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E. Afri. Agri. For.

J (2022,Volume 88 (2), Pg 109-114)



G.G. Kalawa#, G.W. Mwenjeri and L.W. Ngare

Kenyatta University, Department of Agricultural Economics, School of Agriculture and
Enterprise development, P.O Box 43844-00100, Nairobi, Kenya

ABSTRACT platforms such as the use of cell phones to ensure timely

The sorghum market in Kenya has experienced dissemination of market information to the farmers.
remarkable growth in the last few years and continues to Finally, affordable and easily accessible credit should be
grow as the crop gains significant attention from various availed to both producers and traders.
interest groups. However, the lack of a well-coordinated
and competitive marketing system for raw sorghum and Keywords: Market concentration, Gini coefficient,
its value-added products remains a major constraint in gross margin, marketing efficiency
further development of its market. Therefore, the main
focus of this study was to assess the competitiveness of INTRODUCTION
the sorghum market in Isiolo County, Kenya, using the Agriculture is a major source of income among households
Structure, Conduct, and Performance model, to ascertain in developing countries. In Kenya, the agricultural sector
the performance of the marketing system before any is the second-largest contributor to the country’s GDP at
interventions are made to change the existing conditions. 23% (KNBS, 2021) and with a multiplier effect of 1.64 to
Data were obtained from both primary and secondary the non-agricultural sector. Sorghum is among the crops
sources. A structured questionnaire was used to acquire contributing revenue in Isiolo County with a record
information from respondents. This study employed of about 270 bags in 2019 (Muthami, 2021). Different
descriptive statistics, where the Gini coefficient and sorghum varieties are available for different soils with
the Lorenz curve were used to determine the degree Gadam being the most cultivated variety in Isiolo County.
of market concentration in the study area. The gross
margin, marketing margin and marketing efficiency were With the increased demand in the manufacturing
used to measure the performance of sorghum market in industry for different uses in making products such as
Isiolo County, Kenya. The results of the study showed snacks and various brews, sorghum marketing should
that the Gini coefficient was 0.612 for wholesalers be streamlined to enhance proper commercialization.
and retailers indicating a highly concentrated market Agricultural commercialization involves the transition
hence inequality in income distribution. The producers from subsistence to increasingly market-oriented
attained the highest gross margin of KES11/kg, followed production and the use of high-quality input; a process that
by wholesalers and retailers at KES 7 and KES 5/kg, is mainly driven by globalization, urbanization, migration,
respectively. In conclusion, sorghum production and and rising per capita income (Omiti, 2009). The
trading in Isiolo is profitable but uncompetitive. It is domestic market for sorghum is limited since it is mainly
therefore recommended that the Government of Kenya used as a starch and some consumers opt to purchase
should develop a policy that strengthens sorghum maize instead. The main buyers (89.6%) of sorghum
production and marketing to make it more competitive are local buyers (Beinah et al., 2020). The African
and ensure all the actors are well protected from the countries are the main importers of Kenyan sorghum.
hefty costs that reduce their efficiency hence low-profit This translates to inadequate incomes for the farmers as
margins. Secondly, access to information should be well as sorghum wholesalers and retailers (Otekunrin et
accelerated through investment in telecommunication al. (2019). This study was aimed at assessing the current

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Analysis of Sorghum Market Structure, Conduct and Performance in Isiolo County, Kenya

state of sorghum market in Isiolo County to identify areas population (census) of retailers and wholesalers was used
that need attention and recommend viable ways on how in the study since their population was small from the
to streamline it to enhance competitiveness hence improve county (KNBS, 2019).
the economy.
Type and the source of data
MATERIALS AND METHODS Smallholder farmers across Isiolo County and retailers,
Study Area as well as wholesalers, formed primary data sources.
Isiolo County covers approximately 25,700 km2 and has a Secondary data sources included a list of various relevant
population of 268,002 (KNBS, 2019). The annual rainfall published and unpublished reports and Kenya Climate-
ranges between 200 and 650 mm (Okullo et. al., 2017). It Smart Agriculture Strategy bulletins (KCSAP) and
lies between agro-ecological zones LM4 to LM6. There are County government reports and records. A structured
about 12,000 farmers in Isiolo County, majority of them questionnaire was used to collect data.
practicing rain-fed agriculture, with 10% doing irrigated
agriculture (Mohamed et al., 2020). Sorghum is among
the most dominant crops grown here for both subsistence Structure, Conduct, and performance of the market
and commercial purposes. Market structure characterization is based on the traits
that affect how businesses operating in a certain market
Research design behave and perform (Shubik and Levitan. 2013). The
The research design used was the descriptive approach. market structure can be perfect competition, monopolistic
Random sampling was employed while dealing with competition, oligopoly, and monopoly. The type or nature
sorghum farmers while clustered sampling was employed of the market structure is influenced by the number
for sorghum traders. The whole cluster of traders was of buyers and sellers, the negotiation abilities of both
used in this study. A structured questionnaire was used to buyers and sellers, the concentration of the market,
capture information from the respondents. the diversification of products, and finally the level of
difficulty in entering or leaving the market.
Target population
The study targeted small-scale sorghum farming Market concentration
households, and sorghum traders (retailers and
This measures the extent to which sales in an agricultural
market are dominated by one or more traders (Fafchamp
and Gabre-Madhin, 2006). The concentration ratio,
Sample size determination for farmers
the Gini coefficient, and the Lorenz curve were used to
The formula by Yamane (1967) was used to determine measure the degree of market concentration in this study.
the sample size for the study as in Equation 1 below: The Gini coefficient was calculated following Tiku and
Sinonya, 2012)
…………………Equation 1

