Proclamation No 883 2015 Revised Federal Ethics and Anti Corruption

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lrlA ";J6T ;JtLlIl


Y, h"1.<t;' "0..·1· i:1'C i'g 21- Year No. 38

Old'f'A;! 4.~6··'\'e .ot'l"h&-I'I•.r'f 6T11".h
ADDIS ABABA 3.,1 April, 2015
M.n loOn -.:>fl·)· ~Ii 1"/ rlf.' H" r,Mlil "'·m11t":r· 9"'hC fl..}. mflt) ·)· fwfll

.,...... CONTENTS
M'l'.: "''I'C ;~l'li·e/fli. :~ 'I .?" Proclamation No. 883/2015

f.I·~·lf n"" PJ..y.t-A r p'~·~'?flC~ fO/' (JO.(}r. 11f"/.1M Revised Federal Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission
"'**'"'..' (",'~~'.') M':t' .......................... :fK' ;';7i.~n:( Establishment (Amendment) Procl amat ion ... ..... Page 8197
"'I'~ >liTe ~ffflJ1'i.i PROCLAMATION No. 88312015
f:l:'PfQ'" f "- -"-<!:~ fE~-~:l!~~~ U~ ""'ll~ 6 I!BQCI.~M6Ila~ 1Q AMEfSn II:IE BEYISED
fl"'l. 71'1 "7~~"'l.1 "no'l /I "7lflf " r<D"1 hT:f fJ::UEI1AI, EIIIICS ACSU Il~II -COBBI!I!Ila!S
.. ,
f"'if~lIm"} f.l. .•• t-A f.l"Hluo/QC' rOI.-r WEHREAS, it is deemed necessary 10 clarity,
""'I.'ii'} "'J**ml..(J }','l':e; '11'I'C QfifjrIJJ!Y.~t7: 3mend an d add new provisions to the Revised Federal
Mucup(\., Oh(ll "7flt.7f> lI"7flQMI h, fI(.m~I'II1, ·r •. Ihies and Anli-Corrupt ion Commission ESlablishment
l·I.I': "lAX' 1I"7.<:-l"l "7'1flfA, ~,p'-'l.1\ !":·).TtP·';·'j Prodamalion No.43312005 regarding inveSligalion.
hv;..rlj~·'" "1.f:t."1 n"YI\ •. /I'!-1 prosecution, gather ing of evidence and other si milar

WEHREAS, it is necessary to vest the power In

w ' }j')':""':)" {'imimCunCC; fuoh(lf"l (lAorrt fl!lf''l:Ii',· the Com mission to investigate and institute charges on
ml(lm')' t\ft~." 'I, tJ'ii (luu''-f'I: ! acts ofcolTuption committed by public organizations;

