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1109301046 Miller Du

IV. Vocabulary: Fill in the blank with the appropriate word to complete the sentence. 24% (2% each answer)
1. In order to run a p____e café, you not only have to have good coffee and dessert but you also have to have good cost control.
These are ways to let you make a lot of money.
2. The reason my father succeeds in his business is his i_____s attitude toward job. He really works hard.
3. The a_____c young man not only runs in our park every day but he also does work-out in the gym.
4. If you want your writing to be i_____e, you have to collect data and do a lot of studies about the topic.
5. Professor Stone is very p____e about teaching. His strong interest in teaching is impressive.
6. The shops that are open near schools have to be a_____e in prices because students usually do not have much money.
7. After the reality shows become popular, many TV companies are jumping on the b_____n to produce more of such shows.
8. The d_____e has been used extensively recently. For example, it is used in farming, entertaining and even in war. The
Russian-Ukraine war has proved how useful it can be.
9. As my mom is busy with her career and the housework, she depends heavily on the electric p____r to save her time before
cooking the vegetables.
10. It took me a long time to find that my best friend is a real s_____b. She only makes friends with rich and famous people.
11. Many famous brands have celebrities to e_____e their products. The famous people can help attract people.
12. Chinese people burn i_____e to worship gods and their ancestors. They do it with the offerings like meat, fish, and fruits.
1. profitable 2. industrious 3. athletic 4. informative

5. persuasive 6. affordable 7. bandwagon 8. drone

9. 10. snob 11. endorse 12.

V. Grammar 12% (1% for each answer)

Part A. Multiple choice: choose the correct answer. Write the answer in the blank next to the question number.
1. _C____ establish a popular clothing brand, the designs have to be attractive.
A. In order that B. For C. In order to
2. _B____ a language school _____ be popular, it has to have a variety of courses.
A. In; to B. For; to C. To; to
3. _A____ run a profitable furniture store, it’s important to advertise on TV.
A. To B. In order for C. both A and B
4. _C____ a restaurant to stay in business, it needs to have customers that come often.
A. To B. In order for C. both A and B
5. __C___ a supermarket to succeed, it has to be clean and well organized.
A. Due to B. Since C. For
6. __A___ an online business to survive, it needs to have excellent pictures of the products it’s selling.
A. For B. Because of C. The reason
Part B. Multiple choice: choose the correct answer.
A: I had to go downtown today __1__ I needed to mail a package at the post office. __2__ I was only a few blocks from Main
Street, I went over to Martin’s. Did you know that Martin’s has gone out of business? I’m so upset!
1. A. because B. because of C. due to
2. A. Due to B. The reason that C. Since
B: That’s too bad, but I’m not surprised. A lot of family-owned shops are closing __3__ the construction of shopping malls.
3. A. because B. because of C. since
A: Yeah, and don’t forget about all the megastores that are popping up everywhere. __4__ people prefer to shop there is to save
money. Everyone loves a megastore __5__ the low prices and the huge selection.
4. A. Because B. For C. The reason why
5. A. because B. due to C. since
B: Not me! I loved Martin’s __6__ their beautiful clothes and friendly salespeople. When you were there, you almost felt like
family. You’ll never get that at a megastore.
6. A. for B. since C. the reason that
1. A 2. A 3. B 4. C 5. B 6. B

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