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Optimal Rotational Speed of Kaplan and Francis Turbines with Focus on Low-
Head Hydropower Applications and Dataset Collection

Article  in  Journal of Hydraulic Engineering · November 2019

DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)HY.1943-7900.0001643


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1 author:

Emanuele Quaranta
European Commission


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Optimal Rotational Speed of Kaplan and Francis
Turbines with Focus on Low-Head Hydropower
Applications and Dataset Collection
Emanuele Quaranta, Ph.D. 1

Abstract: The rotational speed estimation of Francis and Kaplan turbines is of primary importance in the design of hydropower plants.
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However, most rotational speed equations were conceived for power outputs higher than 1 MW, i.e., for heads typically higher than 10 m for
Kaplan turbines and 50 m for Francis turbines. Therefore, the accuracy of these equations is low when applied to reaction turbines with power
outputs below 1 MW (mini-hydropower), which means the personal know-how of hydropower companies is generally used to select
rotational speed. In light of this, a database composed of hundreds of full-scale Francis and Kaplan miniturbines was collected. Full-scale
data were used in combination with the Buckingham π-theorem to determine a nondimensional equation for the rotational speed estimation of
collected turbines. Flow rate and head were used as input variables. The dimensional analysis was also extended to high-head Kaplan and
Francis turbines. A universal equation valid for both Francis and Kaplan turbines was obtained. Finally, the dimensionless terms obtained
from the analysis were proposed as characteristic numbers for the selection of the hydraulic turbine type. The new equations were proposed as
engineering tools for the design of hydroturbines. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)HY.1943-7900.0001643. © 2019 American Society of Civil

Introduction all countries (Laghari et al. 2013); indeed, it is estimated that in

rivers, irrigation canals, and at old millsites there is a significant
Electricity generation from renewable energy sources represents amount of mini- and micro-hydropower potential with head differ-
an important strategy for reducing greenhouse gas emissions ences H of a few meters, and flow rates Q ranging between 10−1
(European Commission 2009a, b). Among renewable energy, hy- and 101 m3 =s (ESHA 2014; Quaranta and Müller 2018; Quaranta
dropower is the most-used and ancient renewable source. and Revelli 2018).
Hydropower plants exhibit some advantages over other renew- Regarding the installation of smaller hydropower plants, gravity
able plants like wind and solar power plants. Hydropower is more water wheels are generally used for head differences below 6 m and
responsive to load-management requirements, while pump-storage flow rates below 4 m3 =s, with power outputs typically less than
power plants can consume electricity in low-demand and low-price 40 kW (Quaranta and Revelli 2018). Gravity water wheels can
periods, and supply it during periods with high energy demand. be subdivided into overshot (Quaranta and Revelli 2015), breast-
Furthermore, hydropower output is easier to predict than the power shot (Quaranta and Revelli 2017), and undershot water wheels
generated by solar and wind plants, except in the case of long dry (Quaranta and Müller 2018). Hydrodynamic screws (Nuernbergk
periods (Bodis et al. 2014). and Rorres 2013; Lubitz et al. 2014) are employed for head differ-
Being hydropower a mature technology, its future will consist of ences below 6 m, flow rates below 8 m3 =s, and power outputs
(Kougias et al. 2019): (1) the optimization of existing hydro- generally below 100 kW. Reaction turbines, i.e., micro–Kaplan
schemes [e.g., vortex rope control ( Resiga et al. 2010)] and devel- and micro–Francis turbines (Bozhinova et al. 2013), have been
opment of more flexible plants, like pumping stations for load effectively used above 50 kW, because water wheels and hydrody-
management; (2) large hydropower plant development in emerging namic screws would require very large diameters and widths.
countries, an option not always feasible due to political instability, Action turbines, like Pelton and Banki turbines, are also good al-
lack of technical resources, and inefficient electrical grids in these ternatives due to their simplicity with respect to reaction turbines.
contexts; and (3) the installation of smaller hydropower plants, like However, action turbines are not convenient for heads of few me-
mini- and micro-hydroplants (Bodis et al. 2014). ters; the head loss between the turbine outlet and the tailrace is
Mini-hydroplants have power outputs of P ≤ 1 MW, whereas
comparable with the head difference, and low flow rates can be
micro-hydroplants have outputs of P ≤ 100 kW (Quaranta and
discharged, resulting in low power output.
Revelli 2015). Mini- and micro-hydrosites are present in almost The estimation of the optimal rotational speed N of previous
hydropower converters is of primary importance to achieve optimal
Researcher, Dept. of Environment, Land and Infrastructure Engineering, efficiency and good working conditions. The rotational speed
Politecnico di Torino, Turin 10129, Italy; Scientific Researcher, Dept. of of overshot water wheels and Archimedes screws is a function
Water and Marine Resources, European Commission, Joint Research Center, of the diameter (Quaranta and Revelli 2015; Lubitz et al. 2014;
Ispra 21027, Italy. ORCID: Email: Nuernbergk and Rorres 2013), while the rotational speed of;
undershot/breastshot water wheels depends on the head difference
Note. This manuscript was submitted on November 9, 2018; approved
on April 10, 2019; published online on October 14, 2019. Discussion and inflow velocity (Quaranta and Müller 2018). Rotational speed
period open until March 14, 2020; separate discussions must be submitted of action turbines and floating/stream water wheels has to be ad-
for individual papers. This paper is part of the Journal of Hydraulic equate for the optimal exploitation of flow momentum (de Siervo
Engineering, © ASCE, ISSN 0733-9429. and Lugaresi 1978; Quaranta 2018). Instead, the rotational speed

