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web development


2) installing vs code ,live server&more!

3)HTML tutorial:Basic structure of a website

4) HTML HEAD: titae,link,script & meta tages

5) HTML BODY:paragraphs and headingtags

6)HTML BODY:adding images &links

7)HTML BODY:lists,<ul>,<ol>&tables
8)HTML BODY:forms &input tags in HTML


10)HTML BODY:Ids & classes in HTML




14)Inline,Internal & External css

15)css tutorial:selectors in css

16) css tutorial: chrome developer tools

17) css tutorial: fonts and related properties

18)css tutorial: css coclrs & properties

19) css tutorial: borders & backgrounds

20) css tutorial:box model,margin & padding


21) css tutorial: understanding float and clear

22) css tutorial: styling links & buttons

23) css tutorial:navigation menu using HTML & css

24)css tutorial:display property in css in hindi

25) css tutorial:absolution, sticky,relative... etc

26) project 1:designing A website for a local


27) css tutorial:visibility & z-index best explantion

28) css tutorial: best flexbox video on css ever

29) css tutorial: em,rem,vh,vw untis clear concept


30) css tutorial: best media query tutorial!

31) css tutorial:advanced css selectors

32) css tutorial: nth -child pseudo selectors

33) before & after pseudo selectors

34) box and text shadow in css

35)creating custom variables in css

36) creating animations and keyframes

37)creating transition effects in css

38) css transform property

39)project 2: creating A responsive food delivery


40) Introduction to css grid

41)Rows & gaps in css grid

42) spanning multiple row & columns

43)css grid:autofit & minmax

44) css grid template areas explained

45)using media queries with css grid

46)Introduction to javascript for frontend &


47)In -browser javascript & using the developer


48) variables, data types & operators in javascript

49)strings in javascript
50) string functions in javascript

51)If -else & switch statement in javascript

52)Arrays & objects in javascript

53)functions in javascript

54)alert(), prompt(), confirm() in javascript

55)for , while & other js loops

56)navigating the dom in javascript

57) event listening in javascript

58) setTimeout & setInterval in js

59)Data and time in javascript

60) arrow functions in javascript

61)math object in javascript

62) Json Tutorial in javascript

63) onwards to backend : node.js tutorial

64) nodejs modules

65)Nodejs:Blocking vs Blocking calls

66) nodejs:serving HTML files

67)nodejs:creating a custom backend

68)nodejs: creating custom modules

69)nodejs:what is NPM +usage!

70) nodejs:Installing Express+postman

71) nodejs: creating our first express website

72 )nodejs:installing pub template engine

73 )nodejs:executing Raw HTML in pub

74) nodejs: Gym website wrap up & more

75 )nodejs: dance website using pug

76 )nodejs: designing cards using pug

77) nodejs: continuing dance website

78)nodejs: adding sponsors to dance website

79) nodejs: adding contact form using pug+css

80) Introduction to mongodb

81) mongodb CRUD: creating Data

82) mongodb CRUD:Readimg Data

83 )mongodb CRUD:deleting Data

84 )mongodb CRUD:updating Data

85) mongodb compass & mongoose tutorial

86) mongodb tutorial: using mongoose in node

87) plotting coronavirus cases on worldmap

interactive dashboard using javascript & mapbox

88) backend tutorial: saving data to the database

using pug + nodejs|web development tutorials

89) hosting tutoril:where to host your

website?|web development tutorials

90) hosting tutoril: creating our first vps | web

development tutorials
91) hosting tutoril:installing putty+basic linux
commands | web development tutorials

92) hosting tutoril:installing apache2 web server on

a vps | web development tutorials

93) hosting tutoril:coronavirus information website

with hosting | web development tutorials

94) hosting tutoril: using filezilla & winSCP to upload

files | web development tutorials

95)hosting tutoril:linking domain to the web hosting

server | web development tutorials

96) hosting tutoril:host multiple websites on one

single hosting server| web development tutorials
97) hosting tutoril:deploy nodejs app in production
on linux VPS | web development tutorials

98) installing mongoDb & hosting our dance website

on ubuntu VPS| web development tutorials

99) get a free https SSL certificate for your domain

on ubuntu VPS| web development tutorials

100) git tutorial:how to upload your projects to git

& github | web development tutorials

101) transparent login form using HTML and CSS |

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102) i created a realtime chat application using

nodejs and socketlo
103) create a responsive website using HTML,CSS &

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