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Earth Altar Ritual Day 3

Deepen your Roots:

Go back to your Earth Altar. If you feel called, you can add something to it as an offering to the process
you’re in and to the earth herself, such as a flower, herb, stone, or fruit. Do only what feels good. Your
presence itself is a gift.
Take a moment to sit with your altar and reflect on your desires and what is stirring inside of you. When
you’re ready, close your eyes and let your breath guide you deeper into your body. Scan your body and
notice how it feels.
When you feel centered within yourself, imagine that you are dropping roots from the base of your body
and/or feet all the way down into the golden core of the earth. Then, draw the energy of the earth up into
your legs, pelvis, core, heart, throat, crown.
As you invite the energy of the earth into you, state:
My body is your body. Your body is my body. Thank you for my life.
Feel your connection to Her.
Feel how your body comes from the same substances of the earth, air, fire, water. Feel gratitude in your
heart for your life, your body, all the nourishment you receive from food, from water, from the air you
breathe, from the sun, from life itself.
Allow this gratitude to permeate your whole being. Sit with the earth, connected, at your altar, for as long
as you would like. When you feel complete, thank the earth for helping you in the fulfillment of your heart’s
desires as spoken when you created your Earth Altar. Trust in whatever guidance you receive whether it
arrives during the ritual, later in the day, or in the weeks to come.
You have two options:
You can either close out your ritual at the end of the third day by removing the objects that represent your
body, voice, and sexuality or leave the altar up until Wednesday, September 13 (a week total). The objects
can be returned to their original location.
You may also choose to sleep with the objects under or near your pillow for a night as you open to receive
any dreams that may help you fully reclaim your body, voice, and sexuality as holy.

© Jessica Falcon 2023.

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