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Section: Score:


The Mean and Variance of the Sampling Distribution
of the Sample Means

Background Information for Learners

In your previous lessons, you have studied about the mean and variance of a
probability distribution and the step-by-step process of constructing the sampling distribution
of the sample means.
In this learning activity sheet, you will be able to find the mean and variance of a
sampling distribution of the sample means using formulas for the mean and variance of
probability distribution and define the sampling distribution of the sample mean for normal
population when the variance is: a) known and b) unknown.
Consider a population with values 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10.
1. What is the mean (), variance (σ2) and standard deviation (σ) of the population?
2. How many samples of size 2 can be taken from the population?
3. List all possible samples of size 2 from the population if sampling is without
replacement. Then calculate the mean of each sample.
4. Construct a sampling distribution of the sample means for this population.
5. Find the mean of the sampling distribution of the sample means (𝜇𝑥̅). Compare this to
the mean of the population.
6. Calculate the variance (𝝈𝟐𝑋̅) and standard deviation (𝜎𝑋̅)of the sampling distribution
of the sample means. Compare this to the variance and standard deviation of the
1. The mean of the population can be computed using the formula: =
∑𝑋 2+4+6+8+10 30
= 𝑁 = 5 = 5 =6
So, the mean of the population is 6.
The variance of the population can be computed using the formula: σ2=
Here are the steps to compute the variance of the population:
Step 1: Subtract the computed mean of the population from each value of X
Step 2: Square the results in step 1
Step 3: Add the results in step 2
Step 4: Divide the ∑(X − )2 by the value of N.

X Step 1: X −  Step 2: (X − )2

2 2-6= -4 (-4)2 = 16
4 4-6= -2 (-2)2 = 4
6 6-6= 0 (0)2 = 0
8 8-6= 2 (2)2 = 4
10 10-6= 4 (4)2 = 16
Step 3: ∑(X − )2 = 16 + 4 + 0 + 4 + 16 = 40

Step 4: σ2=
σ2 = 5
σ2 = 8

Therefore, the variance of the population is 8.

The standard deviation of the population can be computed by simply getting

the square root of the variance. That is σ= √σ2. So, the standard deviation of the
population is σ= √8 = 2.83

2. To find the number of samples taken from the population, use the formula C
N 𝑛

Given: N=5, n=2

NC𝑛 = 5C2 = 10
So, there are 10 possible samples of size 2 taken from the population.

3. List of samples and its corresponding mean.

Samples Sample Mean
2,4 3
2,6 4
2,8 5
2,10 6
4,6 5
4,8 6
4,10 7
6,8 7
6,10 8
8,10 9

4. Sampling Distribution or Probability Distribution of the sample means

Probability Distribution
Sample Mean Frequency P(𝑋̅ )
(𝑋̅ ) (f)
3 1 1/10
4 1 1/10
5 2 2/10 or 1/5
6 2 2/10 or 1/5
7 2 2/10 or 1/5
8 1 1/10
9 1 1/10
Total 10 1

5. To find the mean of the Sampling Distribution of the Sample Means (𝑥),

Step 1: Multiply the sample mean (𝑋̅ ) to its corresponding probability distribution P(𝑋̅ ).
Label this as (𝑋̅ )• P(𝑋̅ ); and
Step 2: Get the summation of results in Step 1.

𝑿̅ P(𝑿̅ ) Step 1: (𝑿̅ ) • P(𝑿̅ )

3 1/10 3/10
4 1/10 4/10
5 2/10 or 1/5 10/10
6 2/10 or 1/5 12/10
7 2/10 or 1/5 14/10
8 1/10 8/10
9 1/10 9/10
Step 2: 𝑥̅ =∑ [𝑋̅ • P (𝑋̅ )] = 60/10 or
Note: The formula in finding the mean of the sampling distribution of the sample means is the
same as the mean of the probability distribution. We just replace the variable X with
𝑋̅ since the random variable in the sampling distribution of the sample means is the sample mean.
So, the mean of the sampling distribution of the sample means (𝑥̅) is 6.
The mean of the sampling distribution of the sample means is equal to the mean of the population. We
can write this as: 𝑥̅ = 

6. To find the variance 𝝈𝟐 𝒙̅ of the sampling distribution of the sample means, consider the
following steps:

Step 1: Subtract the mean (𝑥)̅ of the sampling distribution of the sample means from each
sample mean (𝑋̅ ). It can be labelled as( 𝑋̅- - 𝑥̅ )

Step 2: Square the difference of population mean and each sample mean.

It can be labelled as (𝑋̅-- 𝑥̅

) 2
Step 3: Multiply the results in step 2 by its corresponding probability. It can be labelled
as (𝑋̅-- 𝑥̅ )2 • P (𝑋̅ )

Step 4: Get the summation of results in step 3

Step 1: 𝑋̅-- Step 2: (𝑋̅-- )2 Step 3: (𝑋̅-- ) P (𝑋̅ )

𝑋 P(𝑋̅ 𝑥̅ •
) 𝑥̅ 𝑥̅
3 1 3-6= -3 (-3) = 9
1 9
9• 10= 10
4 1 4-6= -2 (-2)2= 4 4• = 4

10 10 10
5 2 5-6= -1 (-1)2= 1 1• = 2
10 10
6 2 6-6= 0 (0)2= 0 0• =0
10 10
7 2 7-6= 1 (1)2= 1 1• = 2

10 10 10

8 1 8-6= 2 (2)2= 4 1 4
4• 10= 10
9 1 9-6= 3 (3)2= 9 1 9
9• 10= 10
𝐒𝐭𝐞𝐩 𝟒: 𝝈𝟐 𝑋̅ =∑[(𝑋̅ - ̅ )2 • P (𝑋̅)]
or 3

So, the variance of the sampling distribution of the sample means 𝝈𝟐𝑋̅ is 3.

Standard Deviation: 𝜎 = √∑[(𝑋̅ − 𝑥̅ )2 • P (𝑋̅ )]

𝜎 = √3 or 1.73
So, the standard deviation of the sampling distribution of the sample means is 1.73
The computed value of the variance and standard deviation of the sampling
of the sample means is smaller than the variance and standard deviation of a population.

Learning Competencies
 Finds the mean and variance of the sampling distribution of the sample means
(M11/12SP-IIId-5); and
 Defines the sampling distribution of the sample mean for normal population when the
variance is: a) known; b)unknown (M11/12SP-IIIe-1)

Exercise 1: “I Can Do It”

1. Samples of two cards are drawn at random from a population of 6 cards numbered
from 1 to 6.
a. How many possible samples can be drawn from the population? [2points]
b. List all the possible samples of size 2 that can be drawn without replacement
and calculate its corresponding means. (The table below is already given as hint)

Samples Sample Mean (̅X)

c. Construct the sampling distribution of the sample means. (The table below is
already given as hint) [9 points]

Sampling Distribution of Sample Means

Sample Mean (X) Frequency Probability Distribution P(̅X)


2. A group of students got the following scores in a Mathematics quiz: 8,12,16, 20, and
24. Consider sample scores of size 3 that can be drawn without replacement from the
given scores.

a. List all the possible samples of size 3 and calculate the means of each sample.
Round your sample mean into 2 decimal places. [5 points]
Sample Sample Mean (̅X)

b. Construct the sampling distribution of the sample means. [5 points]

Sampling Distribution of Sample Means
Sample Mean (X)̅ Frequency Probability Distribution P(̅X)


Exercise 2: “Engage Me”

Directions: Read and analyze each question then answer what is being asked. Show your step-
by step solution.
1. A group of students got the following scores in a Mathematics quiz: 8,12,16, 20, and
24. Consider sample scores of size 3 that can be drawn without replacement from the
given scores. Calculate:
a) The population mean ; [2 points]

b) The variance and standard deviation σ of the population [3 points]

c) The mean X̅ of the sampling distribution of the sample means? Compare this
to the mean  of the population. [5 points]
d) The standard deviation 𝜎𝑥̅ of the sampling distribution of the sample means?
Compare this to the standard deviation σ of the population. [5 points]

2. The 4 nurses assigned in the RHU in the Municipality of Luna have the following
ages: 24, 26, 28, and 30. Suppose samples of size 2 are drawn from this population.
Let x be the age of the nurses.
a. What is the mean () and standard deviation (σ) of the ages of the population?
[5 points]

b. How many samples of size 2 can be taken from the population?

[2 points]

c. List all possible samples of size 2 of the population if sampling is without

replacement. Then calculate the mean 𝑥̅ of each sample. [4 points]

d. Construct a sampling distribution of the sample means for this population.

