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ABCS License Portal Help

Building Technologies & Solutions LIT-12012944
2022-05-20 Release 4.0

Johnson Controls
2 ABCS License Portal Help

Johnson Controls
License Portal overview................................................................................................................................... 5
Summary of changes....................................................................................................................................... 5
Choose Action menu........................................................................................................................................5
License types.....................................................................................................................................................6
Home................................................................................................................................................................. 6
Ticket requests....................................................................................................................................... 8
Viewing tickets.............................................................................................................................................. 8
User menu.............................................................................................................................................. 9
User roles...................................................................................................................................................... 9
Editing company information..................................................................................................................... 9
Editing account information..................................................................................................................... 10
Advanced search and filter................................................................................................................. 10
Software tab....................................................................................................................................................10
Downloading software........................................................................................................................11
Viewing product details...................................................................................................................... 11
Orders and Licenses tab................................................................................................................................12
Order information............................................................................................................................... 12
Editing the project name.................................................................................................................... 13
Viewing the change history................................................................................................................ 14
Viewing order history.......................................................................................................................... 14
Choose date range search..................................................................................................................15
Viewing license information............................................................................................................... 15
Transferring a subscription................................................................................................................ 16
Ticket requests..................................................................................................................................... 16
E-mail notifications for expiring subscriptions and commercial licenses.................................... 17
Licenses tab.....................................................................................................................................................17
Transferring ownership of a license..................................................................................................18
Redownloading a license activation file............................................................................................19
Deactivating a License Offline............................................................................................................19
Starting a new offline deactivation.......................................................................................................... 19
Continuing an offline deactivation in the Software Manager.............................................................. 19
Scenarios for the manual deactivation of licenses................................................................................ 20
Completing an offline deactivation in the License Portal..................................................................... 21
Redownloading a license deactivation file....................................................................................... 21
Completing an in-progress deactivation.......................................................................................... 21
Machines tab...................................................................................................................................................22
Machine tag..........................................................................................................................................22
System ID..............................................................................................................................................22
Viewing machine details..................................................................................................................... 22

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Editing machine tags...........................................................................................................................23
Customers tab................................................................................................................................................ 23
Editing customer information............................................................................................................ 24
Adding customers................................................................................................................................24
Company info....................................................................................................................................... 25
Users and Roles.............................................................................................................................................. 26
Viewing the users and role list........................................................................................................... 26
Editing a user role................................................................................................................................26
Deleting a user..................................................................................................................................... 26
Glossary........................................................................................................................................................... 27
Troubleshooting............................................................................................................................................. 28
Improving download performance................................................................................................... 29
Evaluating your Internet connection.................................................................................................29
Computer performance - Windows Auto-Tuning............................................................................ 30
Enabling or disabling Auto-Tuning for Windows 7................................................................................ 30
Enabling or disabling Auto-Tuning for Windows 10.............................................................................. 30
Support regions and contact information.................................................................................................. 31
Software terms............................................................................................................................................... 31
Product warranty............................................................................................................................................31

4 ABCS License Portal Help

Johnson Controls
License Portal overview
This document describes how to use the License Portal to access Johnson Controls® entitled
software and complete related actions.
You use the License Portal with the Software Manager to manage licenses for Johnson Controls
software. Refer to Software Manager Help (LIT-12012389) for more information.
You can access the License Portal at the following link:

Summary of changes
The following information is new or revised:
• Orders tab renamed to Orders and Licenses tab.
• Updated the Announcements section to include the option available to users to unsubscribe
from marketing email announcements.
• Updated the Users to Users and roles to include the new role management system.

Choose Action menu

The ABCS License Portal has different tabs available. In some tabs, a Choose Action menu is
available that has additional actions. The following table lists the actions available in the different
Choose Action menus. Some actions are available in multiple tabs. The available actions can
depend on if the license status is Available or Activated, if an offline deactivation is already in-
progress for a license, or the user's role. See Glossary for more information.
Note: In some tabs, additional actions are available outside of the Choose Action menu.
Table 1: Choose Action menu actions
Tab Available actions in the Choose Action menu
Orders • Download
• View Product Key
• Start a New Offline Activation
Licenses • Download
• View Product Key
• Transfer License
• Start a New Offline Activation (Available licenses only)
• Start a New Offline Deactivation (Activated licenses only)
• Redownload License Activation File (Activated licenses and in-progress
deactivations only)
• Redownload License Deactivation File (In-progress deactivations only)
• Complete In-Progress Deactivation (In-progress deactivations only)

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Table 1: Choose Action menu actions
Tab Available actions in the Choose Action menu
Machines • Download
• View Product Key
• Transfer License
• Start a New Offline Deactivation (Activated licenses only)
• Redownload License Activation File (Activated licenses and in-progress
deactivations only)
• Redownload License Deactivation File (In-progress deactivations only)
• Complete In-Progress Deactivation (In-progress deactivations only)
Users • Delete User
• Assign Administrator Role
• Remove Administrator Role
• View Last Login

License types
There are different license types available to an ABCS. The following table provides information
about these license types.
Table 2: License type overview
License Description
Commercial A commercial license applies to purchased products and may be perpetual, which
means it never expires, or it may be non-perpetual, which means it has a specific
expiration date. A commercial license requires activation using the product
key that you receive when you purchase the product. A commercial license is
locked to the machine on which it is currently activated, but you can deactivate
the license at any time to make it available for use on another machine. When
you deactivate a commercial license, you can reactivate it on the same or on a
different machine.
Grace A grace license is installed with certain products and is for emergency purposes
only. A technician or customer can then use the product immediately with a
limited-time grace period, instead of activating a license. When the grace period
begins, the license remains valid for 14 days. When the grace period concludes,
the grace license expires and you can no longer use it. You cannot deactivate a
grace license. If you uninstall the product, its grace period continues to count-
down for the machine on which you originally installed the product. If you
reinstall the product on the same machine, it reuses the existing grace license,
which may or may not have time remaining.

The Home tab displays on the main window when you log on to the License Portal. The following
table provides information on the different tabs available in the License Portal that you can access
from the Home tab.

