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The enormous support and contributions from several people are largely responsible for the final
realization of my assignment's objectives. The foremost of these is our outstanding instructor,
Mr. Laxmi Prasad Subedi, whose helpful advice proved essential in completing this assignment. I
am grateful for the chance given to me to work on this project, which was made even more
rewarding by the abundance of information Mr. Laxmi Prasad Subedi shared with us. I identify
this intellectual foundation as being essential for my future professional path. Mr. Laxmi Prasad
Subedi's answers and insights served as a compass, illuminating the way to effectively complete
the job. Finally, it's critical to stress the importance of my tireless efforts and dedication in
assuring the prompt completion of the assignment's goals.
Table of Contents
List of Figures..................................................................................................................................3
1.0 Introduction...........................................................................................................................4
1.1 Project Outline.......................................................................................................................5
1.1.1 Aims................................................................................................................................5
1.1.2 Challenges and Considerations.......................................................................................6
2.0 WLAN – Site Survey.................................................................................................................7
2.1 Introduction............................................................................................................................7
2.1.1 Network Scope................................................................................................................7
2.1.2 Objectives of Proposed Network....................................................................................7
2.1.3 Requirements Gathering.................................................................................................8
2.2 Wireless Site Survey Considerations.....................................................................................9
2.2.1 Conducting a Site Survey:..................................................................................................9
2.2.2 Coverage and Capacity.................................................................................................10
2.2.3 RF Range and Speed.....................................................................................................14
2.3 Heat Map.............................................................................................................................20
3.0 WLAN – Deployment Diagram...............................................................................................24
4.0 WLAN – Hardware and Software Requirements....................................................................25
4.1 Hardware Requirements......................................................................................................25
4.1.1 Router...........................................................................................................................25
4.1.2 Access Point..................................................................................................................27
4.1.3 Types of Cable..............................................................................................................29
4.2 Software Requirements...................................................................................................30
4.2.1 Intrusion Detection Software/Intrusion Prevention System.........................................30
4.2.2 Anti-Virus.....................................................................................................................32
4.2.3 Router Features & Firmware........................................................................................34
List of Figures
Figure 1: LOGO OF THE COMPANY...........................................................................................3
Figure 2: Floor Map.......................................................................................................................12
Figure 3: Visual Site of Floor Map................................................................................................14
Figure 4: Interferences...................................................................................................................15
Figure 5: Co-Channel Interferences...............................................................................................15
Figure 6: Reflection.......................................................................................................................16
Figure 7: Refraction.......................................................................................................................16
Figure 8: Diffraction......................................................................................................................17
Figure 9: Scattering........................................................................................................................17
Figure 10: Absorption....................................................................................................................18
Figure 11: Signal Strength at 2.4 GHz...........................................................................................19
Figure 12: Signal Strength at 5 GHz..............................................................................................19
Figure 13: Test 1............................................................................................................................20
Figure 14: Test 2............................................................................................................................20
Figure 15: Test 3............................................................................................................................21
Figure 16: Test 4............................................................................................................................21
Figure 17: Test 5............................................................................................................................22
Figure 18: Final Solution...............................................................................................................22
Figure 19: Asus RT-AC3200 Wireless Gigabit Router..................................................................24
Figure 20: Comparison Table of Router........................................................................................25
Figure 21: Ubiquiti UniFi AC Pro (UAP-AC-PRO) Access Point................................................26
Figure 22: Comparison table between UAP-AC-LITE, UAP-AC-LR and UAP-AC-PRO..........27
Figure 23: Comparison table between Cat5, Cat6 and Fiber Optic...............................................29
Figure 24: Different Anti Viruses..................................................................................................32
1.0 Introduction


The ‘Ultimate Online Tuition Centre’ has started a strategic endeavor to build a wirelessly
enabled operating environment since both student and instructor interactions need to be flexible
and convenient. With this choice, we hope to simplify the educational process for both teachers
and distance learners. The tuition center is designed around several virtual learning environments
that can accommodate a wide range of topics and disciplines. Additionally, specialized virtual
workstations are given to educators for targeted teaching and administrative chores, while a
shared virtual lounge acts as a hub for interaction among students.

Since wireless technology is so important for this educational environment, there are a few
requirements that must be met before implementing a wireless LAN. This involves complying
with the online learning platform's scalability requirements to guarantee a flawless user
experience for a sizable number of concurrent users. To support the operational architecture of
the tuition center, considerations concerning appropriate software and hardware, including the
choice of a server and printer, are crucial. The tuition center is urged to maintain reliable data
storage methods since protecting the integrity of sensitive educational data is a crucial issue.

