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Part 1

Jammy Limited is one the growing India-based condom manufacturing companies that
specializes in the distribution, marketing, and production of rubber contraceptives and related
prophylactic items. Their product range includes various offerings like male condoms, female condoms,
water-based lubricant jelly, as well as In Vitro Diagnostic (IVD) products such as Pregnancy Test Kits
and Covid-19 Antigen Test Kits. The organization is dedicated to delivering superior contraceptive
products online and actively contributes to the advancement of safe and responsible sexual health
practices. They export 40% of their products to various countries such as Brazil, Tanzania, Uganda,
South Africa, etc. The company is also expanding with more employees around the world. They have
several patents; they are also using a mimetic isomorphism strategy since their origin in the sector to
capture customers. Since COVID-19 their sales surged but unfortunately for the last 8 quarters (since
September 2021), a huge customer dissatisfaction has been seen through online reviews. This has
damaged their brand name, and market share in the competitive contraceptive Indian market. This
issue hinders the company's growth and expansion efforts.

Part 2
The issue faced by Jammy Limited is significant customer dissatisfaction observed through
online reviews over the past 8 quarters. Unfortunately, 90% of their business is from online sales. This
surge in negative customer feedback has had a detrimental impact on their brand reputation and
market share in the competitive Indian contraceptive market. Despite experiencing a surge in sales
during the COVID-19 pandemic, the company's growth and expansion efforts have been hindered by
this issue. Additionally, the organization's reliance on a mimetic isomorphism strategy, leveraging
certain patents, adds complexity to the situation. Addressing customer dissatisfaction and rebuilding
trust is crucial for Jammy Limited to regain its market position and sustain its growth trajectory.

The objective of this consulting engagement is to address the customer dissatisfaction issue,
rebuild trust, and enhance customer satisfaction to regain market position and sustain growth for
Jammy Limited. Furthermore, consultants offer various ways to enhance the client's experience and
value during a consulting project. They can contribute valuable skills that the client may lack, provide
innovative ideas and industry-leading insights, offer additional resources to support the client's
capabilities, bring an objective perspective as an external entity, and add credibility through the
reputation and credentials of the consulting firm (Haslam). In this project, the focus will be on
improving the customer experience, implementing effective communication strategies inside the
company that with lead to better service, and establishing a strong brand reputation by change
management to rebuild their brand as a good quality, and a go-to product in the market. This project
requires a doctor-patient approach since we are identifying the root cause of the issue.
Methodology and techniques:
Implement Brand Reputation Management strategies to monitor and manage brand
reputation, track, and respond to reviews, leverage social media, and utilize online reputation tools.
Additionally, address quality issues contributing to dissatisfaction and develop a unified brand message
aligned with the company's vision and values. Conduct regular audits to address customer
dissatisfaction and achieve desired outcomes. For effective internal communication, establish Internal
Communication Guidelines, including terminology, tone, and style. Furthermore, conduct regular
cross-departmental meetings and training to bring representatives together. Develop a Centralized
Communication Hub for documents, announcements, and guidelines, and appoint Communication
Ambassadors for consistent implementation. To measure customer loyalty, satisfaction, and advocacy,
implement NPS surveys to analyse the feedback, categorize responses into Promoters, Passives, and
Detractors, and assess sentiment to identify areas for improvement. Adopt Continuous Improvement
(Kaizen) to foster incremental enhancements, improving efficiency and customer experience. Focus on
consignment processes, packaging, delivery, and support to enhance the customer experience. Lastly,
utilize Customer Experience Business Model Innovation to reshape the business model and enhance
the overall customer experience.