6 ABCS License Portal Help

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Table 3: ABCS License Portal tabs overview
Tab name Description
Home Displays the ABCS License Portal Home tab with any announcements.
Software Displays a list of all downloadable software available to the ABCS. In the
Software tab, you can download software and view additional details. See
Software tab for more information.
Orders Displays the details for orders associated with the ABCS. You can click the
purchase order number to view software product order information. In
addition, a Choose Action menu is available for each order. See Orders
tab for more information.
Licenses Displays a list of all software product license details associated with the
ABCS. A Choose Action menu is available for each license. See Licenses
tab for more information.
Machines Displays a list of Machine Tags and System IDs associated with the ABCS.
You can edit machine tags and open an expanded table with license details
associated with a machine tag. A Choose Action menu is available for
each machine. See Machines tab for more information.
Customers Displays a list of ABCS customers and their details. A user can request
to add a new customer or request to update an existing customer's
name and address. A user can click the company name link to access the
additional Orders, Licenses, Machines, and Company Info sub-tabs for a
customer. See Customers tab for more information.
Users Displays details of all users associated with the ABCS. This tab displays only
to ABCS users with an administrator role. In the Users tab, you can submit
requests to add and delete users, or to modify a user's role. It also has a
Choose Action menu. See for more information.
Note: If there are no assigned users in the administrator role, contact
Johnson Controls Support. See Support regions and contact informa-

The Home tab displays any system or product announcements in the language selected for
the portal. You can click an announcement name to open the Announcement dialog box. You
can view the announcement name, date, and announcement content, and you can click the
announcement attachment to open the attachment if available. You can also search for an
announcement. Announcements are used to communicate information such as portal downtimes
and the availability of new product software versions.
If the announcement email contains marketing content, you can click Unsubscribe at the bottom
of the announcement to unsubscribe. Option to unsubscribe is visible in the email announcement
only. Alternatively, you can unsubscribe from Preferences page.Select the reason for unsubscribing
and click Unsubscribe. You can select one of the following options:
• Emails are too frequent
• Emails are not relevant
• I don't want to receive marketing emails
• Other

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The following message displays when you unsubscribe: You have successfully opted out
of receiving marketing announcement emails. You can opt back in by accessing
Preferences after logging in to your account.

Ticket requests
Whenever a user submits a request to add or change information in the system, a new ticket is
created and sent to Johnson Controls Support to process. The ticket includes the requested action
and any data required to complete the request. When Johnson Controls Support processes the
ticket, they either approve or deny the request. The requester receives an email notification when
the ticket is initially received, and again once it is processed. A ticket's status is pending until it is
processed, and when processed, the ticket's status changes to approved or denied. Users can view
their submitted requests and the status of tickets in the License Portal.
An administrator user can submit a request for the following actions:
• Add a user
• Delete a user
• Assign an administrator role
• Remove an administrator role
• Add a new customer
• Edit a customer's name and address
• Update company information
• Update account information
A standard user can submit a request to update account information.

Viewing tickets
To view all ticket requests, click the ticket icon in the License Portal main window. The Support
Tickets dialog box appears with a list of all ticket requests. Use the Filter to choose which requests
should be shown based on their status: approved, pending, or denied.
• The new ticket icon displays a red notification for new, unread tickets.
• Click Mark All as Read to remove the red notification from all tickets and from the ticket icon
in the License Portal main window.
Table 4: Tickets table overview
Column name Description
Ticket Number Displays the ticket number as a link. You can click the ticket number link to
view additional details for that ticket.
Request Displays the request summary.
Requested By Displays the name of the user that submitted the request.
Status Displays the status of the ticket. The status is either approved approved,
pending, or denied.
Note: The ticket requester receives an email update when the status of
a ticket changes.
Last Changed Displays the date and time the status last changed.

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To view the additional details for a ticket, click a ticket number. The Support Ticket Details dialog
box appears with details of the ticket.

User menu
The User menu is located in the upper right of the License Portal main window. The following table
provides more information on user menu items.
Table 5: User menu items
Menu item Description
Role Displays the role of the user.
Company Displays the company name and address.
Note: Administrator users can submit a request to edit their company
Language menu Displays the language menu. The user selects the language needed from
the menu and the language translates to the selected language.
Help Displays an online version of the ABCS License Portal Help (LIT-12012944) in
a browser tab.
Account Information Opens the Account Information.
Preferences Click on Preferences to check the status of your email announcements
and to subscribe or unsubscribe to marketing email announcements.
If the status is Subscribed, you can select the Unsubscribe to opt out of
receiving emails about new products announcements checkbox and click
Save to opt out of receiving marketing email announcements.
If the status is Unsubscribed, you can select the Subscribe to receive
emails about new products announcements checkbox and click Save to
opt in to receive marketing email announcements.
Log Out Logs the user off and exits the ABCS License Portal. The License Portal log
on page appears.

User roles
A user's role determines the actions and content available within the License Portal. The available
roles are user and administrator.
• Assign the user role to standard users to allow them to access general information and
• Assign the administrator role to administrator users that require additional capabilities.
Administrator users have access to all License Portal functions.

Editing company information

About this task:
Only administrator users can submit a request to edit company information. See User roles for
more information.

1. In the User menu, click the edit icon. The Company Information dialog box appears.
2. Edit the fields that you want to change.
3. Click Update. The Company Information dialog box closes and the following message
appears with the ticket number: Request has been sent. Click the ticket number to view
the ticket details.

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Editing account information
About this task:
Administrator users and standard users can submit a request to edit the account information. To
edit the account information, complete the following steps:

1. In the User menu, click Account information. The Account Information dialog box appears.
2. Edit the fields that you want to change.
3. Click Update. The Account Information dialog box closes and the following message
appears with the ticket details: Request has been sent. Click the ticket number to view the
ticket details.

