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Name: ......................................


1. Transports: motorbike, bus, helicopter, plane, bike,
2. Animlas: goat, shoulder, cheetah, horses,
3. People: cousin, grandparents, girl, boy,
4. Things: piano, bookcase, computer, painting, bread, egg, books, radio, fan, shoes, bag, flower,
some noodles, grass, lemon, cereal, meat,
5. Verbs: is – was, are – were, have  had, walk - walked, go - goes, catch the bus, hit, like, drink
juice, put,
6. Places: café, path, library, tree, wall, birthday party, town, ocean, park,
7. Colors: purple, yellow, grey, brown, red
8. Positions: between, under, next to, on,
9. Numbers: one hundred,
10..Adjectives: shy, afraid, the largest, the smallest
Would you like some …?

Phu My Primary School- page 1

Phu My Primary School- page 2
Part 2: Order the words to make a complete sentence :

1. cat/ There’s/ a/ the/ tree./ in ................................................................................................

2. are/ There/ flowers/ many/ wall./ on/ the ........................................................................
3. mustn’t /You/ dog / the/ here./ walk..................................................................................
4. sometimes / She/ goes / shopping. ...................................................................................
5. ate /He / pizza/ the / café. /at...............................................................................................
6. catch / the / train / I/ school. / to/........................................................................................
7. you/ apples?/ Would/ some/ like..........................................................................................
8. had / They / for / party/ birthday/ him./a/.......................................................................
9. never / I / basketball. / play...................................................................................................
10. would/ He / some/ like/ bread.............................................................................................
11. would/ She / some/ like/ meat. ...........................................................................................
12. never / We / soccer. / play.....................................................................................................
13. doing /I’m / homework./ my.....................................................................................................
14. good / That’s/ idea/a/................................................................................................................
15. would/ She / some/ like/ cereal. ......................................................................................

Part 3: Example:

a village
cheese coffee a cinema a forest supermarket soup
You can buy food, clothes and sometimes books here. ______a supermarket___
1. People sit inside here and watch films. ___________________
2. You can eat this food in a sandwich. ___________________
3. You can have this brown drink hot or cold. Some people put milk in it. ___________________
4. People live here. It is smaller than a town. ___________________
5. There are always a lot of trees here. ___________________
6. This can have meat or vegetables in it and you put it in bowls. ___________________

Phu My Primary School- page 3

zoo sun cloud school yard cinema a road
7. Animals like pandas, bears, lions and giraffes live here …………........……..……………………

8. These are white and grey. Rain comes from them.…………………………………………………

9. Children run, shout and play games in this place, which is outside…………..……………………

10. This is very hot. We see it in the day but not at night………………………….…………………
11. You can go this play to see a film.………………………………………….……………………

fruits a supermarket a playground a café a plane a library

12. You can play here with your friends between the lessons. …… .............................…….
13. People go to this place to drink, eat and talk to their friends. ……………………….
14. You can read books here or take them home to read. ………………………
15. . You can buy food and clothes here. ………………………

16. Apples, bananas, lemons and oranges are examples of this. ………………………

Part 1: Read and match the descriptions with the words. Name: ......................................

a market bananas a cinema a doctor a toothbrush carrots

Example: You can go to this place to see films. ...a cinema…
1. You use this to clean your teeth. ………………………
2. You can buy food and clothes here. ………………………
3. This person works in a hospital. ………………………
4. People eat these vegetables. They are orange. ………………………
Part 2: Read the text. Choose the right words and write on the lines. ( 3pts )
My name is Alex, I like reading comics and playing (0) football. At the weekend, I with my
sister like (1) _____________ to the park. At there, we play games and talk together. Then we
go home and (2) ______________ lunch with my family. My mom often cooks chicken, salad

football Phuwalking
My Primary School-pizza
page 4 eat surfing
and burger, it is very delicious but my favorite food is (3) ____________. I like weekend
because I am free.

Part 3: Read the text. Circle the correct word. ( 3pts ). There is one example.
Kevin always goes shopping at the (0) shopping mall / café on the weekend. It is (1) between /
next to the park and the school. He usually goes there by (2) car / boat because it’s safe and quick.
After that, Kevin sometimes drinks coffee at the (3) concert / café with his friends. Kevin loves
Part 4: Write the correct words with pictorial hints Name: ......................................

My house is near Tao Dan Park. Therefore, I often walk and play here. There are many (0) trees

and lots of flowers. In this park, you mustn’t swim in the (1) ____________________________ .

You must walk and play in the path. You mustn’t run on the (2) ___________________________

To keep the park clean, there are many people cleaning, taking all the (3)____________________
and putting them in the garbage can.

Part 5: Order the words to make complete sentences ( 3pts ). There is one example:
Vietnam. are we from  We are from Vietnam.

