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Different atomic models

Homework 2
Because of the discovery of new evidence, most scientific theories change and
develop over the years. Atomic structure is a good example of a theory that has
changed over the last 200 years as new evidence has been obtained.

The first model represents John Dalton’s ‘tiny solid particles’ that make up all
matter. Then, almost 100 years later, after the discovery of charged particles, JJ
Thomson proposed his ‘plum-pudding’ model. At the start of the twentieth century
there was increased interest in investigating theories about atoms. This led to
further evidence of charged particles and how they were arranged inside the
atom. This resulted in Ernest Rutherford’s model with each atom having a small
positive central mass.
1 How did Dalton’s ideas about atoms help to explain the
difference between elements? 2 Look at Thomson’s ‘plum-
pudding’ model.
a Suggest a name for the negatively charged particles in this model.
b Why do you think it was called the ‘plum-pudding’ model?
3 How could Thomson’s atomic model be used to explain the differences
between elements? 4 a Draw a diagram of the modern model of an atom,
labelling the nucleus and the electrons. b What feature was introduced in the
modern atomic model that wasn’t in Dalton’s or Thomson’s models? c What
feature of the structure of an atom is not shown well by your drawing?
5 What name was eventually given to the positively charged particles in an atom?
6 Neutrons were not discovered until 1932 by James Chadwick. What do
protons and electrons have in common that might make them easier to
detect than neutrons?

Extra challenge
7 Imagine that the nucleus of an atom is scaled up to be the size of this dot

Estimate the diameter of the atom by choosing one of the measurements

below. Explain your choice.
1 mm 1 cm 1 m 1 km

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