Seminars in Dialysis - 2020 - Claudel - Anticoagulation in Hemodialysis A Narrative Review

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DOI: 10.1111/sdi.



Anticoagulation in hemodialysis: A narrative review

Sophie E. Claudel1,2  | Lauren A. Miles3 | Mariana Murea3

Wake Forest School of Medicine,
Winston-Salem, NC, USA Abstract
Department of Internal Medicine, Boston Systemic anticoagulation in maintenance hemodialysis (HD) has historically been con-
Medical Center, Boston, MA, USA
sidered necessary to maintain the extracorporeal circuit (ECC) and preserve dialysis
Department of Internal Medicine, Section
on Nephrology, Wake Forest School of efficiency. Unfractionated heparin (UFH) is the most commonly used anticoagulant
Medicine, Winston-Salem, NC, USA due to low cost and staff familiarity. Despite widespread use, there is little standardi-
Correspondence zation of heparin dosing protocols in the United States. Although the complication
Sophie E. Claudel or Mariana Murea, Wake rates with UFH are low for the general population, certain contraindications have led
Forest School of Medicine, Winston-
Salem, NC, USA. to exploration in alternative anticoagulants in patients with end-stage kidney disease
Email: (S. E. C.); (ESKD). Here we review the current evidence regarding heparin dosing protocols, (M. M.)
complications associated with heparin use, and discuss alternatives to UFH including
Funding informationNo funding was
obtained to support this work. anticoagulant-free routine HD.

1  |   H E M O D I A LYS I S A N D B LO O D platelet consumption and clotting compared with polyacrylonitrile,

C LOT TI N G polysulfone, or polymethylmalonylacetate dialyzers.9–14 Even the
composition of the blood tubing may be implicated, and tubing com-
Since hemodialysis (HD) was first applied in the 1920s with collo- posed of silicone rubber is associated with more platelet and fibrin
dion membranes and hirudin as an anticoagulant, clotting has been accumulation compared to that observed with other plastic materi-
a major limitation to effective HD. During HD, blood is conducted als.15 These prothrombogenic mechanisms are exacerbated by the
through an extracorporeal circuit (ECC), activating coagulation by underlying coagulopathies in patients with end-stage kidney disease
a complex interplay of patient and circuit (Figure 1). Occluding mi- (ESKD) who have an increased prevalence of atrial fibrillation, en-
crothrombi (suspected clots in tubing or dialyzer membranes) and dothelial damage, and other prothrombotic comorbidities. The use
macrothrombi (visually evident clots in tubing or dialyzers) hinder of cellophane tubing and unfractionated heparin (UFH) in the 1940s
dialysis efficiency, increase cost, and contribute to anemia via blood led to the first practical application of HD by allowing sustained pa-
loss. tency of the dialysis circuit.16 While circuit clotting is a major risk
factor for decreased dialysis efficiency, the concern must also be
balanced against an increased risk of bleeding due to uremic platelet
1.1  |  Mechanisms of clotting dysfunction and treatment with systemic anticoagulant/antiplatelet
The most common element that incites circuit clotting is reduced
blood flow rate, usually the result of mechanical abnormalities in the
vascular access or in the ECC. 2,3 Bio-incompatibility between blood 1.2  |  Clotting assessment in the ECC
and synthetic extracorporeal circuitry leads to synthesis of proco-
agulant mediators, promoting platelet clumping.4–6 Circulation of Circuit clotting can be evaluated through visual assessment of the fil-
blood through tubing and devices activates leukocytes and platelets ter or drip chamber, early session termination due to access alarms,
due to sheer stress and triggers release of tissue factor via mem- and (with dialyzer reuse) by residual dialyzer volume. Very dark blood
brane microparticles. Different dialysis membranes and tubing within the circuit, streaks within the dialyzer, or the presence of fibrin
composition have been associated with different risks of clotting on the walls of the arterial or venous chambers may indicate clotting.
activation. Cuprophane dialyzers have been associated with more The ECC pressures, measured in the arterial and venous pressure

Seminars in Dialysis. 2021;34:103–115.© 2020 Wiley Periodicals LLC.     103 |


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104      CLAUDEL et al.

