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The illustration above portrays the pre-colonial system of government of the Filipinos.

When it came to governing, the first thing that came to the fore was the barangay during the Pre-
Colonial Period. It was a self-contained settlement of thirty to a hundred families, usually located
along a river or at the mouth of a river that emptied into the sea. A datu or village head, also
known as a raha or rajah, ruled over each barangay. The primary task of the Datu was to rule and
govern his subjects while promoting their well-being.He was the country's head of government,
legislature and peacetime judge. He was the supreme commander in times of war. The Datu
generally rose in rank through inheritance. However, one can become a date. become a Datu by
demonstrating their prowess and bravery in battle, or by demonstrating their leadership skills or
other qualities beneficial to the Barangay's survival.

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