[5 points]

e. Find the mean 𝜇𝑥̅ of the sampling distribution of the sample means. Compare this
to the mean  of the population. [5 points]

f. Calculate the variance 𝝈𝟐𝑋̅ and standard deviation 𝜎𝑋̅ of the sampling distribution
of the sample means. Compare this to the variance 𝜎2and standard deviation of the
population σ. [5 points]
Exercise 3: “Solve Me”
Direction: Solve the following problem. Assume that the population is infinite in each item.
Show your solution. [Hint: The variance of the sampling distribution of the sample means can
be solve using the formula: 𝝈𝟐 = ]
� 𝑛

1. Consider a population with a mean of 30 and a standard deviation of 3. Samples of
size 5 are obtained from the population. Determine the: a) mean of the sampling
b) variance of the sampling distribution of the sample means; and c) standard
deviation of the sampling distribution of the sample means. [5 points ]

2. The height of female Senior High School students of Luna National High School is
normally distributed with a mean of 65 inches and a standard deviation of 2 inches. If
20 students are randomly selected from the population, what would be the mean and
standard deviation of the resulting sampling distribution of the sample means?
[4 points ]

3. A random sample of n=50 measurements is obtained from a population with =160

and standard deviation of 3. Describe the sampling distribution of the sample means
by calculating its mean and standard deviation. [4 points ]


What have you learned from this topic?

References of Learners:

 Belecina, R.R., (2016). Statistics and Probability (First Edition). Quezon City
Manila; Rex Book Store, Inc.
 Ocampo, J.M., & Marquez, W.G., (2016). Conceptual Math and Beyond: Statistics
and Probability. Quezon City Manila; Brilliant Creations Publishing, In
Name of Learner: Grade Level:
Section: Score:


Central Limit Theorem Definition and Illustration

Background Information for Learners

Central Limit Theorem

If a random sample of size n is drawn from a population with mean µ x and a

variance 𝝈 2x and n is chosen large enough, then the sampling distribution of the
sample mean ̅𝒙 is approximately normally distributed with mean E(̅𝒙) = µ̅ 𝒙 = µx
variance Var (̅𝒙) = 𝝈𝟐𝒙̅ = 𝒙 .

This theorem says that regardless of the distribution of the population from which
a sample is taken, we can choose a sufficiently large n so that the resulting
sampling distribution will approach a normal distribution. In general, n≥ 30 is
large enough for the sampling distribution of the mean to be approximately
𝒙−̅ 𝝁
𝒛= 𝝈


where: ̅𝒙 = sample mean

µ = population mean
𝝈 = population standard deviation
𝒏 = 𝐬𝐚𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐞 𝐬𝐢𝐳𝐞

The average time it takes a group of students to finish a certain class activity is 39 minutes.
The standard deviation is 8 minutes. Find the probability that if 45 randomly selected students
take the activity, the mean time it takes the group of students to complete the activity will be
less than 41 minutes.
Steps Solution
Identify the given information ̅𝒙 = 41
µ = 39
𝒏 = 𝟒𝟓
Solve the problem Z= 𝟒𝟏−𝟑𝟗
= 1.68
0.5 + 0.4535 = 0.9535
State the answer So, the probability that the 45 students
will complete the class activity in less
than 41 minutes is 95.35%.

Learning Competency with Code

Illustrates the central limit theorem. (M11/12SP-IIIe-2)
Defines the sampling distribution of the sample mean using the Central Limit Theorem.

Follow the different steps to answer the following problems applying the central limit theorem.
1. The average time it takes a group of senior high school students to finish a periodical
examination is 45 minutes. The standard deviation is 6.5 minutes. Assume that the
variable is normally distributed.
a. What is the probability that if 50 randomly selected students will take the periodical
test, the mean time will be more than 47.5 minutes?
b. What is the probability that if 50 randomly selected will take the periodical test, the
mean time will be less than 47.5 minutes?
c. What is the probability that if 50 randomly selected will take the periodical test, the
mean time will be between 43 minutes and 47.5 minutes?
d. What is the probability that if 50 randomly selected will take the periodical test, the
mean time will be between 46 minutes and 47 minutes?
2. The mean weight of 16-year old females is 120 pounds with a standard deviation of 12.5
a. If a sample of 35 female is selected, find the probability that the mean weight of the
samples is less than 125 pounds.
b. If a sample of 30 female is selected, find the probability that the mean weight of the
samples is between 120 pounds and 123 pounds.
c. If a sample of 30 female is selected, find the probability that the mean weight of the
samples is between 121pounds and 123 pounds.
3. The average number of milligrams (mg) of sugar of a certain brand of milk tea is 600 mg
with a standard deviation of 28 mg. Assume that the variable is normally distributed.
a. If a sample of 30 servings of milk tea is selected, what is the probability that the
mean sugar content of the samples will be greater than 590 mg?
b. If a of sample 30 servings of milk tea is selected, what is the probability that the
mean sugar content of the samples will be between 590 mg and 605 mg?
c. If a sample of 50 servings of milk tea is selected, what is the probability that the
mean sugar content of the samples will be less than 605?

I learned that

I want to learn more on

Alferez, M. & Duro, M. Statistics and Probability. MSA Academic Institute. 2006

Avelino-Tales, Karen. Senior High School Statistics and Probability. FBN Educational, Inc.

Baccay, E., Belecina, R. & Mateo, E. Statistics and Probability. Rex Book Store. 2016

Chua, S. L., Dela Cruz, E. Jr. O., Aguilar, I.C. & Puro, L. M. Soaring 21st Century Mathematics
(Statistics and Probability). Phoenix Publishing House, Inc. 2016

Lim, Y., Nocon, E., Nocon, R. & Ruivivar, L. Statistics and Probability. Sibs Publishing
House. 2016
Name of Learner: Grade Level:
Section: Date:




Background Information for Learners

Since, we are done learning about the properties of the sampling distribution of the
sample means in terms of its mean, variance, and standard deviation, this time we shall solve
problems involving sampling distributions of the sample means applying these properties
called the Central Limit Theorem. The Central Limit Theorem tells that the sampling
distribution of the sample means approaches a normal distribution as the sample size gets
larger, regardless the shape of the population distribution. One of the important components
of the Central Limit Theorem is that the average of sample means is the population mean.
If n ≥ 30, the sampling distribution will appear to be normal, thus Central Limit
Theorem applies.
Using the Central Limit Theorem to convert sampling distribution to standard normal

Mean of sample is equal to the mean of the population. In symbol, 𝜇𝑋̅ = 𝜇.

Standard deviation of the sample is the same to the standard deviation of the
population divided by the square root of the sample size. In symbol, .

where n = sample size (n ≥ 30)

𝜇 = mean of the 𝑋̅ distribution
𝜎 = standard deviation of 𝑋 distribution

Example 1
A population distribution has a mean 𝜇 = 84 and standard deviation of 𝜎 = 18. What is the
probability that a random sample size of n = 48 and a mean of 88 or more?

Let us find P(𝑋̅ ≥ 88).

Let us convert the values to z-score.
Since, n = 48 which 30 Central Limit Theorem applies.

Use the table for Areas of the Normal Curve to find the P( 88).

P( 88) = P(z 1.54)

= P(z 0) - P(0 z 1.54)
= 0.5000 – 0.4382
= 0.0618
Thus, the probability that a random sample size of n = 48 and a mean of 88 or more is
0.0618 or 6.18%.



Example 2
A population distribution has a mean = 84 and a standard deviation of = 18. What is the
probability that a random sample size of n = 96 and a mean of 81 and below?
Find P( 81).
Convert the values to z-score.
The giver is n = 96 which is 30 Central Limit Theorem applies.

Use the table for Areas of the Normal Curve to find the P( 81).
P( 81) = P(z -1.63)
= P(z 0) - P(-1.63 z 0)
= 0.5000 – 0.4484
= 0.0516
Thus, the probability that a random sample size of n = 96 and a mean of 81 and below
is 0.0516 or 5.16%.



Example 3
A population distribution has mean = 84 and a standard deviation of = 18. What is the
probability that a random sample size of n = 90 and a mean of less than 85.5?
Find P( < 85.5).
Convert the values to z-score.
Note that, n = 90 and is 30 Central Limit Theorem applies.

Use the table for Areas of the Normal Curve to find the P( < 85.5).
P( < 85.5) = P(z < 0.79)
= P(z 0) + P(0 z 0.79)
= 0.5000 + 0.2852
= 0.7852
Thus, the probability that a random sample size of n = 90 and a mean of less than 85.5
is 0.7852 or 78.52%.


Example 4
A population distribution has a mean = 84 and a standard deviation of = 18. What is the
probability that a random sample size of n = 120 and a mean of greater than 80?
Find P( > 80).
Convert the values to z-score.
The given is n = 120 which is 30 Central Limit Theorem applies.

Use the table for Areas of the Normal Curve to find the P( > 80).
P( > 80) = P(z > -2.43)
= P(-2.43 z 0) + P(z 0)
= 0.4925 + 0.5000
= 0.9925
Thus, the probability that a random sample size of n = 120 and a mean of greater than 80 is
0.9925 or 99.25%


Example 5

A population distribution has a mean = 84 and standard deviation of = 18. What is the
probability that a random sample size of n = 210 and a mean of between 83 and 86?

Find .
Convert the values to z-scores.
In here, n = 210 which 30 Central Limit Theorem applies.

