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Metrobank Formal Structure

 Board of Directors: The highest governing body responsible for making strategic decisions and
overseeing the bank's operations. It usually includes prominent individuals with experience in
finance and business.
 Executive Officers: This group includes top executives such as the President/CEO, CFO (Chief
Financial Officer), COO (Chief Operating Officer), and other key leaders. They are responsible for
implementing the board's decisions and managing daily operations.
 Management Team: This tier includes various departments and divisions, each headed by a
senior executive. Common departments may include:

a) Retail Banking: Managing services for individual customers, including savings accounts, loans,
and mortgages.
a) Corporate Banking: Dealing with business clients, providing financial services, and facilitating
corporate transactions.
a) Risk Management: Ensuring the bank operates within acceptable risk parameters, including
credit and market risk.
b) Compliance and Legal: Ensuring the bank complies with all relevant laws and regulations.
c) Technology and IT: Managing the bank's technology infrastructure, including online banking
d) Marketing and Communications: Promoting the bank's products and services to customers.
e) Human Resources: Handling employee recruitment, training, and development.
f) Finance and Accounting: Managing the bank's financial records and reporting.
 Branch Network: Metrobank typically has numerous branches across different regions. Each
branch has its own management team responsible for daily branch operations.

a) Supporting Functions: This includes various support departments like:

b) Operations: Handling day-to-day transactions and customer service.
c) Customer Service: Dealing with customer inquiries and resolving issues.
d) Audit: Ensuring internal controls and compliance are maintained.
e) IT Security: Protecting customer data and the bank's IT infrastructure.

 Frontline Staff: Bank tellers, customer service representatives, and other employees who
directly interact with customers.
It's important to note that this structure may vary based on the bank's size, geographic reach, and
specific business operations. Metrobank, being a large financial institution, would have a complex
organizational structure to manage its diverse range of financial services and operations.

2. People may choose Metrobank for various reasons, including:

 Reputation: Metrobank is one of the largest and most established banks in the Philippines. Its
long history and reputation for stability and reliability can attract customers.
 Branch and ATM Network: Metrobank has an extensive network of branches and ATMs across
the Philippines, making it convenient for customers to access their services.
 Products and Services: Metrobank offers a wide range of financial products and services,
including savings accounts, checking accounts, loans, credit cards, and investment options.
Customers may choose Metrobank for its diverse offerings.
 Customer Service: A bank's customer service quality is crucial, and Metrobank strives to provide
good customer support, which can be a deciding factor for many.
 Online and Mobile Banking: In the digital age, the availability and functionality of online and
mobile banking services are essential. Metrobank offers these services to make banking more
accessible and convenient.
 Promotions and Rewards: Metrobank often runs promotions and loyalty programs that can be
attractive to customers, offering benefits like discounts, cashback, or reward points.
 Financial Stability: Customers typically look for a bank with a strong financial position to ensure
the safety of their deposits and investments.

 Personal Preferences: Ultimately, individual preferences play a significant role in choosing a

bank. Some people may have a historical or family connection to Metrobank, while others might
prefer its specific features over other banks.

It's important to note that the reasons for choosing a bank can vary greatly from person to person,
depending on their financial needs and priorities.

What are the key success factors in metrobank

Key success factors for Metrobank, like any financial institution, typically include:

 Financial Stability: Maintaining a strong financial position is crucial for any bank's success. This
includes managing risks, having adequate capital reserves, and ensuring profitability.
 Customer Service: Excellent customer service is vital for retaining existing customers and
attracting new ones. A bank's reputation can be significantly influenced by the quality of its
customer service.
 Innovation: Staying up-to-date with technological advancements and offering innovative
banking solutions is essential in today's digital age. Providing online and mobile banking options,
as well as embracing new fintech trends, can set a bank apart.
 Product Diversification: Offering a wide range of financial products and services, including
savings accounts, loans, credit cards, investment options, and insurance, can attract a diverse
customer base and increase revenue streams.
 Branch and ATM Network: Having an extensive and accessible network of branches and ATMs is
important for customer convenience. It ensures that customers can easily access banking
services when needed.
 Risk Management: Effective risk management practices are essential to protect the bank from
financial crises and unforeseen challenges. This includes credit risk, operational risk, and market
risk management.
 Compliance and Regulatory Adherence: Staying in compliance with banking regulations and
maintaining a good relationship with regulatory authorities is crucial to avoid legal issues and
regulatory fines.
 Talent and Employee Development: Skilled and motivated employees are key assets. Investing in
staff training and development can improve service quality and operational efficiency.
 Brand and Reputation: Building and maintaining a strong brand and a positive reputation in the
financial industry is essential for attracting and retaining customers.
 Community Engagement: Establishing a presence in the community and engaging in corporate
social responsibility initiatives can improve a bank's image and foster goodwill.
 Cost Management: Efficient cost management and optimization of operational processes can
help improve profitability.
 Adaptability: The ability to adapt to changing market conditions, economic fluctuations, and
customer preferences is crucial for long-term success.
 Competitive Pricing: Offering competitive interest rates and fees compared to other banks can
attract price-sensitive customers.