Approach and Deliverables:

As Simon (2022) once said there are two questions a consultant may wish to return to throughout
a consulting project, what value will my work bring to the resolving of the client’s issue? and why is
this work necessary? Those questions are addressed below with the scope of intervention including
associated cost, time to complete, and deliverables (refer to Fig.1).

a. Change management:
1. Brand Reputation Management: Implement strategies
such as brand positioning strategy which highlights the
unique value proposition of Jammy Limited to monitor
and manage the brand reputation. This will involve
tracking and responding to customer reviews and
feedback, leveraging social media platforms, and utilizing
online reputation management tools such as Review
Trackers, and Cloutly. It is essential to pay attention to any
quality concerns that may have led to customer
dissatisfaction. Additionally, their brands should be
strategically positioned in the minds of potential Fig.1 Iron triangle
customers, ensuring an instant association with their
quality (de Chernatony and Segal-Horn).

2. Unified brand message: Develop a unified brand message that aligns with the company's vision,
values, and commitment to safe and responsible sexual health practices. This message should highlight
the quality, reliability, and effectiveness of Jammy Limited's products. Ensuring that the brand message
resonates with the target audience and differentiates the company from competitors. And branding is
crucial in this scenario because the concept of branding pertains to the strategies employed to
highlight specific values that are linked to the company and/or its products (Kärreman and Rylander).
3. Conduct regular audits and feedback loop: Clearly define the objectives and scope of the audits to
ensure they align with the overall goal of addressing customer dissatisfaction and rebuilding trust and
it is crucial to thoroughly evaluate and implement quality assurance measures for auditing services
(Karapetrovic and Willborn). Develop criteria and benchmarks against which the audits will be
conducted. These criteria can be based on industry standards, customer expectations, and internal
performance goals. For example, criteria for product quality include adherence to manufacturing
standards, product reliability, and customer feedback. Continuously monitor the progress of the
implemented action plans and iterate based on feedback and new insights. Regularly review the results
of audits, customer surveys, and other feedback mechanisms to ensure that improvements are being
made and the desired outcomes are being achieved.

Deliverables: A stronger brand identity helps customers understand and connect with the brand,
leading to increased brand loyalty and recognition. Additionally, by identifying areas for improvement
and implementing action plans based on feedback, the company shows that it values customer
opinions and is actively working to meet their needs. Continuous monitoring and iteration based on
feedback and new insights enable the company to make improvements and ensure that the products
meet or exceed customer expectations. Consequently, customers who are pleased with their
experience are more inclined to recommend the brand to others, resulting in favorable word-of-mouth
referrals, which can contribute to increased market share and overall business success.

b. Communication Strategy:
It is a consultant's responsibility to communicate precisely to avoid confusion (Hamel) likewise the
company should make sure to communicate information and knowledge properly to deliver their
product. Since the company is expanding with increasing employees, communication plays a vital role
in the company to address that several communication strategies can be used (refer to Fig.2). For an
organization to effectively communicate, it needs to possess up-to-date information, knowledge, and
comprehension regarding economic, social, environmental, and legal advancements, as well as the
expectations of its stakeholders (Harrison).

1. Develop a centralized communication hub:

Implement a centralized communication hub, such as
an intranet or collaboration platform, to facilitate
efficient and transparent communication across the
organization. This hub should serve as a repository for
important documents, announcements, and
messaging guidelines. And by getting established on
communication hubs, an enterprise can re-anchor its
network in a neutral environment (Casey).

2. Appoint communication ambassadors: Select

individuals from each department or team to act as
communication ambassadors. These ambassadors will Fig.2 Pyramid Principle for communication
serve as points of contact for clarifying messaging- strategy
related queries and ensuring consistent
implementation of the brand messaging strategy, also appointing ambassadors will be cost-effective in
the long run (Martic).

3. Implement internal communication guidelines: By establishing clear guidelines for internal

communication, including standardized terminology, tone, and style across departments and teams,
consistent messaging will be achieved while minimizing the risk of misunderstandings. And effective
communication guidelines can improve customer experience and reduce the risk of losing customers
to competitors. These guidelines serve as a framework for communication practices and ensure that
everyone is aligned with the organization's objectives.

4. Conduct regular cross-departmental meetings and training: Organize regular meetings and training
that bring together representatives from different departments and teams. Use these sessions to
communicate updates, share information, and reinforce the brand messaging strategy. Additionally
Jammy is still a growing and expanding company in various countries, the discipline of corporate
communication is crucial since it is not equally developed in all parts of the world (Curnow and Reuvid).

