Are Maths and Science More Important Than The Arts

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It is true that many people consider that Science

subjects such as Math, Science are more necessary

than Social subject like Art. I agree that this idea is
very convince but I still not satisfy of this
suggestion and I still believe that there are another
factors that will answer of this question.

In the one hand, I accept that Sciences subjects is

very important, because those subjects will help
you in the future of your job, for example, learn
math will help you calculate faster for you job like
accountant or math teacher. Science will improve
your knowledge about biology and chemistry and
these knowledge will not useless, it helps you a lot,
biology you learn what animals are dangerous or
what animals are friendly, chemistry teaches you
about chemicals and tells you how to use these
chemicals in different safe ways.

In the other hand, I still agree that arts is more

important than those subject that I told you
before, because learning about arts is a good way
to make you chill out and stay calm and you can
also show your pictures to everyone so they can
discuss it, learning arts is some of different ways to
make you feel happy because you can draw every
thing you want in that paper and no one can stop
you doing that and this is a very good way to stay
away stressful.

In conclusion, I totally agree of Science subjects is

way more important than social subjects, but I still
trust that everyone is have their own strengths
and good at different subjects, so my opinion is
that still have people that say arts is the major
subject and way more important than Math and

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