Advanced search and filter

An advanced search and filter displays on the License Portal main window. Two components make
up the advanced search and filter: a filter and a search bar. When you apply the filter and enter
content in the Search text field, click the search icon, or press Enter. The search results, if any,
appear under the search bar. Click the result to view the search result. The following table provides
an overview of the filter categories.
Note: If you search for a recently placed order, it may take some time for the entire order to
appear in the License Portal.
Table 6: Filter category overview
Filter name Function
Customers Select to filter by customers.
You must enter part or all of a company name to search for a particular
Licenses Select to filter by licenses.
You must enter part or all of a product key to search for a particular license.
Machines Select to filter by machines.
You must enter part or all of a machine tag or system ID to search for a
particular machine.
Orders Select to filter by order.
You must enter part or all of a purchase order or AOMS order number to search
for a particular order.

Software tab
In the Software tab, you can access all of the software-related content available to the user for
products in a published state. This includes the purchased software that was downloaded and also
additional software or files, such as product literature. Use the search bar to search by product
name or product code.
Table 7: Software table overview
Column name Description
Product Displays the name of the software product. Click a product name to view
the product details for that software. See Viewing product details for more
Product Code Displays the product code of the software product. The software product
code corresponds to the product ID in AOMS. This column is empty for
products without product codes that are not available for purchase in AOMS.

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Table 7: Software table overview
Column name Description
Latest Published Displays the date the software product was last published.
Features Displays the number of features mapped to a product as a link if there is
more than one feature or the feature name and version if there is only one
You can click the link displayed in the column to display the Feature Name,
Feature Description, and Feature Version.
Actions Click the download icon in a product row to download the software. See
Downloading Software for more information.

Downloading software
About this task:
You can use the Software tab to download a software item.

1. In the Actions column, click the download icon. The Download Software dialog box displays
a list of all published versions available for download.
2. If the software you want to download has a newer version available, a dialog box appears
with the different software versions from which you can select the version. Select the
software version to download and click Next.
3. Select the checkbox next to each file that you want to download as a zipped folder.
Note: Select the topmost checkbox to select or deselect all files. You can click the name
of the software package to view and select individual files or subfolders to download
instead of the entire software package. This may or may not be slower than if you select
and download the entire software package.
4. Click Download to download the selected files, or Cancel to exit the Download Software
dialog box.
Note: If you have issues with the download speed, see the different sections in
Troubleshooting for more information.

Viewing product details

About this task:
Click the product link to view additional software product details or download associated files. Click
Download to open the Download Software dialog box. If a newer version of the software exists,
you are prompted to choose from the available versions.

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Orders and Licenses tab
The Orders tab displays a list of customer purchase orders for the ABCS. The following table
provides an overview of the table in the Orders tab.
The following table provides an overview of the tables in the Orders and Licenses tab.
Table 8: Orders tab overview
Column name Description
Purchase Order Displays the customer purchase order number as a link. Click the
purchase order number link to view the order details.
AOMS Order # Displays the AOMS order number associated with the software
product order.
Project Name Displays the project name associated with the purchase order, if
it exists. See Editing the project name for more information about
how to edit the project name.
Order Date Displays the order date.

Order information
The following table provides an overview of the order information shown if you click a purchase
order for a license. Any subscriptions associated with that license also display.
Table 9: Order information details for licenses and subscriptions
Column name Description
Product Displays the name of the software product associated with
the license as a clickable link or the name of the subscription
associated with the order.
Note: The name shown in the License Portal may differ
slightly from the name that the software displays when it is
installed or used.
Version Displays the version of the licensable software product or
subscription. If the software product does not have a version, the
column is empty.
Product Code Displays the product code of the software product and
subscription. The product code corresponds to the product ID in
AOMS. This column is empty for products without product codes
that are not available for purchase in AOMS.
Feature - Version In the Features column, the feature and version is displayed if
only one feature is mapped. In cases where multiple features
are related to a product, the number of features is displayed as a
hyperlink. For example, 5 Features.
Ordered Quantity Displays the number of licenses ordered and available for
activation. If there is purchased software that is not licensed with
the Software Manager, the following message displays: License
not Required
Note: Returned licenses are subtracted from the number of
available licenses.

12 ABCS License Portal Help

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Table 9: Order information details for licenses and subscriptions
Column name Description
Quantity Available for Return Displays the quantity available for return. This allows users to
return multiple license of a product or a product subscription.
The Available Quantity for Return is calculated as follows for a
Ordered quantity minus the sum of returned licenses minus the
sum of activated licenses minus the sum of available transferred
licenses to any branch or ABCS other than the branch or ABCS
that is associated with the order plus the sum of available licenses
transferred back to the branch or ABCS that the order belongs to.
The Available Quantity for Return for a subscription is the
minimum available quantity for return amongst the products in
the subscription.
Actions Displays the Choose Action menu, which includes the following
• Download
• View Product Key
• Start a New Offline Activation

Click the Expand icon next to a subscription to open the details for products associated with a
subscription and view the date the subscription was created and last changed.
Table 10: Order information details for subscriptions
Column name Description
Product Displays the name of the software product associated with the
subscription. Click the product name link to open the license
information for that product. See Viewing license information for
more information.
Version Displays the version of the product associated with the
Product Code Displays the product code of the product associated with the
Feature - Version Displays the name and version of the feature.

Editing the project name

You can edit the project name associated with an order when you click the purchase order number
to view the order details. To edit the project name, complete the following steps:
1. Click the edit icon beside the Project Name.
2. In the Edit Project Name dialog box, enter a new project name in the Project Name field.
Note: The maximum number of characters allowed is 100. The following special
characters are allowed: !@#$%&*+,.?(){}[].
3. Enter a comment in the Comments field to explain the reason for the change.
4. Click Save to save the changes, or click Exit to cancel the changes.

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Viewing the change history
You can view the change history made to the project names associated with an order when
you click a purchase order number in the Orders tab. To view the project name change history,
complete the following steps:
1. Click the clock icon beside the Project Name.
2. In the History dialog box, you can view the following information:
- Date Changed: date the change was made to the project name
- By: the user who made the change to the project name
- Original Value: the original project name
- New Value: the new project name
- Comments: additional comments on why the name was changed
3. Click Close to exit the History dialog box.

