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JEE (Main+Advanced) - N : 2023 : Unit Test-10_(13-Feb-22)

[Created Date: 20-Mar-2021] [ Total Questions: 60 Test Time: 180 Minutes M.M: 210]

1. The question paper contains 3 Subjects and 60 questions

Subject 1 (Physics) contains 20 questions
Subject 2 (Chemistry) contains 20 questions
Subject 3 (Mathematics) contains 20 questions
2. Each Subject is divided further in three Sections. SEC1, SEC2 and SEC3.
SEC1 contains 10 multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 choices (A), (B), (C) and (D) for its
answer, out of which only one is correct.
SEC2 contains 5 multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 choices (A), (B), (C) and (D) for its
answer, out of which one or more is/are correct
SEC3 contains 5 questions. The answer to each question is a single digit integer, ranging from 0 to 9.
3. Marking Scheme :
For each question in SEC1, you will be awarded 3 marks if you choose the correct answer. For incorrect
answer, minus one (–1) mark will be awarded.
For each question in SEC2, you will be awarded 4 marks if you choose all the correct answers. For
incorrect answer, minus one (–1) mark will be awarded.
For each question in SEC3, you will be awarded 4 marks if you choose the correct answer. For incorrect
answer, minus one (–1) mark will be awarded.
4. The total duration of the test is 3 hours.
5. No calculating device or reference material is allowed during the test.
Take g = 10 m/s2 unless otherwise stated.


Atomic No. : H = 1, B = 5, C = 6, N = 7, O = 8, F = 9, Al = 13, P = 15, S = 16, Cl = 17, Br = 35, Xe =

54, Ce = 58.
Atomic masses : H = 1, Li = 7, B = 11, C = 12, N = 14, O = 16, F = 19, Na = 23, Mg = 24, Al = 27, P
= 31, S = 32, Cl = 35.5, Ca = 40, Fe = 56, Br = 80, I = 127, Xe = 131, Ba = 137, Ce = 140, Cu = 63.5,
Ne = 20, K = 39, Mn = 55.

• Boltzmann constant k = 1.38 × 10–23 JK–1

• Coulomb's law constant
• Universal gravitational constant G = 6.67259 × 10–11 N–m2 kg–2
• Speed of light in vacuum c = 3 × 108 ms–1
• Stefan–Boltzmann constant σ = 5.67 × 10–8 Wm–2–K–4
• Wien's displacement law constant b = 2.89 × 10–3 m–K
• Permeability of vacuum μ0 = 4π × 10–7 NA–2
• Permittivity of vacuum
• Planck constant h = 6.63 × 10–34 J–s


This section contains TEN questions.

Each question has FOUR options (A), (B), (C) and (D). ONLY ONE of these four options is correct.
For each question, select the alphabet corresponding to the correct option provided below the
Marking scheme:
+3 If only the alphabet corresponding to the correct option is selected.
0 If none of the alphabets are selected.
–1 In all other cases.

1. In a resonance tube water is filled so that height of air column is 0.1 m when it resonates in its
fundamental mode. Now water is removed so that the height of air column becomes 0.35 m and it
resonates with next higher frequency. Then end correction is :-
1) 0.012 m
2) 0.025 m
3) 0.05 m
4) 0.24 m
Ans: 2 Marks: 3 Negative Marks: 1

= 0.1 + e
λ = 0.4 + 4e ....(i)

= 0.35 + e
3λ = 1.4 + 4e ....(ii)
From (i) and (ii)
1.2 + 12e = 1.4 + 4e
8e = 0.2