© ASCE 04019043-1 J. Hydraul. Eng.

J. Hydraul. Eng., 2019, 145(12): 04019043

estimation of reaction turbines is not intuitive, because a series of Instead, for Francis turbines, de Siervo and de Lava (1976)
additional phenomena occur with respect to action/gravity turbines, proposed Eq. (4)
like cavitation, resonance, eddies, and pressure gradients (Resiga
et al. 2010; Trivedi and Cervantes 2017). During recent decades, P0.5
Ns ¼ N ¼ 3470 H −0.625 ð4Þ
empirical equations have been proposed to estimate a preliminary H1.25
value of N for Kaplan and Francis turbines (see subsequent section
with R2 ¼ 0.90.
in this paper). However, as this paper will prove, these equations
Ten years later, Lugaresi and Massa (1987) proposed the follow-
do not work well within the mini- and micro-hydropower fields.
ing equation, with R2 ¼ 0.87
This is because of their empiricism and because most of them are
not completely based on a dimensional analysis.  
Q0.5 638
To this end, this paper proposes an equation to better estimate Nq ¼ N 0.75 ¼ 0.512 ð5Þ
the rotational speed of micro– and mini–Kaplan and Francis H H
turbines. Secondly, the equation was extended to high-head Kaplan
and Francis turbines (P > 1 MW). This is important because In addition to previous equations, Kecel et al. (2017) conducted
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preliminary dimensions of reaction turbines are estimated from a literature review on Francis turbines for the selection of their
typical turbomachinery numbers (e.g., the specific speed), which rotational speed. Six equations have been collected (including
depend on the rotational speed (de Siervo and de Lava 1976, 1977; equations from hydropower companies) where the specific speed
Schweiger and Gregori 1987; Lugaresi and Massa 1987). To obtain N s was expressed as a function of the head difference. All the
the new rotational speed equation, a dimensional analysis was equations gave similar results to Eq. (5).
conducted using N, H, Q, and fluid properties as dependent var- Previous equations were generally obtained by interpolating
iables. Full-scale turbines were collected for validation purposes data of full-scale turbines for power output P > 1 MW, and the
(Tables S1 and S2) from the scientific literature, hydropower com- estimated rotational speed varies slightly among the equations.
panies, and managers of hydropower plants. Table S1 lists the Their strong advantage is that the head difference H and the flow
mini–Kaplan turbines, for head differences ranging between 1 and rate Q are known, and thus the rotational speed N (rpm) can be
17 m, flow rates from 0.03 to 34 m3 =s, and power outputs within easily calculated. However, their weakness is that not all the terms
1–1,000 kW. Table S2 lists the mini–Francis turbines, for head included in the equations are dimensionless. Indeed, when Eqs. (1)
differences ranging between 3 and 150 m, flow rates from 0.07 and (5) are applied to the mini– and micro–Francis and Kaplan tur-
to 7 m3 =s, and power outputs within 4–1,200 kW. bines collected in this paper, the rotational speed is generally over-
estimated. For example, the average discrepancy is δ ¼ 158%
by using Eq. (1) for micro–Kaplan turbines and δ ¼ 69% by using
Eq. (1) for mini–Kaplan turbines, and δ ¼ 325% by using Eq. (4)
Rotational Speed of Kaplan and Francis
for micro–Francis turbines and δ ¼ 118% by using Eq. (4) for
Turbines: A Literature Survey
mini–Francis turbines [Eqs. (1) and (4) proposed by de Siervo
One well-known rotational speed equation of Kaplan turbines was and de Lava (1976, 1977) are specifically considered in this paper
published in de Siervo and de Lava (1977). It correlates the specific because the original turbine dataset was included in their paper].
speed N s , a function of N in revolutions per minute (rpm), to the
head difference H (m)
N s ¼ N 1.25 ¼ 2419H−0.489 ð1Þ The Buckingham π-theorem was applied to express, in dimension-
less terms, the rotational speed of mini–reaction turbines as a func-
where P = turbine power in kW; N = rpm; and H is expressed in tion of flow rate and head.
meters. These units will be the same for all the equations presented Because at the beginning of the design process of a hydroplant
in this paper. Eq. (1) exhibited R2 ¼ 0.79 when applied to the the flow rate Q and the head difference H are known, the rotational
database collected from de Siervo and de Lava (1977). speed can be supposed to be dependent on head, flow rate, and
In 1987, Schweiger and Gregory (1987) developed Eq. (2), with physical fluid properties
R2 ¼ 0.91
N ¼ fðH; Q; μ; ρ; gÞ ð6Þ
920650 920650
H ¼ 2.058 ¼  2.058 ð2Þ
Nq 0.5 where N (rpm) is a frequency, i.e., the inverse of a time; μ =
N Q0.75 H dynamic viscosity of water (N s m−2 ); ρ = water density; and
g ¼ 9.81 ms−2 is the gravitational acceleration. Using H, g and
Based on full-scale data, Eqs. (1) and (2) can predict the rota- ρ as independent variables, Eq. (6) becomes
tional speed with an average discrepancy δ ¼ ðnest -nreal Þ=nreal of
about 30%, where nest is the estimated rotational speed by the N Q μ
equation, and nreal is the full-scale one. pffiffiffiffiffiffi ¼ f pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 2 ; pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi → N  ¼ fðQ ; Re−1 Þ ð7Þ
2gH 2gH H ρH 2gH
The Norwegian University of Science and Technology (Austegard H
and Schumacher 2011) proposed to estimate the rotational speed as pffiffiffi
shown in Eq. (3) as follows: The coefficient 2 was included so that the Torricellian velocity
pffiffiffiffi 2gH appeared. Inpffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
Eq. (7) the rotational frequency N was
H ¼ 370 H ð3Þ normalized by T ¼ 2gH =H. The term T represents the inverse
of the time employed by a fluid particle to flow freely along the
Other equations similar to Eqs. (1) and (2) are present in the head difference H, as it would occur in a Pelton turbine with
literature, but with no substantial difference in the obtained N value the nozzle diameter equal to the penstock diameter, and without
(Baggio 2015). friction. At the right-hand side, the flow rate was normalized to