nh.')·"'·k.r J..~&."fl~ P,.{I"h&.t'l..r'l~ NOW, THEREFORE, in accordance with

ih" uu'to/ft,l' t,'}-I'X' .~?i (?i) {IUU'~'l- fi'''!Ji-I'nOl. Article 55 (I) of the Constitution of the Federal
Democratic RepUblic of Ethiopia, it hereby proclaimed as
Ii. b~t; t;M
I, Short TjlJe
.r,1l h?':t: "I,·,·~'~' IIOI' f.l. .... (,·A I' ' ''',-9·''/'l C'o·
Th is Proclamation may be c ited as tile " Revised
POl-on.l\, /,"y:Ii'} "7'.11'.11"'/.)' ("'I~·~·.r) ~"I'~
Federal Ethics and Anl:-Corruption Commiss ion
"'1'C ~fiWMi'i.X" "" 1/11" lI.m·/'fl y. :HA " E~tablishmenl (Amendment) Proclamation No.
.. 9", 6•05 ~;tt+ .'''''''1
T. '1, "'~ N
Negarlt G. P.O.80)( 80001
• . "71('I(.r 2. Amendmepts
r"'lflf 11m' f<lY,,&-t\ f p'H"'''If1C'' fa':,""' ''''' The Revised Federal Ethics and Anti-Corruption
"'''l.7i'} "'I'k'k'"I..f M'l!- </:'I'C iii'<!ii'lliix:U, Commission Establishment Proclamation No.
"'}Jt.'''l.h.,.lIo,· '~lf·Ii~.t\ ,- 43312005 is hereby amended as follows:
61 fM')!: hHlI' « 'UI-I', h')-~lI' (ii) LJt.t\ .,.&- 1/ Paragraph Ca) of sub·article (9) of Article 2 is
(U) .,.IIC,' 1I'''l.II1·II.,. 1.Jl,., J.Jt.A ·,·t· (U) deleted and replaced by the following new
"''''h;l:t\ I · paragraph (a):
'U) hlj:,j-l;' n+&-"'l(lJ'e m4>~;J' fI~'l' ... "a) corruption offences involving huge amount
f - 'I'7""} -nt(,J' l1,·r·:r-. f<~·I·/''''l· of money com mined in highly str 'glc
fA"'I'} Ji:cl!-.y·.,,·. "1IflT. .\';c'J(:.y·.,,· V. public offices, public enterprises, public
"" h1.,}.\'; IIV, (1If). ht\II":f organizat ions and public organization
operating in mOre than one States;"
r"'l.LOOD. h-;:.,.:;< rnll11 uom'}'} ,~".,.. "
fao.M OJ'I]!II' '''' OJf,r i"
" 111.'1'11: 1.'}'~II' II h'}o-,., 1.1</''''' (1.) -h'lI"
21 The following new sub·anicles CI I ). (12) and (J 3)
f"y.h.,.I\.+ M.n '/o-n h14>1I'f (Iii). (l~)
are added after sub·anicle (10) of Anicle 2 of the
"" (Ii') "·tAr,:... ~'1~. ')o-n 1.'1-/''''' (Xii)
Proclamation and the existing sub-article (1 1) IS
10'''' h '/</,lI' (H) If'i "'li,77i'lA:- renumbered as sub·article (14): .

W 'h'l'J!" "'Iflt r-r-ififfl ... r~.r.t:A r p'~. "I II 'Proclamation ' means the Revised Federal
9""If1C" fO':·ao·n" "'"1.71'1 ~"''k''/.J' Ethics and Anti-Corruption Comm ission
h'I' J!' ~''I'C H q)rtJJ! rn ~OJ- ! Establishment Proclamation No.43312005;
lfI '~l''1'P. Ji:cl!-+' "" 'fll1lf1'e ,\';Cl!-~' 12/ 'public organization' and 'emp loyee of a
,» &-.,.:;<, "'I II -}. llao,"'" 0,'1 J': II"':f' I. 'I';P;: public organization' shall have the meanings
1.'I'C tfit!i/~1[.Z h'l'l'lI' g NfI'q'l' ... assigned to them under Article 2 of the
~'C'I~ J'.'i &-'l''I't\ i Corruption Crimes Proclamation No 88112015;

lei 'm*"y.' "'1M, r'/'lflfllo" ru,:·ao.,.,,, t\1' 13/ 'informant' shall have the meaning assigned
f p'~·flC'J+<; f"'llll:)f ~., h'/'l!-') to it under the Proclamation to Amend the
lI'"1lflfA Anti-Corruption Special Procedure and Rules
~fit!U!! 1i.Z of Evidence Proc lamation No. 88212015;"
f, 'i ,: 'I' t\ I "

[I IIh'l')!: h'}</,,..' ~ '/0,,., h'HII' (i:) o"n'r

31 The word "expose" under sub-article (3) of Article
"'.,.71\ '1'" f"?lIm· :J>t\ .,.ncl' "m.h;t" ,.t\"
6 is deleted and replaced by word "detect".
Fcdenl "'eganl GUCCtc No. 38 3" April, 2015 ............ paae &199

21 fM')f. t. 't</>l\' 'j, OD"IllfDl' ,1>('''1 41 The beginning phrase of Article 7 of the
1.'11. '"Lh.,.11 0" .,.l\' 'If ~.A ,. Proclamation is amended as follows:

"Iltl.lI·:y. ,1,11' 1\t""L 7[', r"'''m· p'A unc; "Without prejudice to the powers and duties of
the Commission provided in other laws the
Commission shall have the following powers and
51 The phrase "public offices and public enterprise"
cn 01·(1", "(luu'I"Ifi'I' uoP'ty n.·H· hC; found under sub·artic/es (2), (3) and (10) of Article
(luo')"IP'T fA"1-l' .l:'c~·H·" f'"LtI'T 7 of the Proclamation is deleted and replaced by
,ht!1'l·· ,,·t\CIf ..· "flUD'I"IIl~' ,~".,t,J' 0.'''1'' phrase "public offices. public enterprises and
(I un ')"1 P' T r A "1 T .1:' c ~'Y:;f' h ').'l.IN'· public organizations".


11 rM')f. 1.'HK' Z '10-11 1.'14''''' (ii) 'MC/' 61 Sub-article (4) of Article 7 of the Proclamation is

deleled and replaced by the following new sub.

article (4):
"41 to investigate and prosecute or cause the
investigation or prosecution of:
n.·Y· :y., a) any alleged or suspected conuption
(Juu'l-/Il~' fA'"IT Y:CJ!.!·r·1· UlI'.'l" offences specified in the COn'Uption
(l1I111l'l! .l!'c~·H· DI·(I", Ul y. 'I" Crime Proclamation, Criminal Code or in
f"" 1.6- A uD'I"/IlT II!JA/I-:'·· other laws where they are committed by

h"V'Imm· .1:'1"1 public officials, or employees of public

:JC II.,. f YH IIhAA '
organizations undertaking activities in
un~~'p 0.·Y·1· 1I~·Il<;' Ul 'I 'J!: /I- l '
more than one state or public enterprises
M'~C; II i\.t\. l' ,'1.11' DI'!l'r
or in the regional offices relating to
subsidies granted by the Federal
(luD'I"I(I'}- uurtY n.,Y·Oj··, IIA"y.)·
Government to the regions;
.I~c~·r·1· Ul f, 'I" lit. ·I.I!' (IV· (lU",·
hM'l (I"V:HI)'/'()' 111/'1'1:
.o:-c: J!.!,r· l' ~ II P' A "/<;' l' UJf.?"
'P&""''lj.1:y. Ul f. 'I" (111./1"'1', (IS" l'

(ltlovt.O'''I'I'OI'' OIY.'I"
II) (l1.'l'~, ,,'HI'.' ",'r, 1." '''''''J!.! 4:'/'C b) any alleged or suspected corruption
ff .f:!~!!lXiit :i?; (h'I1.'I'jHII) !H-ll,er. offences specilied under Article 27 of the
Proclamation and Proclamation No.
43412005 (as amended) or obstruction of
'" ~1'i.1l I.."~I\ )?~+ ;J","J .. .,.C ¥If -;JR.+ fr~ .. ., I1U 't.'" Federti Nepril Gazette No. 38 3~ April. 20 IS ........... PI&'C 8200

Pon·II" "'"~A I/"Con6-11 hll" the powers and duties of the Commission

rr;:c.t:' 'I.l.r1 h.,I.",,'r;: .7C with respect to investigation, prosecution

fo/'.I' .I'I~ (/l')~/I-:r. "" (11\./1-'1" ,1.H·· or adjudication of corruption offences and

foI·I.~1·~ "")~/I-:r. (I,,">;'o~1/" II~ other offences provided by other laws."