Deliverables: Developing a centralized communication hub facilitates easy access to information,

promotes transparency, and streamlines internal communication processes. Furthermore, the
appointment of communication ambassadors plays a crucial role in maintaining open lines of
communication, addressing concerns, and effectively implementing the brand's messaging strategy.
Additionally, by implementing internal communication guidelines, the company can unify the brand
message, minimize misunderstandings, and enhance professionalism. These guidelines also foster
collaboration, promote knowledge sharing, and improve efficiency, innovation, and problem-solving
capabilities. Moreover, consistent communication of the company's values, vision, and objectives
among employees helps them become brand advocates, thus strengthening the brand's identity and
reputation. Finally, the company can adopt a client-consultant relationship as a form of interpretive
community where the employees can share a common understanding and interpretation of specific
departments, ideas, and working processes (O’Reilly).

c. Customer Experience Enhancement Plan:

A comprehensive plan to improve the overall customer experience including,

1. The Net Promoter Score (NPS) is a metric used to assess customer loyalty, satisfaction, and
advocacy toward the company. It entails asking customers a simple question: "On a scale of 0 to 10,
how likely are you to recommend our product/company to a friend or colleague?" Based on their
responses, customers are classified into three categories: Promoters (scoring 9-10), Passives (scoring
7-8), and Detractors (scoring 0-6). By calculating the NPS, the organization can assess the overall
sentiment and likelihood of customer recommendations, providing insights into customer satisfaction
levels and the potential for business growth (Baehre et al.). This measure should be used along with
other strategies and techniques.

2. Continuous Improvement (Kaizen), centres around implementing gradual and progressive

enhancements in processes, products, or services. It emphasizes the notion that the aggregation of
small improvements can result in notable advancements and improved efficiency over time. The initial
application of kaizen culture by numerous companies has evolved through continuous improvement
initiatives. This evolution has led to the development of a more adaptable kaizen culture that is
responsive to the environment. The process involves step-by-step procedures depicted in Figure 3. It
can be utilized for issue identification, discovering opportunities, devising solutions, implementing
them, and then repeating the cycle to address other inadequately resolved problems within the
company. (Gitney).

Fig. 3 Measuring customer experience

3. Stressing on the perfect customer experience making sure consignment is collected on time and
delivered in perfect condition to address customer dissatisfaction (Frow and Payne). This plan will
include recommendations for product quality improvement, packaging, delivery, and customer
support processes.

4. Customer experience business model innovation: Business Model Innovation (BMI) generally has
an impact on the customer experience. Likewise, when there is a need to make substantial changes to
the customer experience, it often entails modifications to the underlying business model (Keiningham
et al.). It entails reevaluating and reshaping the methods by which the company generates, delivers,
and captures value in the market.

Deliverables: By analysing NPS feedback and conducting follow-up surveys, Jammy Limited can identify
pain points, product issues, service gaps, or communication problems causing negative reviews. This
helps pinpoint root causes. Implementing continuous improvement enhances processes, products,
and services over time, leading to notable advancements. By identifying issues, creating solutions, and
cycling through the process, the company improves overall performance. Focusing on a 'perfect'
customer experience reduces discontent during delivery. Moreover, business model innovation aims
to discover novel approaches for generating and seizing value, benefiting the company.

1 Current data analysis £2,000
2 Address quality issues £4,000
3 NPS surveys £4,000
4 Utilize online reputation tools £8,000
5 Implement a brand positioning strategy £16,000
6 Implement a centralized communication hub £4,000
7 Adopt Continuous Improvement £20,000
8 Address consignment and delivery issues £12,000
9 Audits and feedback loop £14,000
10 Appoint communication ambassadors £8,000
11 Explore business model innovation £18,000
12 Develop the unified brand message £12,000

13 Establish internal communication guidelines £12,000

14 Cross-departmental meetings and training £18,000
15 Review results and make improvements £20,000
Total £172 000

The total cost of this management consulting project is £172 000 including travel and other overheads,
around 8,600 per week for 20 weeks.