The tuition center's online character demands a thorough integration of wireless technologies.
Interactive tools are available in virtual classrooms, and both students and teachers have wireless
access to a range of electronic equipment. With the aid of wireless-enabled gadgets, the virtual
lounge simulates a real common space for student interaction. No matter where they are, students
may easily use the online learning platform thanks to the technical infrastructure.
The provision of top-notch educational services is at the heart of the Online Tuition Centre's
purpose. They must follow a few crucial procedures as they begin to build a wireless LAN
architecture within their online classes. Utilizing approaches supported by industry norms like
the Certified Wireless Networking Professional (CWNP), a thorough wireless site assessment is
essential to determine the connection needs across multiple virtual spaces. The results of this
survey will be detailed in a thorough technical report, which will serve as supported evidence for
the next steps.

A robust WLAN infrastructure design has to be presented and built upon the results of the
wireless site survey. This plan should include the selection of suitable wireless hardware and
software components that perfectly complement the academic goals of the tutoring facility. The
tuition center's dedication to providing an effective and accessible online learning experience
will be highlighted by a graphical representation of this WLAN infrastructure that is made
possible with the help of the appropriate technologies.

1.1 Project Outline

The project's main goal is to design an effective and accessible wireless network that is
especially suited to the special needs of an online teaching center. This network's principal goal
is to provide a convenient and affordable online learning environment for students who are
located in rural and underserved locations. This project uses the effective implementation of
related initiatives as inspiration and a guide on how to carry it out.

1.1.1 Aims
This project's primary goal is to create a wireless network that can efficiently meet the demands
of the Online Teaching Center and expand its educational reach to areas with weak traditional
educational infrastructure. The Online Teaching Center focuses a high priority on offering
students easy, inexpensive, and convenient wireless access, following the guidelines seen in
earlier successful programs. The main goal is to provide high-quality education to children who
struggle due to geographic and infrastructure limitations.

The Online Teaching Center's main objective is to build a seamless integration of a wireless local
area network (LAN) with its current online teaching platforms as it positions itself in the digital
world. This entails developing and deploying a network architecture that can consistently supply
high-speed connections to both educators and students, regardless of their locations. To achieve
this goal, the project team is tasked with setting up a wireless network solution that can smoothly
handle a potentially high amount of concurrent users, a situation similar to those seen in previous
successful projects.

1.1.2 Challenges and Considerations

Learning from these former successes, the Online Teaching Center's wireless network design
needs to consider the unique difficulties of remote connectivity. This calls for a careful
examination of technological needs, an evaluation of projected user density, and a meticulous
approach to guarantee seamless compatibility with the center's variety of online teaching tools.
2.0 WLAN – Site Survey
2.1 Introduction
The Online Teaching Center has established itself as a noteworthy organization in the field of
online learning, with roots in a strong foundation of technology and education. The center was
established with a defined objective and is unwavering in its commitment to offering cutting-
edge educational solutions. Since its founding, the Online Teaching Center has constantly
prioritized improving the educational experience and giving people more authority through its
digital learning platforms. This dedication also extends to the company's parallel initiative to
provide cutting-edge technical solutions, including goods like Satellite Imagery (RS) and
Geographical Data Management (GIS) capabilities, all of which contribute to the general
improvement of society's well-being.

2.1.1 Network Scope

The Online Teaching Center's next network project will likely change the way that online
education is seen. The network intends to deliver a smooth and safe online environment for both
instructors and students, with an emphasis on efficiency, cost, and security. This project's main
tenet is that network utilization should only be done for instructional reasons, highlighting its
business utility. The network is configured to make use of the current cable LAN connectivity to
guarantee continuous Internet access.

2.1.2 Objectives of Proposed Network

The main goal of this network initiative is to raise the bar for online education, which is also the
basic aim of the Online Teaching Center. This goal includes the following crucial elements:

 Better Bandwidth Accessibility and Reliability: The network's objective is to provide

constant accessibility while upholding a 100 percent service uptime. The network strives
to reduce packet loss and unexpected disruptions with an uncompromising commitment
to user happiness, providing an incredibly dependable learning environment.
 Strong Security Measures: The proposed network places a high priority on security since
it recognizes the sensitivity of educational data. The goal is to provide a secure, private
environment that protects student and personal data.
 Uniform Scalability: The desire to maintain smooth operations as demand rises served as
a major inspiration for the network's architecture. The Online Teaching Center seeks to
deliver an extraordinary and unrestricted learning experience by maintaining consistency
in performance.

2.1.3 Requirements Gathering

At the Online Teaching Center, the process of gathering requirements includes an extensive
discussion with academic staff, support personnel, and IT specialists. This cooperative strategy
seeks to clarify the complex needs of the imagined network system.

