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Drug traffic

Production, consumption, marketing and illicit drug trafficking, constitute a

problem of social relevance since the human being discovered that the
consumption of some substances (drugs) changed his state of consciousness.
Drug use becomes a problem when its use exceeds the framework traditional,
mystical and religious. When drugs that were considered a “one means” become
“an end in themselves fulfilling a hedonistic purpose in the "pleasure-unpleasure"
Why do people use drugs?
In general, people use drugs for various reasons:
• To feel good. Drugs can produce intense feelings of pleasure.
• To feel better. Some people who suffer from social anxiety, stress, or
depression start using drugs to try to feel less anxious.
• To perform better. Some people feel pressure to improve their
concentration at school or work, or to improve their sports skills.
• Out of curiosity and social pressure. Teenagers are at higher risk in
this regard, because peer pressure can be very strong.
The White House has created a blacklist of countries with the highest drug
trafficking such as Afghanistan, Bahamas, Belize, Bolivia, Burma, Mexico and
Colombia, the latter two are considered the largest drug producers and with the
highest traffic.
According to the ONU, around 215 million people have been affected by drug use,
mainly by cannabis use, which is detrimental to health. It reports that consumption
increased by more than 22% during the pandemic.
One of the solutions would be legalization, but this remedy can be worse than the
disease, first governments to eradicate this problem must eliminate corruption, to
strengthen health systems for the prevention and treatment of the consumer that
keeps the market active.



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