n= the desired sample size
Where G is the value of the Gini coefficient, X is the
N= the study population (total number of
proportion of sellers and Y is the cumulative proportion
sorghum-growing households)
of sales.
e= sampling error

A 95 % confidence interval with a 0.05 error acceptability Market conduct

margin was used (Mugenda and Mugenda 2003). This refers to the price and other market policies which
n=415 / [1+415x 0.052] = 203.7109 are pursued by market players and the way in which
they coordinate their decisions (Haruna et al., 2012).
A sample size of 203 sorghum farmers was thus used. Conditions that are thought to indicate the exploitative
To achieve a high level of accuracy, the entire trader’s

relationship between producers and purchasers were Marketing Efficiency

surveyed in this study. The marketing efficiency index was used to assess
marketing efficiency. It is the net price ratio obtained by
Market performance farmers to total marketing costs plus total margin.
This is the outcome of the relationship between selling
price to costs, the size of output, and the efficiency of
production (Nurhilalia et al., 2019). It can be measured
by analysing the marketing margin, market efficiency, and
producer share. MEI: Marketing efficiency index;
NP: Net Price received by the farmers;
The total marketing margin is given by the following NM: Total net marketing margin (for the rest of the
formula; chain’s players)
MC: Total marketing cost
Total Gross Marketing Margin;

Market structure
Traders’ market concentration
The producer’s gross marketing margin was calculated as
Figure 1 presents the market concertation results for
traders in Isiolo County.
GMMp =
The average quantity of sorghum traded was 114.92kg per
person per season with a total of 9,538 kg. A majority of
traders sold between 3,000 and 6000 kg of sorghum in one
season. The average sorghum sales in a season by traders
amounted to KES 620,961 and a Gini coefficient of 0.612
as shown in Table I below.

Figure 1: Lorenz curve for traders in Isiolo County

Analysis of Sorghum Market Structure, Conduct and Performance in Isiolo County, Kenya


No of The proportion Proportion Total
Quantity sold (Kg) Cumulative % Sales (KES) Cumulative (Y) XY
traders of Traders (X) Yearly Sales
0-3000 17 0.205 0.205 23500 0.038 0.038 0.008
3000-6000 32 0.386 0.591 161956 0.261 0.299 0.115
6000-9000 23 0.277 0.868 167535 0.270 0.569 0.158
9000-12000 2 0.024 0.892 20730 0.033 0.602 0.015
12000-15000 2 0.024 0.916 28500 0.046 0.648 0.016
15000-18000 0 0.000 0.916 0 0.000 0.648 0.000
18000-21000 2 0.024 0.940 39000 0.063 0.711 0.017
Above 21000 5 0.060 1.000 179740 0.289 1.000 0.060
Total 83 1.000 620961 0.388
Gini coefficient 0.612

Market performance Gross Margin Retailers gross margin

The gross margin from the sale of sorghum for the Table III summarizes the Gross Margins for the retailers.
wholesalers was KES 9.7/kg while the total gross The total revenue for retailers stood at 406,652, the total
margin was 29,424.40. The total revenue was 193,695 variable cost stood at 372,480 thus making the gross
while the total cost stood at 164,270 accounting for the margin to stand at 34,172 which translates to 5.24113 per
aforementioned gross margin per kilogram and the total kg of sorghum.
gross margin. (TableII)