To do this, a series of well-chosen questions directs this crucial process:

 How do you envision the inclusion of a strong wireless network benefiting the whole
online teaching experience in terms of education? What particular network upgrades are
 Could you explain any current issues that the present system in the context of online
teaching and learning is posing?
 Are there any cutting-edge features or capabilities that, in your opinion, would greatly
improve the educational experience offered by a dual-band solution?
 Are there any potential issues that you think would need the help of experts to be
resolved with the upcoming deployment of a wireless solution?
 What is the expected frequency of active endpoints inside the network at any given time
in the context of the online learning environment?
 Security and privacy: How important is data security and privacy in the network
architecture given the sensitive nature of educational data? Do you think any specific
actions are necessary?
 Could you explain how the seamless scalability of the suggested network fits in with the
center's dedication to guaranteeing uninterrupted learning experiences?
 How do you expect the proposed network to favorably impact both teachers' instructional
strategies and students' involvement with the online curriculum?
2.2 Wireless Site Survey Considerations
The project team may provide a complete report outlining factors to take into account for a
ZigBee site assessment by analyzing pertinent case studies, initial interviews, reasonable
assumptions, and an on-site inspection.

2.2.1 Conducting a Site Survey:

The difficulties of network design and upkeep are well known, but wireless networks provide
much more difficulties than conventional installations. The movement of furniture or the
placement of a desk may not affect bandwidth in a Wi-Fi setup, but they can surprisingly disturb
signal strength and affect wireless performance. Businesses should give wireless surveys priority
if they want to guarantee good signal coverage and functioning. Three different wireless site
surveys, each performing a particular function as described below, are necessary for a
comprehensive evaluation:

1. Preliminary Site Survey: A forecasting survey is conducted before moving any equipment
or furnishings. This method relies on software that foresees the wireless signal course
inside a certain area. This study makes use of detailed information on wireless equipment
characteristics, such as the kind and quantity of Wi-Fi standards intended for use in the
selected area.
2. Passive Site Survey: Following the completion of hardware installation, site preparation,
and network activation, passive surveys are routinely carried out. These types of surveys
aim to take a thorough picture of all signals present at each place. This includes wireless
devices that produce noise, nearby settings, and signals from deployed networks. Passive
surveys collect information on access points (APs), their configurations, signal-to-noise
ratios, and possible interferences to give insights beyond signal strength. These surveys
might reveal minute performance changes before consumers notice them.
3. Active Site Survey: The active site survey entails a thorough assessment of the signals
coming from each evaluated AP. The focus of the retrieved metrics is on the signal area's
signal intensity, output, transmission times, packet loss, and delay values. An active site
survey can also make it easier to make in-the-moment changes to AP settings, including
as adding, deleting, or moving APs to improve the quality of data transmission. Active
site surveys are very useful for identifying potential operational difficulties.
2.2.2 Coverage and Capacity
An elaborate planning procedure that takes into account several important factors is required to
deploy Wi-Fi networks. Getting the best coverage is crucial for enabling smooth connections
between end users' devices and the wireless network. This feature of coverage highlights
important issues that require attention:

 Determining Coverage Areas: A crucial question is where customers need RF (Radio

Frequency) coverage. Does it encompass the inside, outside or a mix of the two? This
basic difference lays the groundwork for creating a network that efficiently meets user
demands within allotted areas.
 The targeted throughput, or data transmission rate, inside the network, should be
established as a significant benchmark. By figuring out this parameter, networks may be
built to manage anticipated data needs while delivering acceptable performance.

The range of coverage for an access point's RF energy transmission is not determined by
straightforward criteria, unlike when buying paint, when the coverage estimation is frequently
given in square feet. In contrast to the simple distribution of paint, several variables affect the
geographic reach of RF radiation. The overall square footage of the structure or buildings in
issue is thus one of the first pieces of information to be gathered. Floor plans, which act as visual
representations that provide insights into the arrangement of places, are typically used to show
this data.

1. Size of the area

The coverage and capacity of wireless networks are both greatly impacted by the size of a
region. To achieve even signal propagation and prevent dead zones, a bigger region calls for
careful placement of access points. Signal strength, interference, and potential signal-attenuating
barriers must all be taken into account. On the other side, the area's user density has an impact on
capacity. Higher user density places a burden on network resources in congested areas like
stadiums or conference rooms, which might result in slower speeds and worse performance. To
maintain dependable connectivity and the best user experience, it is necessary to carefully
balance coverage and capacity across wide regions.

In case of Ultimate Online Teaching Center

The Ultimate Online Teaching Center, which includes several classrooms, office space, and a
hub for network equipment, covers an area of around 1000 square feet. During peak times, the
center serves 15 users simultaneously who participate in a range of online learning activities such
as live video lectures, interactive discussions, and content streaming.

2. Number of users

A wireless network's capacity and coverage are both greatly impacted by the user base. The
network's ability to manage concurrent connections and data traffic can be stretched as the
number of users rises. Due to the access points' increased workload, the increased demand may
result in poorer performance, decreased data rates, and probable coverage gaps. Network
designers must carefully balance the number of users with the deployment of more access points,
cutting-edge technology, and effective network management procedures to guarantee optimal
coverage and capacity.

In case of Ultimate Online Teaching Center

Around 15 people utilize the center, including students, professors, staff members, and guests.
The number of users is anticipated to increase over the next few years, possibly reaching 20
people. As our Ultimate Online Teaching Center mostly emphasizes online teaching, its user
number is comparatively low.

