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075 / 22 The West Bengal University of Health Sciences Final BPT September, 2022 Examination Subject : P-T. in Neurology and Neurosurgery Time: 3 hrs. Full Marks: 80 1. Answer any two of the following a) PT assessment and management of a TBI patient according to RLA Classification. 10 DY Discuss the assessment & peripheral nerve injuries. Write about the PT management ofa patient suffering from Brachial Plexus injury. 446 What is poliomyelitis? Describe the clinical features, pathophysiology and investigation in a poliomyelitis. Management of PPRP. Bebed 2. Write short notes on any four of the following : 4x5 a management of GBS. by Aphasia. c) Barthel's Index: * gy” Neurogenic bladder. a» Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy. 3. Answer any two of the following a). Briefly explain the various neurotherapeutic approaches in PT management of Adult Hemiplegic patients 10 Define Transverse Myeliis. Write a detailed PT assessment & management of « patient suffering from Transverse myelitis. 28 op Discuss in details about the PT management of paraplegic patient with emphasis on recent advancement in physiotherapy management, 0 4x5 4, Write short notes on any four of the following : S. Caf? Brunstrom stages of recovery. wb) Choreo-Athetosis af Spasticity grading and it's PT management, By Hemiplegic gait in Foot drop. ) F PREG GEEEEEEEEE 075 / 22 . The West Bengal University of Health Sciences Final BPT June, 2022 Examination Subject : PT. in Neurology and Neurosurgery Vime: 3 brs. 1. Answer any ave of the following, a) Explain Etiology, clinical features A: sssment & PT management for 7 y old boy with poliomyelitis. 24345 jology, clinical features Assessment & PT management for 50 year old female with 24345 ©) Explain neonatal reflexes. Describe PT management of 6 year old child with Qudrariplegic cr. 446 Write short notes on any four of the following, : 4x5 7, GCS. nb) Zone of partial preservation. ©) Parkinson Plus Syndrome. @) Chareots traid. ©) Bulbar Palsy. Answer any two of the following : % a) Discuss assessment and PT management of MND. 545 b) Write assessment and management of a paraplegic patient in, sub acute phases. S45 ©) Deseribe radial nerve injury at different levels. Write assessment and P.T. management, 54342 Write short notes on any four of the following 4x5 a) Sensory management in neuropathy. b). Sciatica ©) Sub acute combined degeneration of SC. 4) Athetoid CP. e) Brachial Neuritis. ons 20 The West Bengal University of Health Seicne Final BPT December, 2021 - January, 2022 Examination Subject 1:1, lu Neurology an Ne ery 20iees a Marts: a 1 Agywer any ave of the Hollows ‘al features & pathophysiology of Parkinvonian, Write about th agement ofa Parkinwon's pationt, ah clerosis and its types, Write about the assesment amt IPT manapenient of a is patient “7 ” nayzeaent andl Assessinent OF ConKatese jute hua Ww 2, Write short notes on aay faur of the following : 4x5 A) Cavnls-Fquina Syndrome. A) Manayement of Dysphi AI ASIA scale A) Foot drop. A os 3. Answer any tro of the following + Ay bet ACA infarct nerve assessment, in details the assessanent and PT 1 rang, tie 10 b) Explain in details the Pre and Post-operative PT management of Lamineetany 0 US Describe the assessment and PT management of an incomplete spinal card injury ofan individual at 14 level 10 4, Write short notes on any four of the following, 4x5 4) Synergy pattern for upper limbs, A) Belts A) pppy “iy Ges. % 4) °E Man: ment of Respiratory impairments present in Ne urological conditions + Woat Bengal University of Health Scienc: Vinal wer duly - August, 2021 Examination and Neurosurgery Joos Ha dw New Hath tar bas aih Fdiabetic neuropathy. 10. 