Whole sales Gross Margins
Item Quantity (Kg) Price (KES) Total
Revenue 3,018 64.18 193,695.20
Variable cost
Buying cost 3,018 45.38 136,956.80
Transport 9,950.00
Loading and offloading cost 3,450.00
Marketing loss 5,594.00
Marketing cost 8,320.00
Total Variable Costs 164,270.80
Gross margin 29,424.40
Gross margin/kg 9.75


Retailers’ Gross Margin
Item Quantity (kg) Price(KES) Total
Revenue 6,520 62.37 406,652.40
Variable cost
Buying cost 6,520 45.07 293,856.40
Transport 25,600.00
Loading and off-loading cost 9,500.00
Market losses (Waste) 12,683.83
Marketing cost (transaction cost) 30,840.00
Total variable costs 372,480.20
Gross margin 34,172.17
Gross margin/kg 5.24


Producer gross margin However, some studies have had different and contrasting
outcomes. Ugwumba (2011) during a study of live-
The revenue realized by the producers was 479,611,
catfish market structure in Anambra State, Nigeria found
against 358,142 in variable costs thereby realizing
a Gini coefficient of 0.19 and 0.26 amongst retailers and
121,468 in gross profit margin which translates to 11 per
producers, respectively, indicating a competitive market.
kg.( Table IV)


Producer Gross Margin
Item Quantity(kg) Price(KES) Total
Revenue 10,634.4 45.10 479,611.40
Variable cost
Labour cost for land preparation 202,540.00
Labour costs for weeding 50,640.00
Seed cost 31,650.00
Production Losses (Spoilage) 22,672.80
Harvesting costs 50,640.00
Total Variable Costs 358,142.80

Gross Margin 121,468.60

Gross Margin/kg 11.40


Traders’ market concentration Reporting and understanding the gross margins is very
important as it calculates the profits of the core business
The trader’s Gini coefficient was 0.612 implying that
under operation using the variable costs while excluding
the market for traders was highly concentrated and thus
the fixed costs. The gross margin for wholesalers
not competitive. Several researchers have used the Gini
was higher compared to that of retailers owing to the
coefficient and Lorenz curve to address market structures
differences in quantities sold. The gross margins for both
of different agricultural products and found similar
retailers and wholesalers were positive thus indicating
results. In South Sudan for instance, Ngigi (2008) found
positive indices in gross profits in sorghum business.
a Gini coefficient of 0.7 for the grain market indicating a
The differences could be attributed to the distances to the
highly concentrated market. In Pwalungu Ghana, the Gini
market, seasonality and the quantities sold by the different
coefficient was used by Haruna et al. (2012) to identify the
stakeholders. The gross profit margin was greatest among
market concentration of the tomato market and found that
the producers bearing in mind that fixed costs were not
it was highly concentrated at 0.64 and 0.58 for retailers
included in the calculation.
and wholesalers, respectively.
Total Gross marketing margin
A Gini coefficient of 0.54 and 0.54 for processors and The marketing margin is the difference between prices at
merchants, respectively, was found by Tiku and Sinonga two different points in a marketing channel (Smith, 1992).
(2012) during a study on palm oil marketers in Cross The final consumer price from the producer was KES 62,
river state, Nigeria an implication that the market was while the producer price is KES 45.10. The marketing
oligopolistic in structure. Zorinah (2016) during a study margin for the whole process from the producers to the
on the market performance of cabbage in the central final consumers was 27%. This means that the average
district of Botswana also found a Gini coefficient of cost of acquiring a customer is 27% more than the buying
0.672 and 0.509 for traders and wholesalers, respectively, price from the producer. The marketing cost is passed
an indication that the market was not very competitive. down to the consumer and thus the consumers buy at a

Analysis of Sorghum Market Structure, Conduct and Performance in Isiolo County, Kenya

higher cost. Secondly, access to information should be accelerated

through investment in telecommunication platforms to
Marketing efficiency ensure timely market information such as price, and
This refers to the degree to which the current market varieties best suitable are disseminated to the farmers
prices reflect all available, relevant information about the through use of cell phones.
actual value of the product traded that offers maximum
possible opportunities for traders to buy and sell without Affordable credit should be availed to sorghum traders
incurring additional transactional cost (Rösch et. al., through the various government agencies such as the
2017). It estimates the financial marketing feasibility Agricultural Finance Corporation and the terms of lending
of executing any additional services. A positive signed should be flexible and accommodative. The government
estimate would justify application of such services and a grant for the vulnerable groups should also be effected to
negative estimate will indicate otherwise (Abdou, 2007). cushion the youths and women in sorghum trading.
From this study the value was positive which justifies the
application of additional marketing services at all levels. REFERENCES
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