1. catch I the bus school. to  _____________________________________

2. your do You must homework.  _____________________________________

3. Would water some like you ?  ___________________________________

Part 6: Read and match the descriptions with the words.

a market cheese a swimming pool a forest a bus station a clown

Example: A place for people to swim in. ...a swimming pool…
1. You make this food from milk. Mice like eating it. ………………………
2. You can buy fruit and vegetables here. ………………………

Phu My Primary School- page 5

3. This person is funny and makes you laugh. ………………………
4. There are a lot of buses in this place . ………………………
Part 7: Read the text. Choose the right words and write on the lines. ( 3pts )
Do you go to school on Saturdays? What about Sundays? Children don’t go to school at the
weekend. What do they do on those days? Lots of children do their (1) _____________.
Many children have hobbies too. Some children like (2)___________ tennis or football, or
going for a swim with their family. When they are at home, they can listen to (3)
___________, watch films or read books. There are lots of things to do when you aren’t at
school. weekend playing music homework play
Part 8: Write the correct words with pictorial hints

This is Phu My Hung park. There are some (1)_trees__in the park and there are lots of flowers.

A woman is standing near a (2) _______________. A duck is walking on the (3) ______________

and a girl is walking on the path. A man is cleaning the park. He is taking all the (4)____________
and putting it in the garbage can. Phu My Hung park is very clean now.

Part 1: Order the words to make complete sentences Name: ......................................

school walk I to everyday.  I walk to school everyday.

1. tea? you some like Would  ______________________________________

2. must do You homework. your  ______________________________________

Part 2: Read and match description with word:

Example: You can get some water from
A library
this fruit. F
1. This isn’t a river, but you can swim or fish B waterfall
in it.
C cereal
2. This is water that falls from a high place.
D lake
3. You come to this place to read books.
E station
4. You eat this for breakfast with milk.
F lemon
Phu My Primary School- page 6
Part 3: Read the text. Circle the correct word.
There are many places to relax after a hard working day. Some people go to the (0) café/
supermarket to buy something for their family. People go to the (1) gym / movie theater to watch
films. Young people who love to listen (2) to / about music will go to the concert. Lots of children
want to go to the (3) pool / slide because they can get exercise while they’re swimming.

Part 4: Circle the the correct word and write.

1. You must (wash /washing) ………..…………………….…………… your hands before dinner.
2. He (gets / got ) ……………………………………………….……. a small radio form his sister.
3. Hoa’s family (had / has) ……………………………..……… a birthday party for him yesterday.
4. She never (going /goes) ……………………..…………………. to the shopping mall on Sundays.
5. You mustn’t (walk / walking) …………………………………………………....….……… here.
6. You must (go / going) ……….……………….………………………………………. on the path.
7. There (was / is) ………….….……………..………………………………. a laptop ten years ago.
8. The students musn’t (talking / talk) …………..……………..…………………….. in classroom.
9. There (was / were)……………………………….…..…………. a market one hundred years ago.
10. I never ( play /played )………………………………………………..………………. basketball..
11. You also must (puts / put) ……………………………………………… litter in the garbage can.
12. I (have / had) ………………………………..………..….… long hair when I was six years old..

Part 5: Read and match description with word:

Example: You can watch a film in this place. A A cinema

B park
1. You can drink coffee and juice here.

C station
2. You can play outside on the slides.
D museum
3. You put it in the garbage can.
E litter
4. You see some old things in this place.
F café
Part 6: Write about park rules
At the park, you must …………………….……. and you must …………………..…………
But you musn’t………………………………….……. or ………………………….…………….

Phu My Primary School- page 7

Part 1: Listen and color and write :

Part 2:. Listen and tick ( ) the correct picture .

Name: ......................................
1. What did the children have for lunch?

2. What did Sue eat for supper?

3. Which is Vicky’s best friend?

Phu My Primary School- page 8

Part 3: Listen and write (3pts): There is one example:

Name: ……..Green Hill Primary school...........
1. How old?: ........................................................
2. Best friend: .....................................................
3. Favorite day: …..............................................
Part 4: Read and match description with word:
This person takes care of your teeth. E A a singer

1. This person sings many songs. B a helicopter

2. You can teach this bird to talk. C a dog

3. You go here to drink coffee and D a cafe

eat cakes.
E a dentist
4. You can fly in this. It’s often smaller
than a plane. F a parrot
Name: ......................................
Part 5: Read the text and choose the best answer
Penguins are birds, but they can’t fly. They travel under the surface of the water to look for food. All their
food comes from the sea like fish, shrimps, and other sea animals. They can dive 300 feet deep down into the
water. They are very good divers. On land, they hop, walk or slide if they want to go faster. They spend half
of their lives on land and half in the ocean.

Example: Can the penguins fly? 2. How deep can they dive?
A. Yes, they can. A. 300 foot
B. No, they can’t. B. 300 feet
C. No, they don’t. C. 3000 feet
1. What do the penguins eat?
A. They eat fish, shrimps, and other sea animals. 3. Which sentence is correct?
B. They eat fish, coral, and starfish. A. Penguins aren’t birds.
C. They eat turtles, oysters, and seaweed. B. Penguins can kill people.
C. People shouldn't kill penguins.