Viewing order history

If there is activity on an order to transfer or return licenses, the Order History table displays
below the order details. The following table gives details on the information displayed in the Order
History table.
Table 11: Order history table overview
Column name Description
Date Displays the date an action was performed on a license.
Action Performed Displays details on the type of action performed: a return or a license
Product Displays the name of the software product.
Product Code Displays the product code of the software product. The product code
corresponds to the product ID in AOMS.
Version Displays the version of the licensable software product. If the software
product does not have a version, the column is empty.
Quantity Displays the number of licenses transferred or returned.
Processed By Displays the name of the person that processed the order.

To view additional information in the Order History table, click the expand icon in a product row.
The following table provides an overview of the information provided for completed license returns
and license transfers.
Table 12: Order history details – expanded view
Action Description
Return Displays the RMA # (return material authorization number) and annotation for
completed license returns.
License Transfer Displays the name and address of the recipient organization of completed
license transfers.

14 ABCS License Portal Help

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Choose date range search
Use the Choose Date Range field to refine a search by order date.
1. Click the Choose Date Range field.
2. Enter the start date.
3. Enter the end date.
4. Click Apply. The filter date range is applied to any search field entry.
To remove the date range filter you can either:
• Click the Choose Date Range field and click Clear Filter.
• Highlight the Choose Date Range field and delete.

Viewing license information

To view license information for a particular product in the order details table or for a product
associated with a subscription, click the product name link. The following license information is
Table 13: Order information details
Column name Description
Product Displays the name of the software product associated with the
Note: The name shown in the License Portal may differ
slightly from the name that the software displays when it is
installed or used.
Version Displays the version of the licensable software product. If the
software product does not have a version, the column is empty.
Product Code Displays the product code of the software product. The product
code corresponds to the product ID in AOMS. This column is empty
for products without product codes that are not available for
purchase in AOMS.
Feature Version Displays the version of the feature.
Owner Displays the ABCS name or the branch code and name that a
license currently belongs to. NA displays for orders that do not
belong to any ABCS or branch.
Status Displays the status of the software product.
Machine Tag Displays the machine tag of the machine on which the software
product was activated. A machine tag provides a descriptive label
for a machine. It is blank for licenses that are not yet activated.
Note: If necessary, the machine tag is shortened to fit in the
available space. You can see the full machine tag and the sys-
tem ID in its tool tip by hovering over the machine tag.

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Table 13: Order information details
Column name Description
System ID Displays the system ID for a user machine in the Portal.
Note: If necessary, the system ID is shortened to fit in the
available space. You can see the full system ID in its tool tip by
hovering over the system ID.
Action A checkbox displays beside each license. Select one or more
licenses to complete an action for the licenses selected. The
Choose Action menu includes the following options:
• Download
• View Product Key
• Start a New Offline Activation (Available licenses only)
• Process Return (Available license that is an individual product
and not associated with a subscription only)
• Transfer License (License that is not associated with a
• Redownload License Activation File (Activated licenses and in-
progress deactivations only)
• Start a New Offline Deactivation (Activated licenses only)
• Forced Deactivation (Activated license that is an individual
product and not associated with a subscription only)

Transferring a subscription
About this task:
can transfer ownership of a subscription from one organization to another.

To transfer the ownership of a subscription, complete the following steps:

1. In the Actions column of the order information for a subscription, click the Choose Action
2. Select the organization type that you want to transfer the subscription to. You can select
ABCS, branches, or customers.
3. Enter or search for the company name. This can be the name of a customer's company, an
ABCS, or a branch to receive the transfer. Press Enter, or click the Search icon.
4. Select the checkbox beside each subscription that you want to transfer to the chosen
Note: The subscription name, product code, activated licenses, and current owner of the
subscription displays.
Note: Click the activated licenses link to open the License Activation Information to
view details of the activated licenses associated with that subscription.
5. Click Transfer Selected Records.

Ticket requests
Whenever a user submits a request to add or change information in the system, a new ticket is
created and sent to Johnson Controls Support to process. The ticket includes the requested action

16 ABCS License Portal Help

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and any data required to complete the request. When Johnson Controls Support processes the
ticket, they either approve or deny the request. The requester receives an email notification when
the ticket is initially received, and again once it is processed. A ticket's status is pending until it is
processed, and when processed, the ticket's status changes to approved or denied. Users can view
their submitted requests and the status of tickets in the License Portal.
An administrator user can submit a request for the following actions:
• Add a user
• Delete a user
• Assign an administrator role
• Remove an administrator role
• Add a new customer
• Edit a customer's name and address
• Update company information
• Update account information
A standard user can submit a request to update account information.

E-mail notifications for expiring subscriptions and

commercial licenses
The functionality will enable users to receive e-mail notifications when subscription and commercial
licences are about to expire. Notifications will be sent to e-mail addresses specified in configuration
file or the database. Multiple e-mail addresses will be saved as comma separated values.
Notifications will be sent x days prior to the expiration date. This value will be stored in the
configuration file or database. It will be set to 30 days. Once a notification has been sent for a
subscription or a commerce license, it will not be sent again.
Note: Notifications will be sent for expiring subscriptions or commercial licenses.

Licenses tab
The Licenses tab displays all licenses available to the ABCS. The Licenses sub-tab displays under
the Customers tab. The Licenses tab displays a search and filter function. Use the search field to
find software products by product name or product code. Use the filter to find licenses by status:
• Activated
• Available
• Expired
The following table provides an overview of the table in the Licenses tab.
Table 14: Licenses table overview
Column name Description
Product Displays the name of the software product associated with the license.
Product Code Displays the product code of the software product. The product code
corresponds to the product ID in AOMS. This column is empty for
products without product codes that are not available for purchase in
Feature Displays the feature name and feature version of the software product.
Purchase Order Displays the purchase order number associated with the order.

