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Simple Pendulum
Aim: To Study variation of time period of a Simple pendulum of a given length by taking bobs
of same size but different masses and interpret the result.
Apparatus: A clamp with stand, a split cork, thread, Vernier calipers, stop clock/stopwatch,
meter scale and pendulum bobs of different masses.
Theory : The time period (T) of a simple pendulum for oscillations of small amplitude, is given by the

Where l is effective length and g is acceleration due to gravity. It is clear that T α √L and T α
1. Determine the mean diameter of the 3 spherical bobs. Take the long inextensible string and pass it
through the two splits parts of the cork with length 60 cm from the center of gravity of the first
2. Find the least count and zero error of the stop watch, move the bob by the hand to position B.
3. Start the stop watch and find the time taken for 10 oscillations.
4. Repeat the steps again for trial 2 and find the mean time recorded in the stop watch for both the
5. Repeat the entire experiment using the 2nd and 3rd bob of different masses.
6. Record all observations in the table.
Observation Table:
Record of Time period
S.No Mass of Effective Time for 10 oscillations (s) Time
body (g) length (L) period (s)
(cm) 1 2 mean

From the observation it is clear that the Time period of simple pendulum of given length does not
depends on mass of the bob.

1. The point of suspension should be fixed in a rigid support.
2. The thread should be inextensible and strong.

Sources of Error
1. The thread may not be inextensible.
2. The suspension support may not be rigid.

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Aim : To study the relation between frequency and length of a given wire under constant tension
using sonometer.
APPARATUS: Sonometer, two tuning forks of known frequencies, metre scale, rubber pad,
paper rider, hanger with half kilogram weights, wooden bridges.
The frequency n of the fundamental mode of vibration of a string is given by
where m = mass per unit length of the string
l = length of the string between the wedges
T = Tension in the string (including the weight of the hanger) = Mg, M = mass
suspended, including the mass of the hanger
1. Set up the sonometer on the table and clean the groove on the pully to ensure that it has
minimum friction. Stretch the wire by placing a suitable load on the hanger.
2. Place a small paper rider R in the middle of wire AB. Sound the tuning fork and place its
shank stem on the bridge A or on the sonometer box. Slowly adjust the position of bridge
B till the paper rider is agitated violently, which indicates resonance. The length of the
wire between A and B is the resonant length such that its frequency of vibration of the
fundamental mode equals the frequency of the tuning fork. Measure this length with the
help of a metre scale.
3. Repeat the above procedures for another tuning fork keeping the load on the hanger
unchanged. Calculate the product n x l for each tuning fork.

Constant tension on the wire, T= .........kgwt

Frequency of Resonant length of wire (cm)

Sl No. tuning fork Length Length Mean n x l (Hz cm)
used, n (Hz) increasing l1 decreasing l2 l = (l1 +l2) / 2

RESULT: The product n x l is found to be constant.

1. Bridges should be perpendicular to the wire, its height should be adjusted so that a node
is formed at the bridge.
2. Tuning fork should be vibrated by striking its prongs against a soft rubber pad.
3. Load should be removed after the experiment.
1. Pulley may not be frictionless.
2. Wire may not be rigid and of uniform cross section.
3. Bridges may not be sharp.


Experiment 3
Coefficient of viscocity
 Aim : To determine the coefficient of viscosity of a given liquid by measuring the terminal
velocity of a spherical body.

 apparatus used: A long cylindrical glass jar, Transparent viscous fluid, Metre scale, Spherical ball,
Screw gauge, Stop clock, thread.
 Principle : When a spherical body of radius r and density σ falls freely through a viscous liquid
of density ρ and viscosity η, with terminal velocity v, the constant velocity acquired by a body
while moving through viscous fluid under application of constant force. It is given by


 Find the least count and zero correction of the given screw gauge. 
 Find the diameter (d) of the ball using the screw gauge. Now, the radius(r) of ball can be calculated as
r = d/2
 Clean the glass jar and fill it with the viscous fluid. .
 Mark two reference points A and B on the jar using two threads. The marking A is made well below
the free surface of liquid, so that by the time when the ball reaches A, it would have acquired terminal
velocity v.
 Adjust the position the thread B so that the distance between A and B is 60cm.
 The ball of known diameter is dropped gently in the liquid. It falls down in the liquid with accelerated
velocity for about one-third of the height. Then it falls with uniform terminal velocity.
 When the ball crosses the point A, start the stop watch and the time taken by the ball to reach the point
B is noted.
 Calculate the terminal velocity, and r2/v.
 Now, repeat the experiment by changing the diameter of the ball.

Observation table:
Density of the liquid, ρ                             = ………
Density of the sphere, σ                          = ……….kg/m3
Least count of stop watch = …………Sec
Distance travelled by the Terminal
Radius of sphere, s = 10-2 m velocity, v =
Spherical Time taken to travel the
sphere, r  s/t (m/s) r2 /v ms
ball no. distance s, t (s)
(×10-3 m)  



Result: The coefficient of viscosity of the given viscous liquid at room temperature = ...... Nsm -2


1. Liquid should be transparent to watch motion of the ball.

2. Ball should be perfectly spherical.
3. Velocity should be noted only when it becomes constant.

Sources of error 

1. The liquid may not have uniform density.

2. The ball may not be perfectly spherical.
3.  The noted velocity may not be constant.

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