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Shahrukh Hussain

Learning Journal 7

HIST 1421

University of the People

Part A:

This week you learned about the various aspects of Roman art and architecture. You

must have noticed there was a close relationship between art and architecture and

Roman religion. Based on your analysis: 

o How do regional religious beliefs influence your country's art and

architecture? Please support your ideas with examples.

Regional religious beliefs have greatly influenced Pakistani art and architecture, resulting in

distinctive blend of styles and symbolism. Although Islam is the country’s prevalent religion,

the country’s rich cultural history and historical influences have resulted in the inclusion of

many regional religious traditions. In my opinion and according to Pakistan Defence (2020),

the following are some examples of how regional religious beliefs have inspired Pakistani art

and architecture:

Islamic Architecture:
Mosques, mausoleums, and shrines in Pakistan are notable for their Islamic architectural

characteristics. Traditional Islamic design elements such as domes, minarets, arches, and

elaborate geometric patterns are frequently used in these structures. Examples of Islamic

architectural styles are the Badshahi Mosque in Lahore and the Shah Jahan Mosque in Thatta.

Hindi and Buddhist Influence:

Prior to the introduction of Islam, the region that is now Pakistan was home to important

Hindu and Buddhist civilizations. Temples, stupas, and other religious constructions from

various epochs have left in indelible mark on Pakistani art and architecture. Furthermore, the

Katasraj Temple complex in Chakwal and the old Taxila ruins are examples of Hindu and

Budhist architectural styles and motifs, with intricate carvings, statuary and symbolic


Sikh Heritage:

For Sikhs, the Punjab area of Pakistan is of great religious significance. Sikhism’s

architectural styles, such as gurdwaras (Sikh houses of worship), have inspired the region’s

art and architecture. The Gurdwara Panja Sahib in Hasan Abdal is an example of a Sikh-

religious structure with unique architectural characteristics such as domes and colourful

Sufi Influence:

Sufism, a mystical offshoot of Islam, has had a significant impact on the religious and

aesthetic landscapes of Pakistan. Sufi shrines and tombs are important pilgrimage locations

and cultural expression centres. They frequently have distinctive architectural design and

bright artwork that represent the spiritual and cultural practises of Sufi traditions. Sufi shrines

notable for its distinctive architecture and exquisite adornment include the Data Darbar in

Lahore and the Shrine of Lal Shahbaz Qalandar in Sehwan Sharif.

Mughal Legacy:

The Mughal Empire’s rich aesthetic traditions had a significant impact on Pakistani art and

architecture. Structures such as the Lahore Fort and the Shalimar Gardens in Lahore features

Mughal architectural traits such as massive entrances, elaborate marble inlay work, and

extensive garden. The combination of Persian, Central Asian, and Indian influences in

Mughal architecture exemplifies the time’s cultural and theological syncretism.

o How do you explain this connection? Support your argument with

examples and evidence (citation/sources). 

According to Khan (2023), the historical, cultural and religious influences that have affected

the region over time can explain the connection between regional religious beliefs and

Pakistan’s art and architecture. Furthermore, visiting museums, heritage sites and cultural

centres in Pakistan can also provide direct experiences and visual proof of the relationship

between regional religious beliefs and artistic manifestations (Khan, 2023).

Moreover, exploring architectural marvels such as the Badshahi Mosque, Lahore Fort, and

Taxila’s historic ruins can provide concrete examples of how diverse religious traditions

influenced Pakistan’s art and architecture (Khan, 2023).

Part B:

In Unit 1 of this course, we explored Classical Greek Philosophy.  This week's focus was

on Roman Philosophy and the prominent schools that all fall under it. Based on your

learnings and research, answer the following questions. 

o What is the relationship between Roman Philosophy and Greek

Philosophy? Justify your answer. 

Adoption and adaptation characterise the relationship between Roman philosophy and Greek

philosophy. Greek philosophical concepts were absorbed and incorporated by the Romans,

who translated works and studied under Greek philosophers. They adapted Greek principles

to their own cultural environment and formed a new intellectual tradition influenced by

Greek thought (Britannica, n.d).

o What are the three main schools of Roman philosophy, and what do they

The three main schools of Roman philosophy are Stoicism, Epicureanism and Neoplatonism.

Stoicism places a premium on living in harmony with nature and developing personal virtue.

Epicureanism focuses on long-term happiness via pursuing pleasure and avoiding pain.

Neoplatonism mixes Platonism with mystical and theological themes, emphasising spiritual

ascension and divine union (IEP, n.d).

o Which idea from Roman philosophy appeals to you the most and why?

What are some ways you can use it in your daily life? 

Stoicism is a Roman philosophical notion that many people find appealing. Nevertheless, it

emphasises developing inner peace, exercising self-discipline, and accepting what is beyond

our control. Putting Stoic concepts into practice in daily life entails practising mindfulness,

focusing on what we can control, embracing hardship for growth and fostering gratitude for

what we have (Britannica, n.d).


Pakistan Defence (2020). Pakistan Art & Architecture. Retrieved from

Khan (2023). Pakistani Art and its Religious Significance: A Reflection. Pakistan Zest.
Retrieved from

Britannica (n.d). Ancient Greek and Roman Philosophy. Retrieved from

IEP (n.d). Ancient Greek Philosophy. Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Retrieved from

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