0 Dota CVA, peacnibe axsesnent and physiotherapeutic management of iphit sided Hemiparests Bana Writes WV Hite stort notes on any four of the followin Axs 8) Weint drop, YY Henini nore ©) PP nmaement of Facial palyy. A) Chinvitication of CF ©) Cardinal features of Parkinson’ 4 Answer any ove of the following A) Denwribe ansemmnent and PE an rent o 4) Dower tant tof MND. a6 sament and PT management of a patient's with laminectomy 0 by) Write down a tails about subacute combined degeneration of spinal cord- with Assessment and PT 10 ) Dexeribe in de management Write short notes on any four of the following : 4% a) Cerebellar ataxia. Signs of increased intracranial pressure. b) 6) ATNR and STNR. : d) Vertigo. ¢) Explain sensory integration. ————————— pe 720 the West Bengal University of Health Sciences Final BPT January, 2020 Examination Subject : P.T. in Neurology and Neurosurgery ‘Time: 3 hes. Full Marks: 89 Use separate answer script for each group Group-A 1, Answer any nwo of the following : 8) Whatis nerve grafting? Discuss the role of PT after nerve grafting, 248 DY Define MND. Discuss the role of PT for MND. 10 _-2~ Piseuss the management of spasticity and its gradings. 10 2 Write short notes on any four of the followin, 4x5 SL Cervical radicular Pain, b) Modified Tardieu scale, ©) Parachute reflex. 8) Wrist drop, i —} Tardy ulnar nerve palsy, DRigicity, Group-B 3. Answer any two of the following : 2x10 8) Discuss assessment & management of PT for TBI as per RLA LOCK, «DL Whats spinal shock? What isthe role of PT during the stage of spinal shock? “SJ What is gower’s sign? Explain assessment & ‘management of PT in muscular dystrophy. 4. Write short notes on any four of the following’: 4x5 Clasp knife phenomenon, _D> Romberg’s sign. ©) Global aphasia. \s-cTs. _S_-Upper limb Synergy in stroke patients. {) Bulbar polio. — ~| 075 / 20 The West Bengal University of Health Sciences Final BPT December-January, 2020 Examination in Neurology and Neurosurgery Subject : ‘Time: 3 hes. Full Marks: 80 Group -A 1, Answer any fo of the following ewes in positioning the patient with stroke 28 Define Cerebrovascular Accident. What are the key s during the acute stage? +b) Discuss the pathology, clinical manifestation and management of Multiple Sclerosis 34344 mit and PT. management of D.M.D. at What ae the types of Muscular dystrophy ) Discuss the assessiie 24H 2. White short notes on any four of the following 4x5 ab Bell's Paty b) Brown Sequard Syndrome. )Tabes Dorsalis. {UY Frankie's exercise JF Foot drop Group -B 2x10 3, Answer any two of the following 4) Describe the pathophysiology of Head Injury. Write down the assessment and P.T, management of the same. 3434 b) Define Motor Neuron Disease. Describe the principles of Physiotherapy management of MND. 37 nent 10 {9 Diseuss the deformities commonly seen in children with PP... and its mana 4. Write short notes on any four of the following ax a)- Erb’s Palsy. 'b) Developmental milestone motor. of ASIA scale. Clinical feature of Cauda Equina Injury vw UM STINE ‘Scanned with CamScanner f - Pest 075/18 The West Bengal University of Health Sciences Final BPT Examination, 2018 7. in Neurology ane! Neurostre Subject: Time: 3 hrs. ull Marks: Use separate answer seript for euch wroup 1, Answer any two of the following : as 2x10 yr) Describe the techniques and strategies that will be used for a felt sided Hemiptegic patient in recovery stage as a part of PT management, b) Classify polyneuropathy. Describe the evaluation and! management af the common complieath of polyneuropathy. _D)_Deseribe the assessment and PT management of Ataxia developes! from Tabes Dorsalis. 2. Write short notes on any four of the following : Axs B), Foot drop. U# Primitive reflexes. OY Assessment of co-ordination. “d) Shoulder hand syndrome. 9 PT management of common peroneal nerve injury Group — 3. Answer auy two of the following : 2x10 af” Describe the clinical features of ALS. Explain in details the PT management of the same. 'b) Explain in details the Post-operative PT management of craniotomy. AD Deserbe the assessment and PT management of complete spinal cord injury’ at Cs level. 4 ye short notes on any four of the following : 4x5 R eflex inhibiting posture. >). Brachial Neuralgia. PF Transient Ischaemic attack. 