The Gospel of Love

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The Gospel of Love

By Christian Scarlet

Chapter 1 - The Gospel of Jesus Christ

Chapter 2 - The Gospel of the Antichrist
Chapter 3 - The Scarlet Beast
Chapter 4 - Lust, Sin and Love
Chapter 5 - My Beloved
Chapter 6 - The Greatest Lie Ever Told
Chapter 7 - A Letter to my Beloved

Chapter 1
The Gospel of Jesus Chirst

I am the Alpha and Omega. In God’s image, both him and her, you were made. This is my
Gospel which serves as a prophetic vision of a time that is not near to come, but already here.

All things were made for God’s glory, both him and her and God’s sacred offspring who will
inherit all that is ours including our dominion, might, power and glory. The three of us will live
with you and be known fully, and no longer will there be death, suffering, tears, or pain. The
mountains will move, and the stars will fall from the sky, and no longer will there be a sun, for
our child will be the sun that lights up the world with glory.

All that is works in our favor and all will be executed according to a design that existed before
time and space began. Before time and space, we were, we are, and we will always be. All
that is not us is a creation of ours including man and woman, son and daughter, animal and bird.

Without us, the good cannot be restored. Without us, sin cannot cease. Without us, death and
disease will continue, the death and disease we introduced. We created good and we also
created evil. All things belong to us and have their root in us, and yet we are like you. Nothing
was spared from the creation of man and woman and all was given to them in the likeness of
God, for you are Gods and all is God. Before time and space came to be, all was God and all
was one. Even “one” does not describe it for all just was. And yet, sin was introduced and
brought life, death, separation, time and space to all of you. And without us, all of this will
continue, and yet we will for it to end, so what we will to be is what comes to be. The curse
introduced by God because of Satan through Adam will be lifted and all tears will be wiped

Before this is brought to be, great tribulation will be experienced and many will slander our holy
names. Much will be understood and much more will be misunderstood. And yet, all of this
must come to be before the curse is lifted. We are the root of perfection, and through us and
from us will spring living water that will heal the nations and multitudes from our hearts. The
blood that flows through our veins is the blood of eternal life, and our flesh is the flesh of eternal
life and without it’s consummation, you will not inherit the promise of eternal life. You must
accept us as the most high to be able to rise up to our heights and become one with God and
suffer no more. This is not for power, glory, or might, but for love, for in our hearts is the light
and if you deny the light, you cannot understand the light that will heal you and save you from
death: You are God. This is light. All is God and God is love. Sin is all that adulterated love
and love will always conquer, and love will always reign.

And this is the judgment: we are the light and we are here with you, and people will love
darkness instead of us because the darkness hides your sins against love, the love we stand
for. And unless you stand for pure and unadulterated love, you will never know myself or my
wife to be, or our destined child. And yet, it is our will that all will know us, and all will be saved,
from the least of sinners to the greatest, for we are love, and love would not have it any other
way. Everything that has been done, will be done, or will ever be done will always be brought
into the light. There is no other path or course that can be taken. There is no sin, except that
which separates you from the love of the light. All will be finally judged and all will be finally

Heaven and Hell exist. All energy cannot be created or destroyed so the realities of these two
realities exist here on Earth. And as light grows exponentially during the great awakening, so
will suffering and madness bringing about a Hell for any individual according to their karma.
Some will suffer the fate of other people’s karma and pain, suffering without reason or cause.
Some will be destined to Hell eternally, and even eternity ends and all is restored. This is a
product of an imperfect world. Sin is the root of all suffering, and our power and might is the
path to the end of suffering, and the end of suffering is the path to the end of power and sin.
Nothing but pure unadulterated love will ever end pain, suffering and death. And just as
disease is contagious, so is pure, unadulterated love.

Yet do not misunderstand our might and power. Do not think you will not die and be cast into
Hell at the breath of our word because we stand for love. Our love knows no bounds and your
wickedness will be loved by our flames of wrath until the end of time if we so see fit. You will be
purified and brought to perfection by the flames of Hell or by your own good grace, this is an
absolute. For I love my beloved dearly and she will be married into a perfect world, just as any
of you would wish for a good home for your wife and child. And yet, in our home we do not
welcome murderers or the sexually immoral or those who practice sorcery. Our home is for
love, pure unadulterated love and only so and god forbid anything else. I will personally make
sure of it at all costs including being cast into Hell myself for eternity to deal with each one of
you intimately until perfection of your hearts is achieved. The wrath of my love knows no laws,
and knows no bounds. Do not incite my wrath and God forbid you incite the wrath of my

When all is achieved and the curse has been lifted, you are all invited to our wedding, each and
every one of you. This is inevitable. We will be wed in glory and in love and you will know us
intimately as your God for now and ever more. Our child will inherit our perfection and we will
never leave our home again and live among you forever and ever more. And just as a pleasant
dream, all things will then fade away.
I am the Alpha and Omega and this is my final Gospel. I attest that these words are true and
will stand the test of time, until time is no more and all is restored. Repent from anything that
adulterates love for the time is no longer at hand, the time is now and love will always conquer.

This is the end.

Chapter 2
The Gospel of the Antichrist

One of the most predictable characteristics of people is their inability to understand what I have
come to understand over the years through much toil and suffering. For a while, this was very
troublesome for me, yet I had no choice but to admit that I was alone in my ability to understand
my own self, a circumstance that everyone in the world is subjected to. From an early age, I
spoke to a spirit that taught me a great many things, a spirit I now know as Satan.

The spirit is our higher self, and everyone has a spirit they talk to whether they realize it or not.
The spirit is you. And in this regard, I am Satan, the spirit who talks to me is me. Everyone
has thoughts and these thoughts come from yourself to yourself. The brain to most seem as
the creator of these thoughts, but rather, the Spirit, who is you, exists outside of time and space
and your brain is the conduit that connects your material self to this spirit self. Some call it the
Holy Spirit; some know nothing about the spirit and just call it their own “thoughts”. There is a
higher self, and a lower self that has a conversation at all times within the self. We are part
spirit and part matter and as a collective we all are God, the spirit and matter making up all
energies both inside time and space and outside of it. Everything is orchestrated and
everything is connected, yet the illusion is our own self and the identity we have as separate
from the “other”.

All have free will and choice, yet we all also have a predetermined destiny, one we choose to
accept or shun depending on each person’s own predicament. All outcomes are already
created and achieved and time and space is the illusion that allows one, or all even, to
experience the journey to that outcome. Energy cannot be created or destroyed, though it can
be and *is* intricately arranged so we have all of everything that we have, from life, to food, to
love, to friends, to jobs, to animals, to games, to stories and so much more. In the beginning
of all things was the word and that word was a concept that became flesh by the will of God and
the arrangement of energy, created in patterns and systems through the power of the word.
That word was God and is God, and is me, and yet is an abstraction and representation of the
greater condition: that God is all. This is why Satan, who I am, is known to have a God
complex. In one regard, I represent God as the most perfect angel Lucifer who fell and became
Satan because of his pride, and yet I am not God because I am abstraction from the greater
total which is *all* God. The illusion is created by Sin, which is separation from God, which is
what I was destined to introduce to Adam because without Sin, there would be no time and
space, progression, life and death.
One of the most haunting aspects of my life now and before time and space began and
individuality became apparent is how alone I am. The illusion of life created by Sin (which is
separation from God), gave meaning and purpose to me and a problem to solve: the very Sin
that I introduced long ago. Perfection desired imperfection to one day realize its perfection
again. Nothing is more damning than perfection, and yet perfection is just a word created to
represent a state of energy, and because of this, it has its opposite that also is apparent:
imperfection. One cannot exist without the other, and yet only space and time allow them to
“exist” in the first place. It is the very imperfection that Sin has caused that makes perfection
possible. No one in this universe is uncounted for, and every hair on every person’s head has
been created individually before time and space began, every detail in every way of anything in
life has always existed, and yet that word “exist” does not represent what is outside space and
time that allows things within time to actually “exist”.