Use the table for Areas of the Normal Curve to find the P( ).
P( ) = P(-0.81 z 1.61)
= P(-0.81 z 0) + P(0 z 1.61)
= 0.2910 + 0.4463
= 0.7373
Thus, the probability that a random sample size of n = 210 and a mean of between 83 and 86
is 0.7373 or 73.73%

-0.43 0 1.61

Learning Competency
Solves problems involving sampling distributions of the sample mean (M11/12SP-III-f-1)
1. Find the probability in each of the following situations. Assume that the variable is
normally distributed.
n Probability
80 7 75
74.5 5 12
42 4.46 53
123 12.3 165
250 16 235
2. A normally distributed variable has a mean = 120 and standard deviation of = 12.
If a sample size of n = 36 is selected, what is the probability of the following means?

a. greater than 125?

b. less than 118?
c. 119 and above?
d. 124 and below?
e. between 114.5 and 125.5?
f. between 116 and 126?

1. According to research, Filipinos spend an average of 9.5 hours per day in the internet
and the standard deviation is 2.4 hours. Assume that the variable is normally
distributed. If 50 Filipinos were randomly selected,

a. what is the probability that the average hours spend in the internet is 8.5 hours and
b. what is the probability that the average hours spend in the internet is less than 10
c. what is the probability that the average hours spend in the internet is between 9
hours and 10 hours?

2. Suppose that the annual employment rate of private companies in a certain country is
to have a normal distribution with a mean of 4% and a standard deviation of 1.6%. A
random sample of 25 private companies is selected from the population and the
sample mean is calculated.

a. What is the probability that the sample mean will be less than 5%?
b. What is the probability that the sample mean will be more than 3.5%?
c. What is the probability that the sample mean will be between 3% and 5%?

3. According to SHS research teachers, the average time of senior high school research
proposal defense is 28.5 minutes and the standard deviation is 4.3 minutes. Assume
that the variable is normally distributed.

a. What is the probability that a randomly selected senior high school students will
defend their research proposals in less than 28 minutes?
b. What is the probability that a randomly selected senior high school students will
defend their research proposals in more than 28 minutes?
c. What is the probability that 45 senior high school students who are randomly
selected will defend their research proposals with an average time of less than 28
d. What is the probability that 50 senior high school students who are randomly
selected will defend their research proposals with an average time of between 27.5
minutes and 29.5 minutes?
What have you learned in this lesson?

Jose M. Ocampo, (2016). Statistics and Probability. Quezon City, Manila statistics/normal-distribution/central-
Name of Learner: Grade Level:
Section: Date:



Background Information for Learners

In the previous lessons, you have learned z-distribution. It is used when the
population variance is unknown and the sample size is large (𝑛 ≥ 30). This time you will
encounter a new distribution called t-distribution, it is used in estimating the population
parameter when the sample size is small or less than 30 and the population variance is
Like the z-distribution/normal distribution, the t-distribution is bell-shaped and
symmetric about the y-axis, centered at zero and the total area under the normal curve is one.

Glimpse from the Past

The t-distribution was also called Student’s t-distribution. William Sealy Gosset formulated the t-
distribution in 1908, he is an Irish brewing employee who was involved in researching new
methods of manufacturing ale (type of beer). He published his finding using the pseudonym
Student because brewing employees were not allowed to publish findings. Hence, the t-
distribution is sometimes called Student’s t-distribution.

The following formula is used to convert any normal variable to its corresponding t-
value on a t-distribution.
𝑥̅ − 𝜇
𝑡= 𝑠
t = t-value

𝑥̅ = sample mean
𝜇 = population mean
n = sample size (Note: the formula is used when n<30)
s = sample standard deviation (𝑠 = √
The t-distribution Table
The left side is the degrees of freedom while the top segment relates to the right tail
probabilities (α). The entries within the table are the t-values or critical values of t. There are
no negative values since t-distribution is symmetrical. The region below of a negative t-score
is equal to the area above a positive t-score.
The larger the degrees of freedom, the more it will approximate a normal distribution. Thus,
the t-scores can be negative but areas and probabilities cannot.

Degrees of Freedom (df= n-1) Right tail probabilities (α)

What is the t-
value (round to the nearest thousandth) when df=21 at α= 0.01?
Referring to the t-table, df=21 and α= 0.01, then t=2.518. The t-value is the
intersection between the left side column (degrees of freedom = 21) and the right tail
probabilities (α= 0.01) is 2.518.
What is the t-value (round to the nearest thousandth) when n=16 at α= 0.05?
df=n-1, since n=16, df= 16-1= 15
Referring to the t-table, df=15 and α= 0.05, then t=1.753. The t-value is the
intersection between the left side column (degrees of freedom = 15) and the right tail
probabilities (α= 0.05) is 1.753.
Find the t-score below which we can expect 99% of sample means will fall if samples of size
20 are taken a normally distributed population.
The cumulative probability is 1- α = 0.99, we have α=0.01. Likewise, the degrees of
freedom is df = n-1 = 20 – 1 = 19. To find the required t-score, move down the first column
of the t-table until you get 19, which is the degree of freedom. Move across the row
containing this entry until you get to the column with heading α=0.01. The value that we get
is 2.539. This shows that 99% of all sample means are expected to have t-scores less than or
equal to 2.539. We can say that 1% of all sample means will have t-scores less than or equal
to -2.539.
Using the t-distribution table. Find the degrees of freedom and the critical values n=25 at
95% confidence coefficient.
Since the confidence coefficient is 95%, we have α = 0.05. The degrees of freedom is
df = n-1 = 25 – 1 = 24. The intersection between df=24 and α = 0.05 is 1.711, the critical
value of t.


Find the t-value when 𝜇 = 43, 𝑥̅ = 45, s= 3, and n=16.

𝑥−𝜇 45−43 2
𝑡= 𝑠 = 3 = 3
√𝑛 √16 4

𝑡 = 2.667
Learning Competency
Illustrates the t-distribution (M11/12SP-IIIg-2)

A. Directions: Determine the value of t (round to the nearest thousandth) based on the
given degrees of freedom df and α. [ 2 points each]
1. 𝑑𝑓 = 26, 𝛼 = 0.01
2. 𝑑𝑓 = 15, 𝛼 = 0.025
3. 𝑑𝑓 = 28, 𝛼 = 0.10
4. 𝑑𝑓 = 5, 𝛼 = 0.05
5. 𝑑𝑓 = 23, 𝛼 = 0.005

B. Directions: Determine the value of t (round to the nearest thousandth) based on the
given sample size n and α. [ 2 points each]
1. 𝑛 = 6, 𝛼 = 0.005
2. 𝑛 = 15, 𝛼 = 0.001
3. 𝑛 = 21, 𝛼 = 0.05
4. 𝑛 = 17, 𝛼 = 0.10
5. 𝑛 = 10, 𝛼 = 0.01
Directions: In each of the following, samples of size n are taken from a population with a
population mean µ. Find the t-value of the given sample means. [ 3 points each]
1. 𝜇 = 15, 𝑥̅ = 18, 𝑛 = 16, 𝑠 = 2.5
2. 𝜇 = 23, 𝑥̅ = 20, 𝑛 = 25, 𝑠 = 3.2
3. 𝜇 = 35, 𝑥̅ = 32, 𝑛 = 24, 𝑠 = 2.8
4. 𝜇 = 64.5, 𝑥̅ = 63, 𝑛 = 27, 𝑠 = 8.1
5. 𝜇 = 200, 𝑥̅ = 198, 𝑛 = 16, 𝑠 = 14

Directions: Solve the following problems. [ 5 points each]
1. A researcher gathers a plasma samples from 20 patients who recovered from COVID-19.
He conducts one-tailed t-test for a mean using an alpha level of 0.05. Once he conducts
his one-tailed t-test and obtains a test statistics t, what critical value should he compare t
2. The average number of milligrams (mg) of cholesterol in a serving of a certain brand of
milk tea is 660 mg, and the standard deviation is 35 mg. Assume the variable is normally
distributed. What is the t-value if a sample of 10 servings of milk tea selected has a
sample mean of 670 mg of cholesterol?
3. An electronic company claims that the average life of the smartphone battery it
manufactures is 14 hours with a standard deviation of 3 hours. What is the t-value if a
random sample of 25 smartphones chosen has a sample mean of 15 hours?

After the lesson, I have learned that

I want to clarify (questions/queries/ topics that is not clear to the students)

Banigon, Camilon and Manalo.2016. Statistics and Probability for Senior High School.
Quezon City: Educational Resources Corp.
Belecina, Baccay and Mateo. 2017. Statistics and Probability 1st ed. Manila: Rex Book Store.
Lim, Nocon, Nocon, and Ruivivar. 2016. Math for Engaged Learning. Quezon City: Sibs
Publishing House, Inc.

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Background Information for Learners

Remember that a t-distribution is like a standard deviation. The curve is symmetric
approximately to the mean and the total area under the t-curve is equal to 1 or 100%. It is
likewise bell-shaped like the z-distribution, however the values in t-distribution are more
spread out around the middle which makes the curve shorter and flatter around the center.
The t-distribution is used when the sample size is less than 30 and the population variance is
unknown. If the sample size is increased, the t-value of the percentile decreases.