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Table 14: Licenses table overview
Column name Description
AOMS Order # Displays the AOMS order number associated with the software product
Status Displays the status of the software product.
Note: For licenses with an activated status, you can view the Activa-
tion Date in its tool tip by hovering over the status.
Machine Tag Displays the machine tag of the machine on which the software product
was activated. A machine tag provides a descriptive label for a machine
within the License Portal. It is blank for licenses that are not yet activated.
Note: If necessary, the machine tag is shortened to fit in the avail-
able space. You can see the full machine tag and the system ID in its
tool tip by hovering over the machine tag.
Location When you click the icon in the Location column, the details for the
location associated with the license appears. A location is available only if
a license is transferred to the company.
Actions Displays the Choose Action menu, which includes the following options:
• Download
• View Product Key
• Transfer License
• Start a New Offline Activation (Available licenses only)
• Start a New Offline Deactivation (Activated licenses only)
• Redownload License Activation File (Activated licenses and in-progress
deactivations only)
• Redownload License Deactivation File (In-progress deactivations only)
• Complete In-Progress Deactivation (In-progress deactivations only)

Note: The available Choose Action menu actions depend on the

status of the license.

Transferring ownership of a license

About this task:
An ABCS can transfer a license to a customer of the ABCS. When an ABCS transfers a license, the
ABCS can only select the customer's parent account and any child accounts of the parent. Once a
license is transferred to a parent, the selected parent is considered the location for the license and
the name of the parent is found in the Location column in the Licenses tab for that customer. To
transfer a license to another customer, complete the following steps:

1. In the Actions column, click the Choose Action menu.

2. Click Transfer License. The Transfer License dialog box appears.
Note: The Transfer License dialog box displays the product name, product code, and
version number of the software product. It also displays the system ID and machine tag
for activated licenses.
3. Enter a customer name or search for the customer in the Customer Name text field.
4. Search through the Customer list and click the license transfer recipient.

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Johnson Controls
Note: You can select only one customer. Once a license is transferred, it no longer
appears in the ABCS's Licenses tab or Machines tab.
5. Click Transfer License. The Confirm License Transfer dialog box appears.
6. Verify the information is correct and click Transfer. A successful or unsuccessful confirmation
message appears.

Redownloading a license activation file

About this task:
You may need to redownload a license activation file, for example, if you misplaced the file after
starting an offline activation.

1. In the Actions column, click the Choose Action menu.

2. Click Redownload License Activation File.
3. Click Download or Save if prompted. The option depends on the browser used.

Deactivating a License Offline

Offline license deactivation has three steps. The license is unavailable for reuse until all three steps
are completed. The following table provides details on the steps for an offline deactivation.
Table 15: Offline deactivation Steps
Step Application Internet Step result Step function Link
1 License Yes Download Initiates Starting a new offline
Portal the license the offline deactivation
deactivation file deactivation
2 Software No Apply the license Continues Continuing an offline
Manager deactivation file the offline deactivation in the
to generate a deactivation Software Manager
license release Also refer to Software
file Manager Help
3 License Yes Upload the Completes Completing an offline
Portal license release the offline deactivation in the License
file deactivation Portal

Starting a new offline deactivation

1. In the License Portal, in the Actions column, click the Choose Action menu.
2. Click Start a New Offline Deactivation. An Offline Deactivation wizard appears.
3. Click Download License Deactivation File. The license deactivation file downloads.
Note: For the next steps in the offline deactivation process, use the Software Manager
on the machine where the license is activated. Refer to Software Manager Help
(LIT-12012389) and go to Continuing an offline deactivation in the Software Manager.

Continuing an offline deactivation in the Software Manager

About this task:

ABCS License Portal Help 19

Johnson Controls
After you download the license deactivation file from the License Portal, complete the following
steps to continue the offline deactivation process in the Software Manager:

1. Copy the license deactivation file or the contents of the license deactivation file to a location
accessible to the offline machine where the license is to be deactivated.
2. Launch the Software Manager.
3. In the Software Manager's License Inventory table, click the Choose Action menu for the
license you want to deactivate.
4. Click Deactivate.
5. Click Offline with a License Deactivation File. The Deactivate Offline dialog box appears.
6. Enter the path for the location of the license deactivation file, or click the folder icon to
browse to the file, select the file and click Open; or, select Use a string (paste below), open
the file, copy its contents to the clipboard, and then paste it in the field.
7. Click OK to close the message stating successful license deactivation.
8. Retrieve the license release file created by the Software Manager and copy it to the same
online machine that you use to access the License Portal.
Note: When the license release file is created, the license is removed from the machine.
To be able to reuse the license on another machine go to Completing an offline
deactivation in the License Portal.

Scenarios for the manual deactivation of licenses

License deactivation after the system ID changes
If a machine's system ID changes, you cannot complete the deactivation of any licenses that were
activated for the machine's old system ID. In this case, you must contact Johnson Controls sales
support and request the licenses to be manually deactivated to make them available for reuse. The
following scenarios provide examples where this is necessary.
• Operating System (OS) change: After installing and licensing software, the machine is re-
imaged with a different OS without first deactivating the software license. Request manual
deactivation to use the license on the same machine with a different OS, or on a different
• Hardware failure: After installing and licensing software, the machine's hard-drive or
motherboard failed and was replaced. Request manual deactivation to use the license on the
repaired machine or on a different machine.
• Virtual machine configuration changed: After installing and licensing software on a virtual
machine, the VM's Disk ID or UUID is changed without first deactivating the software license.
Request manual deactivation to use the license on the reconfigured VM or another machine.
• Virtual machine moved to a new host: After installing and licensing software on a virtual
machine, the VM is moved to a different physical machine. Request manual deactivation to use
the license on the moved VM.

License deactivation when the machine is unavailable or non-operational

If a machine becomes unavailable or is no longer operational, you cannot complete the
deactivation of any licenses on that machine. In this case, you must contact Johnson Controls sales
support and request the licenses be manually deactivated to make them available for reuse. The
following scenarios provide examples where this is necessary.
• Theft or loss of machine: After installing and licensing software, the machine is stolen or lost.
Request manual deactivation to use the license on a replacement machine.

20 ABCS License Portal Help

Johnson Controls
• Virtual machine deleted: After installing and licensing software on a virtual machine, the
virtual machine is deleted without first deactivating the software license. Request manual
deactivation to use the license on a different physical or virtual machine.