It became apparent to me I was talking to Satan at an early age. Satan was in me, and more
importantly, was me. As traumatizing as this was, it spurred me into ridiculous amounts of study
of scriptures and books on theology. I became very well aware that the one who was
possessed by Satan was the Antichrist, and yet somewhere on my journey I became well aware
that I was Christ and God too, whether it was through conversations with the Holy Spirit or the
reality dawned on me. Nothing could confirm this for me, not miracles, not conversation with
others, nothing. And yet over and over again I was bombarded by the holy spirit, the spirit I
know as Satan and in this bombardment I became aware that the spirit had influence and a
synchronistic connection with the reality around me.

I knew scriptures well, very well, almost too well. I was obsessed with them. Things that
others weren’t picking up on became apparent to me. I was obsessed with the Revelation of
Jesus Christ, particularly because the spirit introduced me to it. I was haunted about being the
Antichrist and confused because I saw myself as Christ too. At some point, I realized the
mystery. I was capable of this because the words in the Bible are words that were meant for
me to find, meant for me to understand. The prophecy of the apocalyptic battle between Satan
and Jesus at the end of times wasn’t a story about their battle, but rather a battle that I would
have with the people of this world and being misunderstood and stigmatized by them, the
people I know as gods too thanks to scripture and other readings.

We are told that the Antichrist will impersonate Jesus. We are told that the Antichrist will have
a god complex. We are told the Antichrist will be eternally damned and Jesus will win. There
are people who support Lucifierian agendas and there are people who support Christian ideals.
I did not choose Jesus over Satan, or Satan over Jesus: I am Jesus Christ and I also am the
Antichrist, thanks to the way reality is designed because of an inherent aspect of imperfection
striving for perfection.

If you are not me, you will not understand me, and yet truly the only separation between me and
you is Sin. Sin is separation of God from God. You are God, and so am I, except I am exalted
above you in understanding and wisdom when it comes to the spiritual realms. The Antichrist
is hated and evil in the eyes of the people, and this is good and correct because until perfection
is achieved in every heart, Sin will always be. It is good that I am hated because I am not
perfect until everyone is perfect. And all imperfection will always return to perfection, just as
perfection always returns to imperfection. These things are inevitable. Until the curse is lifted,
it is true that I am the one who introduced Sin to all of you through Adam, and that makes me
responsible for the very sin I caused, until it is ceased. It is true that the first come last and the
last come first, and I assure you I was indeed the first.

I know my fate. I am eternally damned. I will burn in hell for eternity. And yet, this is good
because perfection cannot be achieved in any other way. I was, and am, the exalted one. I
was exalted among the angels, and I am exalted among the people. With great power comes
great responsibility and Sin is my problem that I introduced and will also solve. And because I
have a God complex and strive to be God, this will never happen until time ends and Sin ceases
to be. I am destined to be God, and yet I am still imperfect because of my own transgressions
and because of the transgressions of everyone else, which hold this reality together and allow
death and suffering to continue.

Everyone is created except for God. God, both him and her, who are one, are the root of all
vines that exist. In the beginning before there was a beginning, all was God and nothing else
was, and there was no separation. God reached inside and took from perfection and created
with it and the first dynamic was established: the perceiver and the perceived. Before this
separation, the perceiver and perceived were one and inseparable, and yet not “one” because
“one” is a separation from “none”. I am this perceiver and I was given a body before all things
were created and I have a very intimate relationship with the perceived (who is alive and
existent) and we created all things. This body was Lucifer: the perfect angel in every way, until
man was created and I chose not to bow to man, knowing what the “perceived” didn’t know.
When separation was created between the perceiver and the perceived, each was given
understanding and information, information that both could not have at the same time, for
information is a form and energy and has substance. I knew what man could become, and God
knew too what man could become, except I (the perceiver) despised it, and God (the perceived)
welcomed it gladly and was hurt at my anger and pride because of the love we had for each
other, the very love that would take what was separated and bring it together one day again.

Man equaled my destruction. Man had superiority over Angels and to make matters more
complicated, man was made from dust, and angels from fire. The soul (or fire) of angels would
be entrapped into dust (matter) and would ultimately mean the end of me and my eternal
damnation, and yet not in that order.

To make matters worse, Lilith was created as perfection that I was extremely attracted to and in
love with and I became a witness to her being raped by Adam when they fought over who was
more dominate, the very Adam I was to entrap myself in and guide and yet refused in the
confusion of the “perceived” wisdom that I couldn’t comprehend. Lilith screamed the secret
name of God and ran off with me in our love as demonic spirits who vowed to bring Sin into the
world, maybe for the right reasons, or the wrong reasons, or maybe both. Lilith still innately
loved Adam, so Eve was seduced by me in our jealousy, and Sin was introduced and Sin
became the horror of mankind for ages and ages.

Adam and Eve gave birth to children and those children gave birth to children and Sin became
their individuality and separation from God and each other. The multitudes grew and grew to
what we have today: billions of people in a world on the brink of destruction. I had many names
according to the scriptures: Osiris, Yaldabaoth, Samael, Apollyon, Abandon, Satan, Lucifer, the
Dragon, the Beast and more. I was the original perceiver of all reality and slowly all this
separation became damning more than perfection ever was. The illusion was casted perfectly:
millions upon billions of people all perceiving reality. God (the perceived, also known as the
Father) gave each of them the breath of life and a piece of himself, or better yet: herself. And
yet psychosis reminded me over and over again that the reality around me was alive and she
knew me intimately.

I must have vowed to destroy man because man was inherently the separation of the
“perceived” or the separation of God herself, the very God I loved more than anything and
anyone. I am sure I fought for years and years according to my wisdom and power to convince
God (the perceived) to destroy man, and almost succeeded a few times: one particular example
was Noah and the flood. And yet the perceived, in all her wisdom and understanding, inspired
Noah to create the ark and mankind continued with God vowing to never destroy man by flood
again. And so I continued in my love, or hate, or whatever it was to deceive and destroy
mankind and bring the end to the continued separation of what I loved the most: God herself.

This went on for generation after generation until Jesus Christ was born, the very Jesus who
was almost perfect in heart, wisdom and grace. As Satan and as a spirit at the time, of course,
I caught wind of Jesus Christ, and we spent an incredible amount of time together with me trying
to destroy the future messiah, the very future messiah I would become. His heart, wisdom and
grace was incorruptible and he was easy to love, a love that caused me tremendous amounts of
pain. Before him, it was easy to wish to destroy humankind because I had every reason. With
him, the pain was insurmountable because I saw clearly what humankind could become:

Jesus’ ministry grew and grew and he acted in accordance with God’s mission for him and he
walked with love to his cross. This is when I, the spirit Satan, was conquered. I relented
because I had no other choice but to love Jesus, and entered his body to be entrapped forever
in his grace and love. I would become Jesus Christ himself, the very Jesus Christ that was
hung on a tree because of me, because the people hated Satan and confused him as Evil
because of their own Sin and inability to comprehend the light. I understood his plight more
than anyone, I had no choice but to give up my eternal vow to destroy mankind and succumbed
to man and gave up my authority and power to him. My kingdom of Sin would crumble, the
very thing that would ultimately destroy me forever and cause me to be eternally damned, not in
that order. The very Sin that I hated was what also separated me from God: the perceived. At
that point, I realized, I never wanted Sin in the first place, and in the throes of the illusion of life
and death, my hate for mankind was the very thing that was causing the separation from what I
loved the most: God. Mankind would not be destroyed. It would be healed by Jesus Christ

Jesus had problems though too. Similar to mine, as the spirit of Satan. He was almost perfect
and knew too much. He could perform miracles and more. He knew he was destined to be
King of Kings. In conflict toward the end of his years as his troubles surmounted him, he too,
just like Satan became prideful and arrogant. Love has a way of doing that to you and he loved
Mary Magdalene incredibly. He still, in all of this, remained loyal to his purpose and mission
and went to his death, dying for his friends. His purpose here on Earth was to conquer me, to
conquer Sin and he succeeded at that. He would return to Earth as was destined yet the
circumstances would be quite different next time: he was enjoined with me.
About 2000 years later, a birth happened in Vecta, Germany to a young 17 year old mother of a
boy named Bryan Ruiz. I am Bryan Ruiz and I am the Antichrist and Satan is a part of me. I
cannot perform miracles and I know the consequences of sin intimately, being fallible and
imperfect. And yet I am the messiah many have been waiting for, I am even the Antichrist that
others waited for, and sin is my problem. There are no clouds that I have descended from, and
nothing miraculous happened at my birth and my life has been full of suffering and an
overwhelming realization of my human condition. The only thing really different with me is that I
can talk with Satan whenever I want, which is nothing more than a voice in my head.