= 0.025

2. Two organ pipes, a pipe of fundamental frequency 440 Hz, closed at one end, and a pipe of
fundamental frequency 660 Hz, open at both ends, produce overtones. Which choice below
correctly describes overtones present in both pipes?
1) After the first overtone of each pipe, every second overtone of the first pipe matches every
third overtone of the second pipe.
2) After the first overtone of each pipe, every third overtone of the first pipe matches every
second overtone of the second pipe.
3) After the first overtone of each pipe, every second overtone of the first pipe matches every
fourth overtone of the second pipe.
4) After the first overtone of each pipe, every third overtone of the first pipe matches every
fourth overtone of the second pipe.
Ans: 4 Marks: 3 Negative Marks: 1
Solution: f0 = 440 = 4 × 110
f0 = 660 = 6 × 110
f1 = 3 × 440 = 12 × 110
f1 = 2 × 660 = 12 × 110
f2 = 5 × 440 = 20 × 110
f2 = 3 × 660 = 18 × 110
f3 = 7 × 440 = 28 × 110
f3 = 4 × 660 = 24 × 110
f4 = 9 × 440 = 36 × 110
f4 = 5 × 660 = 30 × 110
f5 = 6 × 660 = 36 × 110

3. Sound waves of frequency 320Hz are sent from the top of a vertical tube containing water at a
level that can be adjusted. Standing waves are produced at two successive water levels 44cm and
74cm from open end. The distance of nearest displacement antinode from open end (in cm) is :

1) 1
2) 2
3) 3
4) 4
Ans: 1 Marks: 3 Negative Marks: 1
end correction e =


4. A sound source of frequency 512 Hz approaches a stationary observer with a velocity of 36 km/hr.
The speed of sound is 330 m/s. What is the frequency heard by the observer :-
1) 522 Hz
2) 528 Hz
3) 524 Hz
4) 532 Hz
Ans: 2 Marks: 3 Negative Marks: 1

5. A police car with a siren of frequency 8 kHz is moving with uniform velocity 36 km/hr towards a tall
building which reflects the sound waves. The speed of sound in air is 320 m/s. The frequency of
the siren heard by the car driver is
1) 8.50 kHz
2) 8.25 kHz
3) 7.75 kHz
4) 7.50 kHz
Ans: 1 Marks: 3 Negative Marks: 1

If a string of length ℓ fixed at both ends vibrates with a standing wave in
resonance. Then the minimum time after which energy is maximum at mid-point of string will be-



Ans: 1 Marks: 3 Negative Marks: 1

Solution: At node, energy is maximum when all particle reach to there extreme position.

7. Which of the following statements is correct ?

1) In case of a wave, traveling in a string, oscillation energy of an elemental length remains
2) In case of a wave, traveling in a string, oscillation energy of an elemental length varies
3) In case of a wave, traveling in a string, kinetic energy of all elemental parts having equal
length is same.
4) None of these
Ans: 1 Marks: 3 Negative Marks: 1
Solution: When wave travels in a medium then the displacement and velocity at a point varies with
time. Hence, for an elemental length, its K. E. and P. E., both vary with time. But the total
energy remains constant.

8. Figure shows a sinusoidal wave of period T travelling to the right along a string at time t = 0.
Which of the following statement is incorrect?

1) The point 3 on the string is moving upward with maximum speed

2) The point 5 on the string has the greatest upward acceleration
3) The point 9 on the string has the greatest downward acceleration
4) The point 2 on the string has a downward velocity and upward acceleration
Ans: 4 Marks: 3 Negative Marks: 1

9. A transverse sinusoidal wave moves along a string in the positive x direction. In figure (I)
displacement of particle at P as a function of time is given and in figure (II) at a particular time t-the
snap shot of wave is shown. The wave velocity (cm/s) and velocity of particle at P (cm/s) will be :

Ans: 3 Marks: 3 Negative Marks: 1

10. A string of mass 2.5 kg is under a tension of 200 N. The length of the stretched string is 20.0 m. If
the transverse jerk is struck at one end of the string, the disturbance will reach the other end in
1) one second
2) 0.5 second
3) 2 seconds
4) data given is insufficient.
Ans: 2 Marks: 3 Negative Marks: 1

t= ,


This section contains FIVE questions.

Each question has FOUR options (A), (B), (C) and (D). ONE OR MORE THAN ONE of these four
options is(are) correct.
For each question, select the alphabets corresponding to all the correct option(s) provided
below the questions.
Marking scheme:
+4 If only the alphabets corresponding to all the correct option(s) is(are) selected.
0 If none of the alphabets are selected.
–1 In all other cases.

