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Put have got or has got in the gap.

1. Jeremy _______________ a silly smile.

2. They ________________two pink
3. Mum _________________ big blue
4. I_______________ a lot of friends.
5. He _______________a lovely toy train.
6. We_________________ an owl, a dog and Put haven’t got or hasn’t got.
fish. 1. Mum and dad _____________ a
7. You__________________three red felt-tip car.
pens! 2. I _______________ ten pets.
8. She __________________ a small brown 3. They _________________a red
pony. bike.
9. Celia _________________ a big brother. 4. We ________________ a pink
10. Jane and Josh________________ lots of and white kite.
great books! 5. You_______________ an orange
6. Victor ______________ a big
Put Have….got? or Has ….got?
yellow bus.
1. _______ she ________ a pink teddy 7. Tom and Sally _____________ a
bear? blue grasshopper.
2. ________ Victor and Andrea ________ 8. Andrea ______________ a big
a blue and yellow anorak? brother.
3. _________ they __________ a lot of 9. Patricia _______________ a black
toys? and red rucksack.
4. _______I ________ homework? 10.He ________________ a parrot.
5. ________ my teacher________ blue
6. _______we _______ a ham and cheese
7. _________you________ a toy dinosaur?
8. ________Patricia ________ ants in her

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