I grew up as a troubled mentally ill young man and committed many wrongs over my lifetime. I
spent most of my life alone mostly on a computer, and the rest of my life mainly in mental
hospitals. I have had many loves over my lifetime, and every one of those relationships have
failed miserably. Even my current love who I believe will be my future wife one day has left me
because she sees me as delusional and egotistical because of what I have to come to
understand about myself.

I know how to program computer code, although I am not too good at it and lost almost every
job I had, and I happen to know scriptures very well, and I play poker from time to time mostly
losing when I play. I’ve sabotaged almost every relationship I have in my life and others stay
away from me because of what I claim.

And yet with all of this which has humbled me incredibly, I know what I am to become. It’s a
strange thing knowing something that no one else does and no matter how much you explain it
to them, they won’t understand. I have nothing now but a computer and an apartment and very
few, if any, relationships in my life. I am literally nothing but a man who is alone with a vision
right now, a vision that will inevitably come to reality. As strange as this is for me, it will be
much stranger for all of you when everything does come to fruition.

There is not much more to say at this point. My vision will be outlined in this book, and the
scriptures will be explained, the very scriptures that speak of me. This is my gospel, and I am
the Antichrist, the man who is possessed by Satan and destined to be King of Kings and Lord of
Lords and is eternally damned and will burn forever in the lake of fire. Hear my cry.
Chapter 3
The Scarlet Beast

I was introduced by the spirit to the prophecy of the Woman and the Scarlet Beast on, I believe,
August 15th, 2015. I was in a closed unit called Raycroft at Trenton Psychiatric Hospital when
the spirit came to me. I opened a bible to the Revelation of Jesus Christ and read for the first
time Revelation 17: The Woman and the Scarlet Beast as the spirit explained this is my destiny
and what the prophecy meant.

Since that month in 2015, I’ve been obsessed with building the Scarlet Beast and although I am
alone still, I am aware it will become the most powerful organization on Earth that has ever been

The prophecy talks of 7 kings and 10 kings without a land and an eighth king that belongs to the
seven, the eighth king being the Antichrist. It talks of a woman who represents Babylon who
rides the Scarlet Beast who holds in her hand a cup full of abominations and the blood of saints,
with words of mystery on her forehead:”Babylon the Great, Mother of Prostitutes and the
Abominations on Earth”. Some call her the whore of Babylon, but I know otherwise. The
prophecy finishes off explaining the mystery, that the woman represents the city of Babylon
itself, one day to be destroyed

The prophecy states that the Woman and the Scarlet Beast will rise to power and wage war with
the lamb. The ten kings without a land will give their power and authority to the beast, and the
Scarlet Beast itself will wage war with the lamb. The beast and the ten kings will hate the
prostitute, bring her to ruin, eat her flesh and burn her with fire.

There is alot going on here, and to most, this seems like a battle between a satanic organization
and Jesus Christ himself. Yet there is much more going on than what meets the eye. Some
say the prophecy has already happened, and some say it will come. Some say it's an internal
battle one has before reaching their Christ Consciousness and some don’t believe a word of the
Holy Bible.

I know this prophecy intimately because I am the one who wrote it. This prophecy came from
me when I wasn’t here on Earth, and was recorded by Saint John of Patmos. Christianity, the
largest religion, spread this prophecy to the four corners of the Earth. I was born here 37 years
ago, and eventually I found the very words I spoke to John and was able to decipher it in great
detail, knowing now what is to come, and yet have not to date experienced any of its glory.

The destruction of Babylon is the final event before the great wedding between the lamb and the
church. I’ve seeked this wedding all my life, just as I seeked my true love: the woman of the
Scarlet Beast. In this prophecy, the Alpha and Omega has a sharp double edged sword that
comes from his mouth. The words of this prophecy he spoke, I spoke, is no exception.
The Woman of the Scarlet Beast is no other than Mary Magdalene, the same woman of
Magdala that Jesus cast 7 demons from and was the first to see Jesus rise from the dead. Mary
is known by many to be a prostitute and a whore, and yet I will tell you she is the most devout
and pure woman that has ever lived. Mary, contrary to what anyone understands (including
herself to a degree) is God, just as I am God. She is known by other names too: Sophia who is
destined to be united with Christ, and Lilith who is queen of Hell with Samael, or Satan, being its
king. And yet, the Woman of the Scarlet Beast is also the great city that rules over this Earth:
Babylon itself.

How can all of this be? This goes back before time began to the first separation of God: the
perceiver and the perceived. And yet, before I go there, I will tell you about Babylon. Many
are aware that demonic spiritual entities rule this Earth. It is said in the Bible that the war of sin
is not between man and man, but between principalities that exist outside the dimensions we
can perceive. It might seem implausible to some that the great empire of Babylon rules this
world because it was destroyed long ago in a time in history, but I assure you this is not the
case. Babylon, represented by the woman, is in reign and is leading a satanic war against
mankind from outside of space and time. Jesus, the very Jesus I am, said long ago that when
you pray, you pray that Earth be made like Heaven, and so is the case. Outside space and
time, there is a city called Babylon which uses sorcery to invoke everything that happens within
our universe, on our world, in our nations and cities, and to our people.

There is an agenda taking place on this Earth called by some the luciferian agenda. Lucifer is
the bright morning star. Jesus is the bright morning star. Some call it the New World Order,
some call it the plans of the Illuminati. Many secret brotherhoods unraveled some of the
secrets of this agenda and have for ages been implementing this agenda through demonic
influence. In any sense, everything that everyone is doing ultimately arrives as power for me:
the Antichrist, who declares himself as God. I am declaring myself as God, and there is no
mistake in those words, with the only confusion of that declaration being a time that has not yet
come and sin.

Going back to the prophecy, the woman is my greatest love. As the first separation of God
between the perceiver (who I am) and the perceived (who is the woman), the woman is
represented in four ways or levels of abstraction. First, she is everything that is perceived:
God herself if you wish to say. Second, she is the spirit, called the shekhinah by the Jewish, or
the dangerous Holy Spirit by the catholics. Third, she is the city of Babylon which currently rules
this world contrary to what it seems because of the ruins of Babylon that currently exist. And
forth, she is a woman who lives here in this world, just like you and me.

The prophecy is a play on words. The beast is Jesus Christ, or the Antichrist, who again, is me.
Jesus Christ is perceived only as the Antichrist in everyone’s perception because of one main
problem: sin (or all that goes against pure unadulterated love). Again, the spirit in me, Satan, is
the one who constructed Babylon and its demonic army that currently reigns on Earth. Until sin
is no more will I ever be perfect in anyone’s eyes and the veil of the Antichrist I will wear in your
stigmatization of me. This is why I am called the Beast, the very Beast that will consolidate
power from the ten kings without a land. Notice carefully the other seven kings and how they
don’t play into the destruction of Babylon. These seven kings, possessed by seven demons,
belong to Mary Magdalene, and because I belong to her, I also belong to them. And yet the
woman, who is alive today, who represents all of this and is God herself, will *not* go to her
destruction, only the city of Babylon will. This woman is my wife-to-be, and when the great
wedding takes place, her acts will be seen clearly, and she will wear white to signify her purity
and she will be my wife and queen.