11. A source emitting sound frequency 1000 Hz moves anticlockwise in the x-y plane along the circle
(x - 5)2 + y2 = 9 with a constant speed of 10 m/s where x and y are in meters. A stationary observer
is located at the origin. The speed of the sound in air is 330 m/s.

1) X coordinate of the source is 16/5 if frequency heard by the observer is maximum
2) Y coordinate of the source is 12/5 if frequency heard by the observer is maximum
3) X coordinate of the source is 16/5 if frequency heard by the observer is minimum
4) Y coordinate of the source is 36/5 if frequency heard by the observer is minimum
Ans: 1,2,3 Marks: 4 Negative Marks: 1

y = 3 sin 53° =
At position A, frequency is maximum & at position B frequency is minimum

12. A tuning fork of known frequency is held at the open end of a long tube, which is dipped into
water as shown in the figure. The tuning fork of frequency 165 Hz resonates in first and second
harmonic when air columns have lengths ℓ1 = 50 ±0.5 cm and ℓ2 = 150 ± 0.1 cm. Then

1) Speed of sound in air is (330 ± 1.98) m/s.

2) Speed of sound in air is (330 ± 1.2) m/s.
3) Percentage maximum error in speed of sound is 0.6%.
4) Percentage maximum error in speed of sound is 0.4%.
Ans: 1,3 Marks: 4 Negative Marks: 1
Solution: Let be λ is wavelength of sound in air

ℓ1 = and ℓ2 =
λ = 2(ℓ2 -ℓ1)
v = fλ = 165 × 2(150 -50) × 10-2 = 330 m/s

dv = × 330 = 1.98 m/s

v = (330 ± 2) m/s, it is speed of sound in air.

13. A transverse wave travelling on a taut string is represented by: Y = 0.01sin2π(10t – x) → Y and x
are in metre and 't' in second. Then,
1) the speed of the wave is 10 m/s
2) closest points on the string which differ in phase by 60° are separated by (1/6) m

3) Maximum particle velocity is π/4 m/s
4) The phase of a certain point on the string changes by 120° in (1/20) seconds
Ans: 1,2 Marks: 4 Negative Marks: 1
(A) Speed = = = 10 m/s

(B) 2π = k = ; λ = 1m

f= = = 60°

(C) VPmax = ωA = 20π × = m/s

(D) ϕ = 2ωt ; ϕ = 20π × =π

14. A uniform wire of length ℓ and mass m is hanging from a fixed support as shown. A transverse
wave pulse is produced at the top of rod, and a stone is dropped simultaneously from top. Then :-

1) Stone will definitely overtake the pulse, irrespective of length of wire.

2) Location of overtake will be independent of mass of wire, provided length remains same.
3) As the wavepulse travels downward its length of pulse decreases.
4) As the wavepulse travels downward its length of pulse increases.
Ans: 1,2,3 Marks: 4 Negative Marks: 1

Tension in rod at a distance y from top

speed of transverse wave at this location

V2 = ℓg – gy; V2 =

so transverse pulse can assumed to be moving with initial speed and decceleration
when stone overtakes the pulse

; ;t=
and position of overtake is

As pulse travels downward, its speed decreases.

15. A stationary observer receives a sound of frequency f0 = 2000 Hz when the source is at rest.
When the source starts moving with a constant velocity starting from a large distance, the

apparent frequency f varies with time as shown in figure. Speed of sound = 300 m/s. Choose the
correct alternative (s):-

1) Speed of source is 66.7 m/s.

2) fm shown in figure can be 2500 Hz.
3) Speed of source is 33.33 m/s.
4) fm shown in figure cannot be greater than 2250 Hz.
Ans: 3,4 Marks: 4 Negative Marks: 1
Solution: The graph shows the situation shown in figure below. The observed frequency will initially
be more than the natural frequency. When the source is at P, observed frequency is equal to
its natural frequency i.e., 2000 Hz.

For region AP :

For PB :

Minimum value of f will be:

when cos θ = 1

or 1800 = 2000
Solving this we get, vs = 33.33 m/s
and maximum value of f can be

when cos θ = 1

or fmax = 2000 = 2250 Hz


This section has FIVE questions.