F I G U R E 1  Factors involved in hemodialysis circuit clotting. During intermittent hemodialysis, the patient's blood is exposed to many
substances, including the blood tubing, chambers and headers, and the dialyzer membrane. These surfaces exhibit variable degrees of
thrombogenicity and activate the intrinsic coagulation system, the tissue factor, the leukocytes and platelets. Patient-related factors are at
interplay with circuit-related factors and collectively lead to formation of micro- or macrothrombi during hemodialysis [Color figure can be
viewed at]

chambers, also indicate impending clot. After every treatment, dia- membrane, rather than just the visually observed exterior fibers, in an
lyzer inspection and degree of fiber clotting provide information automated fashion may provide a more accurate assessment of dia-
that can be used to adjust the anticoagulation regime for subsequent lyzer clotting in future studies.20
treatments. A quantitative assessment of clotting within the dialyzer
involves in vitro measurement of the fiber bundle volume or residual
volume within the blood compartment of the dialyzer at the end of the 2  |  C LOT TI N G PR E V E NTI O N
HD treatment.18 Dialyzer clotting can also be monitored in real time
using ultrasonic flow-dilution sensors placed pre- and post-dialyzer Currently, empiric doses of heparin preparations are used to pre-
connected to a monitoring system. The advantage of real-time as- vent clotting in the ECC. Heparin has long been considered as a
sessment of clotting is the ability to alter the dose of anticoagulant or safe and effective method of anticoagulation for intermittent HD.
stop treatment before significant clotting and subsequent blood loss Historically, studies of alternative strategies have been limited to
occurs. A recently developed micro-computer tomography (CT) tech- patient populations with an increased risk of bleeding or those with
nique is an emerging gold standard in the research setting, offering known heparin intolerance. Increased attention to the potential risks
the potential to objectively assess coagulation effects of various dia- of heparinization during HD has led to investigation in alternative
lyzer designs and anticoagulation strategies.20,21 Using the micro-CT strategies to prevent intradialytic clotting. Additionally, increased
approach, Vanommeslaeghe and colleagues counted individual pat- utilization of single-use dialyzers due to decreased cost has led to
ent fibers via cross-sectional imaging of dried, post-HD dialyzers and further interest in anticoagulant-free treatments. Below, we summa-
compared the approach to standard visual clotting assessments.20 rize the existing evidence regarding heparin administration during
The ability to objectively assess fiber patency throughout the entire routine intermittent HD and address non-heparin-based strategies

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CLAUDEL et al.       105

TA B L E 1  Strategies for anticoagulation during hemodialysis

Advantages Disadvantages

Systemic anticoagulation
Unfractionated heparin, standard Ease of use Bleeding risk (access site, internal organs)
dose28,33 Easily reversed with protamine Hypertriglyceridemia
Short half-life HIT
Lower cost Theoretical: osteoporosis, hyperkalemia
Unfractionated heparin, low dose32 Reduced exposure to heparin Lower risk of bleeding
Low molecular weight heparin Lower risk of HIT Higher cost
No reversal agent
Risk of bioaccumulation
Heparinoids103,112,115 Can be used in patients with HIT High cost
Cleared with high-flux dialyzers
Direct thrombin inhibitors104 Can be used in patients with HIT Physician/personnel unfamiliarity with dosing regimens
Alternative strategies
Mechanical (saline flushes)118,138 Simple strategy Controversial results regarding effectiveness in clot
Low cost prevention
Regional anticoagulation
Heparin (with protamine reversal)139 Lower risk of bleeding Complexity in administration
High cost
Citrate (with Ca2+ Lower risk of bleeding Calcium monitoring
replacement)92,94,95,140 May improve inflammatory profile
Citrate-based dialysate98–100 Lower risk of bleeding Limited data as sole anticoagulant strategy
May improve inflammatory profile
Coated dialyzers
Heparin121,128,131,133 Lower risk of bleeding High cost
Increased rates of circuit clotting
Albumin124 Lower risk of bleeding High cost
Can be used in patients with HIT
Vitamin E125,126,128 Lower risk of bleeding High cost
Can be used in patients with HIT
Circuit priming
Saline132 Low cost Ineffective as sole anticoagulant strategy
Albumin Lower risk of bleeding High cost
Limited data
Heparin118,123,132,135 Lower risk of bleeding High cost
Limited data
Heparin + albumin132,134,136 Lower risk of bleeding High cost
Limited data
Heparin + albumin + citrate132 Lower risk of bleeding High cost
Limited data