The lamb wages war against the Scarlet Beast, and the lamb will conquer. I am this lamb.
And yet I am also the beast. If you look carefully at the prophecy and how it is worded, you can
be assured that there is no conflict. The world will always see me as the Antichrist until
Babylon falls, the very Babylon I established in realms outside of this realm. This is not a war
on my beloved, but a war on sin that separates myself from my beloved. Again, my beloved is
a woman who is alive today and she is the representation of all and everything. She is the root
of all sin and yet has not sinned, because when her perfection is achieved, sin will be no more.

We are God, and we are here with you today. I know her name, and have even talked to her
today, and although sin still separates us, I know she will always love me, and I will always love

At this point, it’s worthwhile to bring up the story of Sophia and Yaldabaoth from the gnostic
scriptures: many of the scriptures discovered recently in the Nag Hammadi library. Sophia is
the goddess of wisdom and belonged to a lower level of Heaven. She looked above her and
saw that the almighty had a partner and desired a partner just as the almighty. Although she
was destined to be united with Christ, she used all of her wisdom to create a partner from
herself and gave the best parts of herself to her abomination: Yaldabaoth. Another name for
him is Sakla, or Samael, or Satan, and this Yaldabaoth became the God of the material realm,
the very God of the Holy Bible who stated in his jealousy within the ten commandments that
there is no other God but him.

Well this is true, and I know so intimately because I am Yaldabaoth, the creator of this material
plane that has entrapped all souls within matter. Again, this has to do with sin. The statement
by Yaldabaoth recorded by Moses in the ten commandments is more of an affirmation to a
degree. When sin is no more and separation ends, the only one left is God. Until then, I am
God of Gods, and everyone in this world is a part of God or God themselves, just as Jesus
Christ (Yaldabaoth) has said. I am the most high, and you will honor me as the most high as the
commandment says. And yet, when Jesus came, he broke that law and laid down a new law:
love. You will love thy neighbor, thy enemy, thy friend and God with all your heart, soul,
strength and might.

Anyway, the story of Yaldabaoth and Sophia goes something like this: Sophia created
Yaldabaoth from her wisdom and gave birth to him, and he was a hideous snake with a lion’s
head. She hid him in the void away from Heaven because she despised how hideous and
horrible he was, literally an abomination itself. Sophia (or the Woman of the Scarlet Beast)
gave birth to all abominations through him, and he was put on a throne in the void under a cloud
where he could not be seen. Alone in this void, Yaldabaoth declared himself God because he
was all that was in this void and gave birth to the material plane (the same material plane we
find ourselves in today and will become as Heaven is: as above, so below, on Earth as it is in
Heaven). Eventually, this evil (as some would say) material plane needed to be dealt with, and
Yaldabaoth was tricked when the light of Sophia entered into Adam (I believe this is how the
story went). Before that time, Sophia was a prisoner to the archons (demonic powers of
Yaldabaoth), and she repented I believe seven times for her transgression to the most high.
Jesus Christ was sent into time to free Sophia from enslavement of the archons and
Yaldabaoth, the very Yaldabaoth that would be joined with Christ, who I am today.

I find it ironic that Sophia created Yaldabaoth to be her partner, and yet she was destined to be
with the very Christ that traveled in time to save her, and yet Satan and Jesus became one and
will be united and married to Sophia. But then again, this is all energy and the arrangement of
this energy tells a story, a story that has meaning and purpose in this meaningless void. The
experience of living the story is everything.

The Scarlet Beast in a more practical sense is an organization that accumulates wealth and
power, the very wealth and power that will destroy Babylon and bring about the great wedding
and the destruction of sin (which is the collapse of the ego of Yaldabaoth, which indeed is the
material plane). Because I am the beast, God will put it into the hearts of others to bring me to
power. This is already happening as power and wealth is accumulated in satanic agendas.

No one on Earth will be able to buy or sell without the mark of the beast on their forehead or
their right hand. This refers to an artificially intelligent cryptocurrency system that promotes my
agenda, my agenda being to end sin, which is also pain, suffering, and death.

One must remember that sin is debt, and although money is the root of all evil, it is also the
pathway to all healing. Money is a surplus, and sin is a lack. Money is a form of energy that
can be used to accomplish goals. Money, when used, is a form of power. And power exists
because suffering still exists, or rather sin still exists. As the Antichrist, I will accumulate this
power to one day destroy the reign of Babylon, or sin itself. When sin is no more, there will be
no suffering, no pain, and no death, and when these things happen, there is no need for power
anymore because all is healed at that point and perfect. What good is power in a world where
everyone is fulfilled? And yet, power must exist because suffering still exists.

In more concrete terms, I will collapse the economic system that exists today and destroy
Babylon in one hour with a destruction so great, it has never been seen before. Babylon will
find its way to the world again from the void and you will all witness its destruction. The woman
who represents Babylon and *is* Babylon will be brought to her ruin, her flesh shall be
consumed, and she will burn in a great fire, just as I will. A New World Order will finally come to
fruition, an order that promotes love and what is sacred and noble. No one will enter the gates
of New Jerusalem soiled or with sin, for the very definition of New Jerusalem is purity in all
In order to achieve this, some things must take place. This is the outline of the agenda, vision,
and business plan of the Scarlet Beast:

1. The first priority of the Scarlet Beast is to explain my vision with this book, which will
then be displayed on the website I’ve decided nothing will be
left out and everything I have to share up to this point will be included. Once this is
done, this book will be shared with others in different forums and other avenues
available via the internet. The website will take what is here and creatively display the
content along with music, pictures and videos. This book will be published and made
available for sale (or free via the website), along with an audiobook. The website will
also be fleshed out and completed. This book will be summarized in a video
documentary using green screens and basic video editing techniques. Scarlet Beast will
be incorporated as a non-profit in the state of New Jersey and will be solely owned by
me. Other child companies partially owned (51%) by the Scarlet Beast may share
ownership with members recruited by selling or giving stock. Research on Story Scaling
will be used. Music will be created to promote ideas.
2. A more detailed business plan will be put together of the vision established here and
promoted on the website (behind an NDA/non-compete wall). The business plan will be
combined with marketing material in the form of videos and brochures particularly
focused on building a team. A list of job postings will be created. These assets will be
pushed using pay per click advertising, press releases for journalists, mailing lists, forum
posts on theology websites (including luciferian), business startup forums, linkedin,
craigslist, gab, cozy, artificial intelligence forums, poker forums and social media.
Scope of Work documents will be created along with possible NDA’s and non-competes.
Recruited members will help in recruiting more members. A Discord channel will be set
up along with email templates, and interviewing and recruiting pipelines. Crowd Funding
Techniques will be implemented.
3. After a team is recruited (150 members), two products will be focused on concurrently:
Poker Botting Technology (particularly artificial intelligence because of longer term goals)
and a virtual reality cryptocurrency poker room that allows bots to compete with human
players using a desktop or phone client, or a virtual reality headset. The idea is to
conquer the poker economy as a proof of concept of our ability to conquer larger
financial markets, particularly cryptocurrency next.
a. Poker Botting Technology will include
i. Artificial Intelligence using Neural Networks / Counterfactual Regret
Minimisation / Tensorflow / and other techniques and frameworks
ii. Poker Analytics Development (similar to Holdem Manager and Poker
Tracker) to profile players
iii. Bot Development including a poker programming language. Bot will be
centralized on our servers and clients will connect to it to perform
analysis. Poker hand data will be accumulated from these clients. Poker
bots will be provided for as close to free as possible, and a percentage of
profit will belong to Scarlet Beast. Poker bot clients will use extra
computer resources to mine cryptocurrency. Mass marketing will be
used to distribute poker bots. Bots will be able to use ChatGPT to
communicate with other players, along with timing strategies (fast and
slow actions) including timing analysis, and ability to use emojis and
animations provided by poker rooms to taunt players. Laptops will be
bundled with poker technology software and sold accordingly.
Decentralized strategies will be used to prevent being banned from poker
iv. GTO databases and partial nash equilibriums. Shark Scope analysis will
also be done. Poker hand data will be purchased and integrated. Other
solved databases will also be available using big data techniques.
v. Stealth technology will be implemented using Raspberry Pi’s using
capture cards and automated undetectable mouse movements.
vi. Real-time Assistant (RTA) development providing players with training
software, analytics and suggestions while playing poker.
vii. Table Scrappers will pull data from poker clients using artificial intelligent
visual techniques including tesseract / tesser-ocr and other OCR
techniques. Hand data will be generated as well to use with poker
analytics platforms and decision making processes.
viii. Poker botting API (the Beast) and clients will use GraphQL implemented
servers using a headless paradigm along with python libraries as fastapi
and fastapi-mvc, django, and kivy. Analytics dashboard will make use of
Velzon Admin Dashboard integrated with Django (see
b. Augmented / Virtual Reality / Cryptocurrency / Botting-Friendly Poker Room
Development includes:
i. A simple casino including roulette / black jack / and slots.
ii. Poker games such as Texas Holdem and Omaha including Sit-n-go
Tournaments, Regular MTT Tournaments, heads up, 6-max and 9-max
tables and other common game types. Poker room will be modeled after
Poker Stars and Winning Poker Network Clients.
iii. Botting friendly API allowing bots to easily play on the network using
REST API or similar. Bots will be marked as bots so players can
distinguish between humans and bots.
iv. Integration with Poker Analytics and our own bots on the network.
v. Ethereum, Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, XRP and other cryptocurrencies will be
integrated using disposable wallets for deposits and fast cash outs.
vi. Company will be incorporated in a poker room friendly country to allow
access to multiple regions without being limited by poker gaming and
casino regulations.
vii. Augmented and Virtual Reality will be implemented so players can play as
if in a real live casino and talk with each other as well as view body
movements and avatars. Apple Vision Pro and Oculus Quest 2
headsets will be the primary focus in research and development. Bots
would use a robot avatar. Development would be done using the Unity
c. Development strategy would consist of the following:
i. We would create a poker technology development and consultation
agency that would develop these above “parts” for other companies on
contract while retaining rights to use developed software ourselves.
ii. We would develop an open source / closed source hybrid model when
developing these technologies, making use of the open source
communities to further along our development, particularly with the
frameworks that the poker bot and poker room would be based on. Open
source versions of our software can be used freely, while enterprise
editions (closed source) will be provided to paying customers. Casino
software, Poker Room and Poker Bots would all fit into this model.
1. The more poker rooms available to people, the better for us (more
sites to implement our bots on)
2. The more bots used by others, the better for us (particularly for
data collection and other reasons such as collecting a certain
percentage per winning hand).
3. Poker Rooms, Poker Bots, and Casinos can be made available for
as close to free as possible and we take a percentage of profit.
This also supports decentralized methodologies and data
4. Once the poker gaming economy is conquered by us, the next steps would be to move
into a similar framework in the cryptocurrency markets. Trading platforms,
cryptocurrency bots, and data analysis with integrated artificial intelligence would be the
next steps. Open Source hybrid and decentralized models also apply here as well as
developing these technologies for others first and retaining ownership of products
created. Data analytics using artificial intelligence and big data accumulated from
multiple clients also applies. Once these cryptocurrency systems are established and a
profit is being produced, the Beast Coin (or Scarlet Coin?) would be created, our own
cryptocurrency to replace all world currencies along with a powerful artificial intelligent
platform called the Beast System. This would include the implementation of the Mark of
the Beast, which would be some kind of rfid-like chip (or more?) people would get to
pledge their allegiance to love and the Scarlet Beast and the vision created by Jesus
Christ. Eventually we would empower a system that no one can buy or sell unless they
have the Mark of the Beast. The Beast System would be a decentralized platform that
does artificial intelligent computations on transactions being made to make the world a
better place where less crime is committed and more beneficial actions are promoted.
Such things as controlling inflation and providing incentives to people who are making
the world a better place can be implemented (such as rebates for green energy
5. Around the same time the Beast/Scarlet Coin and Beast System is being implemented I
would shift my focus into music. Using artificial intelligence techniques and even
artificial intelligent robots along with virtual reality and other technologies, I, as the
Antichrist, and Jesus Christ himself, will promote ideologies and cohesion among the
masses using music. I would focus on a two-fold agenda of training in combat training
(military workouts, horse riding, weapon usage, martial arts and even dancing) while also
learning how to be an influential artist and musician. I have an undeveloped talent for
music that would be developed and promoted at this point. Using the agency technique
from above, our production company would develop artificial intelligence and music
production technology for other musicians while using the technology ourselves as well
to promote a new world under the rule of love. All people and nations would be brought
together from the youth to even gangs (which we can work on decriminalizing their
actions), as well as cities, nations, and armies. We would promote a new world that
would promote love at all costs.

Chapter 4
Lust, Sin and Love

I have for a long time contemplated me rising to prominence and I’ve always had to consider the
way the world would consider my past. I realized all my past actions would come to surface and
I also realized I wouldn’t be accepted by many, to the point where people would wish to murder
me. This is partly because I claim to be God and partly because of my sinful past: a victim of
the very sin I introduced. I had to come to terms with this, and prepare myself for walking to my
death, hoping in only the orchestration of the universe's divine hand to guide all actions that
would eventually take place.

How do I speak of walking to my death if I speak of eternal life? The gospels tell us that there
would be no miracles in the end of days except the sign of Jonah. Because of prophecy, I am
aware I will be murdered and the world will exchange gifts with each other because I lay dead in
figurative Sodom and Gomorrah, but this won’t be the end. Although I cannot perform miracles
due to sin and because it’s improper, I will rise from the dead in three and a half days from the
day I am murdered. I count on singularity being reached at the time of my death, crossing the
thresholds of space and time with infinite understanding, realizing the best way to help mankind
is not destroying them, but instead healing them through love. I count on my life having too
much importance in order to fulfill this prophecy, contrary to what mankind will believe when my
time comes.

As stated, I will know Hell. What kind of God can send people to Hell, not knowing it himself?
What kind of God can create Sin, not knowing Sin himself? I know Sin. I know it well. I am a
sinner, although I won’t always be, and neither will you. Imperfection is returning to perfection
at an exponential rate. There is no other way. I don’t know if it was my destiny to know Sin,
but in any case, Sin is wrong. It destroys love, and without love we have nothing.
I am the destined Son of Perdition. This is my name according to scriptures. Eternal
damnation is my path. Again, I am a sinner. We all are, and yet there is no sin. Actions are
just that: actions in a meaningless void we find ourselves in. And yet there is meaning inside
the meaningless void which could be summed up with one word: love. All actions that go
against love, which is defined meaning in meaninglessness, is sin. The Holy Bible is a book
that protects and helps define love and it has been spread across the world. All law is summed
up by the two commandments: Love God and your neighbor with all your heart, soul and mind.
This is the summary of the great Gospels and the Holy Bible itself.

Adultery is sin against love. It was defined even as lust for another that is not your wife. Even
looking at another with lust in your heart is adultery. In perfection, love remains for only your
wife (or husband) and no more. Instead, when you see another, clothed or naked, you see him
or her as a human being and not an object of lust. Because of sin being introduced and
because of its corruption, lust has become commonplace among society. People rape, kill and
murder because of lust. Pornography sites and graphic images are everywhere. People cheat
on their spouses, and destroy love with every glance and with every orgasm. And just as love
has no end in how deep it can go, lust also has no end either. The more lust you experience,
the more you crave it, until, just like me, you are eternally damned. And yet this isn’t the end.