Phu My Primary School- page 9

Part 6: Read the text. Circle the correct word.
Most islands are in the (0) sea / land. You can go there by (1) boat /motorbike or by plane. People
like going to islands because they have fresh air. Some islands have jungles, some have (2)
mountains / world and some have both. On sunny days, lots of people go to islands. They do many
interesting activities such as swimming, sunbathing and (3) walking /walk along the beach.
Part 7: Write the correct words with pictorial hints
Mark and Sally are different but they’ve been best friends for two years. They can do lots of things
with each other such as watching movie at the (0)

cinema on the weekend, listening to (1) .................................................. at home,

go (2) …..…................................. and riding (3) ……………………………….. in the park.

Part 8: Order the words to make complete sentences

Example: walk/ I / to/ school. /  I walk to school.
1. pick / the / flowers. / You / mustn’t / _____________________________________

2. was / There/ market /a/ years/ ago/ ten _______________________________

Part 1: Look at the picture and read the story. Write some words to complete the sentences
about the story. You can use 1, 2 or 3 words

Last weekend Bill, Bob, Betty and their parents went to the
city zoo for Bill’s birthday. It was a very beautiful sunny day.
The children and their dad had a race when Mum was
putting their picnic on a yellow blanket. They sang a
birthday song for Bill before their lunch.

Example: … Last weekend ……… Bill went to the zoo with his family.
1. The weather was ______________________.
2. Mum put _______________________ on the blanket.

Part 2: Put the verbs in the correct form

0. The whale is the (big) biggest animal in the ocean.

Phu My Primary School- page 10

1. In 1900, there (be) …………………………… a market.

2. I (have) ……………..….… short hair when I was seven years old..

Part 5: Write a paragraph about your classroom rules.
(In our school, you must ………………….……. and you must …………………….…….
But you musn’t…………………………..….…….or ………………..………….…….)
Part 1: Listen and color and write:

Part 2:. Listen and tick ( ) the correct picture Name: ......................................
Which poster did Jim buy?

1. Where is John’s homework?

2. What is Marry doing now?

Phu My Primary School- page 11

3. Which sport did Tom play yesterday?

Part 3: Listen and write (3pts): There is one example:

The school trip

Where: A farm
1. How many kinds of animals:.........................

2. Lunch: .......................................... and bread

3. Bought: ..............................................................

3.: ..................................................
Name: ......................................
Part 1: Read and match description with word:
Example: You can go to school by this. E A
A ocean

1. You can read the book here, but you B grass

must be quiet.
C library
2. You mustn’t walk on it.

D cinema
3. You can watch the film here.
E bus
4. They’re long and thin. You can eat
them in a bowl. F noodles
My name’s Han and I live near the park. I and Lam are walking on the grass. There’s a cat in the
tree. 2: Readathe
walltext and the
around choose
park.the bestare
There answer
lots of flowers on the wall. They’re very beautiful!
Here are some rules for the park. You mustn’t leave any litter. You must use a garbage can. Also,
there’s a dog playing in the fountain. Phu
YouMymustn’t let your dog play there.
Primary School- page 12
Example: What’s the name of the reading? 2. What is the dog doing?
A. at the park A. It’s playing on the wall.
B. at the zoo B. It’s playing in the fountain.
C. in the jungles C. It’s playing next to the fountain.
1. What are on the wall? 3. What must we do to keep the park clean?
A. a lot of flowers A. Leave litter on the grass.
B. some flowers B. Let the dog in the fountain.
C. a cat C. Put the litter in the garbage can.
Part 3: Read the text. Circle the correct word.
This is a photo of our street fifty years ago. There (0) was / were houses in the street then. There

weren’t (1) any trolleys / bikes. There were cars and (2) mountain / motorcycles. There was a

shopping mall, but there (3) was / were lots of shops. There was a movie theater, too.

Part 4: Write the correct words with pictorial hints

There are four people in my family. My dad likes drinking (0) coffee.

My mom likes (1) ........................................ for her breakfast. My sister often plays

the (2) ……………… in her room. I love (3) …..……..……. books to enjoy
my life.
Part 5: Order theTHE words to make complete sentences
Clare and Peter
Example: carlived
/ He /inhis
a small flat.
/ drives On Sundays,
/ work/ to.  He drives his car to work.
the family always went to the park to play different
games, because
1. catch/ They/they didn’t
to/ the/ bus/have a garden.
school.  Last
Sunday, Mom said 'Let's take a picnic today!' She
2. youeight
made / onions?
cheese/ sandwiches
Would /some and/ like
Dad went____________________________________
shopping. He bought some grapes, salad leaves and
four 6: Look
fruitat thefrom
pies picture and read the story. Write some words to complete the sentences
the supermarket.
about the story. You can use 1, 2 or 3 words

o'clock. Phu My Primary School- page 13

Example: The family lived in a small flat.
1. Because they didn’t have a garden, they went …………………. on Sundays.
2. For the picnic, Mom made …………………………………….……………………...

Part 7: Put the verbs in the correct form.

0. I go (fish) fishing with my friends on Sunday

1. You mustn’t (feed) ……………..….……… the dog here.

2. There (be) ………….….…………. a plane one hundred years ago.

Phu My Primary School- page 14

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