Note: Cost comparison was limited to drug pricing and did not include specialized equipment, nursing demands, or laboratory tests required for
Abbreviation: HIT, heparin-induced thrombocytopenia.

to reduce clotting. A summary of findings is provided in Table 1 and II (at higher doses), and increases tissue factor inhibitor in order to pro-
proposed dosing protocols are summarized in Table 2. duce an anticoagulant effect.22,23 UFH is affordable and considered
safe for repeated use. The rapid onset of action (3–5 minutes) and short
half-life (approximately 1 hour) also favor its use.24–27 UFH is predomi-
2.1  |  Unfractionated heparin nantly cleared by hepatic and vascular endothelial heparinases, though
non-specific binding to plasma proteins and leukocytes has been re-
The most common anticoagulant during HD is systemic UFH. UFH is a ported to influence half-life.25 Due to these pharmacokinetic proper-
heterogeneous mixture of negatively charged mucopolysaccharide mol- ties, UFH is known to have heterogeneous effects and an unpredictable
ecules that bind antithrombin III (at lower doses) and heparin cofactor dose–response relationship that can complicate clinical application.22

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106      CLAUDEL et al.

TA B L E 2  Dosing protocols for anticoagulants used during hemodialysis

Dosing protocols reported in the literature

Modality Loading dose/bolus Maintenance dose Monitoring Reversal agent

Unfractionated heparin
Standard dose, 2000–4000 IU 500–2000 IU/h aPTT 1.5 to 2.0 X Protamine sulfate (1 mg/100 IU
USA 28,33,141 pre-HD level heparin)
25–30 IU/kg Lower the starting weight-based ACT 150-200 s (target:
dose by 500 IU every hour ~150% of pre-HD
Standard dose, 50 IU/kg 800-1500 IU/h aPTT Protamine sulfate
Low dose32,33 10–25 IU/kg 1000 IU/h aPTT Protamine sulfate
(or 10 IU/kg/h)
15–20 IU/kg 500 IU/h aPTT, ACT Protamine sulfate
Low molecular weight heparin
Enoxaparin7,142 0.50–0.67 mg/kg NA Plasma anti-Xa activity Protamine sulfate
(target: 0.5–1.0 IU (0.5 mg/1 mg enoxaparin) (<60%
anti-Xa/mL) reversibility)
Tinzaparin7,143 2500–3500 IU NA Plasma anti-Xa activity Protamine sulfate (1 mg/100
Dalteparin 144
5000 IU anti-Xa IU) (85% reversibility)

Regional citrate
Citrate94 NA 100 ml/h trisodium citrate Ionized calcium (target: Calcium chloride
(500 mmol/L) with 35 mmol/h within 10% of
calcium chloride (500 mmol/L). baseline level)
Adjust in increments of 2.5 to
5 mmol/h to keep iCa within
10% of baseline level
Direct thrombin inhibitors
Argatroban104,105,108 250 μg/kga  NA aPTT None
250 μg/kg  a
2 μg/kg/min ACT (target: >140%
NA a  2 μg/kg/min
250 μg/kga  1.7–3.3 μg/kg/min
Bivalirudin145,146 NA 0.2 mg/kg/h aPTT No specific reversal agent,
NA 0.15 mg/kg/h (for ClCr>60 ml/min) though Factor VII can be
0.08–0.1 mg/kg/h (for ClCr tried
30-59 ml/min)
0.03–0.05 mg/kg/h (for ClCr
<29 ml/min)
Lepirudin105 0.05–0.1 mg/kga  NA aPTT
Hirudin levels
Danaparoid106 3750 Ua  NA Anti-Xa levels None
Fondaparinux 0.03 mg/kga,b 

Abbreviations: ACT, activated clotting time; aPTT, activated partial thromboplastin time; ClCr, clearance of creatinine; HD, hemodialysis; NA, not applicable.
Critically ill patients and/or patients with diagnosed HIT.