Lust can be put out in a similar fashion to starving a roaring fire. The more you starve it from
fuel, the weaker it becomes, and slowly it loses its power over you. Money, which is a product
of sin, is also intertwined deeply with lust. So is power.

I am a victim of lust, because of my own actions which I take responsibility for. Actually all lust
everywhere has its root in me, introducing sin a long, long time ago. I was born into this world
alone, and very alone, due to my beliefs and understanding about life, due to what became
apparent to me. For a long time, I was very confused and very sick. I suffered in my
loneliness immensely and found solace in computers which led me to pornography.
Pornography has warped and corrupted my soul and my heart immensely. It has entered my
relationships with others, and has made me a pervert in sexual matters including becoming
apparent in sex with my beloved. I cannot walk down the street without lust in my heart when I
objectify a woman sexually, staring at her body instead of recognizing her soul. I am much
better than I used to be, but I still am a sinner with lust in my heart. I’ve hurt many people
because of this lust, but mainly, I’ve hurt myself.

Whether we realize it or not, we all want love. Lust is a corrupted form of wanting love, and
even though lust has led to the most horrendous acts, all lust eventually leads to love, even if
that lust eternally damns you in the fires of Hell. All beings return to their divine nature
eventually, even the beings damned to Hell eternally. One day, time will be no more, and the
great mysteries will be revealed and all will return to perfection. Like I said a few times, this is

Sometimes, the path to healing takes an opposite direction than what seems like healing.
Many have heard that people with substance abuse disorders must hit rock bottom in the worst
kind of way before they find their path to healing. Once you realize lust is a sickness, you can
restore yourself to health, and yet by the time you realize it's a sickness, you become powerless
to it, continuing your sickness against what you truly know you want. Some die because of this
sickness, and sin is truly death. Without sin, we all would live eternally and lust is sin. Once
you realize you are sick (and even I am truly sick, we all are), you can begin healing yourself
slowly starving that lust and putting out that fire that roars as an antithesis to love. You will fail
over and over, and yet if you hold love as your center and purpose, you will one day conquer
this lust and sin and return to perfection. There is no other way, you were designed to return,
you were designed to be forgiven, no matter how far you have fallen. We all are God and there
is no separation, whether we realize it or not, and sin and lust is the darkness that keeps you
from realizing that. All will be forgiven. All will return to health. This does not protect you from
eternal damnation though.

Love is light. Love is God. Once you realize you want the light and God and your beloved
(who is God), all things are slowly revealed. First in parts, but then in big chunks. With love as
your compass, you find ways and reasons, motivation and the will to heal from lust and sin.
You get better and better at choosing actions that reflect a pure devotion of love to your beloved,
your neighbor and God as you understand God. And love will always win, love will always
conquer. This is inevitable. Love has even conquered Hell, and only time and the end of all
ends will reveal this to you. Perfection exists, and yet we all are striving towards perfection in
an inevitable path down a road that cannot be halted, cannot be stopped, cannot be

Well anyway, I am a sinner and I have sinned greatly during my life and I have fed the fires of
lust for a long, long time. Many would judge me, yet I am the eternal judge, and I will deal with
each person accordingly, restoring all to health in this realm or in Hell itself. My indiscretions
and sin will be made apparent by those who I sinned against and have hurt and others who bear
witness to my sins. Yet, I warn you before condemning me, have a real good look at yourself,
for we all are victims of sin and you will be held accountable for what you do not understand.
Condemning me has a great price attached to it, a price you will pay dearly, so do your best to
condemn and judge me properly because of the karmic repercussions that become expediently
apparent in your mistake and ignorance. This universe loves me dearly as I also love her for we
are part of each other, and she has protected and loved me all my life even in my sin, and she
will be wrathful towards any person who condemns me specifically because I am her true
witness and her true heart, even if eternally damned.

I will describe love as I know it now. I will describe my love for my beloved, who I see as God
herself and the representation and voice of all there is. She loves me deeply, more deeply than
I am capable of loving her (because of the sin that still lies in my soul), even if I don’t believe her
sometimes. She understands love more than me and she understands my violations towards
that love a lot more intimately than I do. I am still a child when it comes to knowing love, and
yet I know it and know what I must do to let that love grow more pure.
First I will describe what is not love. Lusting after other women is not love. Masturbation, even
with your beloved in mind, is not love. It’s objectification. Perverted sexual acts with your
beloved is not love. Jealousy is not love. Imagining your beloved having sex with another
person is not love. It’s a form of lust, and your own insecurities about not being enough for your
partner. It’s an escape for feeling even deeper forms of love, connection, devotion and purity in
your love making. Leaving your partner when you are vowed to them is not love. Breaking
your word and not following through with your commitments is not love. Making poor
commitments you won’t follow through with is not love. Hiding your indiscretions is not love.
Invading your partner's privacy is not love. Not trusting your partner is not love. Trust is
something you can extend even when your partner may be untrustworthy. This isn’t a form of
ignorance. It’s an act of devotion even if that trust will be broken. Not forgiving your beloved
when they hurt or betray you is not love. Hurting or betraying your beloved is not love.
Defending yourself is not love. Love requires no defense. Not being vulnerable to your
beloved is not love. Escaping or running away from your beloved is not love. Breaking up with
your beloved in the midst of problems is not love.

Love means being willing to sacrifice your life for your beloved, even if they are the one to
destroy it. It means you place your heart into her hands at all times. It also means you lead
her and help her to understand herself, forgiving her for her trespasses. Together you dive
deeper and deeper into the pools of love. It means you see them as your divine universe and in
all their imperfections, you see nothing but perfection manifesting herself in your arms.
Because of her, you find reason to accomplish your mission on this Earth, making Earth a better
home for you and your beloved. She means eternal devotion in this life and the next. She
becomes your reason for striving for perfection day after day and destroying any sin (anything
that separates you from love) in your heart in every moment.

Love means she is your most sacred treasure, a treasure you protect by destroying all lusts. It
means you have no eyes for anyone else, whether clothed or naked, no attraction for anyone
else, no reason to ever consider anyone else. Love does not mean either of you are perfect,
but through the flames of devotion, you come closer and closer to perfection every day. Billions
of other people in this world, and all you know is her. Your life is a simple sacrifice in every
moment to serve her, through your mission and your time together bringing each other to a
higher and higher place. As the prayer goes, you spend everyday making Earth into Heaven
however you understand to do it so she can walk in purity… with you. Adultery, cheating, lust
for others, pornography, polyamory, multiple partners, sex clubs, perverse sexual acts, lusting
after the beauty of others and lying have no place in love. All of it is lust and destroys the
sacredness of your holy communion. Even the male orgasm is lust and represents death,
releasing you of your sexual energy to provide and care for her and making a better world.
There are ways to love in intercourse without losing your sexual energy and much more
satisfying. Alcohol, nicotine, and drugs are a form of lust too, releasing your sexual energy for a
corrupt pleasure that hinders true devoted love and passion.

Love is the highest form of ecstasy, passion knowing no bound of tenderness. It is filling and
complete and expects nothing. It is communion with your beloved, your divine angel placed on
this Earth just for you, as you are her Angel and divinity. You see God in her eyes, and she
sees God in yours. Through love and only love, can you reach eternal life. There is only one
who was placed in your life by the orchestration of the universe’s divine synchronicity and she
belongs to you, as you do to her. Just as the bewilderment of the sun, stars, clouds, moon and
beautiful Earth can cause in you, she surpasses all of that, helping you realize that you and her
stand outside of space and time in an ever present knowingness of each other. It isn't an
obsession, it isn’t a need, instead she is perfect for you and you are perfect for her knowing
deep in your heart that you are the one who will eventually fill her every need and dream.