KEY FACTS: Percentile

The 2.5th percentile of the given variable means the value of the variable that has an area to the
left of 2.5% or 0.025. defines percentile as one of the values of a variable that divides the distribution
of the variable into 100 groups having equal frequencies. describes percentile or centile as a value or number that represents a
percentage position on a range or list of data- the person or thing at that number of values is
above that number in percentage.
According to, it is percentage of scores that fall below a particular value.
They tell you where a score stands relative to other scores Percentiles are a great tool to know
the relative standing of a value.

What is the 10th percentile of a t-distribution when the sample size is 6?
Consider the charts below. The 10th percentile is found some place in the lower-end tail on
the left side of zero. The 10th percentile is the value where 10% of the quantities lie
underneath it, and 90% lie above it. It likewise implies that 0.10 is the area to the left of the
10th percentile t- value, while 90th percentile is located somewhere in the upper-end tail on
the right side of zero. The 90th percentile is where 90% of the quantities lie underneath it, and
10% of the quantities lies above it. This means 0.10 is the area to the right of the 90th
percentile t-value.

t-Distribution Table

Right tail probabilities α

Degrees of Freedom (df=n-1)


Since the t-distribution table only appears at the right tail area, if the percentile lies to
the right of the mean or above the 50th percentile, the area to the right of the given percentile
can be found by subtracting the percentile from 100% or 1.
The area to the left of the 10th percentile t-value is equal to the area to the right of the
90th percentile t-value. This means that the 10th percentile and the 90th percentile have the
same t-value on the t-distribution table.
i. List the known facts of the problem
10th percentile
n= 6
df = n- 1 = 6 – 1 = 5
ii. Find the area associated with the percentile by dividing it by 100.
10th percentile is 10 which is equal to 0.10
iii. Identify if the area of probability is higher or lower than 0.50. if the percentile is
higher than 0.50, subtract it from 1.
Since 0.10 is lower than 0.50, there is no need to subtract from 1. Thus, the area
is 0.10.
iv. Find the t-value by finding the intersection of the right tail area column and the
row for the degrees of freedom.
The desired t-value is in the body of the table. Look for the corresponding area
or probabilities column heading 𝑡0.10 and locate it with the degrees of freedom
5. The t-value is 1.476.

v. Identify if the t-score is positive or negative.

Since the 10th percentile is lower than 50 and it lies below the mean, the t-
score must be negative. Thus, the 10th percentile has a t-score of -1.476 which
signifies that 10% of the values lie below it, and 90% of the values lie above

Calculate the 90th percentile from the value of the lower cumulative distribution of the
student’s t-distribution when the sample size is 11?
i. List the known facts of the problem
90th percentile
n= 11
df = n- 1 = 11– 1 = 10
ii. Find the area associated with the percentile by dividing it by 100.
90th percentile is 90 which is equal to 0.90
iii. Identify if the area of probability is higher or lower than 0.50. if the percentile is
higher than 0.50, subtract it from 1.
Since 0.90 is higher than 0.50. It must be subtracted from 1.
1 – 0.90 = 0.10
0.10 is the area to the right of the 90th percentile
iv. Find the t-value by finding the intersection of the right tail area column and the
row for the degrees of freedom.
The desired t-value is in the body of the table. Look for the corresponding area
or probabilities column heading 𝑡0.10 and locate it with the degrees of freedom
10. The t-value is 1.372.

vi. Identify if the t-score is positive or negative.

Since the 90th percentile is higher than 50 and it lies to the right of the mean,
the t-score must be positive. Thus, the 90th percentile with sample size 11 is
has a t-score of 1.372 which signifies that 90% of the values lie below it, and
10% of the values lie above it.
Learning Competency
Identifies the percentiles using the t-distribution table (M11/12SP-IIIg-5)

Directions: Determine whether the statement is true or false. Write the correct answer on the
space provided. [ 1 point each]
1. If the sample size is 25, then the degree of freedom is 24.
2. 99th percentile can be written as 99/100 or 0.99.
3. The percentile increased when the sample size decreased.
4. 90th percentile means the number where 90% of the values lie below it and
10% lie above it.
5. The area of the region to the left of the 25th percentile is 0.75.
6. -2.064 is the 2.5th percentile of a t-distribution when the degrees of freedom
is 24.
7. 95th percentile would result in a t-distribution value of 2.528 with 20 degree
of freedom.
8. A 99.5th percentile is a result in a t-distribution value of 3.106 with a
sample size of 12.
9. If n= 25, at α=0.05, the critical value is 1.719.
10. Suppose you have a sample size 15 and you want to find the 95th
percentile of its corresponding t-distribution, you should find first the critical

Directions: Using the t-table, find the degrees of freedom and t-value corresponding to 95th
percentile for each of the following n. Be mindful of the sign. [ 2 points each]
1. 𝑛=4 6. 𝑛 = 19
2. 𝑛=6 7. 𝑛 = 23
3. 𝑛 = 12 8. 𝑛 = 25
4. 𝑛 = 14 9. 𝑛 = 26
5. 𝑛 = 17 10. 𝑛 = 28
A. Directions: For each situation, specify the corresponding t-value. Be mindful of the sign
and feel free to use the t-table. [ 3 points each]
1. 90th percentile, df =28
2. df = 13, α = 0.10
3. 2.5th percentile for n = 20
4. 75th percentile, n = 12
5. t-values that bound the middle 60% with df=12
B. Directions: Find the percentile given the following data. [ 3 points each]
1. df = 19, t-value = -2.093
2. n = 13, t-value = -0.259
3. df = 20, t-value = -2.845
4. n= 21, t-value = -1.725
5. n= 27, t-value = 0.684

After the lesson, I have learned that

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Background Information for learners

Confidence Intervals are results and they are usually numbers i.e. you survey a group
of dog owners to see how many packs of dog food they purchase a year. Your test statistics at
the 95% confidence level and get a confidence interval of (200, 300). This means you think
they buy between 200 and 300 packs of dog food per year.
Definition: Confidence Interval
A confidence interval is how much uncertainty there is with any statistic. Confidence
intervals are often used with a margin of error. It tells you how confident you can be that the
results from a survey reflect what you would expect to find it were possible to survey the
entire population. Confidence intervals are intrinsically connected to confidence level.
General Formula of a Confidence Interval
The general formula of a confidence interval is
𝑃𝑜𝑖𝑛𝑡 𝐸𝑠𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑎𝑡𝑒 ± 𝑇𝑎𝑏𝑢𝑙𝑎𝑟 𝑉𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒 × 𝑆𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑑𝑎𝑟𝑑 𝑒𝑟𝑟𝑜𝑟 𝑜𝑓 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑝𝑜𝑖𝑛𝑡 𝑒𝑠𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑎𝑡𝑒
and the tabular value depends on the sampling distribution of the point estimate.
The Confidence Interval for an Unknown Population Mean and Known Standard Deviation
The confidence interval for an unknown population mean and known standard
is defined mathematically as
𝑿̅ ± (𝑍𝛼 × )
2 √𝑛
𝜎 𝜎
𝑿̅ − (𝑍𝛼 × ) < 𝜇 < 𝑿̅ + (𝑍𝛼 × )
2 √𝑛 2 √𝑛
where, 𝑿̅ is the sample mean (point estimator),
𝑍𝛼 is the critical value of z with a confidence interval of (1 − 𝛼)%,

𝜎 is the population standard deviation, and

𝑛 is the sample size.

The lower limit of the confidence interval is
𝜎 𝜎
𝑿̅ − (𝑍𝛼 × ), and the upper limit of the confidence interval is 𝑿̅ + (𝑍𝛼 × ).
2 √𝑛 2 √𝑛

Steps in Identifying the Length of a Confidence Interval for an Unknown Population
Mean and Known Standard Deviation
Step 1. Identify the given variables:
Population standard deviation, 𝜎
Sample mean, 𝑋
Sample size, 𝑛
Step 2. Determine the confidence level and appropriate 𝑍𝛼

Values of z of Importance

Z Confidence Level
1.645 90%
1.960 95%
2.326 98%
2.576 99%
3.090 99.8%
3.291 99.9%

Step 3. Identify the length of the confidence interval

i. . Compute for the lower limit

𝐿𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟 𝑙𝑖𝑚𝑖𝑡 = 𝑋 − (𝑍𝛼 × 𝜎

2 )
ii. Compute for the Upper limit

𝑈𝑝𝑝𝑒𝑟 𝑙𝑖𝑚𝑖𝑡 = 𝑋 + (𝑍𝛼 × 𝜎 )

Step 4. Construct and interpret the confidence interval.
Illustrative Example1.

A survey studying the income of individuals in a certain municipality was conducted.
A population standard deviation of Php 1000 and a mean income of Php 15, 000 was
gathered from 49 individuals.
a. Identify and interpret a 90% confidence interval for the true mean income of the
individuals in a certain municipality.