","'"'1 II.I.CII~ m.l',l/" (lo!! ",C"II.
II. 'l'l~ P,~,~C""C" Ponhllll, "'f.1/"

",}Jl.onlon<, ",f.1/" ",}Jl.hM· p.,!t:


il PM':q: ,,'}</>?' ~ ',(}II ",}</>1.' (il) -I'IIC~ 71 Sub,article (9) of Article 7 of the Proclamation is

(1'"1,"-1' II~ 1\ '!.II '10-11 1\'1"')1" (J1) -1'-1' h:l: A I deleted and replaced by the following new sub-
article (9):

'01 -II'>'! Oon!l'1A" l10nMhA l1!t: '1'<. "91 to establish and implement, upon approval,

~(/\.O} "111]. 1IP':f1. onp",,, n.",:f1 procedures and standards for the selection of
awards, upon competition, of person, offices
"" !t:C~'H'1 "",.I\.t:'C' lin A"'10}
P"'I.ll4l1lr'} pC 'lr, on III U' or organizations who are successful in fighting
and preventing corruption."
fun HC'" '1'1 II. o.t:' '" I/" -1'''1'16- 'I! r"'1.t:' l "I."

1;1 P"'I':q: "1</>1.' ~ ,}(}II ",}</>1.' (Iii) -I'IIC/' 81 Sub,article (II) of Article 7 of the Proclamation is
deleted and replaced by the following new sub-
O'"l,h-l' II ~ 1\ Jl.1I 'I ()-II h 'I</> lI' Wi)
article (II):
-I'-I'h:l:A ,.
'Ili/ >'''I~11~r 'WI'"" >"I~r .7C /IonNI1C "II/ in cooperation with relevant bodies, to
r p),I/""I'1C I\~;I,C':r'1 f"'lIl-l''10C' coordinate other components of the ethical

II/W 'l~"'I r"'l..I'IILA'/o f-l'lI.fK fR/.· infrastructures and help establish anti-
corruption groups for this purpose."
-II'> Mlll"~ -I'-":{. h 'lJ!.~~-

ill 0"'I':q: h"/</'I\" Z Il'I(}1I h1".1.' (Ir) 4''''11- 91 The following new sub,articles (14), (IS), and (16)

f"'l.h-l'lI.r >'Jl.1I ,}(}-II >. '}</>11":{' mn. mil are added after sub,article (13) of Article 7 of the
Proclamation and the existing sub-articles (14),
"" (H) "'Ul,l/"l~ )'1C'~ ')0-11 h')</>1I":{'
(IS), (16), (17) and (18) are renumbered as sub
(H)l (IlJ)1 (H)I (U) h'i' (I~) h'll. '1>1.9"
articles (17), (18), (19), (20) and (21) respectively:
-I'h-l'~'f~ 1()-1I 1\1".1.' (IZ)1 (I;!:). (IiI)1 (ll')
he; (tNi) 11')0> 1'7f"7f1'fA,,

'I!!I Pon,lI" (II',;l';A 9"C on"'" 1111', "',Jl.II·\I" "141 to withdraw, in accordance with law,
corruption investigation and charges as well
nr;:c.t:' '1.1.0} "fl1 f-II" (II"~A hll"'
as corruption cases pending in the coun of
11.1,"/ uP"'(.o} f"'l1'1-l' j
Federal Negarit Gazette No. 38 )1'1 April. 201S ........... page 8201

!.l;! flol·I)';II· r'/"fr 'r~'9" "·IJ!.""1I1l 15/ to tenninate ccrruption

investigation or
n"'l.l~l·1 non·Il'> OI,)~A till f'~u",,, corruption charges by ensuring the forfeiture

G-I-~"'Ol' aIJ'.?" fI?"C""6- 'I.I'.~. ~J'• .I'll· of the advantages obtained from the crime;

\'''''' 11'> 0I·1~1I":r·') hIJIl n<roM

h,).Il.!II'r:b f"'l~l"li
III fin." ~'I</,"" '10'1) ~.)</',... (H) ~'i" (Hi) 16/ sub article ( 14) and (15) of this proclamation

....·A'n ,,'> -t"l'l&-~' l/C"lIC ~L'09" powers and duties is determine by the

n"'')'11 f.OIIl'>A"" Regulation.