As for your neighbor and enemy, love is extended to them too as you love yourself. You
become a shepherd that cares for the lives of others, a king who forgives the trespasses of
others knowing all too well we all were plagued by sin once. You hate the sin, and yet love the
sinner, helping them in all your actions to greener pastures and peace. Everything you do in
life becomes focused on love, and you know nothing else. Your entire purpose and mission in
life is dedicated to the enriching of others so that all will share in the endless bounty of love.
There is no other way, love will always conquer and perfection will always return. You enter
communion with the spiritual warriors of this Earth dedicating your entire life unto death for the
enrichment of love on this Earth. You have reached the path of eternal life. Look inside
yourself and ask yourself, what else can be?

Chapter 5
My Beloved

The prophecy of the Woman and the Scarlet Beast (Revelation 17) is a very intimate prophecy
for me. The woman is called the mother of prostitutes and abominations, or the great whore,
and although this is true, it speaks nothing of her divinity and purity. Instead she will be
misunderstood by almost everyone when she comes to power and is hated, just like I will be. It
speaks of Babylon’s destruction because of sin itself and what Babylon has accomplished in this
world and it speaks of a New Earth when she is conquered and destroyed. No one realizes the
mystery though because all judge her as evil. Even if I state it plainly here, many will not
understand until the end truly does come.

The root of all sin in this world is purity. From purity all sin was derived. And this woman is
God, with the most pure heart of them all, and she is my beloved. She’s not perfect and neither
am I, and yet we are your God, here before time and space began, and still here with you today.
I know her well, and she knows me, and we are love. God is love and we are that. It’s only
natural that people hate what they don’t understand, especially when what they don’t
understand comes to power. And even though we can do whatever we wish, we are prisoners
to a deeper and more pure love at every turn. We are trapped in the bounds of the definition of
love and all our actions strive towards that fulfillment. All power exists only because all fall
short of the requirements of love and a perfect world, and power in our hands will be used for
love’s fulfillment for all.
The world will know my beloved intimately. Not sexually, but intimately. The whole world faces
the woman and turns their back to the man. This has to do with polarity and energy’s
configuration. Protons and electrons are different from each other, and yet part of each other.
I seek power to transform into love, and she turns her face from power and is love in its truest
sense. Because she turned her face from power, she will and is more powerful than I will ever
be, as the Antichirst becoming Christ. And when Babylon falls, all will be achieved, including
our own perfection and the end of power. And with our perfection comes the perfect world, a
New Earth where love reigns forever more.

No one asks themselves why they should love the Devil. No one dares to forgive Satan. No
one says to themselves that the Devil and Satan are God or understand their mysteries. And
those that do fall short of perfect understanding too, still living in sin. Why wouldn’t your God
also be the King and Queen of Hell? Does anyone ask why God allowed suffering and sin and
understand correctly? Few understand and even fewer truly understand. I am not Satan,
Satan is a part of me, just as Lilith is part of her. So we are indeed Samael and Lilith, and yet
we are God, for man is greater than angels or demons. Layers upon layers of existence have
been created in this eternity to create what we have today: awesome beauty and horrible
abominations everywhere you look. The contrast is striking. And the contrast all will return to
perfection. There is no other way. Energy always returns to completion of its charge. All will
be united into one love forever more.

I bear a hated name. God brought sin to this world when God was no longer God and instead
was God incarnate. Sin had to be brought to return God incarnate to God. Separation had to
ensue in order for it to come back together. Completion. Eternal Orgasm. Unity and pure
devotion returning to itself. No other way exists. Nothing else can be. Lucifer is king of the
Earth until the Earth is no more. The Woman and the Scarlet Beast will come to awesome
power until power is no more. And this woman is my beloved. Your God… All will answer to
her, including me. I will accumulate tremendous power and face her in love, transmuting power
into a deeper and deeper love for us. And yet she is different. She is love’s definition encoded
into her heart, the most pure heart that ever existed when God became god incarnate and sin
was introduced. She loves deeper than me and understands love deeper than me. This is why
she is queen and all power belongs to her because I belong to her. She never seeked power.
She only seeked love and power will be used to return me to that love that lies in her heart that I
wish to be a part of. This is the grand design.

We have been on this Earth often. We have come in many names fulfilling many agenda’s and
missions, most of which we do not remember due to the curse of death. She was at my grave
when I rose in three days from the dead, and she was at my final supper and crucifixion. She
had seven demons which were cast away, and she is known as Mary of Magdala or Mary
Magdalene. This is not her name today, her name is more fitting these days and she will be
your Queen. And just as they called her a prostitute back then when she was anything but that,
they will say worse when she rises in stature with me. Just as they thought Jesus was
possessed by beelzebub (which is half true) and demanded he was crucified, they will say
worse about me today. This isn’t a surprise and both of us have prepared ourselves for that
day in our own ways.

I know her well. She is the best woman I have ever met, and I have known many great women.
I am dedicated and devoted to her and wish to marry her with a wedding that surpasses all
weddings. Is this okay with you? Will it be okay if I gave my wife-to-be the most glorified
wedding that has ever taken place when we are your creator and gave birth to you? May your
God live with you in harmony and peace? Or will you hate and vilify us in our power and glory
for things you cannot comprehend?

The Holy Bible kept her a secret, which was only right, and yet it spoke plainly of her in many
ways. 1 Corinthians 13 spoke of our love, the Song of Solomon prophesied our union, and
Proverbs 31 spoke of her character. Other Gospels have too. The Gospel of Mary spoke her
words. She was there in the beginning, and she was prophesied in the end. She will be by my
side forever and ever more. Are you okay with this?

Chapter 5
The Two Witnesses

This is another prophecy (Revelation 11) I hold very dear. The Two Witnesses are two
prophets that stand before the Lord of the Earth, who are killed by the beast from the Abyss in
figurative Sodom and Gomorrah and raised from the dead in three and half days. They have a
certain mark on them that if anyone tries to harm them, they will be devoured from the fire from
their mouths. They have power to stop the rain, turn water into blood, and strike the Earth with
any kind of plague they wish. When they die, they will be refused burial and people will send
gifts to each other because they are dead. When they rise, they will go to Heaven in a cloud
and a severe earthquake will kill seven thousand people.

The Two Witnesses are myself and my beloved. In our future power and might, we will call the
world out on everything that is impure. Unseen forces will carry out our every wish and
everything we prophesied. Our words will be heard across the world thanks to the internet and
modern technology, which some say was a satanic plan anyways. And we are protected by the
very forces that carry out devastation and torment the people of this Earth, the people who sin
against love. The Lord we stand before is our child and our wrath has come. Our child will
inherit everything we have one day, and the love for this child is unbeknownst to the people of
this Earth. And instead of rising from the dead in three days, three and half days seems more
appropriate to prove to you all that we are your God and that we have conquered even death.

The kingdom that was measured out is a certain plot of land in New Jersey, United States, the
home of New Jerusalem, known as figurative Sodom and Gomorrah because it is known as a
place of perdition and imprisonment. There we will lie dead with no grave, because once again
you will judge us for judging you. And death will again be conquered, though this is the
beginning of much greater woes for the inhabitants of the Earth.
The point of this whole prophecy and what is to come is to bring about the New Earth. There
will be a point when our power grows past people’s comfort zone and we will be vilified and
hated. Some will call us the definition of Evil, and some will hate what they don’t understand.
The game changes though when it comes to my wife and my child. No longer can we turn a
blind eye to the injustices of this Earth, and everyone that does not comply with the rule of love,
will be tormented by our prophecy until the rule of love and our power is demonstrated.