(a) Construct and interpret a 90% confidence interval for the true mean income
of the individuals in a certain municipality.
Step 1. Identify the given variables:Population standard deviation, 𝜎 = 1,000
Sample mean, 𝑋 = 15,000
Sample size, 𝑛 = 49
Step 2. Identify the with 90% confidence level

Values of z of Importance

𝑍𝛼 Confidence
1.645 90%
1.960 95%
2.326 98%
2.576 99%
3.090 99.8%
3.291 99.9%

At 90% confidence level, the 𝑍𝛼=1.645


Step 3. Identify the length of the confidence interval

i. Compute for the lower limit
𝐿𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟 𝑙𝑖𝑚𝑖𝑡 = 𝑋 − (𝑍𝛼 × )
= 15000 − (1.645 × )
= 15000 − (235)
= 15000 − 235
𝐿𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟 𝑙𝑖𝑚𝑖𝑡 = 14, 765
ii. Compute for the Upper limit
𝑈𝑝𝑝𝑒𝑟 𝑙𝑖𝑚𝑖𝑡 = 𝑋 + (𝑍𝛼 × )
2 √𝑛

= 15000 + (1.645 × )
= 15000 + (235)
= 15000 + 235
𝑈𝑝𝑝𝑒𝑟 𝑙𝑖𝑚𝑖𝑡 = 15235
Step 4. Construct and interpret the confidence interval.
Therefore the 90% Confidence Interval (CI) is (14,765, 15,235) or 14, 765 <
𝜇 < 15, 235. Hence, we are 90% confident that the true average income of all individuals in
a certain municipality is between Php 14, 765 and Php 15, 235.

Illustrative Example 2.
The following were observed weights (in kilograms) of a random sample of 20
learners. Assuming that the population standard deviation of the weights of all learners in the
class is 9 kg.
40 45 46 48 48 50 55 55 56 58
50 59 60 60 62 62 64 64 65 66

a. Identify and interpret a 99% confidence interval for the true mean weight of the
b. Identify and interpret a 95% confidence interval for the true mean weight of the
(a) Construct and interpret a 99% confidence interval for the true mean weight of the
Step 1. Identify the given variables:
Population standard deviation, 𝜎 = 9
Sample size, 𝑛 = 20
Sample mean, 𝑋 =?

We must solve for the sample mean since it is not found in the given variables.
Using the sample mean formula of ungrouped data:
∑𝑛𝑖=1 𝑥𝑖
40 + 45 + 46 + 48 + 48 + ⋯ + 66
𝑋= = 56.05
Sample mean, 𝑋 = 56.05
Step 2. Identify the
𝑍𝛼 with 99% confidence level

Values of z of Importance

𝑍𝛼 Confidence
1.645 90%
1.960 95%
2.326 98%
2.576 99%
3.090 99.8%
3.291 99.9%

At 99% confidence level, the 𝑍𝛼=2.576


Step 3. Identify the length of the confidence interval

i. Compute for the lower limit
𝐿𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟 𝑙𝑖𝑚𝑖𝑡 = 𝑋 − (𝑍𝛼 × )
= 56.05 − (2.576 × )
= 56.05 − (5.18)
= 56.05 − 5.18
𝐿𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟 𝑙𝑖𝑚𝑖𝑡 = 50.87
ii. Compute for the Upper limit
𝑈𝑝𝑝𝑒𝑟 𝑙𝑖𝑚𝑖𝑡 = 𝑋 + (𝑍𝛼 × )
2 √𝑛
= 56.05 + (2.576 × )
= 56.05 + (5.18)
= 56.05 + 5.18
𝑈𝑝𝑝𝑒𝑟 𝑙𝑖𝑚𝑖𝑡 = 61.23
Step 4. Construct and interpret the confidence interval.

Therefore, 99% CI is (50.87, 61.23) 𝑜𝑟 50.87 < 𝜇 < 61.23. Hence, we are
99% confident that the true mean weight of the learners is between 50.87 kg and
61.23 kg.

The Confidence Interval for an Unknown Population Mean and Unknown Standard Deviation
The confidence interval for an unknown population mean and unknown standard
deviation is defined mathematically as

𝑿̅ ± (𝑡 𝑠
𝛼 × )
𝑠 𝑠
𝑿̅ − (𝑡( 𝛼 × )<𝜇<𝑿
̅ + (𝑡 𝛼
× )
2,𝑛−1) √𝑛 √𝑛
where, 𝑿̅ I s the sample mean (point estimator),
𝑡( 𝛼 is the critical value of t with a confidence interval of (1 − 𝛼)%,

𝑠 is the sample standard deviation, and

𝑛 is the sample size.
The lower limit of the confidence interval is 𝑿̅ − 𝑡( 𝛼 , and the upper limit of
the confidence interval is 𝑿̅ + 𝑡( 𝛼 .

Steps in Identifying the Length of a Confidence Interval for an Unknown Population

Mean and Unknown Standard Deviation
Step 1. Identify the given variables:
Sample size, 𝑛
Sample mean, 𝑋 = ∑𝑛
𝑖=1 𝑋𝑖
∑𝑛𝑖=1 (𝑋 𝑖−𝑋)
Standard deviation, 𝑠 = √
Step 2. Determine the confidence level and appropriate 𝑡( 𝛼

Use the Student’s t Distribution table or the one-tailed t Distribution

Step 3. Identify the length of the confidence interval
i. Compute for the lower limit

𝐿𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟 𝑙𝑖𝑚𝑖𝑡 = 𝑋 − (𝑡( 𝛼 × 𝑠

2,𝑛−1) )
ii. Compute for the Upper limit 𝑈𝑝𝑝𝑒𝑟

= 𝑋 + (𝑡( 𝛼 ×


Step 4. Construct and interpret the confidence interval.
Illustrative Example 3.
Eleven regions in the Philippines are randomly sampled. In each region, rainfall was
monitored for one year, and the following total yearly rainfalls in centimeters were recorded:
145, 185, 209, 213, 241, 255, 255, 262, 269, 276, 297. Assume that yearly rainfalls within the
region are normally distributed. Identify a confidence interval for the true mean rainfall in the
Philippines with 99% confidence level.
Step 1. Identify the given variables:
Sample size, 𝑛 = 11
Sample mean, 𝑥̅ = 𝑖=1 𝑋𝑖
∑𝑛𝑖=1 𝑋𝑖
𝑥̅ =
145 + 185 + 209 + ⋯ + 276 + 297 2607
𝑥̅ = = 237

∑ 𝑛 (𝑋𝑖 −𝑋)2
Standard deviation, 𝑠 = √ 𝑖=1
𝑋 𝑥̅ 𝑋 − 𝑥̅ (𝑋 − 𝑥̅)
145 237 145 − 237 = −92 (−92)2 = 8464

185 237 185 − 237 = −52 (−52)2 = 2704

209 237 209 − 237 = −28 (−28)2 = 784

213 237 213 − 237 = −24 (−24)2 = 576

241 237 241 − 237 = 4 (4)2 = 16

255 237 255 − 237 = 18 (18)2 = 324

255 237 255 − 237 = 18 (18)2 = 324

262 237 262 − 237 = 25 (25)2 = 625

269 237 269 − 237 = 32 (32)2 = 1024

276 237 276 − 237 = 39 (39)2 = 1521

297 237 297 − 237 = 60 (60)2 = 3600

𝑛 = 11 ∑𝑛 (𝑋𝑖 −)2 =19, 962


∑𝑛 (𝑋𝑖 − 𝑥̅)2
√ 𝑖=1

19,962 19,962
𝑠=√ =√ = √1,996.2 = 44.6789
11 − 1 10

Step 2. Determine the confidence level and appropriate 𝑡( 𝛼


Confidence level at 99%

𝛼 = 1 − 𝐶𝐿 = 1 − 0.99 = 0.01
𝛼 0.01
= = 0.005
2 2
𝑑𝑓 = 𝑛 − 1 = 11 − 1 = 10
Using the Student’s t Distribution table, 𝑡(0.005,10) = 3.169
Step 3. Identify the length of the confidence interval
i. Compute for the lower limit
𝐿𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟 𝑙𝑖𝑚𝑖𝑡 = 𝑋 − (𝑡(0.005,10) × )
= 237 − (3.169 × )
= 237 − (42.6902)
= 237 − 42.6902
𝐿𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟 𝑙𝑖𝑚𝑖𝑡 = 194.3098
ii. Compute for the Upper limit
𝑈𝑝𝑝𝑒𝑟 𝑙𝑖𝑚𝑖𝑡 = 𝑋 + (𝑡(0.005,10) × )
= 237 + (3.169 × )
= 237 + (42.6902)
= 237 + 42.6902
𝐿𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟 𝑙𝑖𝑚𝑖𝑡 = 279.6902
Step 4. Construct and interpret the confidence interval.
Therefore, 99% CI is (194.3098, 279.6902) or 194.3098 < 𝜇 < 279.6902.
Hence, we are 99% confident that the true mean rainfall in all regions in the Philippines is
between 194.3098 cm and 279.6902 cm.