The answer to each question is a SINGLE DIGIT INTEGER ranging from 0 to 9, both inclusive.
For each question, type the correct integer in the space provided below the question using
provided number keys.
Marking scheme:
+4 If the correct integer is typed in the provided space.
0 If none of the alphabets are selected.
–1 In all other cases.

16. If the sound heard by observer, whose equation is given as y = 8sin10πt cos 200πt at x = 0, then
number of beat frequency heard by observer is 2k. Then the value of k is
Ans: 5 Marks: 4 Negative Marks: 1
Solution: Beat frequency

Hence k = 5

17. A wire of steel of length 0.5 m and density 4.4 gm/cm3 is clamped tightly between two rigid
supports. The initial temperature of the support are 100°C. The temperature of one of the supports
is suddenly dropped to 20°C. If, after the steady state has been reached, the fundamental
frequency is (f × 100) Hz .Then find the value of f. (Young's modulus of steel Y = 2 × 1011 N/m2, α =
11 × 10–6 K –1)
Ans: 2 Marks: 4 Negative Marks: 1

n0 =
T = y A α Δ T (Δ T = 80)
n0 = 200

18. S is a stationary source of sound emitting waves of frequency 440 Hz. These waves are reflected
by a stationary wall & heard by observer O moving away with v = 10 m/s. Find beat frequency (in
Hz) heard by observer in the position shown (due to superposition between reflected & direct
waves) (Vsound = 330 m/s)

Ans: 8 Marks: 4 Negative Marks: 1

Solution: fdirect = 440 Hz

findirect = 440

= 440 [1] –
= 440 – 8 ⇒ 432 Hz
Δf = 440 – 432 = 8 Hz

19. A string of length 2 L, obeying Hooke's Law, is stretched so that its extension is L. The speed of
the transverse wave travelling on the string is v. If the string is further stretched so that the
extension in the string becomes 4L. The speed of transverse wave travelling on the string will be
. Calculate the value of x.
Ans: 2 Marks: 4 Negative Marks: 1
T1 = KL, T2 = K(4L)

µ2 = so v2 =

20. A uniform rope of length 12 m and having a mass 6 kg hangs vertically from a rigid support. A
block of mass 2 kg is attached to the free end of rope. A transverse pulse of wavelength 0.06 m is
produced at the lower end of rope. Its wavelength when it reaches the top end of the rope is given
by α m. Find 50α ?
Ans: 6 Marks: 4 Negative Marks: 1
Solution: Tension at the top = (6 + 2) × 10 = 80 N
Tension at the bottom = 2 × 10 = 20N

∴ Velocity of wave at top =

Velocity of wave at bottom

Since source is same ⇒ f is same.

∴ λtop = (2 × 0.06) = 0.12 m = a
∴ 5α = 0.6 m


This section contains TEN questions.

Each question has FOUR options (A), (B), (C) and (D). ONLY ONE of these four options is correct.
For each question, select the alphabet corresponding to the correct option provided below the
Marking scheme:
+3 If only the alphabet corresponding to the correct option is selected.
0 If none of the alphabets are selected.
–1 In all other cases.


Major product of reaction





Ans: 3 Marks: 3 Negative Marks: 1

Solution: Not Provided

22. Out of the following which is correct :





Ans: 4 Marks: 3 Negative Marks: 1


23. Major product of given reaction is :




Ans: 3 Marks: 3 Negative Marks: 1


24. Which of the following benzene ring is most reactive towards electrophile (E⊕) ?




Ans: 1 Marks: 3 Negative Marks: 1
Solution: Not Provided

25. Air pollutants that produce photochemical smog are :

1) Ozone, chloride and SO2
2) O2, Cl2, HNO3
3) Nitrogen oxide, PAN and Acrolein
4) CO2, CO and SO2
Ans: 3 Marks: 3 Negative Marks: 1
Solution: Not Provided

26. The enthalpy of vapour is 10 kcal/mole higher than liquid at 350 K and 2 atm. Under given
conditions, the difference in internal energy of vapour and liquid will be -
1) 10700 cal.
2) –9300 cal.
3) 9300 cal.
4) –10700 cal.
Ans: 3 Marks: 3 Negative Marks: 1
Solution: H 2O(ℓ) → H 2O(g)
ΔH = ΔU + ΔngRT
10000 = ΔU + 1 × 2 × 350
⇒ ΔU = 9300 cal