II nh'l')f. ~')</,1" '!. WI()OIl h'H'Y, (111) (IIN.1l lO/The phrase "and enforce international cooperation
h ,)</,1, . ')(}Oll h"l</,1, (iI) h"l ... -t7l.,71·/0» in accordance with laws and policies of the
""<f.l.Glf ~J'. "lIh1<1'/' ;,,"/'> 7'1l.1l. country" is added at the end of sub-article (19) of

"""'l-l-\I" '}(I\I" h.,.'i! ·HI1IC,) f"'lIlLO\l" I" Article 7 (as renumbered to sub-article 9 of this

f,·tA <hl"l -tr.t1.\I"il:A .. proclamation).

161 IIh'I'lf. ~,)4' '''' II !n()01l h'14''''' (~) </''1'''" II /The following new sub-article (3) is added after
f'"l.h-tllo> h J!.11 ,)(}Oll h ').,.'" (I~ ) sub-article (2) of Article 9 of the Proclamation:
-t r.t1. \I" il: A ,-

"CI 1I~'I'lf. ~"I"''''' ;!: ,)()Oll h')</,,,, (f) "" "3/"Without prejudice to the provIsIons under
IIIW ~') .~,... ')()Oll h"l</''''· (f) r-tl'.~l1'"
sub-article 2 of Articles 8 of the Proclamation
I. ·) ....,·mO.,. If.... hI. '"I. "ii~. ..IIA tj' and sub-article (2) of this Article. no
"A-tllm.,. fll)·~</'C II.~ "'·I>;'.,.\/" institution having prosecutorial power shall
funIJIlIl ..... A'q') J'fla> "'!II\I" O.(. ... &-A have the power to prosecute corruption
m>,)"lll-l- f ..... Atll'l IJAA ..... C f'"/.OI.I!"<h offences falling under the federal jurisdiction
f""'II'i" 0I'))!1I":r-') m>hllll hf.'1'A\/" , ," unless it is delegated to do so by the

1111 fh'i'lr. h"l'~1, 1. ')(}Oll h'l4')\' (I) -tIlC/' 121 Sub-article (2) of Article 10 of the Proclamation
W'~h-tfla> hJ!.1I ,)()Oll h')4')\' (g) ·'·-tll;/;A'- is deleted and replaced by the Following new sub.
article (2):
"il 1It11~~J'. '"8.II;k. f·'IYon. h·l .... mJ'.\/" "2/ one or more than one Deputy Commissioners
IIh").1!" IIV. flf.,. \l"1I-l-A 11'"l."iiH!':r· may be appointed by the Prime Minister; and"

" 'I"
ICI f~'I'lf. ~"I'~"" Iii -tIlCI' fI'"l.h-l-flm· ~J!.1l 13 / Article II of the Proclamation is deleted and

h'}</> '" I Ii .,..,.II;/; A,- replaced by the following new Article II :

,.. tltfll page 8202

"IUf1"t"ll): 0:1'0. U"I b .... 6=C'j" M<:1{lt " 11.WQrkine Proced u r es aDd 0n:anlzatioQ or
the Commissiog's P r psecuti on
fl,"y:Ii·,· o:l'n. ;"'" ""'j"I: ~~~ ."') The Commission's prosecuti on shall have an
f'"I..f'llhilC organi zational system and work ing procedure
th at ensure its independence."

14/ Paragraph (c) of sub-article (I) of Arti cle \3 of

.... 6- (~"') ~t'l'1CII lI'''/.lvf"l\m- ".Pdl t.. J!.A ~I'~ the Proclamation is deleted and repl aced by the
(,It) ·~-rh:.t:A ,- fo ll owing new paragraph (c):

",It) 1""1. oH. fl"'l.f'.... crH· ·1.tI, rI!'''1:IIH. <Ie) in the absence of the Commissioner, the
nl\,~ U,).;)- IjA " 'o,,'l~ nll1'oJ>c f~·· uo.} senior Deputy Commi ss ioner shall act on
:P.f;"'LJ' .1'110>- YOhrA ''''Z 'II~C behalf of the Comm issioner unless the
""7.o\~.') '~h'~ ' ..... 6=A, 0" Comm issioner decides othenvise."