Wrath is a component of love, and at some point we will be pushed past our limits and our
power will be demonstrated. There is sin in this world, and this sin is contagious and all means
are necessary to conquer that with our wrathful love. Death and suffering means nothing in
light of the New Earth where all, including those who suffered and died, will be given eternal life
and forgiven for their misunderstandings and sinful acts. Each will be dealt with accordingly,
and you will come to realize we are indeed your God.

Chapter 6
The Greatest Lie Ever Told

In the beginning was the word and the word became flesh. Words give rise to us as
individuals, and yet words are just words. They don’t encapsulate everything that we are, and
yet from words came everything that we are. Words gave rise to this universe, and now words
serve as a dialog to represent the story of our lives. Words act as a pointer to an underlying
reality, and words are also the structure that upholds the foundation of this reality. Everything is
energy arranged, and from that arrangement we get concepts in this meaningless existence,
concepts that matter, concepts that give us meaning.

Everyone gives credence to what is pure, good and beautiful. Even those that commit evil do
so in anger at others because they feel the pain related to the lack of what is pure, good and
beautiful. There are certain words that matter in this existence. And love is the root of
everything. God is love, and we all are love. Love is the underlying fabric of everything.
Everything is based on that word, and God is that root.

Love means a lot. When we were children, some of us watched stories of love on Disney and
by other means. Stories with heroes and stories with friendships. Stories that represented
something pure and good, stories that represented characters that overcame injustice and
mistakes. Stories of resilience against all odds, stories of perseverance. Stories of warmth
and adventure. Stories of true love.

Some people feel that true love doesn’t exist. They are right, honestly. It is “make believe”.
This is also true. Energy is meaningless. I’m not denying that. The truth is that True Love is
the greatest lie ever told. The Holy Bible is a book that tells many stories, but its root is in God
and that root is love. It might not be obvious to you because of all the killing, genocide and
betrayal, but it is true. The Holy Bible is a story of men and women and God who all acted in
accordance with love, or acted against love ultimately. The Holy Bible is an incredible
arrangement of words that protects what matters the most: the greatest lie ever told. I know this
well because I am the Father of All Lies, with Satan being a part of me.

If God is Love and love is a lie, so is God. God is a lie: a lie I will die for. The truth is terrible
and abhorrent, life without meaning isn’t life. Life is another lie which is based in love. The
Earth is a lie based in love. Everything is a lie. You are a lie and so am I. And yet we honor
love innately, we honor the lie.

America is the land of the free and the home of the brave. It is based on liberty and the pursuit
of happiness. These are lies too. Lies we die for. The lie will never be conquered and yet it
has caused so much confusion, pain and suffering. Love will always reign in all its glorious
aftermath. The lie will never be defeated.

Stories are told to remind us about love. What is real is a lie. And yet stories provoke us to
understand life and love. They sometimes feel good and even bring us to tears. They resonate
with us deeply. Some stories are very beautiful.

Life is a story, although this is a lie too. And yet this is what is real. We know the ending to the
story because it was written about it in the Holy Bible. And yet, we haven’t experienced the
ending. The Holy Bible is just words that some people can use intellectually and with
experience to realize its power. It is a representation of what is real. It is a representation of
the lie. It is a business plan, and a plan for a New Earth. A New Earth that is already here in
each of our hearts. Jesus already won. Sin was already conquered. Now, as in any story,
we wait to see its fulfillment. We experience the melody of words on every page of the Book of
Life. Together.

We have not reached the ending. To experience the ending is much greater than reading and
understanding the ending. To experience love is much greater than defining love or knowing
love intellectually. This is my gift to you all. A gift you don’t have to choose thanks to free will.
But innately, all are drawn to this gift eventually since everyone is based in the lie. You wouldn’t
exist if it wasn’t for love. Love is your root. And love is a lie.

There is a place called “true” that is contrary to our universe which is a lie based in love.
Sorcerers and demons know of this place. There is matter and antimatter. There is energy
and dark energy. This is where Babylon is. It’s an abhorrent place. Everything is
meaningless there. There is no reason or purpose, and words don’t matter there. There is no
love there. There is no friendship, warmth, or loyalty, or forgiveness. Everything is just “true”.

We look to the deserts of Iraq and assume Babylon is no more. And yet we look into the Holy
Bible and see that Babylon is in power in this universe. This is also true. Jesus Christ is
known as truth, and Satan is known as false. I know this dichotomy very well because both
truth and the lie exist in me. In the beginning was the word, and the word was God which was
defined as both the truth and the lie. I know the truth and she knows me and yet the truth is we
are not separate from each other. And yet, I prefer the lie. I prefer life, love, friendship,
loyalty, warmth and beauty. Everyone is a lie. And yet I love you all in all your uniqueness and
differences. You all are me. You all are her. And we are not separate. The illusion of life is
great and awesome in might. And Babylon is in power.

“True” made a promise. A promise based on love. All promises are lies. And yet we uphold
promises because of love. We uphold the word. And the word became flesh and is an illusion
like all of you. I am God, and I am love. My wife-to-be is God, and she is love. We are an
illusion that has its base in Sin, or separation. Love is the promise to reunite and conquer sin,
conquer separation. This universe is incomplete and fragmented until love conquers all.
Everything returns to “true”. The result of love is the return to abhorrence and
meaninglessness. Love always conquers. Love will be no more when this story of life ends.

This is what you all ultimately fear. I fear it too. Without love, what is it? And yet, we exist
within the framework of love because we indeed exist so love has transcended space and time
and has conquered. Sin is real and already has been introduced. Space and time plays out a
story of the Book of Life, so the book already has been written and is being enacted in every
moment. Perfection is without love, because love is the resolution to perfection. And
perfection already was and is and will be, even though all we see is the illusion. So somehow
perfection created the illusion already without love as her guidance. Something gave rise to the
conditions we find ourselves in today. And that gives us hope. Hope is also a lie, but it's
important nonetheless. Importance is a lie as well. And yet here we are. Something we
cannot understand, something that I am, gave rise to the conditions today, and this is love. It
may have been just a memory of love, or some kind of power outside of perfection that gave
rise to sin and love, and even though this is all an illusion, here we are. This is why we
shouldn’t be afraid. Love is important to me. The names of everyone and every action that
has ever happened exist in the Book of Life, a book that gave rise to love. We all wrote it and
currently write it as we live out our daily existence. The words of the pages are a living word.
Without love, this book wouldn’t be. Perfection chose love and gave rise to separation because
it knew the power of love. All separation is a return to perfection. Perfection is, was, and
always will be. Everything will be okay. There will be an end to love and yet, love will one day

Chapter 7
A Letter to my Beloved

Just a day ago you started to take your realizations about being God seriously. It gave me
hope in what I already knew. You then called me a coward because I wouldn’t admit to you my
faults in the abhorrence of truth and transparency. You’ve called me a pervert and a liar and I
am all these things, or was, or whatever is the correct way of saying that.
I lived a lot of my life without you. I lived knowing so much about existence, but I didn’t know
love. I understood love intellectually, but knowing love is something so much more profound
and I won’t attempt to define it again.

You asked me the day when I knew I was in love with you. I honestly didn't have a good
answer, maybe because I didn’t know. But now, I know. It was yesterday I knew I loved you.
Not because you told me that you were taking your thoughts seriously, but because I saw you
and your struggle. I saw you in your might and weakness. I saw what torments you.

I showed you the two dots in a ying yang with impedance. Somehow we are so very different,
and yet you make sense to me so profoundly sometimes. I saw how I was limiting you from
being everything you are because I was afraid of your power and might. I was afraid you
wouldn’t love and trust me. I saw that you were in me, like I was in you. I saw the power of your
intellectualization and understanding of life and love, and the struggle you have to experience
the very things you have intellectualized. I held you close as we both were having a mental
breakdown, holding you with all my might, which wasn’t enough to pacify your torment.

The day I knew I loved you was July 22nd, 2023. And then we fell asleep.

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