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¬ ¬ ¬ 7 Reasons Why Continuous Learning is Important ¬¬¬

Learning is essential to our existence. Just like food nourishes our bodies, information and
continued learning nourishes our minds. Lifelong learning is an indispensable tool for every career
and organisation.

Today, continuous learning forms a necessary part in acquiring critical thinking skills and
discovering new ways of relating to people from different cultures. To live a life without continuous
learning is unthinkable.

“The only thing that is constant is change”, Heraclitus.

Change in your career, change in your personal life, change in your community and organisations.
One of the most effective ways of dealing with change is with lifelong learning.

What is continuous learning?

Continues learning is your self-motivated persistence in acquiring knowledge and competencies in
order to expand your skill set and develop future opportunities. It forms part of your personal and
professional development in an effort to avoid stagnation and reach your full potential.

7 ways lifelong learning will benefit you

Knowledge is now at everyone’s fingertips. Those not making use of this opportunity will remain
where they are, their capabilities diminishing in its importance. These seven benefits should be
reason enough never to stop learning.

1. Remain relevant
Don’t be left behind. Ensure you remain relevant to your industry by keeping up to date with trends
and adapting your skill set. To function effectively amongst this rapidly changing world of
technology, you need to learn new things to remain valuable.

2. Prepare for the unexpected

Lifelong learning will help you adapt to unexpected changes, for example, losing your job and having
to depend on new skills to find work. By continuing to learn, you’ll more easily step out of your
comfort zone and take on new job opportunities.

3. Boost you profile

When you’re always learning, you’ll keep improving and grow in your career and start to receive
recommendations from colleagues and managers. The chances are that you’ll switch jobs multiple
times throughout your life and you need to learn new skills to adapt accordingly.

4. Competence leads to confidence

Learning new things gives us a feeling of accomplishment, which in turn boosts our confidence in
our own capabilities. Also, you’ll feel more ready to take on challenges and explore new business

5. Sparks new ideas

Acquiring new skills will unveil new opportunities and help you find innovative solutions to problems.
This could earn you more money.
6. Change your perspective
Continuous learning opens your mind and changes your attitude by building on what you already
know. The more you learn, the better you’ll get at seeing more sides of the same situation, helping
you understand more deeply.

7. Pay it forward
Continuous learning isn’t just about you. Lifelong learning helps develop your leadership skills which
then translates into fostering lifelong learning in other individuals, by encouraging them to pursue
further education.

Fonte: < >

1. Quais das alternativas apresentam uma frase no "Present Continuous"? 

a. ( ) All those ships coming and going. b. ( ) Has a similar opening system with toothpaste.

c. ( ) She can't see you right now. She is having d. ( ) Is she having lunch right now?

e. ( ) She is not having lunch right now. f. ( ) We will begin trekking after having lunch.

g. ( ) My opening unit is on human rights.

2. Marque as alternativas corretas em relação a todos os usos do "DO" e do "MAKE".

a. ( ) No "Simple Present", flexiona-se "do" para "does" apenas nas terceiras pessoas do singular e continua
"do" em todas as outras.

b. ( ) A sentença "You don't like pequi, don't you?" obedece a premissa "Positive Statement -----> Negative
Tag" de uma "Question tag".

c. ( ) A frase: "Lions don't do this." pode também ser escrita "Lions do not do this."

d.( ) A ordem de uma pergunta feita com o auxiliar "do" segue a sequência "sujeito +
auxiliar+complemento+?" como em "You do matter if I sleep on the ground?"

e. ( ) A pergunta "How did you knew about today, Danilo?" formula corretamente uma interrogativa no
passado com o "do".

f. ( ) Perhaps it might help you MAKE AMENDS..

g. ( ) He wanted me to DO some DRAWINGS.

h. ( ) The system tries to destroy everybody who tries to MAKE CHANGES.

I. ( ) Some may question my methods, but they DO WORK.

J. ( ) They do not DO THE HAIR of the people on those pictures!

K. ( ) You will MAKE MISTAKES and know better for next time.

l. ( ) But sometimes you have to just MAKE the CHOICE and jump.

m. ( ) Learn to DO BUSINESS across cultures.

4. Marque a alternativa correspondente a cada possessivo presente nas sentenças. 
13. Seguindo o raciocínio do texto no início, marque as alternativas que podem contribuir para que você
aprenda algo novo todos os dias.
14. Escreva abaixo a tradução do texto “7 Reasons Why Continuous Learning is Important”.
15. Redija um parágrafo de 5 linhas apresentando a importância de ser “responsible”.

16. Redija um parágrafo de 5 linhas apresentando a importância de ser “ committed to the studies”.

17. Redija um parágrafo de 5 linhas apresentando a importância de não faltar às aulas e aos
projetos da escola.

18. Redija um parágrafo de 5 linhas apresentando a importância de cumprir com os compromissos


19. Escreva um parágrafo de 5 linhas apresentando a importância de ser uma pessoa adaptável a
todas as situações mesmo que não seja algo de seu interesse ou gosto.

20. Escreva um parágrafo de 10 linhas apresentando a importância de ser uma pessoa cooperativa
e empática.

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