1642098415.senorincognito69 Dating Reversion

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(Woman into Reversion Sydrome)

by Groblek


It wasn’t the first time it had happened to her...

Luna awoke in an unfamiliar bed, already feeling the beginning of a hangover starting to
form. She could feel someone next to her in the bed, and she cringed internally at the
awkward conversation she knew she was about to have yet again.

Trying to delay the inevitable, she looked around the room, the feminine décor confirming
her worst suspicions. Once again, she’d gotten drunk and gone home with a woman,
someone who she’d never be attracted to sober. Just enough memory from the previous
night came back to her for Luna to be sure she’d had sex with this woman, probably very
good sex, given the way these conversations usually went, and now she’d have to explain
that she had no interest in continuing any of what they’d done last night.

“Fuck... Kitty, why do you always have to get me into these messes?” Luna asked her
pussy. She always ended up thinking with her crotch when she was drunk, and it never
seemed to want the things Luna did when sober. “And why didn’t Bess stop me like I
asked her to?”

Luna only realized she’d said that last part out loud when the woman next to her answered.

“I did, Luna. You asked me to make sure you didn’t wake up in some strange woman’s
bed, so I took you home myself.”

Luna rolled over in bed, to find herself looking at her best friend.

“Oh God. Tell me we didn’t.”

Bess grinned mischievously at Luna. “That we didn’t have sex last night? Didn’t make
each other cum over and over again until we were exhausted?”

Luna put her head in her hands. “Dammit, Bess, why?”

“Because you were absolutely determined to be fucked senseless by one of the women
at the party, and I’m single and the one person there who I was sure wouldn’t hold it
against you when you lost interest the next morning.” Beth answered calmly.

Luna sighed. “Oh Um. Well, I guess I can skip the usual awkward conversation, then.”
Bess nodded. “We can, but I think we’ll be having a different one instead. After last night,
I’m pretty sure I know just why you can’t hold on to a relationship with a guy, and why you
keep waking up in strange ladies’ beds when you let yourself cut loose.”

“It’s not that I’m closeting myself!” Luna exclaimed defensively, as the conversation
started heading towards where several of these morning-after ones had gone.

But Bess surprised her again, by nodding in agreement. “You’re right, that’s not it.”

Luna blinked in surprise. “Do you believe me? What you think is it then...?”

“Hmm… I’d like to one last test before I say for sure. How do you feel about having
mimosas with breakfast? I want you to drink until you start to feel a little attracted to me
again, but not to the point where you’re dragging me back into bed with you.”

Luna looked at her friend skeptically. “And how exactly is that going to tell us what’s going
on with my sex-drive?”

Bess shrugged with a impish smirk.

“You will have trust me.”

Luna sighed. “Fine, but for the record, if you were anyone but my best pal, I’d suspect
you just wanted another chance to seduce me.”

Bess looked at her quizzically, “Would that be such a bad thing?”

Luna met Bess’ gaze, seeing in her friend the same sort of longing she always saw in her
female partners-in-debauchery when she rebuffed them the next morning... that glance,
as if they weren’t looking at her... but not really... Apparently drunk-Luna was good
enough in bed to leave all the ladies wanting more. “With you? No, I guess not. With
anyone else, it’d just make it that much harder to get them to leave me alone after, but I
trust you to know what you’re getting into.”

Bess smiled and reached for a bottle on her nightstand. “In that case, let’s drink up!”

A couple coups later, Luna was wearing Bess’ spare bathrobe as they sat up in Bess’
bed, drinking. She was starting to feel a familiar heat from her pussy as the world turned
fuzzy around the edges.

“How about this?” Bess asked, letting her own robe fall open and striking a seductive

Someone chuckled.

“Hmm... that’s a nice view, babe.” Luna felt her mouth move and heard those, her pussy
got aroused, but after she blinked and then frowned. “What did I just say?” she asked.
Bess closed her robe and smiled. “OK, I think we’re arriving there. Looking at me turns
you on?”

“Not exactly. It turns my pussy on, but I’m still not sure what Kitty sees in you. Some times
it’s as if she really had a mind of her own...” Luna said, trying to put the feelings she was
having into words. “That doesn’t make any sense, does it?”

“Sure it does.” Bess explained. “You’ve told me before that Kitty’s the one driving when
you make your bad decisions about who to sleep with, and that you don’t remember much
afterwards. So I’m betting that one more drink and Luna fades to the background while
Kitty takes the wheel.”