© ASCE 04019043-2 J. Hydraul. Eng.

J. Hydraul. Eng., 2019, 145(12): 04019043

Fig. 1. Normalized rotational speed versus normalized flow rate for (a) mini–Kaplan and mini–Francis turbines (P < 1 MW); and (b) large turbines.
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(Data from de Siervo and de Lava 1976, 1977.)

the corresponding flow rate that would flow across a transversal for Francis turbines. Also, in this case a single equation can be con-
section of area H2 (or a circular section of diameter H, approxi- sidered valid, suggesting a universal behavior.
mately). These terms are similar to the unitary rotational speed As it can be seen from Fig. 1, the dimensionless rotational speed
and unitary flow rate commonly used in reaction turbines, with decreases with the increase in the dimensionless flow rate. The
the exception that the head H was used in Eq. (7) instead of the highest Q values are for Kaplan turbines, which have the highest
turbine diameter D (Brekke 2001; Heckelsmueller 2015). The third reaction ratio. Indeed, higher Q values correspond to higher flow
term is the Reynolds number (Re), which in this analysis was ne- rates Q and smaller heads H, approaching the field of Kaplan
glected for the following motivations (assumption confirmed in the turbines. In the next sections, Kaplan and Francis turbines will
results): (1) Re is > 107 (considering head difference H > 2 m), be analyzed separately in order to achieve more specific and accu-
which implies fully turbulent regime in pipes and turbines (turbu- rate equations for the hydraulic design.
lent transition occurs at about Re ¼ 2,300), and therefore scale
effects due to turbulence are negligible; (2) the effects of the Re Kaplan Turbines
number are perceived on the turbine efficiency rather than on its
rotational speed (Avellan 2004); and (3) the only variable of interest Fig. 2 depicts the data reported in Table 1 (mini−Kaplan turbines).
contained in Re is H, which is already present in the other dimen- The best-interpolating values of α and β are α3 ¼ 32.68 and
sionless terms. β 3 ¼ −0.399, respectively. The value of R2 is 0.95, and the average
In the next section, this analysis will be applied to the collected discrepancy between the actual rotational speed and that estimated
miniturbines and to the big turbines already listed in de Siervo and by Eq. (8) with α3 and β 3 is δ ¼ 13%.
de Lava (1977, 1976), determining the best-fitting equations aimed Furthermore, Eq. (8) was extended to the high-head Kaplan
at estimating the rotational speed. turbines listed and processed in de Siervo and de Lava (1977).
By using the same coefficients α3 and β 3 found for mini-Kaplan,
the average error would be 31%, which is practically the same
Results and Discussion as that obtained by using Eq. (1) (de Siervo and de Lava 1977).
Instead, by using the best-fitting coefficients, α4 ¼ 26.8, β 4 ¼
Collected data are reported in Table S1 (mini–Kaplan turbines) and −0.38, R2 ¼ 0.86, and δ ¼ 23%.
Table S2 (mini–Francis turbines), and plotted in Fig. 1(a) using
dimensionless terms. Instead, Fig. 1(b) depicts the large Kaplan and Francis Turbines
Francis turbines (P >1 MW) listed in de Siervo and de Lava (1976,
1977), respectively. It can be seen that the best-interpolating expres- Eq. (8) was applied to the collected mini−Francis turbines reported
sion is the power law expressed in Eq. (8) in Table 2. The best coefficients were found to be α5 ¼ 31.379