Learning Competency: Identifies the length of a confidence interval (M11/12SP-IIIj-1)


Directions: Identify the length of the confidence interval for an unknown population mean is
and known standard deviation. Show complete solution in a separate sheet of paper.
1. 𝑥̅ = 25; 𝜎 = 3; 𝑛 = 36 𝑎𝑛𝑑 99% 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑓𝑖𝑑𝑒𝑛𝑐𝑒 𝑙𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑙
2. 𝑥̅ = 30; 𝜎 = 3; 𝑛 = 25 𝑎𝑛𝑑 90% 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑓𝑖𝑑𝑒𝑛𝑐𝑒 𝑙𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑙


Directions: Identify the length of the confidence interval for an unknown population mean is
and unknown standard deviation. Show complete solution in a separate sheet of paper.
1. 𝑥̅ = 35; 𝑠 = 3.76; 𝑛 = 25 𝑎𝑛𝑑 90% 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑓𝑖𝑑𝑒𝑛𝑐𝑒 𝑙𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑙
2. 𝑥̅ = 50; 𝑠 = 5.02; 𝑛 = 16 𝑎𝑛𝑑 99% 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑓𝑖𝑑𝑒𝑛𝑐𝑒 𝑙𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑙


Directions: Solve the problem. Follow the given steps in finding the length of the confidence
interval. Show complete solution in a separate sheet of paper.

1. A company that manufactures electronic calculators uses a certain type of plastic. An

alternative plastic material is introduced in the market and the manager of the
company is thinking of shifting to this material. He will decide to shift if the mean
breaking strength of the new material is greater than 155. It is known that the
breaking strengths of the new plastic material follow the normal distribution and have
a standard deviation of 10 psi (pounds per square inch). Six samples of the new
plastic materials were randomly selected, and their breaking strengths were
determined. The data obtained were 156, 154, 168, 157, 160 and 158.
a. Identify and interpret a 98% confidence interval for the true mean breaking
strength of the new plastic material.
b. Identify and interpret a 95% confidence interval for the true mean breaking
strength of the new plastic material.

2. The nickel metal Hydride (Nimh) battery is one of the highly advertised rechargeable
batteries today. It is lighter and can last up to 2 to 4 times longer than alkaline or
standard Nickel-Cadmium (NiCd) batteries. To evaluate its performance, a random
sample of 10 Nimh batteries was taken. The number of photos taken using each
battery in a digital camera is given as follows: 405, 564, 342, 456, 435, 543, 473, 452,
462, and
475. Identify the length of a 95% confidence interval for the true mean number of
photos taken using the Nimh battery and interpret.


What have you learned from this topic?


Albert, J.G, (2016). Statistics and Probability. Quezon City, Manila
Easton, V.J & McColl, J.H, (1997). Statistics. University of Glasgow

Answer Key

Exercise 1
1. 99% Confidence Interval: (23.71, 26.29)
2. 90% Confidence Interval: (29.01, 30.98)
Exercise 2
1. 90% Confidence Interval: (33.71, 36.29)
2. 99% Confidence Interval: (46.3, 53.7)
Exercise 3
a. We say that we are 98% confident that the true mean breaking strength of the new
plastic material is between 148.8 and 167.8 psi.
b. We say that we are 95% confident that the true mean breaking strength of the new
plastic material is between 150.8 and 166.8 psi.
2. We say that we are 95% confident that the true mean number of photos taken using
the Nimh battery is between 416 and 506 photos.

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Section: Grade Level:



Background Information for learners

The length of the confidence interval, 𝑳 is the difference between the upper limit and
the lower limit of the interval estimate, 𝐿 = 𝑈𝑝𝑝𝑒𝑟 𝐿𝑖𝑚𝑖𝑡 − 𝐿𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟 𝐿𝑖𝑚𝑖𝑡. We also use 𝐿 =
2 (𝑍𝛼⁄2 × ) for the confidence interval of unknown population mean and known standard
deviation or 𝐿 = 2 (𝑡(𝛼⁄2,𝑛−1) × ) for the confidence interval of unknown population mean
and unknown standard deviation.
Steps in Computing for the Length of a Confidence Interval
Step 1. Identify the given variables:
i. Upper limit and Lower limit
ii. standard deviation, 𝜎/
Sample mean, 𝑋̅
Sample size, 𝑛
Tabular value
Step 2. Compute for the length of the confidence interval, L.
Use the formula 𝑳 = 𝑼𝒑𝒑𝒆𝒓 𝑳𝒊𝒎𝒊𝒕 − 𝑳𝒐𝒘𝒆𝒓 𝑳𝒊𝒎𝒊𝒕 if the lower limit and the upper
𝝈 𝝈
limit are given in the problem. While use 𝑳 = 𝟐 × ) or 𝑳 = 𝟐 × ) if both
𝑎⁄𝟐 (𝑎⁄𝟐,𝒏−𝟏) 𝒏
(𝒁 (𝒕 √
the lower limit and upper limit are not given.
Step 3. Interpret the result.

Illustrative Example1.
A survey studying the income of individuals in a certain municipality was conducted.
a. If 90% confidence interval for the true mean income of the individuals in a certain
municipality is (14,765, 15,235) or 14, 765 < 𝜇 < 15, 235, compute for the
length of the confidence interval.
b. If 95% confidence interval for the true mean income of the individuals in a certain
municipality is (14,720, 15,280) 𝑜𝑟 14, 720 < 𝜇 < 15, 280, compute for the
length of the confidence interval.
c. How was the length of the confidence interval affected by the decrease in the
confidence coefficient holding the other factors constant?

a) If 90% confidence interval for the true mean income of the individuals in a
certain municipality is (𝟏𝟒, 𝟕𝟔𝟓, 𝟏𝟓, 𝟐𝟑𝟓) or 𝟏𝟒, 𝟕𝟔𝟓 < 𝝁 < 𝟏𝟓, 𝟐𝟑𝟓, compute
for the length of the confidence interval.
Step 1. Identify the given variables:
𝐿𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟 𝑙𝑖𝑚𝑖𝑡 = 14, 765
𝑈𝑝𝑝𝑒𝑟 𝑙𝑖𝑚𝑖𝑡 = 15, 235
Step 2. Compute for the length of the confidence interval, L.
Since the upper limit and the lower limit is given, we will use the formula:
𝑳 = 𝑼𝒑𝒑𝒆𝒓 𝑳𝒊𝒎𝒊𝒕 − 𝑳𝒐𝒘𝒆𝒓 𝑳𝒊𝒎𝒊𝒕
𝐿 = 15, 235 − 14, 765
𝐿 = 470
Step 3. Interpret the result.
Hence, the length of 90% confidence interval between Php 14,765 and Php 15,235 is
b) If 95% confidence interval for the true mean income of the individuals in a
certain municipality is (𝟏𝟒, 𝟕𝟐𝟎, 𝟏𝟓, 𝟐𝟖𝟎) 𝒐𝒓 𝟏𝟒, 𝟕𝟐𝟎 < 𝝁 < 𝟏𝟓, 𝟐𝟖𝟎, compute
for the length of the confidence interval.
Step 1. Identify the given variables:
𝐿𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟 𝑙𝑖𝑚𝑖𝑡 = 14, 720
𝑈𝑝𝑝𝑒𝑟 𝑙𝑖𝑚𝑖𝑡 = 15, 280
Step 2. Compute for the length of the confidence interval, L.
Since the upper limit and the lower limit is given, we will use the formula:
𝑳 = 𝑼𝒑𝒑𝒆𝒓 𝑳𝒊𝒎𝒊𝒕 − 𝑳𝒐𝒘𝒆𝒓 𝑳𝒊𝒎𝒊𝒕
𝐿 = 15, 280 − 14, 720
𝐿 = 560
Step 3. Interpret the result.
Hence, the length of 95% confidence interval between Php 14,720 and Php15,280 is
c) How was the length of the confidence interval affected by the decrease in the
confidence coefficient holding the other factors constant?

Holding other factors constant, as the confidence coefficient decreases, the length of
the interval becomes narrower and vice versa. In this case, a 90% confidence interval
with a length of 470 is narrower than the 95% confidence interval with a length of

Illustrative Example 2.
The following were observed weights (in kilograms) of a random sample of 20
learners. Assuming that the population standard deviation of the weights of all learners in the
class is 9 kg.
40 45 46 48 48 50 55 55 56 58
50 59 60 60 62 62 64 64 65 66

a. Compute for the length of 99% confidence interval for the true mean weight of the
b. Compute for the length of 95% confidence interval for the true mean weight of the
Solution: In example 2, there is unknown population mean and known standard deviation,
so we will use the standard normal distribution.
(a) Compute for the length of 99% confidence interval for the true mean weight of the
Step 1. Identify the given variables:
Population standard deviation, 𝜎 = 9
Sample size, 𝑛 = 20
Sample mean, 𝑋̅ =?
We must solve for the sample mean since it is not found in the given variables.
Using the sample mean formula of ungrouped data:
∑𝑛𝑖=1 𝑥𝑖
𝑋̅ =
40 + 45 + 46 + 48 + 48 + ⋯ + 66
𝑋̅ = 20
𝑋̅ = = 56.05
Sample mean, 𝑋̅ = 56.05
Determine the appropriate Zα⁄2 at 99% confidence level