3. Application in use

The capacity and coverage of wireless networks are significantly influenced by the applications
that are being used. How network resources are allocated and used directly depends on the kind
and kind of apps being used. Applications like video conferencing or streaming that need greater
data rates or real-time communication use more bandwidth and might put a strain on the
network's capacity, thereby reducing coverage and increasing congestion. Less data-intensive
apps, however, could have a more minimal effect. To guarantee the best network performance
and user experience, coverage and capacity factors must be balanced while taking the various
demands of different applications into account.

In case of Ultimate Online Teaching Center

Users of the Online Teaching Center use a variety of programs, all of which are essential for a
flawless learning process:

 Platforms for video conferencing are frequently used for online courses, webinars, and
team meetings. To provide engaging teaching and learning, the center needs low latency
and high-quality video streaming.
 Learning Management System (LMS): By allowing the transmission of course material,
assignments, assessments, and student participation, the LMS serves as the hub of the
center's activities. Access to the LMS must be quick and dependable to provide
continuous learning.
 Multimedia material: Videos, slideshows, and interactive simulations are just a few
examples of multimedia material that both students and teachers rely on. Smooth content
distribution requires dependable, fast connectivity.
 Research and Online Resources: E-books, databases, and educational websites must all
be easily accessible to students and teachers. A reliable network connection is necessary
for efficient resource management.

4. Obstacles, Propagation and Radio Frequency Range

Obstacles, propagation traits, and radio frequency (RF) range have a considerable influence on
the coverage and capacity of wireless networks. The transmission of RF signals is impeded by
objects like walls, furniture, and buildings, which results in signal attenuation and decreased
coverage. Additionally, variables like reflection, diffraction, and scattering can affect the
propagation of RF signals and cause signal interference and coverage gaps. The wireless
network's coverage is directly impacted by the radio frequency spectrum, with higher frequencies
having shorter ranges but perhaps higher data rates. These factors must all be taken into account
when constructing strong and dependable wireless networks since they jointly define the
effective coverage area, signal quality, and network capacity.
Figure 2: Floor Map

In case of Ultimate Online Teaching Center

The Online Teaching Center's physical environment is made up of a mix of open areas,
classrooms with walls dividing them, and communal areas, which was noted during the site
survey. Signal transmission may be hampered by barriers like doors, walls, and furniture. The
network design must account for these impediments and optimize signal routes for smooth
communication across the facility to guarantee complete coverage.

There are criteria for both line-of-sight and non-line-of-sight propagation within the Online
Teaching Center. Careful design is necessary to prevent signal deterioration caused by signal
attenuation caused by walls and partitions. Beamforming and adaptive antenna technologies must
be included in the WLAN hardware chosen to improve signal strength and propagation,
particularly in locations with blocked paths.

5. WLAN Hardware and Output Power

WLAN hardware and output power have a big impact on the range and capacity of wireless
networks. The range and signal strength of a WLAN is governed by its hardware, such as access
points and routers. Better hardware with more sophisticated antenna technology can increase
coverage by sending signals more successfully over greater distances and obstructions. Coverage
is directly impacted by output power, which controls the strength of sent signals. Expanding
coverage with higher output power is possible, but it must be balanced to prevent signal
interference and keep the network stable. To obtain the best coverage and capacity in wireless
networks, the appropriate balance between WLAN hardware capabilities and output power
optimization is crucial.

In case of Ultimate Online Teaching Center

For maximum capacity and coverage, it's essential to choose the right WLAN gear. It is advised
to use access points with beamforming capabilities and Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO)
technology. Improved spatial multiplexing and concentrated signal transmission are made
possible by these cutting-edge characteristics, which result in increased coverage and less

Extending coverage requires a strong focus on output power. To balance increased output power
and potential signal interference, nevertheless, is crucial. It is possible to reduce interference
from nearby networks while preserving constant connection by carefully adjusting output power

2.2.3 RF Range and Speed

Several important considerations must be taken into account while assessing the RF range and
speed characteristics of the wireless network of the Online Teaching Center. These factors
include a line of sight, interference, and how the surrounding environment affects RF behavior.
1. Line of Sight

Figure 3: Visual Site of Floor Map

It is crucial to understand the difference between the RF line of sight and the visual line of sight.
Visual line of sight is not the main problem given the chosen hardware and solution. Instead, RF
line of sight is the main concern. The Fresnel zone, which encompasses the whole region of radio
frequency transmission, must stay free of obstructions for successful transmission to occur. The
Online Teaching Center's placement on a hill, with few obstructions like trees and topographical
interference, is advantageous to the chosen RF technique.

