(ETHICS) Man As A Moral Agent

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Introduction of Man a Moral Agent  It constitutes a large part of who we are and how

we live. People, objects, places, events, situations

Man: Rational and Free Agent or occasions have values.
 As human beings we are endowed with rationality.  Values can either be objective or subjective.
Because of our reason, we can deliberate and o Objective Value
make conscious decisions.  Is independent of the assessment of
 We are also endowed with free will, through men, such value does not depend on
which we determine our own action, its course the valuation or estimation of
and objectives. individuals or groups of individuals.
 Since we are rational and free agents, we are Whether such value is recognized or
responsible for our actions and our responsibility not it remains to be a value.
is not only for our actions but also for their  The value of objective good is
consequences and the quality of the choice we independent of the recognition or
make. appreciation of man; good health and
 The extent of our knowledge and freedom proper knowledge have objective
determines the extent of our responsibility, hence values
the greater the freedom and knowledge, the o Subjective Value
greater the responsibility.  Conferred by individuals on certain
 Because of human freedom and responsibility, objects or situation.
people are always concerned with what is right  It is dependent on the estimation or
and what is wrong. We contemplate on what is valuation of individuals, so that
the right thing to do and what is the bad thing to something may be valuable to one
avoid. but not valuable to others.
 The end of all these is our desire to live a well-  Values have certain ranking or hierarchy; one
lived life. As human beings we do not just want to value may be higher or more significant than
live our lives, we wanted to live it well, as the others; some values have higher worth than
saying goes; others.
o “A well-lived life is a happy life.”  There is an objective ranking of values, this
 Happiness and living well is related to the good ranking is not dependent on the preference of
and those that we value in life. individuals
 Material values are necessarily lower in rank
Good compared to spiritual values
 Good is objectively the goal or fulfillment of being  The value of persons is higher than the value of
man. It is the end or the object of the will – faculty money, the value of education and knowledge is
of volition. higher than the value of physical properties
 The good as the object of the will is considered to  The more spiritual the value is the higher it is in
be driving force of human action and human the ranking of values and the more material the
endeavors. The will when it recognizes the good value is, the lower it is in the ranking of values.
drives or motivates us to act.  Only man can formulate and express values which
 The good, could either be a real and objective are generally shaped and formed by his
good or just an apparent good. What we consider experiences
to be good could be real or genuine good, like  Values are inseparable from the endlessly
health, or knowledge, which are objectively good. changing experiences of man’s life. A value may be
 Some things or objects which we consider to be material value, societal, aesthetic, religious, or
good are only apparent good, which means that moral.
they appear to be good, but in reality, are not.  What we value in the realm of human conduct us
Vices for example may appear to be good to some called moral values, like justice, honesty, love etc.
people but in reality, they are evil.
The Role of Human Experience
Value  Senses Experience
 It is an assessment of worth. It is what an o The experience of our senses (sight, taste,
individual or group deems to be useful, significant etc.).
or desirable;  Lived experience
o It is the awareness on the part of the
individual that when he performs or does a
certain action, he is aware that he is the
author of the act; that he is the agent of
action. This awareness or experience brings
with it a sense of responsibility for the
moral value of the action.
 Since one experience himself and his own person
as the agent or cause of the act, then he also
experiences himself as the efficient cause of the
moral good or evil associated with the action.

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