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Advancement Staff Management

Prospect Research
Increase Productivity With Gallup’s
Establish Strategies for Families of Wealth
Employee Engagement Q12
High-net-worth households account for nearly 70 percent
By Thomas Schroeder
of all individual charitable giving in the United States, so
if you have not established clear strategies for identifying The Gallup Q12 is a series of employee engagement questions
and cultivating families of wealth, it’s time to get started. that are helpful in developing key strategies to increase
“Wealthy people are bombarded with gift requests employee and manager productivity and can be useful in
from charitable organizations and causes of all kinds, but evaluating and managing your major gifts and other
all wealthy individuals, couples or multigenerational fami- advancement team members.
lies are very selective about where they give their money “It is more important than ever in today’s charitable giving
and offer their time and energy,” says Sophia Vandiford, di- climate where all of us are expected to do more with less to
rector of donor relations and stewardship for Wittenberg develop strategies to build and measure productivity,” says
University (Springfield, OH). “Also, generational wealth is Holly Wolk, executive director of talent management for the
another issue altogether, and cultivating multigenerational University of Rochester (Rochester, NY). “The engagement of
donor relationships requires a consistent and expansive employees in the process is key, and the Gallup Employee
focus.” Engagement Q12, with its premise that engaged employees are
Bank of America’s annual Study of High Net Worth productive employees, can serve as an effective framework for
Philanthropy revealed, among other findings, that increasing the level of engagement and enhancing and
wealthy donors are more risk-averse in their philan- measuring productivity.”
thropic gift-making than they are with their personal in- A group of peer institutions, including the University of
vestments, and Vandiford suggests that fact must be kept Rochester, have worked together to utilize the Gallup Q12 for the
in mind when strategizing to cultivate relationships with past five years, and the lessons learned have shaped the ways in
wealthy individuals and families. which managers and employees engage with each other and view
“Your donors are looking to make a credible and tan- their roles and responsibilities. The consortium’s findings include:
gible difference, they want to deeply feel the impact of their
• Managing expectations is critical to increasing productivity
giving, and they require competence and transparency in
and the level of employee satisfaction. Do employees clearly
how their gifts are utilized and reported,” says Vandiford.
understand and embrace what is expected of them? Both
Other key strategies for identifying and cultivating
broadly and on a day-to-day basis, employees perform more
wealthy donors include:
effectively and display more enthusiasm and passion when
• Conduct your prospect research carefully. Very wealthy they acknowledge and welcome their roles within the organi-
people are also very private, so be circumspect and zation, its internal protocols and practices and the internal av-
sensitive in determining their philanthropic values enues for communication and guidance. Also, importantly,
and interests, giving history and capacity, potential employees must be equipped with functional and high-quality
interest in volunteerism, preferred methods of giving materials and support systems needed to do their jobs.
and recognition and stewardship desires. • Recognition for work well done, both through formal and
• Be flexible with your time and requests from prospective informal channels, contributes to a productive environment.
donors. For example, wealthy people view the time de- It is extremely important that employees feel acknowledged
mands of their work or business differently and may for quality work, are treated with respect and are provided
very well seek to meet with you on Saturdays or Sun- appropriate amounts of institutional credit for their
days when they have more free time and are thinking accomplishments.
about their philanthropy. Also, business leaders are • An organization’s mission must reflect the value and
often interested in experiencing how your organization significance of its employees’ work. Staff members at all
functions hands-on. They may wish to meet your line levels must align their principles with the organization’s
staff, tour facilities and ask questions that are not ad- vision, and a process should be in place to thoughtfully
dressed in your annual report or financial statements. consider the opinions and ideas of employees in
• Embrace the whole family. Multigenerational wealth institutional planning and decision-making.
brings with it children, grandchildren, financial ad- • Professional growth is essential, both from the perspective of
visors, attorneys and even life-long friends. All of an employee’s specific job and more broadly from a career
these people are resources in assisting you in chart- development perspective. Formalized programs should be in
ing long-term and sustainable giving relationships, place to encourage professional and personal growth, to
with adult children understanding and endorsing mitigate areas identified in performance reviews and to help
their parents’ goals and advisors designing the finan- people build skills necessary for career advancement.
cial pathways for those goals to become reality.
Learn more about the Gallup Q12 at
Source: Sophia Vandiford, Director of Donor Relations and Search/Default.aspx?q=Q12/.
Stewardship, Wittenberg University, Springfield, OH. Phone
(937) 327-6405. E-mail: Website: Source: Holly Wolk, Executive Director of Talent Management, University of Rochester, Rochester, NY. Phone (585) 276-3831. E-mail: Website:

4 The Major Gifts Report © 2021 View this newsletter online at DOI: 10.1002/MGR
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