Lesson Plan On Multicultural Societies

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Date: 01.10.2020
Grade: 11th
Level: advanced
Number of students: 25
Time: 90 minutes
Lesson: Multicultural Societies
The whole lesson will be developed through:

Skills involved: reading, listening, writing, speaking

Lesson Aims: - to create involvement in a watching & listening task
- to express their opinions about the multicultural world
- to develop reading & writing skills
- to encourage communication skills
Materials: laptop, video-projector
Methods: guessing, gap-filling, matching, reading, sharing opinions

Stage 1 – Warm-up:
Procedure: The teacher begins the lesson by eliciting students about what they had learned in
the previous lesson (NEARPOD 1). Then she asks students to write the answer to the question
“What is etiquette?” (NEARPOD 2) and after reading students’ answers she provides them with
a sample answer (NEARPOD 3). After that, the teacher asks students to give some examples of
these rules in a collaborate board (NEARPOD 4), then teacher and students have a look at all
the answers and, if necessary, the teacher shows them a sample answer (NEARPOD 5). Then,
the teacher asks students if they think those rules are important or not and they are asked to
write their answers (NEARPOD 6). Once again, after collecting all the answers, the teacher

shows a sample answer (NEARPOD 7). Finally, teacher and students brainstorm their ideas on
the advantages of learning about cultural differences, as a conclusion to the previous activities
(NEARPOD 8). If students aren’t able to contribute with relevant information, they can be
shown a sample brainstorming (NEARPOD 9).
Interaction: Teacher-Students, Students-Teacher, Students-Students
Timing: 20 minutes

Stage 2 – Introduction:
Procedure: The teacher introduces the topic of the new lesson by telling students that they are
going to go on talking about the multicultural world, more specifically about multicultural
societies and that they are going to listen to a text about this topic and try to identify the key
words (NEARPOD 10). After the listening activity, the teacher asks what the text is about and
students write their answers on a collaborate board (NEARPOD 11). Then, the teacher shows
students’ answers, as well as a sample one (NEARPOD 12).
Interaction: Teacher-Pupils, Pupils-Teacher, Students-Students
Timing: 10 minutes

Stage 3 – Presentation & Practice:

The teacher shows the meaning of the key words of the text through a PowerPoint
presentation (NEARPOD 13).
Then, the teacher tells students they are going to watch the video of the text they had listened
(NEARPOD 14) and advises them to pay attention because after that they are going to do a quiz
The teacher shows some concepts concerning “The Multicultural World” through a PowerPoint
presentation (NEARPOD 16, 17, 18 & 19) and students have to guess the corresponding words.
The teacher presents a text, which students have to complete (NEARPOD 20 & 21). Then,
students are shown the completed text and are asked to pay attention to the words in yellow
(NEARPOD 22) because they are going do a matching exercise on synonyms (NEARPOD 23).
After the matching exercise, students are asked to have a look at the structure of the text and
try to find out which type of text it is (NEARPOD 24).They must answer that it is a “for and
against essay”. If they don’t, the teacher must give them some clues so that they can find the
right answer. After that, students are presented the text divided into four parts (NEARPOD 25,
26, 27 & 28) and the teacher is going to explain what must be done when they have to write a
for and against essay.
Then, students are asked to have a look at the 1st and last paragraphs of the text and identify
the comparisons presented (NEARPOD 29). After doing this, they are shown the comparisons
(NEARPOD 30) and introduced to a new grammar item through a PowerPresentation with rules
and exercises (NEARPOD 31).
Interaction: Teacher-Pupils, Pupils-Teacher, Students-Students

Timing: 58 minutes

Stage 4 – Evaluation:
Procedure: Teacher and students draw conclusions about the lesson. The teacher praises the
students who have carried out the tasks successfully. Then, she assigns homework: they will
have to write a for and against essay on the topic "Living in a foreign country cannot be better
than living in your own”. Finally, the students are dismissed.
Interaction: Teacher-Students, Students-Teacher
Timing: 2 minutes

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