I(;I fb'/')!: h ')1>II' II' ?; "'OC" W"'.h1' 1I0I· h .... 11 151 Art icle 25 of the Proclamation is deleted and
h'HII' n' li 1"~h:1.·A ' replaced by the following new Article 25:
"!I'f;./l"'L"II): hhAA ...""" ... " ...It'7t ,?C " 2S.Bc!Qtiou of tbe C pmm lssipn with the
M"t'j'<:.... fe6= "Ill-a Bee-ional Institu t ioQs
""'1. 0): ""'11,,'1 PO? MihY" t)·fll,,·o.n The Commission shall cooperate and work
together with regiona l ethi cs and ant i-
corruption organs in promoting ethical

<»');(A 'I fluuh~hA ' (JuouuCunC h" training, in the prevention, investigation and

tluohOIl t. .,,~, ht/A'" P po~-Y"·/~ C; " prosecution of co rruption offences so as to

create a community that has no tolerance for
fUt.-""·II" -r*"'I~' :JC n'}'niIC"
corrupt practices."
n:p·I.l!'r ' ..... 6=A " ..
iii rh'!')!', h'/N b' ~ '10-11 h'l'/' x'f' (Ii) " .. (g ) 16/ Sub-articles ( ' ) and (2) ot Art,cle 26 of the
1'OClfol' fl"",IH' ~,·l· h .... 11 '10,11 h'I4'JI1- (Ii ) Proclamation are deleted and replaced by the
" .. (M) '/" "h1 ' ~'A' following two sub-articles (I) and (2):

·~I f " o')"'II'l ' uopot.,f n.'h f u,,') ",,,,, ,). "1/ Any public ortice, public enterprise or
A "'I~' J~c.l!'·} alMo Pt)1'~1~ .r.'r..l!'.l' publ ic organization shall, without prejudice
fI&-c'l· S·''''. 0l4'lF.m, r',fl ~f · YtF. (,' al J!.YU to adm in istrative or disciplinary measures it

f .... !I.T/l,') ),Cyo/f " ') Y.·hnll</· If" h~ ,~' takes, report to the Commission or other

fpo\-yu",~c "0"111 h" fon'lI" o,'I;(A authorized investigating organ serious

eth ical vio lati ons and corru pti on offences
fort hwith,
01.';. )'01"" IH1'''I.'Ii ',· wY. Y" rtA"n "(UII'

py" C; m't· h'lA t.;rc,} Y"Y.f; I. '" "'Y.;) ,

IW' 4"f,.A ":J?+ :m,''J iI ...,; ""if -;.tn.." 6~ .'J Illi ",.. Federal Nepril Gazcne No )8 )'" April, 2015 ............ pIIge 820)

II "'I'J'f 0~9" 1-~'J·/Il'l- UDP"6Y 0.'1- 1 21 .-;:-:-=:-

Any official or employee of publ ic office,
fOD'I"I",,'t- A"H J!:C)';''t- (lIJ'.'I" public enterprise or public organization

f ,l, "'I'P. ..... C~·}· '1 t\ i'I" un 1111'.9" sha ll report to the Commission where he has
"'/~ 1·'f IIm' Il<l.' n.·" 011'.9" n.e.'c)';'·', reasonable suspic ion that corruption offence
ro-f1'f' au.f1C; "h,-","l"hA olf,'r t'l6:.UY'" is comm itted or is about to be committed in

1I1'''I)';''}- ~J'. ~III' ·fU.· 1I'"l.m':·rCfH· ·I.'~ his office or organizati on."