It's worth noting that these factors may vary in importance depending on the bank's specific market,
strategy, and goals. Metrobank's success, like any other financial institution, is likely influenced by a
combination of these factors and its ability to execute its business strategies effectively.

3. Metrobank's Dominant Decision-Making Logic

What is the dominant logic that guides metrobank business's decision-making and contributes to the
way strategy develops
Metrobank's dominant logic guiding decision-making and contributing to strategy development is
rooted in the banking and financial services industry. This typically includes principles such as:

 Customer-Centric Approach: Metrobank likely places a strong emphasis on understanding and

meeting customer needs. This involves offering a range of financial products and services
tailored to different customer segments
 Risk Management: As a bank, risk assessment and management would be a core part of their
decision-making. They need to balance profitability with prudential regulations to ensure the
safety of deposits and investments.
 Profitability: Like any business, Metrobank's primary goal is likely to be profitability. They would
aim to optimize their revenue streams, minimize costs, and maximize returns for shareholders.
 Compliance and Regulatory Adherence: Banks operate within a heavily regulated environment.
Compliance with banking laws and regulations would be a fundamental aspect of their decision-
making logic.
 Innovation and Technology: To stay competitive, Metrobank would invest in technology and
innovation to improve customer experience, streamline operations, and enhance security.
 Long-term Sustainability: Strategic decisions are likely to consider the long-term sustainability
and growth of the bank, which involves prudent lending practices, asset management, and
diversification of services.
 Market Analysis: Understanding market trends, competitor actions, and economic conditions
would guide their strategic choices. They may expand or contract certain services based on
market dynamics.
 Corporate Social Responsibility: Like many modern businesses, Metrobank might also consider
social and environmental responsibilities in their decision-making, which could affect their
choice of investments and partnerships.

It's important to note that specific strategies may evolve over time in response to changing market
conditions, customer preferences, and regulatory requirements. Moreover, Metrobank's actual
decision-making process may involve a combination of these factors, with their relative importance
shifting as circumstances change


1. Strong brand recognition2

Metrobank has grown to become the country’s premier financial institution, reputed for promoting
excellence and good corporate citizenship. Metrobank has long been known for its quality and standard
of excellence. The track record in financial performance and reputation for stability bear this out.
Metrobank has been awarded as Most Reputable Bank, Best Transaction Bank in the Philippines, Best
Foreign Exchange Bank in the Philippines and Best Trade Finance Bank in the Philippines just to name a

2. International presence with branches overseas3

Compared to its competitors with limited branches overseas, Metrobank has a wide presence and
various branches internationally. Metrobank has 6 branches in China, 8 branches in Hong Kong, 1 in
Singapore, 2 branches in Japan and South Korea, 1 in the United Kingdom, 2 in Spain and 3 branches in

3. Consistent financial growth4

METROPOLITAN Bank & Trust Co. (Metrobank) has raised P8.68 billion from the first tranche of its P25-
billion long-term negotiable certificates of deposit (LTNCD) program meant to diversify its funding
sources. To date, Metrobank has outstanding securities amounting to P35.33 billion listed on the PDEx,
with the latest offer in July last year, where it raised P3.75 billion. Metrobank posted a P5.3-billion
income in the second quarter, up 31% from the P3.9 billion tallied the previous year on the back of its
robust core business. Strong financial stability from the last five years. With consolidated income coming
from investment banking thru First Metro Investment Corp., credits cards thru Metrobank Card, savings
bank thru PSBank, leasing thru Orix Metro and insurance via AXA/Bancassurance.