2. Interference
When numerous signals cross paths on the same frequencies, interference occurs within the radio
frequency spectrum. This situation frequently produces noise that prevents electrical gadgets
from working properly. Certain items, such as medical equipment, might induce interference in
the Online Teaching Center and could degrade signal quality. Notably, interference with the
wireless router by devices operating in the unlicensed 2.5 GHz band may cause poor network

Figure 4: Interferences

Co-Channel and Adjacent Interference:

Figure 5: Co-Channel Interferences

When two devices use the same radio frequency channel or adjoining channels, co-channel or
adjacent channel interference occurs. This type of interference is successfully reduced in the
setting of the online teaching center. Both of the routers put inside the center's walls function on
separate channels, according to a configuration that was painstakingly tweaked during the initial
setup. To ensure a stable and interference-free wireless network environment for the seamless
delivery of online education, the danger of interference resulting from channel sharing is
preventatively handled.

3. Environment: RF Behavior

A thorough grasp of signal propagation within the deployment environment is essential for
creating the wireless network design for the Online Teaching Center. When radio frequency (RF)
signals travel through various media, such as air and materials, they can behave in a variety of
ways. Based on the unique use case, the project team has identified several potential propagation

a. Reflection-

Figure 6: Reflection

Wireless communications made of radio waves may reflect off objects when they come into
contact, much like light waves can. According to research, flat, non-absorptive surfaces like
tabletops can be very reflective, changing the direction of the signal. The fact that signal
intensity decreases during reflection is noteworthy. The Online Teaching Center stands out
because it has metal surfaces, which are frequently found on shelves and medical equipment.
Due to many reflections, the high reflectivity of metal raises the possibility of signal dilution
and interference. To address this issue, the project team carefully places access points close
to the teacher's desk, reducing the effect of reflected surfaces on medical equipment.

b. Refraction-
Figure 7: Refraction

Signal loss can happen when RF signals travel through media with different densities due to
variations in speed and direction. This refraction phenomenon emphasizes how crucial it is to
strategically arrange access points to reduce signal deterioration. Refraction may occur at the
Online Teaching Center because of the windows and glass doors there. For instance, due to
differences in medium density, a thin window next to a teacher's desk and the glass doors of
the center's premises might affect signal behavior.

c. Diffraction-

Figure 8: Diffraction

When signals come into contact with obstructions, diffraction occurs, changing the direction
and strength of the waves. Diffraction in the Online Teaching Center causes a column in an
office space to encounter some signal loss. Given the column's placement about users, it is
noteworthy that this impact is regarded as acceptable because it does not block user

d. Scattering-
Figure 9: Scattering

Multiple reflections can arise as a result of uneven surfaces, which is known as scattering.
The absence of significant uneven surfaces in the surroundings of the online learning center
precludes the possibility of scattering-related signal distortions.

e. Absorption-

Figure 10: Absorption

Signal penetration is constrained in situations when RF signals are absorbed by the material.
Notably, signals may be absorbed to variable degrees by water-rich media, such as plants and
human beings. Given the relatively low user density of the teaching facility, signal absorption
from human presence is controllable. However, the existence of plants that hold water creates the
possibility of environmental signal absorption.
3.0 WLAN – Deployment Diagram
3.1 Heat Map

Figure 11: Signal Strength at 2.4 GHz

Figure 12: Signal Strength at 5 GHz

The pictures shown above show the differences in signal strength between the 2.4GHz and 5GHz
frequency bands when the router is placed in the same location. It is suggested that 2.4GHz is
probably the best frequency band for use in a teaching facility. The 2.4GHz frequency spectrum
was used to create the heatmaps that followed, which captured various areas of the teaching
center's grounds.

Figure 13: Test 1

Figure 14: Test 2

Figure 15: Test 3

Figure 16: Test 4

Figure 17: Test 5

3.2 Solution:
After carrying out the five tests indicated earlier, it is clear that utilizing a single router to
generate enough signal strength to reach the full clinic area is not possible. Therefore, the
addition of a second access point is necessary to ensure strong signal coverage in each room of
the clinic's building. We are offering our recommended solution, which is shown below, in order
to satisfy this demand.

Figure 18: Final Solution

4.0 WLAN – Hardware and Software Requirements
4.1 Hardware Requirements
4.1.1 Router

Figure 19: Asus RT-AC3200 Wireless Gigabit Router

This particular router is an incredibly sophisticated Tri-band Smart Wi-Fi Wireless Router from
ASUS that was carefully chosen for incorporation into the Bario community telecentre. With
three antennas in total, one of which is devoted to the 2.4GHz band and the other two to the
5GHz band, the router is distinguished by its Tri-Band technology. Due to its built-in
intelligence, the router can easily switch between different bands depending on the volume of
traffic. This dynamic shift is especially helpful in situations with high demand since it not only
reduces interference but also improves performance, especially when compared to the 2.4GHz
band. With its three antennas, the router not only increases Wi-Fi signal coverage but also shows
that it can support all devices, including laptops and mobile phones, across the whole building.