2.1.1  |  Dosing dosing practices demonstrated a median dose of 4000 units (IQR:
2625-6000), with significant regional variation.30 Inclusion of patient-
In contrast to Europe,28,29 dosing protocols for UFH in HD vary widely and facility-level characteristics only accounted for approximately
in the United States (US), with some centers using consistent doses and 25% of dosing variation, suggesting that physician preferences may be
others using weight-based protocols. A nation-wide study of heparin driving the disparity in dosing practices.30 Early attempts to improve

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CLAUDEL et al.       107

dosing protocols through the use of complex pharmacodynamic mod- increase in ACT of 140%–180% above baseline. These levels of ACT
els failed to demonstrate improved clinical outcomes.23 generally prevent visible clotting in the dialyzer and blood tubing.38
Unfractionated heparin is administered either as an initial bolus Despite these methods of monitoring UFH dosing during HD, in
dose followed by a constant infusion (less common) or by interval clinical practice, neither aPTT nor ACT is used to dose UFH. Empiric
bolus dosing. Typical dosing for a constant infusion uses a lower load- UFH dose adjustments are instead used, typically based on dialyzer
ing dose, followed by an infusion rate of 1000-1500 units/h. For ini- clotting, bubble trap clotting, and/or prolonged post-session access
tial bolus dosing, a common protocol in the US is a loading dose of bleeding. This is likely due to the combination of inconvenience and cost
1500–2000 units (or 75–100 units/kg) with a maintenance dose of of testing, low risk of bleeding complications, and Clinical Laboratory
1000–1500 units/h.1,31 Alternative protocols forgo the loading dose Improvement Amendments (CLIA) certification requirements.1
and start with a higher maintenance dose, followed by a taper in the
second hour of treatment.26 Low-dose protocols, such as 15–20 units/
kg loading and 500 units/h maintenance, have been shown to be both 2.1.3  |  Complications
safe and effective, without increasing clotting risk.32,33 For example,
Murea et al demonstrated that the use of low-dose heparin was as- Bleeding
sociated with a reduction in erythropoietin-stimulating agent doses Systemic UFH increases bleeding both at the vascular access site and
while maintaining a single-pool Kt/Vurea (spKt/Vurea) of 1.54 and other organs, such as the gastrointestinal tract, brain, and vitreous.
urea reduction ratio of 73.0.32 There was a non-statistically significant Incidence of clinically significant bleeding—defined as bleeding into a
decrease in dialyzer reuse with the use of low-dose heparin, though major organ, requiring hospitalization, or transfusion—is approximately
now less clinically relevant in the era of single-use dialyzers. With all 3.33% in patients dialyzed with UFH.39 Despite the high level of con-
protocols, maintenance infusions are typically stopped 30–60 minutes cern regarding gastrointestinal bleeding, after excluding patients taking
prior to the end of the treatment to reduce bleeding during decannula- warfarin, Shen and colleagues found that most patients resume dialyz-
tion.26,31 Although the volume of distribution of heparin changes with ing with UFH during their first treatment following hospitalization for
body weight, most centers do not adjust heparin dosing in patients a non-variceal bleed.40 Contrary to expectation, UFH dose reductions
weighing 50–90 kg. “Tight” heparin protocols are generally reserved following did not appear to be a standard practice.40 The safety of
for patients at an increased risk of bleeding who cannot achieve effec- using concomitant oral anticoagulant/antiplatelet agents is undefined,
tive HD without anticoagulation. A constant infusion protocol is most though limited evidence suggests acceptable use of these agents in
common, avoiding the peaks and troughs associated with bolus dosing. the setting of systemic heparinization with UFH during HD.39,41 A re-
cent observational study of warfarin use in patients with ESKD found
a strong association with all-cause mortality and significant bleeding,
2.1.2  |  Measuring anticoagulation but was unable to stratify by type of anticoagulant used for HD.42

The variability in UFH pharmacokinetics and narrow therapeutic Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia

window make optimal dosing strategies difficult to define. Objective Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia is a serious, potentially life-
measurement of the anticoagulant effect of heparin during HD is threatening complication of heparin characterized by severe
the ideal way of achieving optimal anticoagulation, measured as the thrombocytopenia and hypercoagulability. The repeated UFH ex-
time taken for clot formation. To be practical in the clinical setting, posure with HD raises concern for elevated risk of HIT in ESKD
the assessment method must be inexpensive, convenient, and result patients. Prevalence of HIT in HD patients is poorly characterized
in real time to allow for dose adjustments during HD. due to variable diagnostic definitions in the literature,43 though
The activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT) and activated a national study in the United Kingdom reported 0.26 per 100
clotting time (ACT) have been used to measure the anticoagulant patients.44 Conventionally, HIT is diagnosed by development of
effect of UFH. However, the aPTT produces inconsistent results, thrombocytopenia following heparin exposure, thrombosis, recov-
especially at the high serum levels of heparin required for adequate ery of platelets following heparin withdrawal, and detectable HIT
anticoagulation in extracorporeal therapies. When using aPTT to antibodies (platelet factor 4/heparin [PF4-H]) or functional plate-
monitor UFH, it is recommended that a reagent-specific therapeutic let assays).43 The authors of one study regarding HIT incidence in
range be established using heparin concentrations in the serum. The HD patients argued that clotting of the ECC should be considered
ACT is a point-of-care test first described in 1966 to screen for disor- an early manifestation of HIT, though this continues to be debated
ders of coagulation and to monitor UFH therapy. In this assay, whole in clinical practice.45,46 The impracticality of avoiding heparin ex-
blood is mixed with an activator of the extrinsic clotting cascade and posure in dialysis patients who develop HIT has led to several case
the time necessary for blood to congeal is measured. For HD, the goal reports of successful heparin reintroduction following platelet re-
of anticoagulant therapy is to limit clotting in the dialyzer and circuit covery and antibody seroreversion.47–50 Interim non-heparin anti-
without causing excessive clinical bleeding.36 To establish this goal, an coagulation can be achieved with alternative agents as discussed
ACT of 170–220 seconds is recommended.37 An alternative goal is an below.

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108      CLAUDEL et al.

Small, cross-sectional, and cohort studies have detected sub- 3  |  A LTE R N ATI V E S TO U FH
acute HIT (positive antibodies without thrombocytopenia) in
1.3%–35.7% of HD patients. 51–57 The wide variability is attrib- Low molecular weight heparin
utable to assay technique and dialysis vintage, as there appears
to be a strong temporal pattern of antibody seroconversion re- Use of LMWH for anticoagulation in HD is increasing. These drugs
lated to dialysis initiation, wherein titers are highest within the (including enoxaparin, tinzaparin, dalteparin, and nadroparin) have
first 6 months of treatment. Outcomes in patients with isolated shorter saccharide chains derived from UFH. 24,75 LMWH prevents
PF4-H antibodies reveal no increased risk of thrombosis, but activation of factor X through binding antithrombin III but has a
increased risk of mortality. 55,60–63 This mortality effect has been minor effect on thrombin. 23 In contrast to the bolus-infusion model
demonstrated with detection of IgG-specific PF4-H antibodies of UFH, LMWH requires only a single injection at the start of HD
alone and in combination with a platelet serotonin release assay, (unless treatment is greater than 6 hours).76,77 Pharmacokinetics of
as well as a dose–response effect in those with highest PF4-H LMWH appear superior to UFH due to higher bioavailability, pre-
titers. 63 The increased mortality is thought to be driven by an dictable response, longer half-life, and dose-independent clear-
increase in cardiovascular disease 54 and cardiovascular-specific ance. However, the pharmacokinetics are less predictable in ESKD
mortality. Intriguingly, Asmis and colleagues also showed el- patients7 and vary slightly between specific formulations (Table 3).