Luna blinked in confusion, even as she felt a pulse of heat from her crotch. “Is your theory
that I have a split personality?”

“Dang, you have always been quite slow! Let’s get that robe off you before I explain.”

Luna slipped out of the robe, feeling an eagerness from her crotch as she did so. “OK,
but, again, if this is just a elaborated roundabout attempt at seducing me, I will get angry!”

“You’re not the one I’m planning to seduce, and I’m sure I can get Kitty’s interest more
directly once she finally comes out to play.” Bess replied. “She’s not doing you any favors
holding back like this.”

Luna felt a chill run down her spine as the gears in her brain began to realize what was
her friend’s conclusion. “Bess, what are... What you mean?”

“I’m saying that you’re a very latent case of Reversion Syndrome, and that Kitty’s been
holding back for what, three years? That’s when this pattern of yours started, I think, back
when you were with Jason.”

“Four years, actually. I didn’t tell you about the first time it happened, while Jason was off
on a trip.” Luna corrected her, absentmindedly. “...But... But I’m not going to reverse,
that’s ridiculous! I...!” she chuckled nervously. “That’s nonsense! Absurd!

Bess just made an skeptical gesture with her lips. “Luna, we’ve been best friends since
High School, and I know for sure that the woman who fucked me senseless last night
wasn’t you. I think you’re sharing your body with someone else and you... well, you are
her vagina, Luna, sorry for being blunt, but that’s what you are... A pussy... and we all
know how those tales end, including you... and Kitty.”

“No! FUCKING! Way! Look, this has been going on for years and years, if I was going to
reverse, which I’m not, if I was going to become someone’s sex organs, it would have
happened by now!”

Bess shook her head. “Not necessarily. What I think happened is that Kitty woke up years
ago, but likes you enough to have held back from taking the final step. It’s happened
before, I have read about it.”
Luna looked at her friend skeptically. “Why would she do that? Don’t the other halves of
people with RS usually resent the people born in their bodies?”

“That depends on how they’re treated and on what kind of life the person lives. Their other
persona can be their direct opposite or a mirror image. It seems to me that Kitty mostly
likes the same things you do, and her only real frustration is that you’re not attracted to
the same people she is. But she needs to realize that that’s still a huge mismatch, and
neither of you is going to be happy bouncing back and forth like this.”

Luna stared at her friend in disbelief. “You’re seriously telling me to... just give up and
become a twat?”

Bess shook her head. “No, Luna, I’m telling you that you’re going to be a pussy one way
or the other, no matter what you do. More importantly, I’m telling Kitty to stop hiding
herself and trust that you’ll both be happier once she does. And that I’ll still be both of
your best friends... and her lover if... she’ll have me.”

“What?” Luna felt a strange paralysis take over her body as Bess leaned down and kissed
her pussy lips. Then something down there began to change, and she felt that heat surge
as someone began to kiss back. When Bess lifted her head, there was another woman’s
face looking back up at her from between Luna’s legs.

“No... No way...” she mumbled in shock.

“How can I pass up an offer like that?” was the first thing that woman said.

As she spoke, Luna felt the air forced out of her lungs, without her volition. She forced
herself to inhale again, but it was hard, taking all of her focus.

“No, please, I have a life!” She gasped. “Don’t take it from me! There’s so much I want
to do! I can’t be a fffff-ffreaking cunt!”

The woman shook her head sadly, as her neck grew out and Lucy’s pelvis reshaped itself
into shoulder-blades and a collarbone.

“No, you don’t, you have a holding pattern. We both do, and Bess is right - that it can’t
last. Don’t be sacred of change, my sex, we are still going to do all of it, but even more
and even better...!”

Luna’s view shifted as Kitty sat up, pushing her head into the mattress. Her hands refused
to respond, leaving her staring up at the face that looked like hers, but different, as though
she’d had a sister she had never known about until now.

“In a way, you do. We just haven’t been able to talk without this happening.” Kitty
answered Luna’s unspoken thought, and Luna heard the voice with both her ears and
directly in her mind.
One leg twisted around, toes lengthening and bones rearranging, becoming Kitty’s hand
as she affectionately stroked Luna’s hair.

“But I’ve been here for years. Your whole life, really, though I didn’t wake up until college.
That wet dream about Bess the night before prom? That was me waking up.”

“Wait, you dreamed about me?” Bess exclaimed. “And you never said anything?”

Luna felt herself blush, and tried to draw a breath to answer, but found that she
couldn’t. Her shoulder-blades were fusing to her skull, Kitty’s new pelvis engulfing Luna’s
head as the changes progressed down her body.