N  ¼ α1 Qβ 1 ð8Þ

Considering Francis and Kaplan turbines with P < 1 MW, the

best-fitting constants are α1 ¼ 43.307 and β 1 ¼ −0.315. The value
of R2 is 0.97, and the average discrepancy between the actual
rotational speed and that estimated by Eq. (8) is δ ¼ 18%, or, more
specifically, δ ¼ 19% for Kaplan turbines and δ ¼ 18% for Francis
turbines. Surprisingly, the interpolating equation is valid for
both Francis and Kaplan turbines, suggesting an almost universal
behavior [Fig. 1(a)].
Considering the large Kaplan and Francis turbines listed and
processed in de Siervo and de Lava (1976, 1977), respectively
[Fig. 1(b)], the best-fitting coefficients are α2 ¼ 32.185 and β 2 ¼
Fig. 2. Normalized rotational speed versus normalized flow rate for
−0.321, with R2 ¼ 0.93 and an average discrepancy of δ ¼ 24%,
mini–Kaplan turbines (P < 1 MW).
or, more specifically, δ ¼ 27% for Kaplan turbines and δ ¼ 19%

© ASCE 04019043-3 J. Hydraul. Eng.

J. Hydraul. Eng., 2019, 145(12): 04019043

Table 1. Coefficients and accuracy of proposed equations
Turbine Power (MW) α β R2 Δ (%)
Francis+Kaplan <1 43.31 −0.32 0.97 18
Francis+Kaplan >1 32.19 −0.32 0.93 24
Kaplan <1 32.68 −0.399 0.95 13
Kaplan >1 26.80 −0.38 0.86 23
Francis <1 31.38 −0.34 0.92 17
Francis >1 20.32 −0.36 0.98 11

Table 2. Minimum and maximum limit of N  for Kaplan and Francis

N Kaplan Francis
Fig. 3. Normalized rotational speed versus normalized flow rate for
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N < N min