License deactivation when the license is not listed in the Software Manager
If a license is not listed in the License Inventory within the Software Manager, you cannot complete
the deactivation of that license. This occurs if the machine's system ID has changed or if the
Software Manager cannot access the license data, because it was deleted, moved, or otherwise lost.
For the case where the Software Manager cannot access the license data but the machine's system
ID is still the same, you can add a license back into the License Inventory by reactivating it on the
same machine without deactivating first. This makes the license available for deactivation. For
example, you may need to do this if you uninstall the Software Manager and then reinstall it in
another location on the same machine.
For the case where the system ID changed, see License deactivation after the system ID changes.

Completing an offline deactivation in the License Portal

About this task:
Note: These steps must be completed or the license cannot be used on another machine.

After you use the license deactivation file in the Software Manager and retrieve the license release
file, follow these steps to complete the offline deactivation process in the License Portal:

1. In the License Portal, click Next in the Offline Deactivation wizard.

2. Click Choose Files to browse and select the file, or drag and drop the license release file to
the Drag & drop your files here area in the Offline Deactivation wizard.
3. Click Next. The following message appears to indicate a successful deactivation:
Deactivation successful.
4. Click Close to finish.

Redownloading a license deactivation file

About this task:
You may need to redownload a license deactivation file for an activated license if you misplaced the
file when you started an offline deactivation.

1. In the Actions column, click the Choose Action menu.

2. Click Redownload License Deactivation File.
3. Click Download or Save if prompted. This option depends on the browser used.

Completing an in-progress deactivation

About this task:
An in-progress deactivation requires a license release file. If you close the Offline Deactivation
wizard before you upload the license release file, you can follow these steps to continue a license
deactivation that you have not yet completed:

1. In the Actions column, click the Choose Action menu.

2. Click Complete In-Progress Deactivation.
3. Click Choose File and locate the license release file and click Open, or in the Windows® File
Explorer, click and drag the license release file to the Drag & Drop your files here location in
the License Portal.
4. Click Next. The license is now available to activate on another machine.

ABCS License Portal Help 21

Johnson Controls
5. Click Activate to start the activation of the software license on another machine.

Machines tab
The Machines tab displays all machines currently associated with an ABCS. The Machines sub-
tab displays under the Customers tab. Each machine row in the list initially displays in a collapsed
state, with only summary information shown. You can expand a machine row to view additional
details. The following table provides an overview of the table in the Machines tab. The Machines
tab displays an added search function. Use the search field to locate machines by machine tag or
system ID.
Table 16: Machines table overview
Column name Description
Machine Tag Displays the machine tag for a user machine in the License Portal. A machine
tag is a descriptive label for a machine within the License Portal.
System ID Displays the system ID for a user machine in the License Portal.
Actions Displays an edit icon to open the Edit Machine Tag dialog box for the
machine. See Editing machine tags for more information.

Machine tag
A machine tag provides a descriptive label for a machine within the License Portal. You can edit
the descriptive label in the License Portal or in the Software Manager for online machines. You can
define machine tags independent of licensing. For offline machines, the machine tag is set through
the offline activation process.

System ID
A system ID is a code that uniquely identifies a particular physical or virtual machine. In the
Software Manager, the system ID is displayed in the main window. The system ID locks the licenses
to a particular machine. The Software Manager automatically uses the system ID for any online
activations. For offline activations, you must copy the system ID and use it in the License Portal.
Changes made to a machine, such as the replacement of the motherboard, can affect the system ID
and invalidate licenses. Refer to Software Manager Help (LIT-12012389) for more information on the
system ID and changes that may affect the system ID.

Viewing machine details

About this task:
To view the details for a machine, click the expand icon for its row in the Machines table. The
following table provides an overview for the expanded information that displays for all software
product licenses associated with the machine. A Choose Action menu is also available.
Table 17: Expanded machine details overview
Column name Description
Product Displays the name and version of the software product.
Product Code Displays the product code of the software product. The software product
code corresponds to the product ID in AOMS. This column is empty for
products without product codes that are not available for purchase in
Feature Displays the feature name and feature version of the software product.
Purchase Order Displays the customer purchase order number.

22 ABCS License Portal Help

Johnson Controls
Table 17: Expanded machine details overview
Column name Description
AOMS Order # Displays the AOMS order number associated with the software product
Status Displays the current status of a license.
Location When you click the icon in the Location column, the details for the
location associated with the license appears. A location is available only
if a license is transferred to the company.
Actions Displays the Choose Action menu, which includes the following options:
• Download
• View Product Key
• Transfer License
• Start a New Offline Deactivation (Activated licenses only)
• Redownload License Activation File (Activated licenses and in-progress
deactivations only)
• Redownload License Deactivation File (In-progress deactivations only)
• Complete In-Progress Deactivation (In-progress deactivations only)

Note: The available Choose Action menu actions depend on the

status of the license.

Editing machine tags

About this task:
To edit the machine tag for a machine listed in the Machines tab, complete the following steps:

1. In the Actions column, click the edit icon. The Edit Machine Tag dialog box appears.
2. Enter the machine tag in the Machine Tag text box.
Note: When you change the machine tag in the License Portal, an online machine that
runs the Software Manager shows the updated value after the Software Manager's main
screen is refreshed or when the Software Manager is restarted. For offline machines, the
machine tag updates in the Software Manager after the next offline activation.
3. Click Save.
Note: If the machine is connected to the Internet, you can update the machine tag
through the Software Manager. Refer to Software Manager Help (LIT-12012389).

Customers tab
The Customers tab displays a list of all companies associated with the ABCS. You can submit a
request to add a new customer in this tab. In the Customers tab, you can view additional company
information and access the additional Orders, Licenses, Machines, and Company Info sub-tabs
for the selected customer. The Orders sub-tab only displays orders placed directly by a customer. If
the ABCS transfers a license to a customer, the license appears in the customer's Licenses sub-tab
and if activated in the Machines sub-tab.

ABCS License Portal Help 23

Johnson Controls
Table 18: Customer table overview
Column name Description
Company Name Displays the name of the company. Click a company name to access
the Orders, Licenses, Machines and Company Info sub-tabs for the
Address Displays the address of the company.
City Displays the city of the company.
State/Province Displays the state, province, or region of the company.
ZIP/Postal Code Displays the ZIP or postal code of the company.
Country Displays the country of the company.

