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Part 2

Grade 9

Criteria A: Inquiring and Analyzing


Identify and prioritize primary and secondary research to develop a solution to the
• Identify up to 5 research areas to help you gain background knowledge
on how to design and create a full course meal.
• Develop an individual research plan:
• Create a table describing your research plan which consists of:
✓ What will I research? Identify up to five areas of research that
need to be expounded. These could be areas like: function,
materials (ingredients, packaging, tools), user requirements
(diet restrictions, portion preferences), existing designs, trends.
List according to order of importance.
✓ How will I gather information? Describe how you plan to
gather information on these areas. Think about the possible
primary and secondary sources that can provide you with
excellent information to enrich your research. Don’t just identify
but explain what you plan to do to gather information.
✓ Why will I research this information? Explain why these
areas of research are essential to the development of your
solution and how these sources will help that.
✓ When will I do this? Include the date you plan to do this.
Please take note of the order of priority.
• Work on collecting information and notes to inform the areas of
research in a different document.
• Include all your sources in a bibliography in MLA format.
• Always include non-food ask for research even if analysis doesn’t
require it. This will help students think about their non-food tasks as
What will I How will I gather the Why will I research When will I do
research? information? this information? this?
(Who/What? Attach the source

Criterion A2 Rubric
A2. Construct a detailed research plan, which identifies and prioritizes the primary and secondary research
needed to develop a solution to the problem independently
1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8
Identifies and prioritizes up States some of Outlines a research Constructs a research Constructs a research
to 5 research areas and needed plan identifying and plan, identifying and plan, identifying and
identifies the most helpful research prioritizing less than prioritizing up to 5 prioritizing more than 5
sources accessed with at 4 research areas, research areas, utilizes research areas, utilizes
least three primary and utilizes less than 3 at least 3 primary and more than 3 primary and
secondary sources cited in primary and secondary sources to secondary sources to
MLA format. secondary sources develop the solution, develop the solution,
to develop the with some guidance. independently.
solution, with some

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