evated PF4-H antibodies in peritoneal dialysis patients, who are Since 2002, the European Best Practice Guidelines have recom-
not routinely exposed to heparin. 53 In combination with cardio- mended LMWH for routine HD in patients with no increased risk of
vascular outcomes, these findings suggest that PF4-H antibod- bleeding risk. 29
ies may be more representative of general endothelial damage Feared complications of LMWH include bleeding, incomplete
and vascular disease in HD patients. 53,55,64 Routine monitoring of reversibility with protamine,78,79 and the theoretical risk of bio-
PF4-H antibodies is not recommended as a preventive strategy in accumulation causing supratherapeutic levels due to primary
HD patients without clinical manifestations of HIT. renal excretion. Recent advances in chemosynthesis techniques
may allow for homogenous, synthetic LMWH with greater re-
Hypertriglyceridemia versibility. 80 Although the anticoagulant effect of LMWH can be
Heparin (fractionated or unfractionated) is known to deplete lipo- monitored with factor Xa levels, clinical utility is limited as levels
protein and hepatic lipase, which together reduce triglyceride clear- may not correlate with biological effect (i.e., clinically significant
ance and fraction of high-density lipoprotein in the plasma. hemorrhage), and it is impractical to have separate assays for each
Patients with ESKD already have an elevated risk of dyslipidemia agent. 81,82 Multiple analyses have demonstrated no increased
due to underlying endothelial dysfunction. Studies have shown car- risk of major bleeding or time to first major bleed with the use of
diovascular and mortality benefits to initiating statin therapy prior LMWH compared to UFH, with reduced risk in some studies 39,83,84
to initiation of dialysis,67,68 but not in existing dialysis patients,69 A meta-analysis demonstrated similar dialysis efficacy and circuit
possibly due to unique lipid derangements associated with dialy- thrombosis between LMWH and UFH, though thorough analysis
sis.70 Although it has been speculated that heparin-mediated dys- of bleeding events was limited by the small number of available
lipoproteinemia may contribute to progressive atherosclerosis in studies. 85 A follow-up meta-analysis of head-to-head trials was
patients with ESKD,71–73 the overall effect of heparin exposure in conducted by Lazrak and colleagues to evaluate bleeding risk,
dialysis patients is unknown. demonstrating a relative risk of 0.76 for combined major and minor
bleeding. 86 A small increase in minor bleeding events was ob-
Osteoporosis served for patients taking oral anticoagulants while dialyzing with
A theoretical adverse effect of heparin is osteoporosis. Several in LMWH as compared to UFH, 83 though an additional study sup-
vitro and animal studies on the effects of heparin on osteogenesis ports the safety of using LMWH for HD in the setting of chronic
showed controversial results, citing possible decreased osteoblastic oral anticoagulation. 39
or increased osteoclastic activity. In a crossover study of 40 pa- Increased cost is a common critique of routine LMWH for inter-
tients on intermittent HD, anticoagulation was switched from UFH mittent HD. However, early international investigations show sim-
to low molecular weight heparin (LMWH), and biochemical mark- ilar or reduced costs when considering preparation (LMWH comes
ers for bone metabolism and bone densitometry were monitored in a single, pre-dosed needle), nursing time (LMWH requires only
longitudinally.73 Four months after conversion to LMWH, tartrate- single bolus dosing), and intrinsic drug cost. 23,85,87,88 It is reason-
resistant acid phosphatase, which reflects osteoclastic activity, was able to hypothesize that reduced membrane clotting with LMWH
reduced by 13%. When converted back to UFH, the biochemical may reduce costs through increased dialyzer reuse and improved
indices returned to pre-LMWH levels, suggesting that LMWH may clearance/efficiency. Unfortunately, more recent cost compari-
partially alleviate UFH-associated osteoporosis. However, due to sons, since decreased price of LMWH compared to UFH and wide-
limited research on this topic, it remains unclear if these risks are spread use of LMWH for multiple clinical indications, have not been
exacerbated by chronic heparin use. conducted.

