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Norway has, as a cooperating country, supported CCOP since 1976.
From 1989 the support to CCOP has been substantial and Norway has
been the major supporter of CCOP’s petroleum programmes.

The Project Petroleum Policy and Management (PPM) project commenced in June 2002
and Project Coordinator Mr. Gunnar V. Søiland reported to the CCOP secretariat office in
Bangkok for a two year assignment. A regional Project coordinator, Mr. Simplicio P. Caluyong
from the Philippines was appointed in 2003 and commenced his duty in April 2003. The project
was completed by December 2006 and the final report distributed. Planning for a new project
with financial support from Norway started in 2006 and NPD and others assisted in this process.
The new initiative is called Enhanced Public Petroleum Management (EPPM), and an
application to Norway for assistance is expected delivered in 2007.

The PPM Project

The goal of the project was to enable government organisations responsible for
petroleum resource management in the CCOP member countries to:
• establish a sustainable and efficient national petroleum management and policy,
• envisage the mechanism and importance in revising and improving their petroleum
management and policy arrangements due to changes in political, economic and
market conditions, and
• enhance their capacity and capability in petroleum resource management

The objectives of the PPM were to transform gained knowledge into efficient
petroleum resource management models in the public domain of the CCOP member
countries with respect to:
• Exploration strategies and licensing procedures
• Models and arrangements of regulations and framework conditions for the petroleum
industry, and their consequences on the exploration and development activities
• Balancing between the government take and the industry profit in order to maximise
the economic potential derived from the petroleum resources
• Enhancing the expertise in petroleum resource management of member countries
• Optimal development of the petroleum resources with good environmental
consideration and good management practice

Project period: 2002 – 2006

Total budget: NOK 19.6 mill (USD 2.8 mill)

The case study concept was being introduced to give selected member countries
practical experience in integrating resource assessments, resource management
and petroleum policy, partly guided by foreign experts.
The primary activity in the project consisted of four case studies in Cambodia, China,
Indonesia and the Philippines. The case studies covered frontier, semi-mature and mature
basins, and addressed questions related to gas development, marginal fields problems, and
exploration strategies. The main elements of the external support to these case studies were:
• Workshops for the case study members in the host countries
• Open seminars covering subjects that will support the case studies
• Dissemination seminars primarily targeted at the national stakeholders

CCOP: Mr. Simplicio P. Caluyong, Regional Project Coordinator,
Mr. Chen Shick Pei, CCOP Director,
NPD: Mr. Gunnar V. Søiland, Project Coordinator,

Cooperating institution in Norway:

2 0 0 6 -2 0 07
Norwegian Petroleum Directorate
O i l f o r d e v e l op m e n t

Impact of project: Mr. Gunnar V. Søiland participated in a planning
The final report of the PPM project was completed by workshop for the coming EPPM project in Bangkok,
December 2006. 47 activities were organised through Thailand in October. This planning activity was
the project split by 19 Case study workshops, 9 Seminars cooperation between CCOP, NPD, Petrad, PSA and
and 19 Expert visits. The total number of participants in Asian institutions and used LFA (Logical Framework
the PPM Project is 395 representatives from the CCOP Approach) to formulate the project.
Member Countries.
The Final Report lists some of the impacts from the Plans 2007
project as reported by the National Coordinators: Surplus funding from the PPM project have been
a) Improved understanding of the petroleum approved by the Embassy to be spent for planning
potential and policies of the CCOP Member and introductory activities towards a new cooperation
Countries, especially the case study countries program between Norway and CCOP – “Enhanced
b) Information and knowledge learned are Public Petroleum Management (EPPM)”. NPD is planning
disseminated through reporting and conduct to have an advisory role towards two out of five project
of seminars in the participant’s respective elements.
organization 1. Petroleum Resource Management with
c) In Cambodia CNPA staff have better under- Focus on the Undiscovered Resources (NPD)
standing of resource assessment and have 2. Natural Gas Development and Clean
performed realistic assessment of the Khmer Development Mechanism (Petrad)
basin. The team that participates in the PPM 3. Promoting effective Health, Safety and
Project from Philippines and Thailand are Environmental Regulations in Upstream
members of their investment promotion team Petroleum Sector (PSA)
and have applied the knowledge learned into 4. Metadata on Natural Gas Resources in the
their own investment promotion CCOP Region (NPD)
d) The open sharing of experiences of experts in 5. Feasibility Study of Networking of
the region during expert visits and workshops Petroleum Geoscience Institutes and
are evidence of enhanced (internal) cooperation Organizations in the CCOP MC
among Member Countries One workshop is planned for April with focus on Know-
e) Indonesia supported the education and ledge Management and a second in June on Geographic
training of CNPA staff at their petroleum Information Metadata, where NPD is requested to
training center (PUSDIKLAT MIGAS) in Chepu participate. Dependant on approval of EPPM, NPD will
f) Experts are provided by Member Countries to participate actively in the implementation of this
address issues and challenges faced a case programme.
study country. This, in a way, promotes a
“Member Country helping another Member
Country” in CCOP
g) PPM is easily implemented based on the
lready established network. This network also Japan
functions outside the project. Korea
h) The experience of the Technical Secretariat
in the management and coordinating the PPM China
project has considerably helped in efficient
facilitation of new projects in CCOP.

CCOP activities in 2006 with NPD participation Vietnam

Thailand Philippines
Ms. Mari Kvaal together with Mr. Espen Myhra (MPE) Cambodia
lectured about Petroleum Economy at the 5th
Workshop of the Philippines Case study in Cebu City, Malaysia
Singapore Papua New Guinea
Philippines in March.
Mr. Gunnar V. Søiland together with Mr. Egil Meisingset
(MPE) lectured about EOR/IOR technology and
implications at the 4th Workshop of the Indonesian
Case study in Jakarta, Indonesia in June.

Mr. Erling Kvadsheim lectured on Knowledge

Management at the 5th PPM Seminar in Bangkok,
Thailand in July.

2 0 0 6 -2 0 07
Norwegian Petroleum Directorate
O i l f o r d e v e l op m e n t


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