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Intervention 3

Integers –

Z = {. . .; -4; -3; -2; -1; 0; 1; 2; 3; 4; . . .}

Adding and subtracting with integers:

When adding and subtracting remember to use the number line.

Multiplication and division:

The golden rule with multiplication and division is the following:
Remember that division
follows the same rules.

REMEMBER to always do your SIGNS first –

-6 x 4 = - x + - (-8) = - x -
= - =+
=6x4 =8
= - 24 You don’t have to write the plus.

Exponents, cube and square roots with integers -

When calculating the exponents, cube and square roots, you calculate everything just
as you are used to, but you now have to calculate the sign as well.

( - 4) 2 = ( - 4 ) ( - 4 ) -42 =-(4)(4)
- x - = +
= 16 = - 16

√3 −64 ¿−4 x−4 x – 4

So√3 −64 = −4
Activity - Integers

1. Arrange the following integers in ascending orders:

20 ; -1 ; 11 ; -2 ; -17 ; 10

2 Arrange the following integers in descending order:

-12 ; -1 ; -24 ; -23 ; 5 ; 3 ; 29

Indicate the following on a number line:

a) 5 + 7

b) -6 – 7

Calculate the following:

1. −4 (−3 ) + ( 9 ) (−2 ) =

2. √3 −27 ×(32 +5) =

3. (5¿¿ 3+3) ÷ 4 ¿ =

4. 8 × ( 4+ 9 ) – (−9)+18=¿

5. ( 10 ÷5 )2+ (10 – 9 ) ×11=¿

6. √3 9+15 ÷(5−2) =
7. √ 64 × (−4 )( 2 )=¿

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