1. Haslam, Simon . “Conclusion.” Consulting Skills for Social Researchers, 5 Apr. 2022, pp. 95–

100, Accessed 24 June 2023.

2. Simon, Haslam. “Key Ingredients of Consulting.” Consulting Skills for Social Researchers, 5

Apr. 2022, pp. 5–32, Accessed 25 June 2023.

3. de Chernatony, Leslie, and Susan Segal‐Horn. “The Criteria for Successful Services

Brands.” European Journal of Marketing, vol. 37, no. 7/8, Aug. 2003, pp. 1095–1118,

b82d37f631a39c9b, Accessed 29 June


4. Baehre, Sven, et al. “The Use of Net Promoter Score (NPS) to Predict Sales Growth: Insights

from an Empirical Investigation.” Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, vol. 50, 5 July


021-00790-2. Accessed 26 June 2023.

5. Gitney, Jim . “What Is Kaizen ? - Driving Continuous Improvement Part VI.” Global Business

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June 2023.

6. Frow, Pennie, and Adrian Payne. “Towards the “Perfect” Customer Experience.” Journal of

Brand Management, vol. 15, no. 2, Nov. 2007, pp. 89–101,, Accessed 25 June 2023.

7. Keiningham, Timothy, et al. “Customer Experience Driven Business Model Innovation.”

Journal of Business Research, vol. 116, Aug. 2019, pp. 431–440. Accessed 25 June 2023.

8. Hamel, Gregory. “The Importance of Communication in Consulting.”, 2011, Accessed 27 June

9. Harrison, Kim. “Unlocking the Power of Internal Communication Consulting for Organizational

Success.” Cutting Edge PR, 17 Oct. 2021,

consulting/. Accessed 27 June 2023.

10. Casey, Mark. “Why Enterprises Need Communication Hubs for Today’s WAN -

Apcela.” Apcela, 21 Nov. 2018,

communication-hubs-for-todays-wan/. Accessed 1 July 2023.

11. Martic, Kristina. “Who Are Brand Ambassadors and Why Every Organization Needs

Them.” Haiilo, 3 June 2021,

they-important/. Accessed 2 July 2023.

12. Curnow, Barry, and Jonathan Reuvid. International Guide to Management Consultancy: The

Evolution, Practice and Structure of Management Consultancy Worldwide. Google Books,

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13. O’Reilly, Dermot. “Book Review: Management Consultancy Joe O’Mahoney. Oxford: Oxford

University Press, 2010. 410 Pp, ISBN: 9780199577187 Management Consulting: A Guide for

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14. Kärreman, Dan, and Anna Rylander. “Managing Meaning through Branding - the Case of a

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15. Karapetrovic, Stanislav, and Walter Willborn. “Quality Assurance and Effectiveness of Audit

Systems.” International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management, vol. 17, no. 6, 1 Aug.

2000, pp. 679–703, Accessed 29 June 2023.

Gantt chart

Divided into three phases,

 Phase 1 spans from week 1 to week 8,
 Phase 2 covers week 8 to week 14,
 Phase 3 encompasses week 14 to week 20.
Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3

Start End Week Week Week Week Week Week Week Week Week Week
Approach week week 1-2 2-4 4-6 6-8 8-10 10-12 12-14 14-16 16-18 18-20

Current data analysis Week 1 Week 2

Address quality issues Week 1 Week 4

NPS surveys Week 1 Week 4

Utilize online reputation tools Week 1 Week 12

Week 1 Week 16
Implement brand positioning
Implement centralized Week 2 Week 6

communication hub
Adopt Continuous Week 2 Week 20

Week 2 Week 12
Address consignment and
delivery issues
Audits and feedback loop Week 4 Week 14

Appoint communication Week 4 Week 8

Explore business model Week 4 Week 20

Develop unified brand Week 6 Week 12

Establish internal Week 6 Week 12

communication guidelines
cross-departmental meetings Week 6 Week 20

and trainings
Review results and make Week 8 Week 20


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