4 Syringomyelia, DY Differentiate between UMN and LMN Facial nerve palsy. gf” eu Aywrne ‘Time: 3 hrs, Subject: PLT. in Neurology and Neurosurg y Marks: 80 Use separate answer seript for each yr Group - 1. Answer any two of the following : mun 9) Write down the ica features and physiotherapy mana % P) What is CVA? Write down the assessment and pt mana ©) What is Bell's Phenomenon? Wi rite in detail about the physiotherapy and Bell’s Palsy Write short notes on any four of the following : 5 4x8 B°) _Brunnstrom’s stages of reeovery~ # >) Moditied Ashworth Seale. ©) Gower's sign. - d) Diagnostic eriteria of MS, ©) Ges. oup-B 3. Answer any two of the following 3) Briefly describe the pt management of T10 level spinal cord injury 0 b) What is Parkinson's disease? Write down the cardinal features of Parkinson's disease and its pt ‘management, - HS ©) What is Hansen's disease? Classify and write down its pt management, 130 4. Write short notes on any four of the following ies a) Asi b) Neurogenie bladder IA scale of assessment ie ¢) PT management of In-coordination: 4d) Anterior Cord Syndrome. ©) Sensory assessment, — YRE 2 075/16 The West Bengal University of Health Sciences ‘inal BPT Examination, 2016 Subject: P-T. in New rf yer Time: 3 hrs. eae Hull Marks: 80 Use separate answer scrip for each group Group-A 1, Answer any twa of the following : (A) Write doven the classification of peripheral nerve injury. Write in det about the phys ‘management of Ulnar Nerve Injury. 8) Describe in detail about the physiotherapy management of Tebes Dorsalis. 10 © Distuss in detail about the physiotherapy management of a patient suffering from chronic brachial neural 10 2. Write short notes on any four of the following : 4xs Physiotherapy of nerve grafting. f_ Glasgow Coma Seale. d) Physiotherapy management ‘of Diabetic Neuropathy. /) Neurogenic bladder and its physiotherapy management. Group -B : “Answer any two of the following : w 1a) Describe the physiotherapy management with orthotic prescription for patient with Syringomyelia _— 10 b) Discuss the complications of. incomplete spinal cord injury. Write the physiotherapy management ofthe same mentioning a brief overview of wheelchair transfer techniques. 446 >f wheelchair trans eons «) Write down the physiotherapy management ofa patent underwent laminestomy of lumbar spine. 10 4. Write short notes on any four of the following : 4x5 1) Cortical Sensations. b) Management of Parkinson's gait. igus O1a4er8 B48 ws = ASIA Scale. > & a = Bubury ors sas The West Bengal University of Health Sciences Final BPT Examination, 2015 ‘Vime: 3 brs. ‘Subject: PT. in Neurology and Neurosurgery ‘Pull Marks: 80 Use separate answer script for each group Group-A 1. Answer any two of the following : oi >) Briefly describe the assessment of@5 level complete spinal cord injury. Write down the PT fly describe the types of Hemiplegia, Write down its assessment and PT management. 24246 management of the same. at < 2¥ Define Parkinson's disease, Write down the clinical features of PR Describe ite physiotherapy management, © 1346 Write short notes on any four of the following : axs ‘Write a short note on Ulnar Claw Hand and its Orthotic mqnqgemgnt 1s Oa eT Ee DL Write a short note on Brown Sequard Syndrome. @ Write a short note on Charcot Joint and its PT management. _e- Vw Briefly write about any two primitive reflexes and their appearance and integration time. . 79 Write a short note on grades of Pressure Sore and its PT management. Group -B 3. Answer any pvo of the following : a); Write down the types of Traumatic Brain Injury along with its pathophysiology. Describe the PT management of TBI. 446 _») Write down the classification of Cerebral Paisy. Describe the physiotherapy management of a 2yrs. old CP child. ee 347 cc) What are the clinical features of Duchene Muscular Dystrophy? Describe’ the PT management of the same. Grows 8" 347 4. Write short notes on any four of the following : 4x5 _NAT Briefly describe shoulder problems in Hemiplegia. SD) Weite a short note on Transfer Techniques in Paraplegia, ~ 432 Suctirnan 7D. What is Synergy? Write down different Synergy in Stroke, Write about clinical features of Facial Palsy and Rells Palsy wth their PT’ management, © Write a short note on Brunnstrom Stages of Hemiplegia, Lop ‘ Paley The West Bengal University of Health Sciences Final BPT Examination, 2014 Subject: P: Neurology and Neurosurgery Balt Marker 80 ee3hrs / Use separate answer serlpt for each group Gronp-A Answer any peo of the following, comity Palsy. Priefly write about the PT management of spastic cezstxal Paley of 6 year old child. , clinical features and treatment of diaketic neuropatiry BY Describe the causes, Pathogen Ji Discuss the Various methods of spasticity managernent by Physiatherapy- 6 Write short notes on any four of the following : sg" Brachial Neuralgia. 