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(SESSION 2022-23)

His. CHAPTER: 01



 This Answer Key is related to History Chapter 01 “How, When & Where”, notebook work.
 Answers should be based on contextual understanding.
 Since subjective type questions can be answered in multiple ways, the Answer Key is to be
referred to for value points and ideal framework of answers.
 While taking up the written assignments:
 Write the Headings [Chapter no, chapter name and assignment no.] on the top.
 Leave a line's gap after every question.
 Write the questions as well as answers.
 Draw finishing line after each segment of questions.
 Use only blue pen for writing the whole work- questions as well answers.


Q1. Represent James Mill’s periodization of History with the help of a flow chart.

James Mill’s Periodization

of history


Q.2. Answer the following questions in 20-30 words:

a. Define [i] History [ii] Periodization
Ans: [i] History: It is the study of past events in a chronological order that helps to understand the social,
religious, economic and cultures practiced in the past and correlate it with the present
[ii] Periodization: It is the process of categorizing the past into periods and demarcate the
difference between these periods. It reflects the significant change from one period to another.

b. Why is it important to have dates or time frame while writing history?

Ans: It is important to have dates / time frame while writing history, as dates helped to record important
events in chronological order. The dates become important due to the significant changes that
occurred on a particular date. These dates help the historians to focus on those particular events
like policies, activities and achievements about which they are writing.


Q3. Answer the following questions in 80-120 words:
a. James Mill periodised the Indian History as Hindu, Muslim and British. Give valid reasons
why he supported this periodization.
Ans: Reasons why he supported this periodization:
[i] Mill thought that all Asian societies were at a lower level of civilization than Europe.
[ii]According to him, before the British came to India, Hindu and Muslim despots ruled the
country. During their rule there was religious intolerance, caste taboos and superstitious
practices that dominated the social life of Indians. India was uncivilized till Britishers came.
[iii] He strongly felt India was not capable of progress without British help as they represented all
the forces of progress and civilizations and thus they introduced European manners, arts,
institutions and laws in India.
[iv]Mill, in fact, suggested that the British should conquer all the territories in India to ensure
the enlightenment and happiness of the Indian people.

b. Enlist and explain the challenges in the periodization done by Indian historians.
Ans: The difficulties of periodization by Indian Historians are as follows:
[i] Historians have divided Indian history into ‘ancient’, ‘medieval’ and ‘modern’. This
division too was being criticized by many historians.
[ii] This periodization was borrowed from the West where modern period was associated with
the growth of all the forces of modernity – science, reason, democracy, liberty and equality.
[iii]Medieval was a term used to describe a society where these features of modern society did not
[iv] Moreover during British rule people did not have equality, freedom or liberty in India. Nor was
the period associated with political and economic growth.
[v] Thus many historians referred this period as ‘colonial’.

c. Mention any five events, which if recorded, will make history more interesting.
Ans: Some events if recorded would make history more interesting are as follows:
[i] Historians could write about the cultural changes in society about how people travelled and
exchanged news in the olden days and about the livelihood of people in the past.
[ii] Historians could write about the natural disasters that occurred during that period and the ways
they dealt in those situations.
[iii] Historians could write about the life of common people and their lifestyle including culture and
economic activities taken up by them.
[iv] Historians could write about the technological developments involved in building breathtaking
architecture and monuments.
[v] Historians could write about the corrupt practices prevalent in the rulers court and in the empire
and their impact on common men.


Q1. Find the following:

a. Any two administrative and unofficial records used during this colonial period.
Ans: The two administrative records were: letters and documents
The two unofficial records are personal diaries of people and accounts of travelers and
b. Two specialized institutes that were set up to preserve the important records.
Ans: The National Museum and the National Archives were set up to preserve the important
c. The different types of surveys held in Colonial period.
Ans: Detailed surveys were carried out by the British to map all of India, and revenue surveys (to
decide how much tax was to be collected from where) were conducted in villages in order to
know the topography, the quality of soil, flora, fauna, cropping patterns, etc.


Q2. Answer the following in 20-30 words each:
a. What is Colonial?
Ans: When subjugation (action of bringing someone under control) of one country by another leads
to political, economic, social and cultural changes this process is termed as colonization.
Colonial is the term used for the country that controls other country.
b. Why the British preserved the official document? Give reason.
Ans: The British preserved the official document so that they could be studied and debated. It would
be easy for any person to know about the decisions taken in the past and whenever required it
could be referred for investigation.
c. Elaborate on the National Archives of India
Ans: The National Archive of India was set up in 1920 at New Delhi. It was located close to
Viceregal palace. It was considered as one of the important places for Britishers. It was the
collection of historical documents and records.

Q3. Answer the following in 50-80 words each:

a. Differentiate between the information historians get from newspapers and that found in
police reports.
Ans: Information is essential for writing history of a time which can be gathered from various
sources. Apart from official documents in the archives, historians gather information from old
newspaper, diaries of people, biographies etc.
1.Information found in newspapers may be showcasing incidents based on the views and
interpretations of the correspondents, news editors etc. They could be biased in presenting the
news but they often write about the life of common
2.Whereas the reports prepared by police would be based on facts of the incidence as narrated
by the victim and witnesses but could be prepared under the influence of the senior officers.
So the information that historians get from old newspapers can be biased but tells about the life
of common people.



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