipal Trial Court

32. It protects the people from someone else’s exercise of abusive power, violence, or force.
A. Congress C. Judiciary Branch
B. Executive Branch D. Legislative Branch

33. The process that involves the transfer of planning, decision-making, or administrative authority from the
central government to its field organizations, local government, or nongovernmental organizations is known
as __________.
A. Decentralization C. Democratization
B. Delegation D. Governance

34.Which among the following is NOT a function of a Local Government?

A. allocate budget for the national level
B. to promote participation from the people as they are closer to them
C. the task to provide local public services and implement national welfare policies
D. important in delivering welfare and implementing policies from the national level

35. Which of the following is considered as the most basic political unit in the country?
A. Barangay C. Municipality
B. City D. Province

36. In the 1991 Local Government Code, the following are the major roles and responsibilities of local
government units EXCEPT __________.
A. Poverty alleviation
B. Economic Development
C. Efficient Service Delivery
D. Management of the workplace

37. Which of the following positions has a term limit of 6 years with no re-election?
A. Congressman C. Senators
B. President D. Vice - President

38.Which of the following is NOT a step in the voting process?

A. Cast a ballot
B. Registering to vote
C. Receive an official ballot
D. Campaign for a candidate

39. An act authorizing the commission on elections to use an automated election system.
A. RA 7056
B. RA 7166
C. RA 8295
D. RA 8436

40. It is a government body tasked to enforce all laws and regulations relative to the conduct of elections in the
A. Court of Appeals
B. Commission on Election
C. Bureau of Internal Revenue
D. Department of Social Welfare and Development

41. It is considered a social sphere independent from both the state and the market.
A. Civil Society C. Party List
B. Humane Society D. Political Party

42.Which of the following is NOT considered characteristics of successful civil societies?

A. Promotion of bad governance
B. Separated from the state and the market
C. Formed by people who have common needs, interests, and values
D. Developed through a fundamentally endogenous and autonomous process that is not easily controlled
from the outside

43. All of the following are facts about social movements EXCEPT:
A. attempts to change society through collective action.
B. considered as a major vehicle for people’s participation in public and political affairs
C. involve any voluntary collective activity which people come up with to pursue their interests given a
particular issue.
D. collective body that has a high level of commitment and political activism, and is not necessarily based
on formal organization

44. Civil Society can be understood as __________.

A. The whole population of the state
B. A social organization made up of retired civil servants
C. The people within a state who behave in a politically civilized way
D. A framework within which people who lack political authority conduct their lives

45. According to Article IV of the 1987 Constitution, which among the following does NOT characterize a
Filipino citizen?
A. Those who are naturalized in accordance with law.
B. Those whose fathers or mothers are citizens of other countries.
C. Those who are citizens of the Philippines at the time of the adoption of the 1987 Constitution.
D. Those born before 17 January 1973, of Filipino mothers, who elect Philippine citizenship upon reaching
the age of majority.

46. What do you call the membership of an individual to a political community?

A. Association C. Citizenship
B. Belongingness D. Identity

47. An individual is considered an active citizen if…

A. He or she exercises privileges granted to him or her by the state.
B. Fulfills his or her obligation to the state is a manifestation of responsible and effective citizenship.
C. He or she becomes a responsible person for himself or herself, for his or her family, and for his or her
D. All of the above

48. This organization has youth empowerment programs set up around the world which were aimed at civic
engagement, access to resources and opportunities for education and employment.

49. In which part of the 1987 Constitution stipulates that “the State recognizes the vital role of the youth in
nation-building and shall promote and protect their physical, moral, spiritual, intellectual, and social well-
A. Article II, Section 1
B. Article II, Section 13
C. Article II, Section 22
D. Article II, Section 23

50. The following are activities showcasing the youth civic participation programs in the Philippines, both at the
national and the local levels EXCEPT __________.
A. The membership of the youth in different religious activities.
B. The Sangguniang Kabataan (SK) is a youth government mechanism where young people aged 15 to 18
can be elected to the local governing SK.
C. The representation of the youth sector in the Philippine House of Representatives is a widely
acknowledged form of political engagement.
D. The government also engages young people with the integration of the National Service Training
Program (NSTP) in the higher education curriculum in 2001.

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