4. Strong organizational support5

Metrobank is part of Ty family-led conglomerate GT Capital Holdings Inc. GT Capital posted consolidated
revenue of P215.8 billion last year, down from P239.8 billion in 2017. Higher equity in net income of
associates Metropolitan Bank & Trust Co., Metro Pacific Investments Corp., AXA Philippines, Toyota
Financial Services Philippines (TFS) and Sumisho Motor Finance Corp., as well as from property units,
contributed to GT Capital’s financial performance.

Internal Strength

Number of Personnel had IncreasedThe company has provided additional personnel to provide
customer at its best service that could offer. They improved its work force by hiring more or additional
employees and it grab the force on the market, which had enlarged their net income and their market

 Local Branches and ATM’s Broad Distribution

Metrobank has 730 local branches all over the Philippines. It also have a wide distribution of ATM
machines in 2, 200 nationwide. This force enabled its customer to transact with the company in any
location of the country.

 Number of Foreign Branches had Increased

Metrobank spread outs globally by beginning foreign branches in a total of 69 all over the world, so that
Filipino overseas and other foreign investors or customers can transact with the branches at relieve.

 The financial stability of Metrobank

Metrobank had exceeded all the challenges in the economy through its excellent managing in stabling
the financial condition and position. Its previous financial statements have supported the fact. To
complete all its objectives they had provided such funds for all concerns.

 Positive Value System of Employees

Each employees of Metrobank is trained, skilled and educate to follow the company’s belief and proper
customer’s approach. They are strictly oriented and instruct employees with its values, and soon they
will be part of the organization.

 Give importance to Corporate Social Responsibilities

Metrobank does not only focus on the arriving of favorable outcomes, but they also give importance in
their responsibility to the community. The company shows their CSR by conducting several different
projects that would benefit the country and its people.

Internal Weakness

 Provisions for Loans and Impairment Loss

The provisions for loans and impairment loss had grew and the raised, it had a signal for the
management to analyze its credit management and evaluate whether it needs more enhancement.

 Low Budget on Advertising

The lesser budget of Metrobank has noticed on few television, radio and print out advertisements. This
is why it referred to the CPM, it has a low ranking contrast to its opponent, wherein they promote their
products and services to the public by advertising it on television or radio announcements.

 Deposits to Capital Declines

A deposit to Capital has been reducing by 0.46%, and it indicates that the deposits have lessened the
amount. Because of this, lesser money can be lent for customers

 Interest Income Declines

Interest income is the primary source of revenue of the bank. Decrease in Interest income may
recommend that it may have smaller generated-revenue activities yet this will not result to lesser net
income. Reducing of expenses or interest may produce a good quality of net incom


1. Limited banking hours and banking days compared to competitors6

Compared to its competitors, banking hours and banking days may have an effect in speeding up
growth. BDO being a direct competitor has this advantage. Because a great number of Filipinos go to the
mall often, they choose to open BDO accounts so they can bank and shop at the same time under the
same roof. It's also very convenient for OFW families receiving remittances from abroad. Certainly, it's
safer withdrawing money inside the safety of the mall, including exchanging dollars, 25 pounds or yens.

2. Offers Lower Interest Rate7

Metrobank offers the same interest rate of 0.25% on all their product offerings compared to its
competitors which offers different interest rates per specialized products. BPI has Advance Savings
Account that have 0.75% interest rate and BDO has Optimum Savings Account Personal or Corporate
that has 1.25% interest rates.

3. Undifferentiated Products8

Consumers view most banking brands as undesirable and wholly undifferentiated. Banking products
increasingly undifferentiated while banks struggle to win customer satisfaction stakes across more than
one offering.

Weaknesses of Metro Bank Weaknesses in a company or brand are things that should be strengthened.
So let'slook at some Metro Bank's shortcomings:

Centralized Decision Making:Decisions are highly centralized, and team decisions must be approved by
specificofficials. This reduces operational efficiency by making them more time-consuming. It has
anegative impact on innovation as well.
Research and Development: While Metro Bank Plc spends more than the industry average
on research anddevelopment, it spends far less than a few industry players who have gained a
significantadvantage as a result of their innovative products.