More units required Kaplan turbine required mini–Francis turbines (P < 1 MW).
N  ¼ N min 60 450
N  ¼ N max 450 3,000
N > N max Francis turbine required Pelton turbine required 
pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiN 2ðrpsÞ ¼ 1, itpisffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
considering obtainedpthat Q ¼ Q= 2gH H2 ¼
ðHA= 2gH H ÞN ¼ ðHA= 2gH H 2 Þð 2gH =HÞ ¼ A=H2 . This
dimensionless ratio is expected to be higher for Kaplan turbines
and β 5 ¼ −0.34, with an average discrepancy of δ ¼ 17% and
than for Francis turbines, because Kaplan turbines are used for
R2 ¼ 0.92. Subsequently, Eq. (8) was also applied to the high-
smaller heads with respect to Francis turbines and higher flow rates
head Francis turbines reported in de Siervo and de Lava (1976).
(i.e., higher A). Indeed, when N  ¼ 60 [i.e., N  ðrpsÞ ¼ 1], Q
By using the best-fitting coefficients α6 ¼ 20.32 and β 6 ¼ −0.36,
(which becomes A=H 2 ) is 0.1 for Kaplan turbines and 0.01 for
R2 was 0.98 and the average difference was δ ¼ 11%. Table 1 re-
Francis turbines, confirming the validity of the analysis.
ports the obtained coefficients with the proper accuracy for each
For Kaplan turbines, the smallest N  (rpm) was 27.5 [i.e., power
turbine type.
plant of Mecamidi (2018) in Table S1], at H ¼ 2 m and a flow of
23.5 m3 =s, i.e., NðrpsÞ 2gH =HÞ ∼0.5. Instead, the maximum N 
General Discussion and Practical Implications was 974 at a head of 18.6 m and a flow rate of 1.4 m3 =s. Only 17
turbines exhibit N  < 60, a value that typically occurs at heads be-
In the preceding section, proper equations were identified for the
low 4 m and flow rates higher than 10 m3 =s (20 mc/s average).
rotational speed selection of Francis and Kaplan turbines, with a
Turbines with N  < 60 represent very high specific-speed Kaplan
focus on power outputs below 1 MW. A single equation was iden-
turbines, thus N  ¼ 60 can be considered the lower limit for a
tified for both turbine types, suggesting a universal behavior when
Kaplan turbine; below it, more units are required. Meanwhile, only
flow rate and rotational speed are normalized as described in seven turbines are located at N  > 600, corresponding to heads
Eq. (7). In order to achieve more accurate equations, Francis and
higher than 12 m and a flow rate below 3 m3 =s; in any case, a maxi-
Kaplan turbines were then elaborated separately. The achieved dis-
mum limit of N  could be reasonably estimated as N  ¼ 450. For
crepancies between the estimated and real speeds were practically
higher N , Francis turbines would be more adequate.
below 20%. When gearboxes or power electronics are used in order
The same reasoning can be made for Francis turbines. The
to have a rotational speed independently from the grid frequency,
maximum limit for N  could be identified as N  ¼ 3,000 (Fig. 3),
Eq. (8) can be effectively used as a design tool. Additionally, Com-
which typically occurs at heads higher than 80 m and flow rates
putational Fluid Dynamic simulations could be run to optimize it a
below 1 m3 =s (0.5 mc/s average), which represents the overlapping
second time. When the power takeoff is conceived to be a function
zone with Pelton turbines. Instead, a lower limit can be taken
of the grid frequency and number of poles of the generator, Eq. (8)
as equal to N  ¼ 450, corresponding to flow rates higher than
can be considered an executive design tool for the selection of the
2 m3 =s (2.7 mc/s average) and heads below 20 m (10 m average),
rotational speed when the number of poles is below 10 (i.e., rota-
which is the range of Kaplan turbines. The previous results are de-
tional speeds higher than 600 rpm). This is because, in this range,
picted in Table 2. Finally, it is interesting to observe that rotational
the percentage difference between two consecutive rotational
speed isolines (N = constant) are generated when the normalized
speeds is higher than 20%.
rotational speed is plotted versus the head difference (similarly
Furthermore, it should be noted that certain values of the dimen-
to literature studies). These isolines approach a single line when
sionless terms N  and Q could have both a physical meaning
the head difference is substituted by the normalized flow rate.
and an engineering application. The velocity N in Eq. (8) was
expressed in rpm instead of revolutions per second (rps) in order
to make it easier to be applied in practical applications. In any
case, the dimensionless
pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi speed N  could be written in rps, so that
NðrpmÞ=ð 2gH =HÞ ¼ 60 NðrpsÞ=ð pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi =HÞ. One interesting
2gH In the present paper a dimensional analysis was conducted to obtain
situation occurs when NðrpsÞ=ð
pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 2gH =HÞ ¼ 1 [i.e., N  ðrpmÞ ¼ a shortcut equation to estimate the rotational speed of Kaplan
60], which implies H= 2gH ¼ 1=N. This means that the time and Francis turbines. The achieved equation was a power law
of one revolution of the turbine equals the time employed by a water involving the normalized rotational speed N  and the normalized
particle to freely fall along the head H. In this way, the water volume flow rate Q .
V discharged by the turbine refers to the water volume contained The achieved equation was applied to a set of mini–Kaplan and
in the pipe, i.e., V ¼ AH, in which A is the pipe transversal section Francis turbines collected in the literature and from hydropower
in m2 . Therefore, the discharged flow rate becomes Q ¼ AH N (rps). companies, and to the large turbines already listed in two scientific
Substituting this expression is the dimensionless flow rate, and papers. The best-fitting equation was a power law that estimated the

© ASCE 04019043-4 J. Hydraul. Eng.

J. Hydraul. Eng., 2019, 145(12): 04019043

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© ASCE 04019043-5 J. Hydraul. Eng.

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