IU n>.~'lf. >"I '~"" ...'~ '10-11 >''J'~'''' (ff) O}.Il,'

17/ The phrase "Public Offices and Public
"11 00 ')"11'1')' "OFt), o.·r·:r· 1.'0 lluu,)"1",,')'
Enterprises" under sub-arti cle (4) of Article 26
fA"'I'}' J!:c)';"r·':f·' faY.llo>- ,II':"! "'IIC,I of the Proclamat ion is deleted and replaced by
"lI uo 'J "/I'I'I- oo,,~t.c' n.1'·'·1 IIm"I""~~' phrase "public offices, public enterprises as well
('A"y.}· ..... c~·r·'· hVI,u' 9" 1I111'Q'P. as public organizations".
X'C),;,of'T" W"I.A ".1."1 ''''''h:l:A"
I~I r>''I'1!: >,'1</>,... "'Z ')0-11 >,')'/>;C,' (Ii) 1.'0 (~)
18/ Sub-articles (I) and (8) of Article 27 of the
.,.flC 110>- 1I"'I.h+/I--l· t •.<:.1'1 ')0-1'1 h '}<J< ;C:r. (Ii)
Proclamal ion are deleted and replaced by Ihe
M' (;>;) 1'1'h"''I'A ,.
.following new sub-articles (I) and (8):
"6/ "'I'g'.>9" 11m· 11"'1')':'0>9" m~'"J. ~Y.
" I I Whosoever attempts to influence, harm or
1'61." ft "'I'\~; 1."1 OIf.'/" '/-il .). ft"1.f; 1.1'1
punish or who influences, hanns or punishes
f'l"hl. 0I~,9" .~ ~l.fI OI~,yu 1',1""" ()O).
any informant of the Commiss ion shall be
II uo:'-"I 't- f'l"II': 01 f.'/" r '/>"I 1. '1 1.1f~ 1 punishable with rigorous imprisonment not
hv'fI-)· 'lou-l· 11"'1 rll'l IIh,,»&- >'9"M' less than three y\!ars and not exceeding
'1 00 ')' fl"'lJ'.IIA'I' l\' ~. Mt-·}-'O 11I'I.f;I'I')' fifteen years and fi ne not less than six
1(.11 ·flC 0"'1 rll'l hYJ' h,/"fI-)' 1(.11 11C thousand Birr and not exceeding twenty five
thousand Birr.

;~'I ''Y');';: nJ·YU 0'

f' Ull '} fI-l- Uf>F6J' n.·}·, 81 Any official or employee of public office,
P,~'ld),vi PAI19,), J':-c'JA. 1llj>.1JD public en terprise or public organization who
IJ tl.1''l tl! ."" C~·}· 'It\P't.\ un (fIJ'.9" knows the com miss ion of il corruption
IJJt-rJ'i1 W"IP'MM' uu""tf {l, ,1' OIl','/" offence in his respective office, fails to
..... C~·}- f ""·11" O1 'I;(A i'I fI. un.l.O au· inform sha ll be punishable with simple

1..P0l4' f'no·nr. OI'I~A 'I It 1'/0 1'/0 Cou C imprisonment not exceeding five years and
with fine not exceedin g ten thousand Birr."
I'IA"I') ~II ..· hilA 0'] •'0'] ... :,- r -,-,:
h 'J-"-U'~ hllll h ,/,,11')' 'jun·)· fl'"I.-"-CIl
'''~A >.Il&-'}- >." hllh >. .... c /til 11C
fA" gi'i.I'fU 4.1.IrA ).7?+ .7'''''' .,.C 0r -.711.+ tU: +., liil 't.r Federal Neprit Gazette No. 38 3'01 April. 20 15 ........... pase 8204

r.M)!: f"tOo;Ot 11\. 3.EUectjye Date

J'.I' h'l' ~ m:><1'''' .:111.(1) ;J"or'r' htOtlJOol· oUt.· This Proclamation shall enter into force on the date of

J!9"C' fO" Y.If''' A" publication in the Federal Nagarit Gazette.

Done at Addis Abllba, Ihis 3.... day or April, 20t5.

Me - ~.,. 1"11'- MULATU TESHOME (Dr.)

r h. ,''',,''' I."&.~'I: '1.'1"11&.1\1'1: <lTO/M.1I PRESIDENT OF THE FEDERAL DEMOCRATIC
T"-/I,JI ')+

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