Rented Property: Metro Bank Plc rents out a significant portion of its property rather than purchasingit.
It must pay high rent on these, which adds to its expenses.

Poor Performance Appraisals:The performance evaluation is not done in a systematic manner. People’s
performanceis frequently not evaluated. Employee morale suffers as a result, as do their chances

Metrobank's Strategic Position

Default (GPT-3.5)


What is the strategic position of metrobank


As of my last knowledge update in September 2021, Metrobank is a Philippine-based bank. The strategic
position of a bank can change over time due to various factors, including economic conditions,
competition, and management decisions. To determine Metrobank's current strategic position, I
recommend checking recent financial reports, news articles, and the bank's official website for up-to-
date information on its business strategies, financial performance, and market positioning.

What is income statement


An income statement, also known as a profit and loss statement (P&L), is a financial statement that
provides a summary of a company's revenues, expenses, and profits (or losses) over a specific period of
time, typically a fiscal quarter or year. It is one of the key financial statements used by businesses to
assess their financial performance.

Here are the main components typically found in an income statement:

Revenue (Sales or Sales Revenue): This is the total amount of money generated by the sale of goods or
services during the specified period.

Cost of Goods Sold (COGS): This includes the direct costs associated with producing or delivering the
goods or services sold. It encompasses expenses such as materials, labor, and manufacturing costs.

Gross Profit: Gross profit is calculated by subtracting the cost of goods sold from the revenue. It
represents the profit a company makes before deducting other operating expenses.

Operating Expenses: These are the costs incurred in running the day-to-day operations of the business.
They can include items like salaries, rent, utilities, marketing expenses, and depreciation.

Operating Income (Operating Profit or Earnings Before Interest and Taxes - EBIT): This is calculated by
subtracting the operating expenses from the gross profit. It represents the profit earned from the
company's core operations.

Interest Expenses: This includes any interest paid on loans or other forms of debt.

Income Before Taxes: This is the company's income before accounting for income taxes.
Income Tax Expense: The income tax expense is the amount of taxes the company owes based on its
taxable income.

Net Income (Net Profit or Net Earnings): This is the final line on the income statement and represents
the company's profit after all expenses, including taxes.

The income statement provides a snapshot of a company's financial performance, helping investors,
analysts, and management assess its profitability, efficiency, and overall financial health. It's an essential
tool for decision-making and financial analysis.


Strengths and weaknesses of metrobank


As of my last knowledge update in September 2021, I can provide you with some general strengths and
weaknesses that are often associated with banks like Metrobank. However, please keep in mind that the
specific strengths and weaknesses of Metrobank may have evolved since then, and it's important to
refer to the latest financial reports and news for a current assessment. Here are some general points:

Strengths of Metrobank:

Strong Financial Position: Metrobank, being one of the largest banks in the Philippines, likely had a
strong financial position, which is a crucial strength for any financial institution.
Wide Network: Metrobank may have a wide branch and ATM network, making its services accessible to
a broad customer base.

Diverse Product Portfolio: Offering a range of banking and financial products, such as savings accounts,
loans, and investment options, can be a strength in attracting and retaining customers.

Experienced Management: A bank's leadership and management team's experience and expertise are
critical strengths in navigating the complexities of the financial industry.

Brand Reputation: A strong and trusted brand reputation can attract customers and build long-term

Weaknesses of Metrobank:

Economic Sensitivity: Banks are highly sensitive to economic conditions. Economic downturns can lead
to increased loan defaults and reduced profitability.

Regulatory Compliance: The banking industry is heavily regulated. Compliance with regulations and
changes in regulatory requirements can pose challenges and increase operational costs.

Competition: Competition in the banking sector is intense. Other banks and financial institutions may
offer similar services, putting pressure on pricing and profitability.

Credit Risk: Banks are exposed to credit risk when borrowers fail to repay loans. Managing and
mitigating this risk is a constant challenge.

Interest Rate Risk: Banks often face interest rate risk, as changes in interest rates can impact their
profitability and the value of their assets and liabilities.
Technology Investments: Keeping up with technology advancements and cybersecurity threats requires
substantial investments, which can strain a bank's resources.

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