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1) Describe the activities (clubs, sports, groups, etc.

,) and hobbies
in which you are currently involved

For sports it's badminton, although i haven't played it as often, i

still like to play it. I am a part of a youth community in my church
called YFC (Youth For Christ), where we discuss topics about
our religion, socialize with each other and grow stronger together
in our faith. It also teaches leadership and how to handle
responsibilities. Whenever I have free time I usually play video
games with friends and I love to cook food that soothes my

2) What are your interests after completing high school? What

plans do you have for college or university? What majors or
careers are you currently interested in?

After completing high school I would like to have a steady track

on what I want to do for the future. For college or university I'd
like to study in Canada, Europe or any college that fits my
standards. The careers im currently interested are regarding the
science strand, food tech, dermatology and biology seem
interesting for me

3) IB requires you to take a difficult course in your weakest

academic area(s). Identify your weakest academic area(s) and
explain how you plan to deal with this challenge.

My weakest academic areas would most likely be chemistry and

math. As there was a major jump in the difficulty during 2020-
2021 as Covid hit, this period was also the time when Chemistry
was introduced to me along with Biology and Physics so it was
very hard trying to learn all of them online. That's why I have
been having trouble grasping all the lessons and concepts as
they seem too hard. But inorder to deal with these challenges I'd
like to just make studying them as simple as possible and I'm
looking forward to face to face classes as I hope they will make
me understand more than what I have tried to achieve online.

4) In a one page, organized essay with specific examples, explain

what motivates you to learn and what you hope to achieve by
enrolling in the IB Diploma Program

Since my early years in school, which spanned from grade 1 to

6, academic success seemed to come naturally to me, and I
rarely felt the need to stress about my studies. However, once I
transitioned to the senior section, encompassing grades 7 to 10,
I quickly realized that the road ahead wouldn't be as smooth.

My journey through these years was characterized by a gradual

decline in my grades. While they remained respectable, they
were no longer the stellar marks I had been accustomed to.
Then, the unforeseen arrival of the Covid-19 pandemic dealt a
heavy blow to my academic progress. With the shift to online
learning, I found myself struggling to adapt. The art of effective
studying seemed to elude me, and procrastination became a
constant companion.

As the pandemic persisted, my academic performance

deteriorated further. When the time finally came to take exams
face-to-face, after two years of online learning, the
consequences of my actions became painfully clear. Instead of
achieving the three A's I had aimed for, I was left with two B's
and a solitary C. My grades fluctuated across the alphabet
spectrum, and I found myself heaving a sigh of relief only on rare
occasions when an A did make its appearance.

Compounding my frustration was the fact that my older brother

and sister had been star students at my age, consistently
excelling academically. Why was I not able to achieve the same
results? The disappointment intensified when I observed my
peers not only maintaining but sometimes even surpassing their
academic expectations despite the challenges posed by the
pandemic. Deep down, I knew I was capable of more. I
understood that I had untapped potential waiting to be
harnessed. The question that haunted me was, why was it so
hard for me to study effectively? Was I simply being lazy or

The turning point arrived with my IGCSE exams. I understood

that the stakes were high, and failure was not an option.
Determination welled up within me, and I resolved to push myself
to achieve results I could be proud of. While I did manage to
attain some marks that brought me satisfaction, I couldn't shake
the feeling that I could have done even better, especially in
subjects where I had been struggling.

With the hope of unlocking my full academic potential and finding

renewed motivation for learning, I decided to enroll in the IB
Diploma Program. My aspiration is clear: I aim to become the
best version of myself academically and to embark on a journey
of improvement in all subjects, whether they are my strengths or

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