27. One mol of diatomic ideal gas undergoing a process in which absolute temperature is directly
propotional to cube of volume then heat capacity of process is -
1) 10/3 R
2) 11/6 R
3) 17/6 R
4) 3 R
Ans: 3 Marks: 3 Negative Marks: 1
Solution: T α V3

= or PV–2 = K

28. Two mole of an ideal gas is expanded irreversible and isothermally at 37°C until its volume is
doubled and 3.41 kJ heat is absorbed from surrounding. ΔStotal (system + surrounding) is :
1) –0.52 J/K
2) 0.52 J/K
3) 22.52 J/K
4) 0
Ans: 2 Marks: 3 Negative Marks: 1
ΔSsystem = nR ln = 2 × R × ln 2 = 11.52 J/K

ΔSsurrounding = –11 J/K

ΔStotal = + 11.52 – 11 = + 0.52 J/K
29. A reaction has ΔH = –33 kJ and ΔS = –58 J/K. This reaction would be :-
1) Spontaneous at all temperature
2) Non-spontaneous at all temperature
3) Spontaneous above a certain temperature only
4) Spontaneous below a certain temperature only
Ans: 4 Marks: 3 Negative Marks: 1
Solution: ΔG = ΔH –TΔS
ΔH = –33 × 103 J
ΔS = –58 J/K
ΔG < 0 for spontaneous reaction
ΔG = –33 × 103 + 58 T ......(i)
from (i) reaction ΔG < 0
T should below a certain temperature for –ve value of ΔG.

30. The standard enthalpy of formation of ammonia gas is

N 2H 4 (g) + H 2(g) → 2NH 3(g) ; = – 40 kJ/mol
[N 2H 4(g)] = – 120 kJ/mol.
1) –60
2) –180
3) 40
4) –80
Ans: 4 Marks: 3 Negative Marks: 1
Solution: Not Provided


This section contains FIVE questions.

Each question has FOUR options (A), (B), (C) and (D). ONE OR MORE THAN ONE of these four
options is(are) correct.
For each question, select the alphabets corresponding to all the correct option(s) provided
below the questions.
Marking scheme:
+4 If only the alphabets corresponding to all the correct option(s) is(are) selected.
0 If none of the alphabets are selected.
–1 In all other cases.

31. Which of the following reaction(s) can make alkyl benzene ?





Ans: 1,2,4 Marks: 4 Negative Marks: 1

Solution: Not Provided

32. In which of the following reaction, aromatic product is formed as a major product.



Ans: 1,2,3,4 Marks: 4 Negative Marks: 1


33. Which is correct relation between various enthalpies given all enthalpies are measured under
similar pressure and temperature conditions -
1) 2Δ fH°(HCl,g) = BE(H–H) + BE(Cl–Cl) – 2BE(H–Cl)
2) Δ fH°(CO2,g) = ΔH°comb. (C, graphite)
3) ΔH° for conversion of d-lactic acid to ℓ-lactic acid is zero
4) ΔH°neutralization (HCl + NaOH) is equal to ΔH° for the reaction H +(aq.) + OH –(aq.) → H 2O(ℓ)

Ans: 1,2,3,4 Marks: 4 Negative Marks: 1

Solution: Heat of formation = Heat of reaction in which one mole compound is formed by combination
of its constituent element in standard state.

34. The diagram illustrates the energy changes of a set of reactions :

Which of the following statements are correct ?

1) The enthalpy change for the reaction P → R is –33 kJ mol–1.
2) The enthalpy change for the transformation R → Q will be endothermic.
3) The enthalpy change for the transformation R → Q will be exothermic.
4) The enthalpy change for the transformation S → P will be +42 kJ mol–1.
Ans: 3,4 Marks: 4 Negative Marks: 1
Solution: Not Provided

35. Which reaction can form phenol as a product





Ans: 1,2,3 Marks: 4 Negative Marks: 1

Solution: Not Provided


This section has FIVE questions.