The router also features an integrated innovation called Beamforming, a clever method for
locating and beaming wireless signals straight at receiving devices. Contrary to the inefficiencies
frequently displayed by traditional routers' signal dissemination techniques, this deliberate
concentration of the broadcasted signal serves to optimize connectivity, fostering an environment
where devices experience improved stability and a decreased likelihood of disconnection. The
router's plug-and-play capability is another outstanding feature that allows for a quick setup
without the need for any special software modifications.
Figure 20: Comparison Table of router

The above comparison table offers insightful information about the routers under consideration.
Regarding network standards, it's important to note that all of the routers under consideration
offer support for all network bands, from the earliest to the most recent incarnations. Regarding
data speed, a notable differential becomes apparent because the chosen model has a tiny
advantage and boasts an outstanding 1300mbps. Notably, this model sets itself apart by utilizing
MIMO wireless technology, a cutting-edge strategy that harnesses many transmitters and
receivers to achieve maximum attainable rates.
The operational adaptability of the routers is a key factor. The chosen router type stands out for
providing a wide range of operating modes, enabling dynamic transformations like turning the
router into a range extender, an access point, or even a media bridge. The router is very adaptable
to diverse settings because to its flexibility. As a result of the comparison study, it is clear that the
RT-AC3200 router is the most sensible option for integrating into this project since it has a wide
range of characteristics that perfectly meet its needs.

4.1.2 Access Point

Figure 21: Ubiquiti UniFi AC Pro (UAP-AC-PRO) Access Point

We chose an access point made by UniFi, a known expert in designing wireless hardware
solutions, to guarantee constant and stable connectivity across every crevice of the structure.
Modern 3x3 MIMO technology, also known as multiple in, multiple out technology, uses several
antennas for both transmission and reception. While the device's strong antennas contribute to
maximum coverage, successfully eradicating any dead spots that may appear in regions with
inadequate connectivity, this planned use reduces mistakes and enhances data transfer speed.

The Media Access Control Filtering function, often known as MAC filtering, is one of several
additional features that this access point has to offer. With the help of this capability, any illegal
devices that are not registered on the list of allowed devices are required to log in using a captive
portal that has been made available. This protects against unwanted access attempts by ensuring
a secure and authenticated connection to the network.

Thanks to its innate weather-resistant qualities, this access point is deployable both indoors and
outdoors, making it remarkably adaptable. The durability and flexibility of this device, which
was designed with a sturdy case capable of withstanding a variety of outside circumstances like
wind, rain, and harsh sunshine, perfectly match the implementation requirements for the solution.

Figure 22: Comparison table between UAP-AC-LITE, UAP-AC-LR and UAP-AC-PRO

When compared to the two alternative models, the UAP-AC-PRO comes out on top after careful
consideration. Its dual-band radio capabilities, which enable simultaneous operation on both
2.4GHz and 5GHz frequencies, are what makes it unique. This unique ability reduces radio wave
interference, which is a characteristic that is missing in other single-band versions. Its placement
flexibility is noteworthy, as it may be used in both indoor and outdoor situations because of its
weather-resistant design.

Additionally, the selected UAP-AC-PRO model has a 3x3 MIMO (Multiple Input Multiple
Output) configuration, which enhances the performance of the wireless network. This results in
effective communication between linked devices over three streams, improving speed and
bandwidth—a strength lacking in the other types. Support for the 802.11a/b/g/n/ac standards,
which accommodate a variety of devices from both old and new generations and provide a
suitable network environment, is a beneficial feature shared by all three models. Notably, the
UAP-AC-PRO has faster Wi-Fi band speeds for both 2.4GHz and 5GHz than the competing
devices. In conclusion, the UAP-AC-PRO stands out as the best and most appropriate option for
the ‘Ultimate Online Teaching Center’, exceeding expectations in terms of network performance,
capacity, and speed
4.1.3 Types of Cable
With time, a wide variety of Ethernet cables have been available, each built to a unique standard
to protect against electromagnetic interference, speed up data transfer, and support varied
bandwidth frequency ranges. Ethernet cables are essential to this project's connectivity of a wide
range of hardware parts, such as routers, access points, and extenders. The project necessitates a
thorough analysis of all Ethernet cable types currently on the market to choose the best option
that meets the project's needs. The following chart will outline the differences between several
cable alternatives, making it easier to choose the one that will best meet the objectives of the

The development of Ethernet connections has given rise to a variety of specialized networking
solutions, each of which has been painstakingly built to meet a particular difficulty. These cables
stand out in particular for their ability to reduce electromagnetic interference, speed up data
transfer, and accommodate various bandwidth frequencies. Ethernet cables play a crucial part in
the scope of this project by linking important hardware elements including routers, access points,
and extenders. An extensive examination of the various cable types is necessary to choose the
perfect Ethernet cable for the particular requirements of this project. The following table will
give important insights essential for making educated decisions, eventually resulting in the
choice of the best cable solution, by providing a comparative overview of different cable kinds.