“It was very explicit, you taking us home from the prom and making love all night.” Kitty
answered. “And it was the only time that Luna had questioned her sexuality. If you hadn’t
been dating Anna Lindsay, if we’d thought there was a chance we could find out if reality
matched the dream, things would have been very different.”

Bess bit her lip nervously, “I wish I’d known...”

“I don’t, we wouldn’t have lasted more than a few months back then.” Kitty said. “None of
us knew how to be partners to anyone back then, and you’d have probably run screaming
when this started happening.”

Luna could barely see the gesture Kitty made, but could tell that she was indicating their
transformation. Her own view had narrowed to a pair of thick thighs framing the ceiling,
as her arms finished transforming into Kitty’s legs. Following the motion Kitty slid forward
and spread those thighs, shifting Luna’s view to one that could see their reflection in the
mirrored doors of Bess’ closet.

In the mirror, Luna saw her face, hanging upside down between a pair of very well-toned
legs. Her hair was curling as it shrank and spread all over Kitty’s new crotch. She tried
to say something again, but even moving her mouth wasn’t possible as her jaw melted
into Kitty’s new hipbones. Meanwhile, Kitty stretched her new arms over her head as
Luna’s breasts finished migrating up to settle on Kitty’s new chest.

“Don’t worry, Luna, it’s not that bad being a pussy, I have been one so far, so you can
take my word on that! No more responsibilities, worries... pretensions... Why you think I
managed to hold for so long between your legs?” Kitty said, running her fingers gently
through Luna’s shifting hair. The motion sent arousal tingling through Luna’s body as she
felt her awareness narrow to just the area around her face. Everything felt more intense,
as though the nerves from all the parts of her body that she’d lost control over had been
moved to this last remaining part of her, forming a cluster of pleasure. She could feel the
inside of her mouth changing, becoming more sensitive too. “Bess and I will ease you into
it… Perhaps not gently, but I know you’ll like it...!

Just then, Bess stepped into view, looking down at Luna with a slightly regretful
expression. Luna’s wrinkling lips spread, a very soft gasp came out...
“Bessh... tissssh...”

Bess fondled her face as it was completely engulfed by the groin.

“Bye, Luna. I’m sorry it had to be this way, but it’s for the best.” she leaned down and
kissed Luna on the lips with a last whispering. “I love ya, silly twat...”

Luna felt her lips part for the kiss, and as Bess’ tongue entered her, she felt her own
tongue fuse in place, becoming the nub of her new clitoris. Her eyes closed, leaving Luna
unable to concentrate on anything but the sensations of pleasure that came from Bess’
kiss, which was quickly turning into something more than just a kiss. Bess’ tongue lapped
at different places on Luna’s new form, and sucked on others, and Luna felt herself
pressed up against her friend’s mouth as the best orgasm she’d ever felt flashed through
her. Then she felt Bess’ lips pull away, and fingers slid into her instead, reaching for a
spot… An instant later, Luna’s consciousness dissolved in a wave of pleasure as Bess
triggered a second orgasm, then a third and fourth.

Like a moon exploding in the deeps of space.

It truly had been that easy for her... even if it took so long... cause she had always known
where she belong...

Much later, Luna’s sense of self returned, as Kitty began to doze off to sleep. Luna had
just enough awareness of their body left to know that Bess was spooned up against her,
also asleep.

It was warm and Luna let herself comfortably join their slumber.

A year or so later…

Bess stood up from between her fiancee’s legs. “There, it’s done, what do you think?”

Kitty ran a finger gently over the pair of tiny braids framing her pussy. “They’re lovely. I
didn’t know it was possible to braid pubic hair.”

Bess smiled at her. “It was tricky, but I’d promised Luna that I’d braid her hair for her
wedding, and I didn’t want to break that promise.”

Kitty smiled back. “I appreciate your dedication. Luna also appreciates it, though she and
I are both looking forward to you messing up all that work later tonight, after the wedding.”

Without losing the radiant smile she leaned towards Bess and giggling the two women
happily kissed... while Luna moisten...

---If you want to see more kinky TF shenanigans give a look to this links! ^^
-Furaffinity: https://www.furaffinity.net/user/senorincognito69

-DeviantArt: https://www.deviantart.com/senorincognito69

-Twitter: https://twitter.com/SIncognito69

--If you want to support and help me do more stuff:

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-Pixiv Fanbox: https://senorincognito69.fanbox.cc/

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-Ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/senorincognito69

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