Week 2nd

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Week 2nd

Day 8:-
visibility & z-index best explantion in css , best flexbox video on css ever , em ,
rem , vh , vw units clear concept now!

Day 9:-
best media query tutorial , Advanced css selectors , nth -child pseudo
selectors , before & after pseudo selectors

Day 10:-
box and text shadow , creating custom variables , creating animations and
keyframes , creating transition effects , css transform property in css

Day 11 & 12:-

project 2: creating A responsive food delivery website.
Day 13:-
Introduction to css grid
Rows & gaps in css grid
spanning multiple row & columns
css grid:autofit & minmax
css grid template areas explained

Day 14:-
variables, data types & operators in javascript ,strings , string functions , If -else
& switch statement in javascript .

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