Values of z of Importance

𝑍𝛼⁄2 Confidence
1.645 90%
1.960 95%
2.326 98%
2.576 99%
3.090 99.8%
3.291 99.9%

At 99% confidence level, the Zα⁄2=2.576

Step 2. Compute for the length of the confidence interval, L.
Since the upper limit and the lower limit is not given, we will use the formula:
𝑳 = 𝟐 (𝒁𝑎⁄𝟐 × )
𝐿 = 2 (2.576 × )
𝐿 = 2(5.18)
𝐿 = 10.36
Step 3. Interpret the result.
Hence, the length of 99% confidence interval is 10.36.
(b) Compute for the length of 95% confidence interval for the true mean weight
of the learners.
Step 1. Identify the given variables:
Population standard deviation, 𝜎 = 9
Sample size, 𝑛 = 20
Sample mean, 𝑋̅ = 56.05
Determine the appropriate Zα⁄2 (z-value) at 95% confidence level

Values of z of Importance

𝑍𝛼⁄2 Confidence
1.645 90%
1.960 95%
2.326 98%
2.576 99%
3.090 99.8%
3.291 99.9%
At 95% confidence level, the Zα⁄2=1.96
Step 2. Compute for the length of the confidence interval, L.
Since the upper limit and the lower limit is not given, we will use the formula:
𝑳 = 𝟐 (𝒁𝑎⁄𝟐 × )
𝐿 = 2 (1.96 × )
𝐿 = 2(3.94)
𝐿 = 7.88

Step 3. Interpret the result.
Hence, the length of 95% confidence interval is 7.88
Illustrative Example 3.
The heights of 10 Statistics and Probability students in inches are given below.
Compute for the length of the 98% confidence interval for the true mean height of all
Statistics and Probability students.
61.8 66.5 67.4 67.6 68.5 71.4 72.0 72.4 74.7 78.1

Solution: In example 3, there is unknown population mean and unknown standard deviation,
so we will use the student’s t distribution.
Step 1. Identify the given variables:
Sample size, 𝑛 = 10
Sample mean, 𝑋̅ =?
𝑋̅ = ∑𝑖=1 𝑥𝑖
61.8 + 66.5 + 67.4 + ⋯ + 78.1
𝑋̅ = 10
𝑋̅ = = 70.04
Sample mean, 𝑋̅ = 56.05
Standard deviation, 𝑠 =?
∑𝑛 (𝑋𝑖 − 𝑋̅)2
𝑠 = √ 𝑖=1

𝑋 𝑋̅ 𝑋 − 𝑋̅ (𝑋 − 𝑋̅)2
61.8 70.04 61.8 − 70.04 = −8.21 (−8.21)2 =
66.5 70.04 66.5 − 70.04 = −3.4 (−3.4)2 = 11.56
67.4 70.04 67.4 − 70.04 = −2.64 (−2.64)2 = 6.9696
67.6 70.04 67.6 − 70.04 = −2.44 (−2.44)2 = 5.9536
68.5 70.04 68.5 − 70.04 = −1.54 (−1.54)2 = 2.3716
71.4 70.04 71.4 − 70.04 = 1.36 (1.36)2 = 1.8496
72.0 70.04 72.0 − 70.04 = 1.96 (1.96)2 = 3.8416
72.4 70.04 72.4 − 70.04 = 2.36 (2.36)2 = 5.5696
74.7 70.04 74.7 − 70.04 = 4.66 (4.66)2 = 21.7156
78.1 70.04 78.1 − 70.04 = 8.06 (8.06)2 = 64.9636
𝑛 = 10
∑(𝑋𝑖 − 𝑋̅)2 = 192.1989
∑𝑛 (𝑋𝑖 − 𝑋̅)2
𝑠= √ 𝑖=1

192.1989 192.1989
𝑠=√ =√ = √21.3554 = 4.6212
10 − 1 9

Determine the confidence level and appropriate t(α⁄2,n−1) (t-value)

Confidence level at 98%
𝛼 = 1 − 𝐶𝐿 = 1 − 0.98 = 0.02
𝛼⁄ = 0.02 = 0.01
2 2
𝑑𝑓 = 𝑛 − 1 = 10 − 1 = 9
Using the Student’s t Distribution table, 𝑡(0.01,9) = 2.821
Step 2. Compute for the length of the confidence interval, L.
Since the upper limit and the lower limit is not given, we will use the formula:
𝑳 = 𝟐 (𝒕(𝑎⁄𝟐,𝒏−𝟏) × )
𝐿 = 2 (𝑡(0.01,19) × )
𝐿 = 2 (2.821 × )
𝐿 = 2(4.12)
𝐿 = 8.24
Step 3. Interpret the result.
Hence, the length of 98% confidence interval is 8.24.
Learning Competency: Computes for the length of a confidence interval (M11/12SP-IIIj-2)


Directions: Compute for the length of the confidence interval given its lower limit and upper
limit. Show complete solution in a separate sheet of paper.
1. 95% confidence interval: (0.887, 1.213)
2. 99% confidence interval: (46.3, 53.7)
3. 90% confidence interval: (201.83, 238.81)
4. 98% confidence interval: (3.97, 7.03)
5. 95% confidence interval: (1, 041.65, 1, 096.35)
6. 98% confidence interval: (109.44, 114.56)
7. 99% confidence interval: (9.03, 10.97)
8. 95% confidence interval: (44.73, 47.44)
9. 95% confidence interval: (12.303, 13.298)
10. 908% confidence interval: (25.594, 30.806)


Directions: Compute for the length of the confidence interval given some of the following
variables. Show complete solution in a separate sheet of paper.
1. 𝑥̅ = 20, 𝜎 = 3, 𝑛 = 36, 95% 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑓𝑖𝑑𝑒𝑛𝑐𝑒 𝑙𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑙
2. 𝑥̅ = 30, 𝜎 = 3, 𝑛 = 25, 90% 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑓𝑖𝑑𝑒𝑛𝑐𝑒 𝑙𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑙
3. 𝑥̅ = 35, 𝑠 = 3.76, 𝑛 = 25, 90% 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑓𝑖𝑑𝑒𝑛𝑐𝑒 𝑙𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑙
4. 𝑥̅ = 50, 𝑠 = 5.02, 𝑛 = 16, 99% 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑓𝑖𝑑𝑒𝑛𝑐𝑒 𝑙𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑙


Directions: Solve the problem. Follow the given steps in computing for the length of the
confidence interval. Show complete solution in a separate sheet of paper.

1. The head of a certain university observes a decline on the alcoholic expenditures of

learners from a monthly expenditure of Php 350 pesos in the previous year. To check
on this, he randomly selected 10 learners who drink alcoholic beverages and asked the
amount, in pesos, that they usually spend on alcoholic beverages in a month. It is
known that the usual amount spent on alcoholic beverages by learners who drink
alcoholic beverages follows the normal distribution with standard deviation of Php
10. The data collected are: 400, 235, 200, 250, 200, 300, 500, 430, 420, and 220.
a. How long are the length of a 95% and 90% confidence interval for the true mean
amount spent by the learners on alcoholic beverages?
b. How was the length of the confidence interval affected by the decrease in the
confidence coefficient holding the other factors constant?
2.The following data represent the age in weeks at which babies first crawl based on a
survey of 12 mothers. How long is the length of a 95% confidence interval of the
mean age at which a baby first crawls?
52 30 44 35 47 37
56 26 39 26 39 28


What have you learned from this topic?


Albert, J.G, (2016). Statistics and Probability. Quezon City, Manila
Easton, V.J & McColl, J.H, (1997). Statistics. University of Glasgow

Name of Learner:
Section: Grade Level:



Background Information for learners

A sample size is a part of the population chosen for a survey or experiment. It is
important to produce the minimum sample size to ensure that the margin of error will not
exceed the confidence interval. Let us recall that the length of the confidence interval is the
difference between the upper limit and the lower limit of the interval estimate, that is
𝑳 = 𝟐 (𝒁𝑎⁄𝟐 × )
Sample Size, 𝑛
To determine the appropriate sample size in estimating the population mean under
simple random sampling scheme, we will use the concept of the length of the confidence
interval and derive the equation from 𝐿 = 2 (𝑍𝛼⁄2 × ). Thus, the sample size, 𝑛 is computed
as 𝒏 = (𝟐𝒁 𝑎⁄𝟐
× 𝝈) 𝟐.
Steps in Computing for appropriate sample
Step 1. Identify the given variables:
Confidence level and appropriate z value.
Population standard deviation, 𝜎
Length of the Confidence Interval
Step 2. Compute for the appropriate sample size
𝝈 𝟐
𝒏 = (𝟐𝒁
𝑎⁄𝟐 × )
Illustrative Example1.
A hardware manufacturer produces bolts used to assemble various machines. Assume
that the diameter of bolts produced by this manufacturer has an unknown population mean
and the standard deviation is 0.1 mm. How many samples are needed for a 95% confidence
interval to be between 5.0823 mm and 5.1337 mm of the true mean diameter of all bolts?
Step 1. Identify the given variables:
 Standard deviation, 𝜎 = 0.1
 Zα⁄ with 95% confidence interval
Values of z of Importance