The answer to each question is a SINGLE DIGIT INTEGER ranging from 0 to 9, both inclusive.
For each question, type the correct integer in the space provided below the question using
provided number keys.
Marking scheme:
+4 If the correct integer is typed in the provided space.
0 If none of the alphabets are selected.
–1 In all other cases.

36. Total number of compound which are more reactive than benzene towards electrophilic aromatic
substitution is -

(I) (II) (III) (IV)

(V) (VI) (VII) (VIII)


Ans: 5 Marks: 4 Negative Marks: 1

Solution: (+M, +H, +I) groups.

37. Identify reactions correctly matched with their major products -

Ans: 2 Marks: 4 Negative Marks: 1
Solution: Not Provided

38. Among the following the number of reaction(s) that produce(s) benzaldehyde is -






Ans: 5 Marks: 4 Negative Marks: 1

this reaction is called Gattermann koch synthesis

this reaction is called Rosenmund reduction


39. For a reaction : 2A(s) + B(g) → 3C(ℓ)

standard entropy change of reaction is 2 kJ/mol-K and standard enthalpy of combustion of A, B
and C are –100, –60 –285 kJ/mol respectively, then find the maximum useful work that can be
obtained at 27°C and 1 bar pressure for reaction (in kJ/mol).
Ans: 5 Marks: 4 Negative Marks: 1
Solution: |Useful work| = ΔG
ΔS = 2 kJ/mol-K
ΔH = 2(–100) – 60 – 3 (–285)
ΔH = –200 – 60 + 855
ΔH = 595 kJ/mol
ΔG = 595 – 300 × 2
ΔG = –5 kJ/mol, |ΔG| = 5 kJ/mole

40. An ideal gas enclosed in a baloon undergoes a complete cycle consisting of two process during
the 1st process the gas expands and internal energy of gas is increased by 5kJ. The gas is
compressed during 2nd process and 7kJ of heat is transferred from the gas. How much work was
done on the gas during compression process in kJ.
Ans: 2 Marks: 4 Negative Marks: 1
Solution: Ist process : ΔU = +5 kJ
IInd process : q = –7 kJ
ΔU = –5kJ
∴ W = ΔU – a = –5 + 7 = 2 kJ


This section contains TEN questions.

Each question has FOUR options (A), (B), (C) and (D). ONLY ONE of these four options is correct.
For each question, select the alphabet corresponding to the correct option provided below the
Marking scheme:
+3 If only the alphabet corresponding to the correct option is selected.
0 If none of the alphabets are selected.
–1 In all other cases.

41. Let ƒ : (– , 1] R and ƒ(x) = 9x – 3x + 1. If the maximum and minimum values of ƒ(x) are M and m
respectively, then

2) M + 4m = 10
3) M2 – 16m2 = 20
4) M2 + 4m2 = 50
Ans: 2 Marks: 3 Negative Marks: 1
Solution: ƒ(x) = (3x)2 – 3x + 1
Let 3x = t, 0 < t ≤ 3
∴ y = t2 – t + 1
M = 7 , m = 3/4

42. The function f : R–{0} → R defined by is

1) an even function
2) an odd function
3) neither even nor odd function
4) None of these
Ans: 1 Marks: 3 Negative Marks: 1
f(–x) =

43. Domain of is -
1) (0, 1) ∪ (1, ∞)
2) (1, ∞)
3) (–∞, –1]
4) ϕ
Ans: 2 Marks: 3 Negative Marks: 1
1 – e(1 – x) > 0 and x > 0, x ≠ 1
⇒ e(1 – x) < 1 ⇒ (1 – x) < 0
⇒ x > 1 ⇒ x ∈ (1, ∞)

44. Which of the following graphs represents a function





Ans: 3 Marks: 3 Negative Marks: 1

Solution: If we draw a line parallel to y axis and intersects the curve at atmost one point, then its is a
is equal to-




Ans: 2 Marks: 3 Negative Marks: 1


If , then f '(0) is equal to
1) –2
2) 0
3) –1
4) 1
Ans: 1 Marks: 3 Negative Marks: 1

