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Chapter 4 section 3 q’s

1. What is fiscal federalism?

Distribution of money between federal and state government, federal gives
money to state, state uses it how they see fit

2. How did the September 11 terrorist attacks affect American federalism?

The national gov’t was forced to create the Dept. of Homeland Security and plan
for future terrorist attacks that local governments would not be able to properly
contain and control

3. Do you think the federal government should use individual income tax
money to influence state and community policies? Explain your answer.
No, this is a form of bribery and caters to the top percentage of wealthy

4. How does the national government use grants and mandates to influence
state policies?
Mandates regulate the rights and duties of state policies, and these mandates are
used as requirements for states to get grants, which means more money for state

5. How are national funds distributed to the states?

Grants (block, categorical, grants in aid)

6. How do federal mandates work?

Federal regulations on state and local gov’t

7. Why does the federal government issue mandates without providing funds to
implement them?
It is believed that state and local gov’t have implemented programs to make up
for the money not provided

8. What issues most influence American federalism today?

Immigration, welfare programs, insurance, healthcare

9. What event led to the establishment of the Department of Homeland Security?

9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon

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