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Learning Outcome:
1. Relate the USM VMGO and UQPS to own goals and

What is your first impression of USM?

When I was still in senior high school, I was already certain that University of
Southern Mindanao (USM) will be one my training grounds of becoming a diplomat. One
month before our graduation, all of my necessary documents for college were already
prepared and essential things like boarding house and school uniforms have been set up.

When I first entered USM, I was amazed of how huge its campus is to the extent you
need to ride a tricycle for you to save your energy and be able to accomplish your agenda in
a short period of time. The structures and designs of the buildings also caught my attention
since most of them are inspired by Islamic architecture. I was also mesmerized after
knowing that USM is home to many endangered plant species, what made me more
fascinated is that USM has been working tirelessly to preserve and propagate those
endangered plant species. Also, the staff and personnel were so approachable and
accommodating since they did not fail to address my questions even though there were a lot
of students that they need to cater.

Out of all the things I had noticed, the light-emitting diode (LED) monitor at the
entrance really caught my attention since during that time the USM community was
celebrating because of the hard-earned achievements of the graduates. As far as I can
remember, numerous USM graduates that time nailed their licensure examinations and
some of them were included in the list of topnotchers.

Why did you choose to study in this university?

First off, I always consider education as my greatest companion towards achieving
my ultimate goal of having a comfortable life. However, in order for me to attain that goal, I
should choose the right institution considering the fact that it would play a vital role in
developing my character and skills. Before I decided to study in USM, I asked myself tons of
questions. Is this school would really help me in realizing my full potential? Does it offer the
quality and relevant education that I am looking for to face what lies ahead? Can my parents
be able to sustain and support me throughout my college journey if I enroll myself in this
university? These were the things that I considered before venturing into the most crucial
stage of my life.
For more than two years of being a student of USM, I can say that I made the right
decision. In just a span of two years, I was able to hone and showcase my abilities by
competing in different academic competitions like debate and essay writing. I was also
accepted in the school's official student publication which gave me an opportunity to polish
my communication skills. Before the pandemic rocked every institution, I was always
exposed to various concepts and paradigms that are significant in my field of study. Now
that I am immersing in a new medium of acquiring knowledge, I can say that USM really
prioritizes its students since the institution makes online classes more bearable without
compromising the quality and relevance of education.

Taking everything into account, I chose USM as my training ground and stepping
stone of becoming a great diplomat because the quality of education is beyond compare. The
instructors are dynamic and well-trained which make their students more determined in
learning the lessons. Apart from that, USM allows their students to excel not just in the four
corners of their learning facilities, but also in every aspect of their lives since it has
university-based activities that equip students to compete successfully against all odds.
Lastly, fees like tuition and miscellaneous are funded by the government which make
education more accessible and more convenient to the students and to their parents.

Activity 1. Personal Mission, Vision and Goals

As a student, make your own mission, vision and goals.

To be a student journalist who speaks for those who cannot and who
recognizes the voices of others; to attain a life that includes constant
learning and gradual improvement not just for myself, but also for
others by creating an atmosphere of collaborative efforts; and to be
ever faithful to my principles by utilizing my writing and leadership
skills to empower others to live the life of their dreams.

My vision statement encompasses my values and beliefs: I strive to
eliminate mediocrity and champion creativity, perseverance, and
resiliency in the phase of adversity to get the most out of life and
be of service to others.
• To realize my full potential as a student and to play my role as a responsible citizen
who respects life and who upholds rights.
• To finish my chosen bachelor’s program with outstanding records and credentials.
• To payback my family for all of their sacrifices by providing them the life that they
• To enrich my experiences by engaging in collaborative community efforts that
foster a balanced, purposeful, and meaningful life.
• To challenge and empower others to become responsible students and citizens who
contribute to their communities through active leadership and responsive service.

Activity 2.

1. How do you plan to achieve your goals?

I know for a fact that I am living in this world where I am grounded with my purpose;
a purpose that keeps me driven and persevering. As an individual who aspires to get the
most out of life, I have tons of goals not just for myself, but also for my family's sake. My
problem now is how to bridge the gap between where I am today and the goals I intend to

Just like writing an essay, I need an outline or a systematic method of goal-setting in

order for me to realize my aspirations. First, I need to ensure that my goals are clear and
specific. Instead of aiming for better grades, good health, and a successful career, I should
be specific about what grades I want to have, what level of fitness or weight I desire, and
what kind of job I want in the future. In other words, I need to set goals that are multi-
dimensional so that I work and function like a well-oiled machine. Secondly, I need to set
my priorities by listing them from the most to the least important. This strategy will help
me in making the right decisions since it will always remind me to weigh my options
thoroughly and to utilize my time efficiently. Next, I need to convince myself that failure is
part of life and it is one of life's greatest teachers. Being able to appreciate failures and being
able to generate remedies and better plans out from them are great signs of growth. I should
engrave in my mind that there is no shame in failing because having a lack of control over a
situation is totally fine because everybody goes through it.

Life offers unexpected twists and turns, but as a dreamer, it is my responsibility to

find the courage and optimism to keep moving forward. When the world tries to stop me
from reaching my wildest goals, it only means that I need to unleash my full potential to
prove that I am more than just my setbacks, and to prove that my goals are worth fighting
Student Interest Inventory

Name: ______Juan Justin D. Gonzales_______ Date: _____August 26, 2021______

Home Address: Poblacion, Kidapawan City Year & Course: 3 BS in Int’l Relations-A_
High School graduated from: Kidapawan City NHS Birthdate: ___April 4, 2001____

Honors/Awards received (if any): With High Honors, Philippine Senate Gold Medal for
Academic Excellence Award, Best in Social Sciences, Outstanding Performer in_______
Humanities and Social Sciences Strand, Champion and Best Debater (Pasiklaban Debate
Competition 2019), 2nd Placer - Essay Writing Contest (MISSCon 2020), and 2nd Placer -
Debate Cup Championship (MISSCon 2020). __________________________________

Talents: ___________Debating, writing articles, and playing volleyball._____________

Brothers and Sisters (with age opposite their names):

__________________Charlene D. Gonzales-Salamida (27 years old)_______________

Special/ Best friends:

Kristine P. Celeste, Leslie Rose B. Brana, Gabriel B. Dela Cruz, Nicole Marie B, Nerez,
Marilyn M. Llorica, Charlemagne A. Balgos, Aldrin John A. Paragat, Gwyneth C.______
Cabantog, and Danicca M. Alagaban.________________________________________

What I like to do most at home: _Watching Documentaries and reading my lessons.__

My hobbies: Stitching, cooking, playing volleyball, watching vlogs, and reading articles.

These are my favorites:

Book: ____The East Asian Miracle______ TV show: ______It’s Showtime______

Actor: _______Donny Pangilinan_______ Actress: ______Toni Gonzaga______

Singer: ________Charlie Puth_________ Songs: _____Here’s Your Perfect____

If I had one wish, it would be: __To relive the moments that I shared with my father.__

This is what my teacher did last year/sem that I LIKED the most:
I received complimentary reviews from my professor regarding my artworks and essays.

This is what my teacher did last year/sem that BOTHERED or UPSET me:

I worry about: __________My grades being miscalculated by the system.___________

School would be better if: ____Classes are conducted physically (face-to-face)._____

One goal I would like to accomplish this year:

To maintain my academic standing without compromising my health and as well as my_
social and spiritual life.____________________________________________________


Thank you for answering!

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