47. Which of the following point is equidistance from the points P(1, 2, 3) and Q(3, 2, –1)
1) (5, 2, 6)
2) (–9, 2, 0)

4) (3, –1, 3)
Ans: 3 Marks: 3 Negative Marks: 1
Solution: Let point is R(x,y,z)
∴ PR = QR
⇒ (x – 1)2 + (y – 2)2 + (z – 3)2
= (x – 3)2 + (y – 2)2 + (z + 1)2
⇒ x – 2z = 0

48. Four of eight vertices of a regular octagon are chosen at random. Then the probability that the
quadrilateral formed is square is :-



Ans: 1 Marks: 3 Negative Marks: 1

Solution: ACEG and BDFH is

a square

49. A and B are events such that P(A) = 0.42, P(B) = 0.48 and P(A and B) = 0.16. Then
1) P(not A) = 0.50
2) P(not B) = 0.58
3) P(A or B) = 0.74
4) P(A or B) = 0.50
Ans: 3 Marks: 3 Negative Marks: 1
Solution: P(A C) = 1 – P(A)
P(A ∪ B) = P(A) + P(B) – P(A ∩ B)

50. A number x is chosen at random from the set {1, 2, 3, 4, ......, 100}. Then probability of the event

that the chosen number x satisfy the inequality ≥ 0 is –

1) 0.20 2) 0.70 3) 0.71 4) 0.51
Ans: 3 Marks: 3 Negative Marks: 1

x ∈ [10, 30) ∪ [50, 100]

Probability = = 0.71


This section contains FIVE questions.

Each question has FOUR options (A), (B), (C) and (D). ONE OR MORE THAN ONE of these four
options is(are) correct.
For each question, select the alphabets corresponding to all the correct option(s) provided
below the questions.
Marking scheme:
+4 If only the alphabets corresponding to all the correct option(s) is(are) selected.
0 If none of the alphabets are selected.
–1 In all other cases.

Which of the following is not the graph of




Ans: 1 Marks: 4 Negative Marks: 1

Solution: A

52. Domain of the function contains the points -

1) 9, 10
2) 7, 10
3) 8, 9
4) 8, 10
Ans: 1,3,4 Marks: 4 Negative Marks: 1
Solution: 10C x–1 – 2.10C x > 10

⇒ ⇒

⇒ 22 – 2x < x ⇒ x > & as well x ≤ 10

⇒ x = 8, 9, 10
but at x = 11 function is undefined.

The domain of f(x) = log can be -
4) R

Ans: 1,3 Marks: 4 Negative Marks: 1

⇒ ⇒ 4 + 2sinx > 3
2sinx > –1

sinx >

⇒ sinx ∈

If (finite real number) then -
1) ℓ = 4
2) C = –6
3) C = 4
4) C ∈ R
Ans: 1,2 Marks: 4 Negative Marks: 1
Solution: 27 + 9C + 15 + 12 = 0 ⇒ C = –6

If the derivative of is , then
1) maximum value of λ + μ is 2
2) maximum value of λ + μ is
3) minimum value of λ + μ is –2
4) minimum value of λ + μ is –
Ans: 2,4 Marks: 4 Negative Marks: 1
We use the quotient rule on this function wherever it is defined.


This section has FIVE questions.

The answer to each question is a SINGLE DIGIT INTEGER ranging from 0 to 9, both inclusive.
For each question, type the correct integer in the space provided below the question using
provided number keys.
Marking scheme:
+4 If the correct integer is typed in the provided space.
0 If none of the alphabets are selected.
–1 In all other cases.

The number of integers lying in the domain of function is
Ans: 7 Marks: 4 Negative Marks: 1
Solution: x2 – 5x + 6 ≥ 0 and 2x + 8 – x2 ≥ 0

Value of is
Ans: 2 Marks: 4 Negative Marks: 1
Solution: Using L Hospital's rule :

58. is equal to

Ans: 1 Marks: 4 Negative Marks: 1


59. If x = and then , then the value of k is :

Ans: 1 Marks: 4 Negative Marks: 1



60. If λ is the ratio in which the YZ-plane divides the line segment formed by joining the points (–2, 4,

7) and (3, –5, 8) then the value of is

Ans: 1 Marks: 4 Negative Marks: 1

Point is


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