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CLAUDEL et al.       109

TA B L E 3  Half-life and route of

Half-life Clearance in patients with
elimination of LMWH
(h) Route of elimination kidney failure

Enoxaparin23,147,148 4.5 Predominantly renal, Patients with CrCl <30 ml/

some hepatic min may show a 30%
reduction in clearance
Dalteparin148,149 3–5 Renal Patients with CrCl <30 ml/
min may have mean
terminal half-life
prolonged to 5-7 h
Nadroparin150 3.5 Predominantly renal Patients with varying renal
impairment may show a
30%–40% reduction in
Tinzaparin23,148,151 1.5 Predominantly renal, Patients with CrCl <30 ml/
some endothelial min may show a 24%
reduction in clearance

Abbreviations: CrCl, creatinine clearance; LMWH, low molecular weight heparin.

therefore the authors recommend permissive mild hypocalcemia.92

3.1  |  Regional citrate anticoagulation Minor differences in protocols in RCA studies have resulted in varied
calcium balance.90,92,95 The long-term clinical significance of mildly
A well-studied approach to reduce heparin exposure is the use of increased intact PTH is not clear.92,96 Further studies are needed
regional citrate anticoagulation (RCA). A single center in Slovenia before drawing conclusions regarding specific dosing protocols and
reported performing over 10 000 successful dialysis sessions with overall calcium balance for long-term bone and vascular health.
RCA in 2015.89 Importantly, severe liver failure is an absolute con- Common concerns regarding RCA are the perceived complexity
traindication to RCA due to primary hepatic metabolism of citrate and need for constant monitoring of ionized calcium, increasing nurs-
and a high risk of citrate toxicity and hypocalcemia.90 Use of RCA ing requirements and cost. Although ionized calcium levels are drawn
is as follows: first, trisodium citrate is infused into the arterial port, at frequent intervals in clinical trial protocols, this is not needed in clin-
then calcium chloride is infused into the venous return just before ical practice, as the safety of the RCA has been repeatedly demon-
the needle.90,91 The calcium infusion neutralizes the citrate prior to strated. Eliminating the need for intensive ionized calcium monitoring
infusion into the patient, reducing the risk of citrate-induced hypoc- reduces the overall cost of RCA,91 and the cost of citrate itself is low.89
alcemia. Dialysate bath adjustments are required, namely reduced Simplified infusion protocols have largely replaced the need for com-
bicarbonate (although severe metabolic alkalosis is rare as the in- plex delivery systems and monitoring,91,93,95 and future technological
fused citrate is eliminated by the dialyzer) and sodium (due developments may further automate calcium substitution.
to the sodium content of the citrate solution).92,93 Magnesium is A simpler method for taking advantage of the anticoagulant
chelated by citrate, and magnesium-containing dialysate is recom- properties of citrate includes the use of citrate-containing dial-
mended.90,91,94 Bleeding and clotting event rates are comparable to ysate. Kossmann et al. examined the effects of citrate-based di-
conventional HD.91,95 alysate on dialysis efficiency (measured as equilibrated Kt/Vurea
The most feared complication of RCA is symptomatic hypocalce- [eKt/Vurea] and pre-dialysis concentrations of blood urea nitro-
mia precipitating adverse cardiac events, yet clinically significant hy- gen) in 142 patients with prevalent ESKD, switched from bicarbon-
pocalcemia has rarely been observed in multiple studies.90–92,94–96 In ate dialysate acidified by acetate to bicarbonate dialysate acidified
an early study by Apsner and colleagues comparing RCA and LMWH with citrate, while the HD prescription and the administration of
for anticoagulation in HD, the lowest observed ionized calcium was systemic UFH during HD remained unchanged. In their study, the
0.98 mmol/L and, at the end of dialysis, there was no significant dif- authors observed that citrate-based dialysis, used in addition to
ference in measured calcium between the two groups.91 More re- UFH, resulted in better solute clearance: eKt/Vurea rose from
cently, Gubensek and colleagues randomized patients receiving RCA mean (SD) 1.51 (0.01) to 1.57 (0.01) (p < 0.0001) and pre-dialysis
to a standard or low targeted ionized calcium.92 The low target group blood urea nitrogen decreased from 48.4 (14.4) to 46.5 (14.8) mg/
experienced a statistically significant increase in intact parathyroid dl (p = 0.007).97 However, preliminary evidence from a small, sin-
92 96
hormone (PTH), similarly observed in other studies. The low tar- gle-center study did not demonstrate a reduction in intradialytic
get group also experienced a positive mean calcium mass balance, heparin requirements with use of citrate-containing dialysate. In
though lower than the standard target group.92 The presence of a their randomized, double-blind, crossover trial involving 20 main-
positive calcium mass balance even in sessions tolerating mild hypo- tenance HD patients, Leung et al. found that the mean cumulative
calcemia raises concerns for future vascular calcification in patients dose of UFH did not change significantly between acetic ac-
receiving long-term RCA for HD if normocalcemia is targeted, and id-containing dialysate and citrate-containing dialysate.98 Further

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110      CLAUDEL et al.

evidence is needed to determine the anticoagulant efficacy of ci- and repeated flushes are required. This approach is not viewed as
trate dialysate in routine HD. Aside from its anticoagulant proper- cost effective.
ties, citrate dialysate may also reduce inflammation and vascular
calcification,100 which are risk factors for poor cardiovascular out-
comes in patients on HD. 4.1  |  Coated dialyzer membranes