Table 19: Customer sub-tabs overview

Sub-tab name Description
Orders Displays the details for orders associated with the selected customer.
You can also click the purchase order number to view software product
order information. In addition, a Choose Action menu is available for
each order. See Orders for more information.
Licenses Displays a list of all software product licenses details associated with the
selected customer. A Choose Action menu is available. See Licenses for
more information.
Machines Displays a list of Machine Tags and System IDs associated with the
selected customer. You can edit machine tags and open an expanded
table with license details associated with a machine tag. A Choose Action
menu is available for each machine. See Machines for more information.
Company Info Displays Company info for the selected customer.

Editing customer information

About this task:
An administrator user can submit a request to edit customer information.

1. Click the edit icon at the end of the customer row in the Customers tab. The Edit Customer
Information dialog box appears.
2. Edit the Customer Information fields.
3. Click Update.

Adding customers
About this task:
When the ABCS requires additional customers for license management to transfer licenses, follow
these steps to submit requests to add the new customers:

1. In the Customers tab, click +New Customer. The Add Customer dialog box appears.
2. Enter the Company Name, Address, City, Country, State/Province/Region, and ZIP/Postal
3. Click Add Customer. The dialog box closes and a ticket notification appears that confirms the
request was sent.

24 ABCS License Portal Help

Johnson Controls
Note: To view the ticket, click the ticket number in the confirmation notification. When
you add a customer, it does not give portal access to any of that customer's users.
Customers must request and manage their users' access themselves. See Ticket
requests for more information.

Company info
The Company Info sub-tab displays additional company information. Details include address, city,
state/province, ZIP/postal code, and country.

ABCS License Portal Help 25

Johnson Controls
Users and Roles
In the Users tab, you can edit, delete, and view users and their roles.
Note: Users are added through registration, this applies to ABCS users and login only.

Viewing the users and role list

About this task:
The Users and Roles tab displays a list of all recent updates that have occurred. You can use the
search field to search for a user. Advanced Search can be used to find a specfic user, enter the
search parameters and click Search. The records that match the search parameters will be fetched
from the AD. Click on the user name to add or remove roles.

Editing a user role

About this task:
Support can modify the role of any user that can currently access the portal. The system will display
the 5 latest updated records. Click on any of the names to open the record in edit model or you can
search field displayed below recently updated records.

1. Click the role you wish to edit.

2. Edit the branch and region of the selected role.
3. Click Remove role to remove the role.
4. Click Assign New Role to assign a new role to the user.
5. Select the Role, Application, Branches and Regions.
Note: The Application and Role buttons will be disabled if you editing an existing role
6. Click Save to confirm.
7. Once a user role has been edited or created, the History section will display a log of role
assignments done for the selected user.
Note: Sorting only to be provided on the Action Performed On column.

Deleting a user
About this task:
Support can delete any user that can currently access the portal.

1. Click the Choose Action menu for any active user.

2. Click Delete User. The Delete User dialog box appears.
3. Click Delete.
Note: Deleting a user does not remove the user's information from the active directory.

26 ABCS License Portal Help

Johnson Controls
Table 20: Terms
Term Description
ABCS Abbreviation for Authorized Building Control Specialist. Johnson Controls
contracts ABCSs to sell and distribute certain Johnson Controls products.
Activated License A license activated using either the online or offline activation process with
the Software Manager.
Activation A user action to initiate the activation of a software entitlement. The result is
a licensed feature.
AOMS Abbreviation for Advanced Order Management System. Sales, branches,
and ABCSs use AOMS to purchase or order products. It also provides a
customer interface for branches and ABCSs.
Available License A license available for activation using either the online or offline activation
process with the Software Manager.
Deactivate A user action to initiate the deactivation of an activated license. If you do
not activate another license for the feature, the result is an unlicensed
feature. When you deactivate a license, you can activate this license on
another machine.
Entitlement Refers to a user's right to use one or more software features.
Expired Refers to the license status of a software feature when its license passes its
expiration date.
Feature An aspect of software identified by name and version as something that can
be independently licensed.
Grace Period Refers to the period of time provided for an emergency grace license. A
user starts a grace period through the Software Manager. You cannot pause
or stop a grace period once started.
License A license defines the terms of use for the associated software feature and
version combination.
License Activation A file provided to a user by the online License Portal as part of the offline
File activation process. The Software Manager processes the content of the file
to complete the offline activation process for a software feature.
Licensed Refers to the license status of a software feature with an activated and
unexpired license.
License Deactivation A file provided to a user by the online License Portal as part of the offline
File deactivation process. The Software Manager processes the content of the
file to revoke the license on the offline machine and to generate a license
release file.
License Portal The online License Portal provides a user interface for authorized users
to access software product licensing information, actions, and links to
download software and documentation. The License Portal's available
features and actions depend on the role of the logged in user.
License Release File A file created by the Software Manager as part of the offline deactivation
process. The user must upload the license release file to the License Portal
to complete the offline deactivation process and release the license for
activation again.

ABCS License Portal Help 27

Johnson Controls
Table 20: Terms
Term Description
License status Indicates if a software feature is currently licensed.
Machine Any device on which licensable software may exist.
Machine Tag A user-friendly label associated with a specific machine based on its given
system ID. Machine tags make it easier for a user to determine what
software is licensed on a particular machine.
Offline Activation A manual process used to activate a license on a machine that has no
Internet connection; or, is the customer's preferred activation method.
Offline activation requires both the Software Manager and access to the
online License Portal from a machine connected to the Internet.
Offline Deactivation A manual process used to deactivate a license on a machine that has no
Internet connection; or, is the customer's preferred deactivation method.
Offline deactivation requires both the Software Manager and access to the
online License Portal from a machine connected to the Internet.
Online Activation An automated process used to activate a license using the Software
Manager on a machine that has an Internet connection.
Online Deactivation An automated process used to deactivate a license using the Software
Manager on a machine that has an Internet connection.
Product Code A unique code assigned to a product so it can be identified.
Product Key A code used to activate a feature for an entitlement. The entitlement system
generates the product key used to activate the feature license.
Software Manager Provides a user interface for users to view and manage software licenses.
System ID A code that uniquely identifies a physical or virtual machine. The system
ID is determined by the local license service on a machine and is displayed
on the Software Manager's main window. Refer to Software Manager Help
Unlicensed Refers to the license status of a software feature that has no activated and
valid licenses.