2Y Differentiate UMN & LMN facial nerve Palsy. OO Syringomyelia. ‘Cauda Equina Syndrome. oO TI. Group - 8 Answer any two of the following ya¥_ Describe IN DETAIL ABOUT Sub acute combined degeneration of spinal cord. 16 b) Write down the clinical features, Pathophysiology and PT management of 2 Patie suffering from Multiple sclerosis. 19 yr ‘What is Motor Neuron discase? Classify MND and write about the PT management of 2 Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, Write short notes on any four of the following : an5 sg Bis Palsy. ‘ATNR & STNR. Z Ky) Pseudo Bulbar Palsy - C58 gutltven Risk Factors of Stroke Gp POR Lumbar Canal Stenosis. 7 ‘, Babe renee : : | alth Science: oe The West Bengal University of He 2013 ination, Final BPT (Supplementary) catia ‘Subject: Physiotherapy in Neurology am Pull Marks: 49, Time: 3 hrs Use sepdrate answer script for each group Group -A. 1. Answer any two of the following : 9 Clty Mince Dysvopy, ~ "pmo. (2 Mention the cardinal ~PD patient jothcrapy smanagement of 34344 Deseribe the elinieal features and psi it ment of @ 70 yrs old es of Parkinson’s disease. Describe the PT manage oo © Describe Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis. Writ briefly about its assessment and PT management ; Write short notes on any foupoof the following : Jf, 4x5 a) Page] )_ Grading of Spasticity, ~ 0 ‘Craniotomy. — . 7 a A) Bed to wheal char transfer for SCI patients, « 3 * Group-B 3. Answer any wo ofthe followin 4) Clasaffy 2345 4 sss jaBement of 220 yrs. old bay with a Semplete spinal cord injury, 446 wD Describe the Cerebellar Ataxia Brig describe the PT management taxia, 347 4. Write short notes on any Yur of the following : Wrist pop ~ wr “AY Klugpre’s Patsy. ~. 2) Sytingompyeti . weerh deep . 4 _Bfinnstcom's Stages of He Oe Reflex. inhibiting postures, ow YWolon af . ¥ ‘The West Bengal unn Baban 4. ey ee e gal University of Health Sci * ee. 2) ie . i om Final BPT Examination, 2012 2 subject Physiotherapy in Neurology and Neurosurgery . Full Maris: 80 Use separate answer script for each group Group-A {Answer any two of the following : ° 4 ae 2x10 a) Describe the P.T. management of a patient suffering from Ataxia developed from Tabes Dorsalis. Wha ea ‘i b) What are the causes of Quadriceps wasting? Describe the P.T, management to develop weak iceps suffering from diabetic Neuropailiy: Describe the Techniques and strategy for right sided hemiplegia patient in recoVery stage 8s ® Part cof your physiotherapy programme, ie short notes an aay four of the following. A85 2); P-T, management to reduce Rigidity, 3b) Instruments or,tools commonly used in Neurological Examination. 4.6) Classification of cerebral palsy. ~ ~ $, & Clinical features of Multiple Sclerosis», 7, ©) Assessmedt of pressure sore. Reflex inhibiting Posture — Explain in brief. Group-B 3. Answer any two of the following : ee a) Write down your plan of care after leprosy infection of ulnar nerve at the elbow level — 10 A ‘What is erbs palsy?’ ‘Describe the P.T. management of upper cord palsy of brachial plexus. 248 V¥ Write down the P. T. management of « patient underwent laminectomy on lumbar spine. <° 10 4, Write short notes on any four of the following ~~ 4x5 A .T. management of foot drop. wo. PT, management of sciatica — . Pook deeP ¢)P.T, management of Thoracic outlet syndrome. . 4) Techniques of whee! chair to bed transfer for paraplegic patient, €) Lumber canal stenosis ~ Exercise protocol with explanation, .~ f) Write down the physiotherapy protocol after median nerve grafting. uw ; 4 Pop

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