The logical choice for the most preferred cable appears as Fiber Optic based on the thorough
comparison table. The data speed demonstrated by fiber optic cables significantly outperforms
that of the alternative cables, specifically Cat5 and Cat6, which provide throughputs of
100/100Mbps and 1000Mbps in contrast to fiber optic cables' 10Gbps capabilities. This
significant throughput advantage highlights the lack of potential speed obstacles and establishes
Fiber Optic as the undisputed leader.
Figure 23: Comparison table between Cat5, Cat6 and Fiber Optic

The transmission mechanisms are a key differentiator: while Cat5 and Cat6 depend on
electromagnetic waves and are consequently vulnerable to electromagnetic interference because
of their reliance on electrical signals, Fiber Optic completely avoids this problem by operating
through the transmission of light. This built-in resistance to electromagnetic interference
considerably increases the dependability of fiber optics. Because Cat5 and Cat6 only allow
bandwidths of 100MHz and 250MHz, respectively, Fiber Optic's remarkable 20GHz capabilities
further highlight the technology's supremacy. After a thorough evaluation, it is clear that Fiber
Optic is the best option out of the three, excelling in all areas and proving to be the best choice
for greater performance.

4.2Software Requirements
4.2.1 Intrusion Detection Software/Intrusion Prevention System
Intrusion detection software is an essential protector against cyber-attacks in the everchanging
information technology ecosystem of today. Its main responsibility is to constantly monitor
network environments for any indications of shady activity or illegal access attempts. It has
become crucial to have systems in place to quickly detect and react to any security breaches
given the rising occurrence of cyberattacks. Over 40% of these cyberattacks explicitly target
small businesses, which is a startling number that emphasizes the seriousness of the problem.
The UOTC network specialist steps forward to provide software solutions designed to monitor
the network traffic of online businesses in response to this urgent requirement. This intrusion
detection software serves as a vigilant sentinel, ready to spot suspicious behavior, possible
security holes, and other signs of cyber threats, strengthening the security position of companies
and organizations.
Network intrusion detection systems (NIDS) and host intrusion detection systems (HIDS) are
two separate types of intrusion detection systems (IDS) that are essential components. Network
intrusion detection systems are primarily concerned with keeping track of network activity and
real-time data packet analysis to spot any strange patterns or behaviors that could point to a
cyberattack or illegal access. Host intrusion detection systems, on the other hand, focus on
specific systems or hosts inside a network. These systems use specialized software to examine a
single device's actions and behaviors, spotting deviations from typical patterns and immediately
warning administrators of potential hazards. Intrusion detection software offers a multi-layered
defensive mechanism against cyber-attacks by taking into account both network-wide and host-
specific viewpoints, giving enterprises and organizations a greater degree of security and risk
reduction in today's complex digital environment.

Aspect Snort Suricata Bro IDS (Zeek)

Provider Cisco OISF Zeek Network
Open-Source License GPL GPLv2 BSD
Operating System Windows, Linux, Linux, Windows, Linux, MACOS,
Support MACOS FreeBSD FreeBSD
Installation/ Relatively Relatively Requires familiarity
Deployment straightforward straightforward with Unix systems
Intrusion Prevention Yes (with Snort Yes (with Suricata No
Network Traffic Yes Yes Yes
Intrusion Detection
Configuration Moderate High High
Support for High-Speed Good Good Good
Community Support Active Active Active
Commercial Support Available Available Available

As seen in the comparative table presented, Network Advisor prefers Snort over rival software
because of its compatibility with Windows, which increases its attractiveness. It stands out
because its main function is network intrusion detection, which enables watchful surveillance of
online activity within business networks. Beyond only detecting intrusions, Snort's capabilities
also include a packet analyzer, traffic recorder, sophisticated threat detection, identity protection,
real-time security signature updates, CGI attack detection, a hidden port scanner, and an
operating system fingerprint scan. With this extensive feature set, Snort is prepared to handle a
variety of security issues. Finally, because of its scalability and efficiency in securing small and
medium-sized businesses' network infrastructures, Snort is particularly well-suited for
developing UOTC startups.

In conclusion, Network Advisor favors Snort and suggests it since it supports Windows. The
capabilities provided by Snort include packet analysis, traffic recording, advanced threat
identification, and real-time security upgrades. Snort functions as both a network intrusion
detection system and a multifaceted security tool. This solution is especially useful for small and
medium-sized firms, including UOTC startups, as it meets their security requirements and offers
a wide range of security precautions.

4.2.2 Anti-Virus
Computers and smartphones are protected against a variety of harmful software threats thanks in
large part to antivirus software. Malware refers to all of these dangers, which might include
viruses, worms, Trojan horses, spyware, adware, and more. Antivirus software's main job is to
find and stop these hazardous applications from running on a system. Antivirus systems can find
and isolate strange code that can be harmful by routinely scanning files, apps, and incoming data.
By doing this, they safeguard the user's private information, sensitive data, and the device's
general operation. Antivirus software frequently offers real-time monitoring, regular updates, and
tools that help remove threats once they are found in addition to fighting malware, assuring a
greater degree of protection for both individual users and organizations.