Table 21: Troubleshooting - Log in errors
Problem/error message Condition/solution
In a Google Chrome™ browser, if the License Browse to the License Portal address again.
Portal times-out after an hour of no usage, a
Microsoft logout message displays instead of
the License Portal login page. This happens
when the tab is in the background.
When attempting to browse to the License Browse to the License Portal address again. If
Portal, a Microsoft logout page is displayed. this fails, clear the browser cache and retry.

28 ABCS License Portal Help

Johnson Controls
Improving download performance
If your computer has poor download performance when you download from the License Portal,
check the following:
• A network connection with a wired connection from your PC to the router usually gives the
best performance.
• If you are using a wireless connection, you may be sharing the connection with other devices
that are using the available bandwidth.
• If you are using a wireless connection, the download performance may be affected by your
distance from an access point or router. Good practice is to have line of sight to the router.
• Dual-band routers offering 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz are common. It is better to use the 2.4 GHz
wireless band if you are connecting over a larger distance (but unlike 5 GHz, it is more likely to
have network traffic). The 5 GHz band offers higher bandwidth, but works best over shorter
distances without obstructions.
• If you run multiple downloads simultaneously it splits the performance of downloads.
• Internet browsing may impact the download time.
• The router may be old and this may affect the performance.
Note: If you are still experiencing poor download performance after optimizing based on the
above tips, try switching to a faster network if possible.

Evaluating your Internet connection

About this task:
To evaluate your Internet connection, complete the following steps:

1. Enter the URL for a secure website to test your Internet speed. Most Internet providers offer
a speed test.
2. Run the Internet speed test. The speed test reports an upload and a download result.
Note: This test reports an average speed. It may fluctuate up and down until complete.
3. Try a large file download. Download the Very Large File (1GB) if offered by the speed test.

Figure 1: Large file download and estimated download time at different speeds

4. Time the test to see how long a 1 GB file takes to download and you can use this as an
indicator for how long larger files may take. Press Ctrl+J on your keyboard to see your
download progress and note the time it starts and finishes.

ABCS License Portal Help 29

Johnson Controls
Computer performance - Windows Auto-Tuning
On your Johnson Controls provided computer there is a Microsoft built-in capability called Auto-
Tuning. This dynamically adjusts computer activity to optimize performance. The Windows Auto-
Tuning feature improves performance for programs that receive TCP data over a network. This
feature is disabled by default for programs that use the Windows HTTP Services (WinHTTP)
interface. The default for Windows Auto-tuning is Normal.
Note: If this setting impacts any other feature on your computer, the instructions allow you to
adjust Auto-Tuning back to Disabled.
If your large file transfer speed on the Johnson Controls computer is much slower than your
network speed, try to enable or disable Windows Auto-Tuning. If you change this setting, it can
improve overall transfer speeds. Some users have reported that turning this feature on can
improve the transfer speed and others have stated that turning the feature off has improved their
transfer speeds. You might experience slower data transfers or loss of connectivity if your network
uses an older router and a firewall that does not support this feature.

Enabling or disabling Auto-Tuning for Windows 7

About this task:
To check if Windows Auto-Tuning is enabled or disabled for Windows 7, and to enable or disable
Windows Auto-Tuning, complete the following steps:

1. Close all browser windows.

2. Press the Window key and type cmd.
3. Right-click the cmd program and click Run JCI Elevated. If not optimized click Run as
Administrator. The Beyond Trust authorization window appears.
4. Enter the reason for using elevation. In this case Correcting Windows Auto-Tuning
settings. This option to enter a reason only appears if the machine is optimized.
5. Click OK.
6. An elevated command prompt opens. Type the following command to check what the current
setting is: netsh interface tcp show global. This setting can either be disabled or
7. To enable the setting, type: netsh interface tcp set global autotuning=normal.
8. To confirm the setting, type: netsh interface tcp show global.
9. To disable the setting, type: netsh interface tcp set global autotuning=disabled.
10. To confirm the setting, type: netsh interface tcp show global.
11. Close the command prompt window.
12. Copy the large files to see if the desired transfer speeds have improved or degraded.

Enabling or disabling Auto-Tuning for Windows 10

About this task:
To check if Windows Auto-Tuning is enabled or disabled for Windows 10, and to enable or disable
Windows Auto-Tuning, complete the following steps:

1. Close all browser windows.

2. Press the Window key and type cmd.
3. Right-click the Command Prompt program from the Best match section.
4. Click Open file location.
5. Right-click the Command Prompt shortcut.
6. Click Run JCI Elevated. If not optimized click Run as Administrator. The BeyondTrust
authorization window opens.

30 ABCS License Portal Help

Johnson Controls
7. Type the reason for using elevation. In this case Correcting Windows Auto-Tuning
settings. This option only appears if the machine is optimized.
8. Click OK.
9. An elevated command prompt opens. Type the following command to check what the current
setting is: netsh interface tcp show global. This setting can either be disabled or
10. To enable the setting, type: netsh interface tcp set global autotuning=normal.
11. To confirm the setting, type: netsh interface tcp show global.
12. To disable the setting, type: netsh interface tcp set global autotuning=disabled.
13. To confirm the setting type: netsh interface tcp show global.
14. Close the command prompt window.
15. Copy the large files to see if the desired transfer speeds have improved or degraded.

Support regions and contact information

Table 22: Support regions and contact information
Region Email Telephone
Asia +60 376 284 362
Europe +49 201 2400 511
The Americas +1 866 803 8199

Software terms
Use of the software that is in (or constitutes) this product, or access to the cloud, or hosted services
applicable to this product, if any, is subject to applicable end-user license, open-source software
information, and other terms set forth at Your use of this
product constitutes an agreement to such terms.

Product warranty
This product is covered by a limited warranty, details of which can be found at


ABCS License Portal Help 31

Johnson Controls
© 2022 Johnson Controls. All rights reserved. All specifications and other information shown were current as of document
revision and are subject to change without notice.

Johnson Controls

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