Another approach to anticoagulant-free HD is the use of coated

3.2  |  Non-heparin agents dialyzer membranes. These membranes can be coated with hepa-
rin,118,121–123 albumin,124 and vitamin E125–128 to reduce clotting.
Despite the large number of dialysis patients prescribed oral an- While this approach may reduce membrane surface clotting, it
ticoagulants for various clinical indications, evidence regard- does little to achieve an anticoagulant effect in the remainder
ing non-heparin systemic anticoagulants is primarily in cases of of the circuit. Coated dialyzers are often proprietary, thus more
HIT102–105 or in critically ill patients.106,107 The principal concerns expensive, and some authors posit shorter lifespan due to clot-
with these agents are clearance during dialysis and lack of reversal ting events. 33 A randomized trial comparing anticoagulant-free
agents. Current options include direct thrombin inhibitors (arga- HD with vitamin E- or heparin-coated dialyzer membranes con-
troban104,108,109 and hirudin110,111), synthetic heparinoids (fonda- cluded that the failure rates were unacceptably high (22% for vi-
parinux),103,112 naturally occurring heparinoids (danaparoid),106 tamin E-coated and 19% for heparin-coated).128 This is contrary
and vitamin K antagonists (warfarin). The most well studied, to the HepZero study, which demonstrated non-inferiority of
argatroban, is minimally cleared during dialysis and has been fre- a heparin-grafted membrane for use in anticoagulant-free HD,
quently selected for dialysis after HIT.114 Murray and colleagues deeming the membranes effective.121 However, the reported
report on three separate argatroban dosing regimens for HD, with failure rates were high for both the heparin-coated membranes
a urea reduction ration range of 70–73 and a spKt/Vurea range and saline flush/predilution protocol (31.5% and 49.6%, respec-
of 1.5–1.6. A small crossover study of 10 patients taking oral tively).121 Dialysis efficiency and clotting events were not re-
vitamin K antagonists reported the feasibility of HD without ad- ported in this study, and the ECC was flushed with heparinized
ditional anticoagulation, without reduction in spKt/Vurea, or saline prior to treatment.129 Overall, use of a heparin-coated
increased clotting. Fondaparinux was shown to facilitate suc- dialyzer may be superior to saline flushes alone, 21,118,121 but ap-
cessful HD treatment in a single patient following development of pears less effective than other heparin-sparing modalities.130,131
HIT, but citrate-containing dialysate was also used, confounding Routine use of coated dialyzers would likely require either circuit
this report.103 Fondaparinux is less effective when using high-flux priming with an anticoagulant or systemic anticoagulation to be
dialyzers due to significant clearance,115 but has been reported sustainable.123,128,132,133
effective in hemodiafiltration.112 Reliance on case studies and ret-
rospective reviews limits the application of these studies. Further
evidence from randomized controlled trials is needed before con- 4.2  |  Circuit priming
clusions can be drawn regarding the safety and efficacy of non-
heparin systemic anticoagulants for routine HD. Circuit priming is another approach that avoids systemic delivery
of anticoagulant agents. This method involves flushing the ECC
with a solution that coats the plastic tubing, reducing interaction
4  |  A NTI COAG U L A NT- FR E E with blood. The fluid is removed from the circuit prior to contact
H E M O D I A LYS I S with the patient, minimizing systemic uptake. Studied priming tech-
niques include saline, albumin, and citrate flushes, each with and
Patients at highest risk of bleeding may need to avoid all pharma- without heparin.132–136 In a recent comparison of several dialyzers
cologic anticoagulation, and when no anticoagulant is used clotting in conjunction with albumin priming for anticoagulant-free HD,
occurs 5-10% of the time. Mechanical interventions to decrease dialyzer patency was not substantially improved with the priming
clotting include increasing flow rates, specialized airless tubing,116 protocol.133 In a comparison of three methods of priming (hep-
flushing with saline boluses, or using a continuous saline infu- arinized saline, heparin + albumin, and heparin + albumin + citrate)
sion.117–119 While saline-based interventions allow for the dialysis and a heparin-coated dialyzer, the lowest need for supplemental
session to proceed, they often reduce overall dialysis efficiency, LMWH boluses was found with the heparin + albumin + citrate
require multiple dialyzer changes, and increase the volume of fluid priming protocol.132 No treatments were prematurely terminated
administered to the patient. A prospective study of anticoagu- in this group.132 In one case report, HIT recurred due to priming
lant-free HD reported clotting events leading to premature session the ECC with heparinized saline.137 Although rare, this remains a
termination in greater than 50% of treatments using either saline significant safety concern. Both increased cost and decreased di-
flushes or continuous saline.118 Furthermore, the nursing demands alysis efficiency are noted as limitations to priming-based meth-
of this approach are high, as frequent monitoring of circuit patency ods. Similar to the use of coated dialyzers, circuit priming may be

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