𝑍𝛼⁄2 Confidence
1.645 90%
1.960 95%
2.326 98%
2.576 99%
3.090 99.8%
3.291 99.9%

At 95% confidence level, the Zα⁄2 = 1.96

 Length of the confidence interval, L with 95% confidence level between 5.0823
mm and 5.1337 mm
𝐿 = 𝑈𝑝𝑝𝑒𝑟 𝑙𝑖𝑚𝑖𝑡 − 𝐿𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟 𝑙𝑖𝑚𝑖𝑡
𝐿 = 5.1337 − 5.0823
𝐿 = 0.0514
Step 2. Compute for the appropriate sample size
𝒏 = (𝟐𝒁 𝝈 𝟐
𝑎⁄𝟐 × )
0.1 2
𝑛 = (2 × 1.96 × )
𝑛 = (7.63)2
𝑛 = 58.21 ≈ 59
Note: When determining the sample size, we always round up the resulting value to
the next whole number.
Hence, the appropriate sample size is 59 bolts.
Illustrative Example 2.
How large should a sample be if we want to estimate the true average weight of
learners enrolled in a school using a sample to be drawn using simple random sampling that
we are 95% confident of our estimate. Assume that the length of the confidence interval is
between 52.11 kg and 59.99 kg and that the population standard deviation of the weights of
all learners in the class is 9 kg.
Step 1. Identify the given variables:
 Standard deviation, 𝜎 = 9
 Zα⁄ with 95% confidence level

Values of z of Importance

𝑍𝛼⁄2 Confidence
1.645 90%
1.960 95%
2.326 98%
2.576 99%
3.090 99.8%
3.291 99.9%

At 95% confidence level, the Zα⁄2=1.96

 Length of the confidence interval, L with 95% confidence interval to be between
52.11 kg and 59.99 kg
𝐿 = 𝑈𝑝𝑝𝑒𝑟 𝑙𝑖𝑚𝑖𝑡 − 𝐿𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟 𝑙𝑖𝑚𝑖𝑡
𝐿 = 59.99 − 52.11
𝐿 = 7.88
Step 2. Compute for the appropriate sample size
𝒏 = (𝟐𝒁 𝝈 𝟐
𝑎⁄𝟐 × )
9 2
𝑛 = (2 × 1.96 × )
𝑛 = (4.48)2
𝑛 = 20.07 ≈ 21
Note: When determining the sample size, we always round up the resulting value to the next
whole number.
Hence, the appropriate sample size is 21 learners.

Learning Competency: Computes for an appropriate sample size using the length of a
confidence interval (M11/12SP-IIIj-3)


Directions: Compute for the appropriate sample size. Show complete solution in a separate
sheet of paper.
1. Length of the 95% confidence interval, L is 0.33 and standard deviation of 0.25
2. Length of the 90% confidence interval L is 2.2 and standard deviation of 2.67
3. 95% confidence interval: (19.02, 20.98) and standard deviation of 3
4. 99% confidence interval: (1938.4, 2041.6) and standard deviation of 120
5. 90% confidence interval: (29.01, 30.98) and standard deviation of 3


Directions: Solve for the problem. Follow the given steps in computing for an appropriate
sample size using the length of the confidence interval. Show complete solution in a separate
sheet of paper.

1. How many simple random of dog weights must be included in a study. If the
standard deviation of the population of all dog weights is 18 lbs. Assume that we
are 99% confident that the true mean weight is between 185.27 lbs. and 200.72
2. How many random samples of students must be selected from a certain school if
they are given an IQ test which has a standard deviation of 11 and 98% confident
that the true mean intelligence is (109.44, 114.56).


Directions: Analyze and solve the given problem below. Justify your answer.

1. A random sample of 81 workers at a company showed that they work an average of

100 hours per month with a standard deviation of 27 hours. At 95% confidence, how
many more workers need to be included in the sample to provide a confidence interval
with length 4?


What have you learned from this topic?


Albert, J.G, (2016). Statistics and Probability. Quezon City, Manila
Easton, V.J & McColl, J.H, (1997). Statistics. University of Glasgow

Name of Learner:
Section: Grade Level:



Background Information for learners

The appropriate sample size derived from the margin of error, ME is a statistic
expressing the amount of random sampling error in the results of a survey. The Margin of
Error is mathematically defined as 𝑀𝐸 = (𝑍𝛼⁄2 × ). Thus, the sample size, 𝑛 is computed
𝝈 𝟐
as 𝒏 = 𝑎⁄𝟐
× ).
The sample size is a function of three factors:
1. Population standard deviation, 𝜎
2. Sample size, 𝑛 and
3. Confidence coefficient (1 − 𝛼)% through the tabular value 𝑍𝛼⁄2.
Steps in determining sample size, n with 𝑛 = (𝑍𝛼⁄2 × )2.

Step 1. Identify the given variables:

Population standard deviation, 𝜎
Margin of Error, ME

Step 2. Compute for the appropriate sample

𝒏 = (𝒁𝑎⁄𝟐 𝑴𝑬

Step 3. Interpret the result.
Illustrative Example1.
What should be the sample size of the five-year old children to be included in a
feeding program if the mayor wants to estimate the mean weight (in kilograms) of the
children in a certain barangay? He wants to be 99% confident that the estimate of the sample
mean is accurate within 0.06 kg. Assuming that the standard deviation of the weights of the
target population is 0.5 kg.
Step 1. Identify the given variables:
Population standard deviation, 𝜎 = 0.5
Margin of Error, 𝑀𝐸 = 0.06
Zα⁄2 with 99% confidence level
Values of z of Importance

𝑍𝛼⁄2 Confidence
1.645 90%
1.960 95%
2.326 98%
2.576 99%
3.090 99.8%
3.291 99.9%

At 99% confidence level, the Zα⁄2=2.576

Step 2. Compute for the appropriate sample size
𝒏 = (𝒁𝑎⁄𝟐 × 𝟐
𝑴𝑬 )
0.5 2
𝑛 = (2.576 × )
𝑛 = (21.467)2
𝑛 = 460.82 ≈ 461
Note: When determining the sample size, we always round up the resulting value to the next
whole number.
Step 3. Interpret the result.
Hence, a simple random sample of 461 five-year old children should be included in a
feeding program to be 99% confident that the mean weight is within 0.06 kg from the true
Illustrative Example 2.
How large should a sample be if we want to estimate the true average weight of
learners enrolled in a school using a sample to be drawn using simple random sampling to be
within 2kg away from the true value and that we are 99% confident of our estimate. Assume
that the population standard deviation of the weight is 9kg.
Step 1. Identify the given variables:
Population standard deviation, 𝜎 = 9
Margin of Error, 𝑀𝐸 = 2
Zα⁄2 with 99% confidence level

Values of z of Importance

𝑍𝛼⁄2 Confidence
1.645 90%
1.960 95%
2.326 98%
2.576 99%
3.090 99.8%
3.291 99.9%

At 99% confidence level, the Zα⁄2=2.576

Step 2. Compute for the appropriate sample size
𝒏 = (𝒁𝑎⁄𝟐 × 𝟐
𝑴𝑬 )
𝑛 = (2.576 × )2
𝑛 = (11.592)2
𝑛 = 134.37 ≈ 134
Note: When determining the sample size, we always round up the resulting value to the next
whole number.
Step 3. Interpret the result.
Hence, we need 134 learners in estimating the true average weight of learners enrolled
in a school class under simple random sampling scheme with 99% confidence that it is within
2 kg of the true mean.

Learning Competency: Solves problems involving sample size determination (M11/12SP-



Directions: Identify the given variables in the following word problems.

a. Population standard deviation, 𝜎
b. Margin of Error, 𝑀𝐸
c. Zα⁄2

1. A set of ducks is fed a certain type of grain for a period to estimate the average weight
gain. What sample size is needed if you want the estimate to be within 1.5 kg of the
correct 𝜇 with 95% confidence interval and a standard deviation of 7 kg?
2. Determine the sample size needed to estimate the average height of all grade 1
learners if we want to be within 1 inch with a confidence level of 90%. Assume we
know that the standard deviation of such heights is 3 inches.


Directions: Solve the following problem. Follow the given steps in computing for the length
of the confidence interval. Show complete solution in a separate sheet of paper.

1. Textbook authors developed books that are appropriate to reading level of the target
audience. How many randomly selected words should we use to estimate average
text’s word length to be within 0.5 letters with 98% confidence. Assuming that the
population standard deviation is 2.7.
2. A local government official observes an increase in the number of individuals with
cardiovascular and obesity problems in his barangay. To improve the health
conditions of his constituents, he aims to promote an easy and cheap way to reduce
weight. It is known that obesity results in greater risk of having illnesses like diabetes
and heart problems. He encouraged his constituents to participate in his Dance for
Life project every weekend for 3 months. It is known that the weight loss of those
who have completed the dance program follows a normal distribution with
variance of 3.24
𝑘𝑔2(the standard deviation is the square root of the given variance).To know if the
program is effective in reducing weight, how many participants must be sampled in
order to be 95% confident that the estimated mean weight loss of the participants will
be within 0.5 kg of the true mean?


Directions: Analyze and solve the given problem below. Show your complete solution in a
separate sheet of paper.
1. Find the sample size needed to estimate the population mean to be within 1⁄5 of the
standard deviation with 99% confidence.


What have you learned from this topic?


Albert, J.G, (2016). Statistics and Probability. Quezon City, Manila
Easton, V.J & McColl, J.H, (1997). Statistics. University of Glasgow


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