A network consultant must take into account several aspects when selecting an antivirus solution
to guarantee that their network and devices are effectively protected. The decision usually entails
assessing the software's capacity to identify a variety of malware types, performance impact on
the system's speed and resources, frequency and efficacy of updates, accessibility to customer
support, and compatibility with the particular operating systems and devices being used. The
network consultant may weigh these aspects and make an educated choice that is in line with the
requirements of their network's security and the device specifications of their users by consulting
the offered table of possible antivirus alternatives. The network consultant makes a big
contribution to keeping a safe digital environment and reducing possible dangers by choosing the
right antivirus software.

Figure 24: Different Anti Viruses

The network consultant has selected Avast as the recommended program to be used in the
evaluation table that has been supplied. This choice is mostly based on Avast's extensive set of
features, which match the criteria listed in the table. Notably, Avast has outperformed its rivals in
terms of performance. Avast's expertise in these areas is especially relevant in the context of
online enterprises, where the necessity for protection against threats like anti-banner, spam, and
phishing attempts is crucial. This is essential for businesses like UOTC, whose clients frequently
need to email consumers. Avast also provides other tools like malware defense, a document
shredder, and a system booster, all of which help to increase the security of the devices used by
UOTC workers.
In summary, UOTC chose Avast because of its capacity to handle the important security issues
that plague internet businesses like UOTC. Its complex strategy fits well with the communication
needs of UOTC 's clients since it includes crucial security features including anti-banner, spam,
and phishing protections. Additionally, the addition of capabilities like document destruction,
virus protection, and system optimization improves overall device security for UOTC
employees. Avast, therefore, stands out as a complete solution that not only addresses the
organization's urgent security demands but also provides several tools for maintaining the
reliability and effectiveness of the devices employed inside.

4.2.3 Router Features & Firmware

Ai-Protection with Trend Micro is a crucial part of router technology that was developed to
provide a strong security shield and multi-layered defensive systems. Its main objective is to
strengthen networks, especially those connected to online learning institutions, by actively
detecting and fixing any weaknesses. Ai-Protection aggressively prevents the entrance of hostile
entities and unauthorized intrusions targeting users' computer devices by utilizing cutting-edge
security methods. Ai-Protection instantly notifies users when a linked device contains infections,
allowing for quick reaction and containment. Notably, this function works flawlessly inside the
confines of TLS and WPA2 encryption, guaranteeing that all communications between the
attached devices and the router remain private and secure from outside threats.

Ai-Protection also adds a crucial URL filtering feature, expanding the breadth of its protection.
By enabling users to create a custom blacklist of URLs, this ground-breaking feature allows
users to block access to websites that are notorious for being virus-prone and missing HTTPS
certification. This not only improves security but also serves as a safeguard against potential
online dangers. The router also includes a guest mode capability that enables secure temporary
Wi-Fi connectivity for guests. This feature restricts guest access to a separate network by
supplying unique Wi-Fi SSID names and passwords, hence reducing possible dangers that might
compromise the security of the primary network. In order to provide a safe digital environment
for both online learning institutions and personal networks, Ai-Protection with Trend Micro
combines cutting-edge technologies.
I have found several possible concerns within the advised site investigation based on the
thorough WLAN site inspection completed for this specific project. One of the significant issues
is a small one related to the furniture layout in the UOTC office, which unintentionally causes
network interference. I learned more about the details of doing a site assessment in an
operational situation as the project progressed. This experience clarified the complex interplay
between layout, radio signal spectra, power distribution, effectiveness, and electromagnetic
interactions that collectively affect the choice to adopt a WLAN rather than the original research
course. The numerous effects of signals or waveforms caused by various environmental factors
including reflection, distortion, divergence, and absorption are noteworthy among the exciting
discoveries resulting from this research. These differences depend on the natural qualities and
textures of the nearby items and buildings.

The valuable information gleaned from the WLAN site assessment is what gives this project its
relevance. The proposed site inspection was meticulously investigated, revealing several possible
issues, including the noteworthy impact of furniture placement on network performance within
the UOTC office. I gained a deeper understanding of the intricate interactions between various
variables, including spatial arrangement, radio signal spectral characteristics, power dynamics,
operational effectiveness, and electromagnetic field interactions. These interactions are crucial
factors that ultimately determine whether to deploy a WLAN infrastructure rather than the
original research direction. The dynamic behavior of signals or waveforms, which undergo
unique variations depending on environmental details like reflection, distortion, divergence, and
material-based absorption, is one of the project's most exciting discoveries. These discoveries
provide light on the complex interaction between electromagnetic activity and the structure and
composition of the environment.
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